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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKADDAddiction0965-2140© 2005 Society for the Study of Addiction

Original Article
Breath carbon monoxide and cigarette smoking
Martin A. Javors
et al.


Cut-off levels for breath carbon monoxide as a marker

for cigarette smoking

Martin A. Javors1,2, John P. Hatch1,3 & Richard J. Lamb1,2

Departments of Psychiatry,1 Pharmacology2 and Orthodontics,3 University of Texas HSC, San Antonio, Texas, USA

Correspondence to: ABSTRACT

Martin Javors
Department of Psychiatry
Aims Current clinical studies often use a breath carbon monoxide (BCO) cut-
The University of Texas HSC
7703 Floyd Curl Drive off level of 8 parts per million (p.p.m.) or higher to identify smoking. In this
San Antonio study, the cut-off level of BCO as an indicator of smoking over the past 24 hours
Texas 78229 was re-examined.
Design BCO and self-reported smoking were obtained each weekday for up to
Tel: 210 567 5532
Fax: 210 567 3759 14 weeks in 213 subjects paid to deliver reduced BCO values. Analysis of
E-mail: 12 386 paired values for reported smoking and BCO were analyzed.
Findings The 25% quartile, median and 75% quartile values for BCO were 1,
Submitted 17 November 2003;
1 and 2 p.p.m. on non-smoking days and 2, 5 and 12 p.p.m. on smoking days,
initial review completed 4 July 2004;
final version accepted 2 September 2004 respectively. Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis indicated that
BCO provided high diagnostic accuracy to distinguish between smoking and
non-smoking days [area under the curve (AUC) = 0.853, P < 0.0001]. The
METHODS AND highest combined sensitivity and specificity was observed at a BCO cut-off level
TECHNIQUES of 3 p.p.m. (sensitivity = 71.5%; specificity = 84.8%). At a BCO cut-off of
8 p.p.m. sensitivity and specificity were 40.6% and 98.2%, respectively, indicat-
ing that many smokers would be falsely classified as abstinent. Finally, the per-
centage of true tests (positive and negative) was highest at a BCO cut-off of
2 p.p.m. (80.2%).
Conclusions BCO cut-off levels well below 8 p.p.m and as low as 2–3 p.p.m.
may be more useful when it is important to maximize identification of smoking
abstinence with a high degree of certainty.

KEYWORDS Breath carbon monoxide/ breath CO, cigarette, cut-off,


INTRODUCTION these studies. BCO levels can be measured accurately and

immediate results can be obtained using commercially
Confirmation of reported smoking levels with biochemi- available, hand-held analyzers. BCO levels have a half-life
cal tests such as breath carbon monoxide (BCO) or sali- of 3–6 hours, depending on the level of exercise and envi-
vary cotinine is an important feature of research studies ronmental CO exposure of the research subject (Benowitz
for the development of new approaches to facilitate smok- et al. 2002). Previous studies have shown that smoking
ing cessation (Colletti et al. 1982). Cotinine levels in within the past 24 hours generally results in BCO levels
serum, saliva or urine provide the most sensitive and spe- that are elevated above the normal physiological range,
cific marker for determining recent smoking status. How- although this can depend on amount and recency of
ever, there are no convenient on-site tests for cotinine smoking (Benowitz et al. 2002).
that are sufficiently sensitive to low levels of smoking to BCO levels are used frequently as a biological marker
provide a satisfactory marker for studies in which imme- to confirm abstinence in smoking cessation studies,
diate assessment of smoking is desired (Middleton & Mor- including studies that place monetary contingencies on
ice 2000). As a result, BCO levels are better suited for participants’ ability to achieve and maintain abstinence

© 2005 Society for the Study of Addiction doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2004.00957.x Addiction, 100, 159–167
160 Martin A. Javors et al.

(Rand et al. 1989; Gilbert et al. 1999; Shoptaw et al. the correlations. This group of 191 subjects included 145
2002). In our own studies placing contingencies upon white, 32 Hispanic, nine African-American and five
BCO levels (Lamb et al. 2004a; Lamb et al. 2004b), we Asian, Native American and other subjects. The mean
noticed that many smokers could maintain low levels of age was 38.4 years (range: 19–67 years). There were
smoking while producing BCO levels below those used 107 females and 84 males.
typically as indicators of smoking in treatment outcome
studies [e.g. 8–10 parts per million (p.p.m.)]. As there is
Participant study procedures
little guidance in the literature for determination of an
optimal BCO cut-off that can distinguish between smok- Each weekday that the University was open, participants
ing days and non-smoking days, we undertook a detailed delivered a breath sample at a time that was fixed for the
examination of data collected during the course of these individual, between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. For each partici-
contingency management studies in order to determine pant’s first 10 visits, there were no contingencies placed
the characteristics of various cut-off criteria. Current on BCO levels except for the first day for participants in
smokers who were paid for producing reduced BCO levels the two studies for individuals attempting to quit smok-
were followed for about 3 months while 24-hour smok- ing. In these two studies, participants received an extra
ing reports and daily BCO levels were monitored. The pur- monetary payment if their BCO was <4 p.p.m. After these
pose of the present paper is to examine the relationship initial 10 visits, monetary contingencies were designed to
between reported smoking and BCO levels and to deter- reduce BCO level for the remaining 60 visits.
mine optimal cut-off levels for detection of smoking under
conditions designed to maximize the distinction between
BCO measures
days of low-rate smoking and abstinence.
A Vitalograph CO monitor (Vitalograph Inc. Lenexa, KS,
USA) was used to measure BCO samples. Subjects were
required to take a deep breath, hold it for 20 seconds and
then to expire over 20 seconds into the disposable mouth-
piece of the CO monitor. The peak BCO reading (the mon-
Research subjects
itor was watched until the CO reading declined) was
Subjects participated in any of three contingency man- taken as the subject’s BCO level. BCO levels and BCO cut-
agement studies designed to reduce BCO. There was a off levels were expressed as integers in parts per million
total of 213 smokers who reported smoking at least 20 (p.p.m.). The cut-off level for a BCO test indicates that a
cigarettes per day and had a BCO level ≥ 15 p.p.m. at test at or above the cut-off level would be a positive test for
study intake. In two of the three studies, participants a smoking day (presumed to have smoked). A BCO level
were attempting to stop smoking. In the third study, par- below the cut-off would be a negative test (presumed not
ticipants had no defined plans to quit smoking in the next to have smoked). In this study, various BCO cut-off levels
three months. were used to evaluate cut-off levels for their accuracy in
For all analyses except the correlations, data from all identifying smoking and non-smoking days. For example,
213 subjects were used. Among those subjects, we col- a BCO level of = 3 p.p.m. would be a positive test at a BCO
lected BCO levels on 12 649 days, reported smoking on cut-off of 3 p.p.m. The repeatability of BCO determina-
12 450 days and paired data for BCO levels and reported tions was assessed by collecting two samples per day on 3
smoking on 12 386 days. This group of 213 subjects separate days. The intraclass correlation coefficients,
included 161 white, 35 Hispanic, nine African American assuming a single fixed determination, were 0.994
and eight Asian, Native American and other subjects. (n = 22), 0.976 (n = 17) and 0.935 (n = 22) for the
The mean age was 38.8 years (range: 19–68 years). 3 days. These results indicate the high reliability of single
There were 119 females and 94 males. determinations as used in this study.
Using the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence, it
was determined that, prior to entry into the study, 6% of
Reported smoking
subjects smoked £10 cigarettes per day, 42% smoked 11–
20 cigarettes per day, 46% smoked 21–30 cigarettes per Subjects were asked to keep track of the exact number of
day and 6% smoked ≥31 cigarettes per day. The mean of cigarettes that they smoked within the past 24 hours.
BCO levels at entry into the studies was 24.4 p.p.m. Each day the number of times that a subject visited the
For the between-subject and within-subject correla- university clinic was reported. Smoking days were
tion analyses, 191 of the total 213 subjects’ data were defined as those days when reported smoking was at least
selected. Those subjects had 10 or more smoking days, one cigarette smoked within the 24 hours before the time
which provided a measure of validity and consistency for of a given BCO level test. In 15 subjects, on a total of 45 of

© 2005 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 100, 159–167

Breath carbon monoxide and cigarette smoking 161

12 386 test days, reported smoking included a partial RESULTS

cigarette. In those cases, the number of cigarettes was
rounded-up to the next higher integer. Non-smoking The distribution of BCO levels for smoking days and non-
days were those days when reported smoking was zero smoking days for all subjects is shown in Fig. 1. Median
cigarettes smoked in the past 24 hours. BCO level was 1 p.p.m. for non-smoking days and
5 p.p.m. for smoking days. The 10th, 25th, 75th and
90th percentile BCO levels for non-smoking days were 1,
Statistical methods
1, 2 and 3 p.p.m., respectively. Corresponding values for
The within-subjects correlation between number of ciga- smoking days were 1, 2, 12 and 19 p.p.m., respectively.
rettes smoked and BCO level was calculated using analy- Mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM) of BCO levels
sis of covariance with subjects dummy-coded as a was 1.64 ± 0.04 p.p.m. for non-smoking days and
categorical variable. This method removes between- 8.26 ± 0.09 p.p.m. for all smoking days combined
subject variability and assesses the within-subject rela- (P < 0.0001). Mean ± SEM for cigarettes smoked in the
tion between number of cigarettes smoked and BCO level. past 24 hours for the smoking days was 9.36 ± 0.067
The between-subjects correlation was computed by first cigarettes.
calculating for each subject the mean CO level and mean At a BCO cut-off level of 3 p.p.m., 2792 of 3292 non-
number of cigarettes smoked per day taken over all avail- smoking days had negative tests (specificity = 84.8%),
able smoking days and then calculating the Pearson whereas 6500 of 9094 smoking days had positive tests
product–moment correlation coefficient between pairs of (sensitivity = 71.5%). This contrasts sharply with a BCO
means, weighted by the number of smoking days. Data cut-off level of 8 p.p.m., where 3232 of 3292 non-
for cigarettes smoked per day and BCO levels showed pos- smoking days had negative tests (specificity = 98.2%),
itive skew and kurtosis. After transformation to square but only 3688 of 9094 smoking days had positive tests
roots, both distributions approximated normality. There- (sensitivity = 40.6%).
fore, these two variables were subjected to square root Figure 2a shows the mean and 95% confidence limits
transformation for statistical analysis. All tests were two- of BCO levels at integer levels of number of cigarettes
tailed with an alpha level of P < 0.05. smoked for 12 386 smoking and non-smoking test days.
For all smoking days on which 10 or more cigarettes were
smoked, the data were combined. These results show that
Outcome definitions
BCO levels were directly proportional to the number of
Sensitivity was defined as the percentage of positive BCO
tests (a BCO level at or above a given cut-off) on smoking
n = 9094
days among all subjects, i.e. the percentage of all smok- 20
ing days for which there was a positive BCO test. Specific-
BCO Levels (ppm)

ity was defined as the percentage of negative BCO tests (a 16

BCO level below a given cut-off) for non-smoking days,
i.e. percentage of all non-smoking days for which there
was a negative BCO test. Sensitivity and specificity were 8
determined for integer BCO cut-off levels from 1 to
n = 3292
12 p.p.m. The area under the receiver-operating charac- 4
teristic (ROC) plot was estimated using the non-paramet-
ric method to determine diagnostic accuracy (Zweig & 0
Campbell 1993), i.e. the ability of the BCO test to distin-
Non-Smoking Days Smoking Days
guish between smoking and non-smoking days. The
term ‘accuracy’ is used to indicate the BCO cut-off that
Smoking Status
provides the best balance of sensitivity and specificity. Figure 1 Breath carbon monoxide (BCO) levels on smoking days
Positive predictive value (PPV) was defined as the num- and non-smoking days. Smoking days were defined as those days
ber of true positive BCO tests divided by the total number when reported smoking was at least one cigarette smoked within
of positive tests for a given BCO cut-off, expressed as a the 24 hours previous to the time of the BCO level. Non-smoking
percentage. PPV is also called the percentage of true pos- days were those days when reported smoking was zero cigarettes in
the past 24 hours. BCO levels were measured with a Vitalograph
itive tests. Negative predictive value (NPV) was defined
BCO monitor. The box and error bars represent the median (line in
as the number of true negative BCO tests divided by the the box), 25th and 75th percentiles (top and bottom of the boxes),
total number of negative BCO tests, expressed as a per- and 10th and 90th percentiles (error bars). N = number of samples
centage. NPV is also called the percentage of true nega- included in the analysis. Data from 213 subjects enrolled in the study
tive tests. were included in this figure

© 2005 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 100, 159–167

162 Martin A. Javors et al.

(a) (a)
Between Subject Correlation
15 45
40 n = 191

Breath CO Level (ppm)

r = 0.617
12 35 p < 0.001
BCO Level


0 10 20 30 40 50
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ≥ 10 Reported Smoking
Cigarettes Smoked (Cigarettes during previous 24 h)

18 Histogram of Within Subject Correlations
Cigarettes Smoked

(Number of Subjects at each level)

(mean ± 95% CL)

15 40

12 35 Total number of correlations = 191


6 20

3 15

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ≥ 10 –0.75 –0.55 –0.35 –0.15 0.05 0.25 0.45 0.65 0.85 1.05

BCO Level (ppm) Level of Within Subject Correlation (r value)

Figure 2 (a) Mean BCO levels at various levels of cigarettes Figure 3 Correlations between reported smoking and BCO levels.
smoked; (b) mean cigarettes smoked at various BCO levels. In both Mean number of cigarettes smoked is plotted as a function of mean
panels, symbols represent the mean ± 95% confidence limits (CL) of BCO level for 191 subjects. All 191 subjects had at least 10 smoking
BCO levels for each number of cigarettes smoked during the past 24 days (cigarettes ≥ 1). The range was 10–70 days. The median was
hours (a) or number of cigarettes smoked in the past 24 hours at 55 days, the mean was 47.5 days; and the SD was 20.6 days. Non-
each level of BCO (b). Number of reports for each level of smoking: smoking days were not included in this analysis. (a) Between-subject
0 = 3292; 1 = 639; 2 = 761; 3 = 566; 4 = 584; 5 = 655; 6 = 547; correlation. Each symbol represents data from one subject, i.e. aver-
7 = 359; 8 = 410; 9 = 140; 10 = 4433. Number of BCO readings for age reported number of cigarettes smoked per day versus average
each level: 0 = 698; 1 = 2436; 2 = 2252; 3 = 1398; 4 = 499; 5 = 486; value of BCO level for all smoking days. The between-subject cor-
6 = 426; 7 = 443; 8 = 409; 9 = 342; 10 = 2997. Data from 213 sub- relation was plotted using Prism 4 software from Graph Pad. (b) His-
jects enrolled in the study were included in this figure togram distribution of within-subject correlations between number
of cigarettes smoked and BCO values. The histogram was plotted
using Prism 4 software from Graph Pad. Each correlation value
cigarettes smoked over the past 24 hours. Smoking days shown on the x-axis represents the mid-point of a 0.1 point range of
during which three cigarettes were reported resulted in a r-values. For example, the level labeled 0.25 represents r-values rang-
mean BCO level between 3 and 4, while smoking days ing from 0.20 to 0.30
during which eight or nine cigarettes were smoked pro-
duced BCO levels at a mean of approximately 8 p.p.m., the levels were 10 p.p.m. or greater. On test days when BCO
often-recommended cut-off. levels were 3 p.p.m., a mean of five cigarettes smoked dur-
Figure 2b shows the mean and 95% confidence limits ing the past 24 h was reported. On test days when BCO
of cigarettes smoked at various BCO levels for 12 386 levels were 8 p.p.m., a mean of 11.9 cigarettes smoked
smoking and non-smoking test days. For all days on was reported.
which BCO levels were 10 p.p.m. or greater, the data were Figure 3a shows the between- and Fig. 3b the within-
combined. These results show that number of cigarettes subject correlation analyses for reported smoking versus
smoked over the past 24 hours was directly proportional BCO levels. For these analyses, we utilized data of 191
to detected BCO levels, with mean smoking levels ranging subjects. All subjects had at least 10 days on which they
from 0.61 ± 0.13 cigarettes for days on which BCO level reported smoking at least one cigarette (10 smoking
was zero to 15.9 ± 0.3 cigarettes for days on which BCO days). Data from non-smoking days were not included in

© 2005 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 100, 159–167

Breath carbon monoxide and cigarette smoking 163

this analysis. The between-subjects Pearson correlation Figure 4a and Table 1 show results of the sensitivity
coefficient was 0.617 (P < 0.0001) for mean BCO versus and specificity analyses for various BCO cut-off criteria.
mean cigarettes smoked, supporting a significant linear Sensitivity is the percentage of smoking days with a BCO
relationship (Fig. 3a). level at or above a given BCO cut-off and specificity is the
Figure 3b shows a histogram of the distribution of r- percentage of non-smoking days with a BCO level below a
values for within-subject correlations between reported given BCO cut-off. As the BCO cut-off increased in value
smoking and BCO levels. The same data set that was from 1 to 12 p.p.m., sensitivity decreased and specificity
used for the analysis shown in Fig. 3a was used for this increased. It is noteworthy that the sensitivity and speci-
analysis, except that each 24-hour smoking value ficity curves in Fig. 4a intersect at a BCO level between 2
reported was used to calculate a within-subject corre- and 3 p.p.m. This intersection indicates that the highest
lation coefficient. The overall r-value for within-subject combined sensitivity and specificity was observed at a
correlations of 191 subjects as determined by analysis BCO cut-off level less than 3 p.p.m.
of covariance (ANCOVA) was 0.726 (Bland & Altman A receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) plot was
1995; Altman & Bland 1996). Over 75% of the sub- also used to assess the performance (diagnostic accuracy)
jects had statistically significant correlation coeffi- of BCO across the full range of potential BCO cutoff values
cients greater than 0.50. (Fig. 4b). An ROC curve is derived from sensitivity and

(a) 1
0.8 2

80 Specificity 0.6


20 0.2
AUC = 0.853
P < 0.0001
0 3 6 9 12 15 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

BCO Cutoff (ppm) 1-Specificity

Percent of True Tests

80 PPV (% true pos)

(+ and –)

NPV (% true neg)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0

0 3 6 9 12 15 0 3 6 9 12 15

BCO Cutoff (ppm) BCO Cutoff (ppm)

Figure 4 Additional analyses of BCO cut-off criteria. (a) Sensitivity and specificity were plotted at BCO cut-off levels from 1 to 12 p.p.m.
Sensitivity is the percentage of positive BCO tests at a specified cut-off on all smoking days. Specificity is the percentage of negative BCO
tests at a specified cut-off for all non-smoking days. (b) For ROC analysis, 1-specificity (x-axis) was plotted against sensitivity at BCO cut-off
levels from 1 p.p.m. to 12 p.p.m. AUC was 0.853 (P < 0.0001).The numbers placed along the ROC curve indicate BCO cut-off levels. (c) BCO
cut-off level (x-axis) was plotted against positive predictive value (PPV; percentage of true positive tests) and negative predictive value (NPV;
percentage of true negative tests). A true positive test is defined as a BCO level above a specified cut-off in a subject who reported smoking
at least one cigarette in the past 24 hours. A true negative test is defined as a BCO level below a specific cut-off for a subject who reported
zero cigarettes in the past 24 hours. (d) Accuracy of classification at various BCO cut-off levels is shown by plotting BCO cut-off against per-
centage of true detections. The percentage of true detections was calculated by adding the number of true positive tests plus the number
of true negative tests, dividing by the total number of tests and multiplying by 100 to obtain a percentage. Data from 213 subjects enrolled
in the study were included in this figure

© 2005 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 100, 159–167

164 Martin A. Javors et al.

Table 1 Sensitivity and specificity of various BCO cut-off levels.

BCO cut-off1 (p.p.m) Sensitivity2 Specificity3 1-Specificity4 Sensitivity + specificity5

0 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000

1 0.985 0.171 0.829 1.156
2 0.874 0.603 0.397 1.477
3 0.715 0.848 0.152 1.563
4 0.596 0.945 0.055 1.541
5 0.546 0.959 0.041 1.505
6 0.497 0.970 0.030 1.467
7 0.452 0.976 0.024 1.428
8 0.406 0.982 0.018 1.388
9 0.362 0.985 0.015 1.347
10 0.325 0.987 0.013 1.312

The cut-off level for a BCO test indicates that a test at or above the cut-off level would be a positive test for a smoking day (presumed to have smoked). A
BCO level below the cut-off would be a negative test (presumed to have not smoked). In this study, various BCO cut-off levels were used to evaluate cut-
off levels for their accuracy in identifying smoking and non-smoking days. For example, BCO level of = 3 p.p.m. would be a positive test at a BCO cut-off
of 3 p.p.m.
Sensitivity was defined as the percent of positive BCO tests (a BCO level at or above a given cut-off) on smoking days among all subjects, i.e. the percentage
of all smoking days for which there were a positive BCO test.
Specificity was defined as the percentage of negative BCO tests (a BCO level below a given cut-off) on non-smoking days, i.e. percentage of all non-smoking
days for which there was a negative BCO test.
1-Specificity was calculated for the ROC plots. This term indicates the fraction of false positive tests at the various BCO cut-off levels, i.e. the proportion
of non-smoking days identified as smoking days.
Sensitivity + specificity was calculated to identify the BCO cut-off level that would have the highest combined sensitivity plus specificity.

specificity values by plotting 1-specificity against sensitiv- true positive and true negative tests (see Table 1) by the
ity. The area under the ROC curve is used as a measure of total number of tests and expressing this as a percentage.
the ability of a marker such as BCO to discriminate As can be seen on the graph, the highest percentage of
between smoking and non-smoking days. The results of true tests, which was 80.2%, was observed at a BCO cut-
the ROC analysis indicate that BCO levels were a highly off of 2 p.p.m.
significant predictor of smoking versus non-smoking
days [area under the curve (AUC) = 0.853, P < 0.0001].
BCO cut-off levels corresponding to break-points along DISCUSSION
the ROC curve indicate that cut-off levels of 2, 3 and
4 p.p.m. contributed significantly to the maximization of The novel finding of this study was that a BCO cut-off level
AUC. of 2 or 3 p.p.m. provided the highest accuracy for assess-
Figure 4c shows the impact of BCO cut-off criteria on ment of abstinence versus any cigarette smoking within
positive and negative predictive values. As BCO cut-off the past 24 hours under conditions where smokers were
criteria increase from 1 to 12 p.p.m., there is an increase being paid to produce low BCO readings. This conclusion
in positive predictive value (PPV). That is, as the cut-off is supported by several approaches to evaluating the data
increases, a higher percentage of smoking days are cor- from a large sample of smoking and non-smoking days in
rectly identified and we can be more certain that a posi- subjects whose smoking was suppressed from normal lev-
tive test indicates a true smoking day. At the same time, els due to the operation of contingency management
the increase in PPV is accompanied by a decrease in interventions. First, sensitivity and specificity curves
negative predictive value (NPV). As the BCO cut-off crossed at a cut-off value of 3 p.p.m. (Fig. 4a), indicating
increases, it becomes less likely that non-smoking days that this value yields the maximum combined sensitivity
will be correctly identified and we are less certain that a and specificity. Secondly, the BCO cut-off levels that con-
negative test indicates a true non-smoking day. tributed most to the area under the ROC curve in Fig. 4b
Figure 4d shows an additional analysis to support the were 2, 3 and 4 p.p.m. (Fig. 4b). Thirdly, the highest per-
notion that a low BCO cut-off at the level of 2 or 3 p.p.m. centage of true positive and negative tests combined
provides the highest accuracy to distinguish between occurred at a BCO cut-off level of 2 p.p.m. (Fig. 4d).
smoking and non-smoking days. For this analysis, BCO The study also showed that there is a strong and sta-
cut-off levels were plotted against the combined percent- tistically significant relationship between level of reported
age of true positive and true negative BCO tests, with the smoking during the past 24 hours and BCO level. This
dependent variables calculated by dividing the sum of relationship was seen in a between-subjects analysis that

© 2005 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 100, 159–167

Breath carbon monoxide and cigarette smoking 165

included both smoking and non-smoking days (Fig. 3a) and concluded that BCO levels using a cut-off of 8 p.p.m.
and in a within-subjects analysis with only smoking days resulted in lack of identification of many who were
considered (Fig. 3b). The positive relationship between actively smoking. These data suggest, therefore, that
cigarettes smoked and BCO level is expected and has been reports using the 8 p.p.m. BCO cut-off criterion as verifi-
reported previously by others (Fortmann et al. 1984; cation of smoking abstinence could be significantly exag-
Biglan et al. 1985). However, the strength of correlations gerating true abstinence rates.
obtained in specific studies will probably vary depending In contrast, when a BCO cut-off of 3 p.p.m. is
on circumstances of data collection. For example, it is employed, detection of smoking is somewhat less likely
likely that certain features of the present study acted to (71% of all smoking days were associated with a positive
reduce within-subject correlations. First, cash incentives test) but accurate detection of abstinence is significantly
for low BCO levels motivated participants to reduce their enhanced, with 84% of all non-smoking days yielding a
smoking, and may also have reduced the range of ciga- negative test. The 3 p.p.m. cut-off provided the highest
rettes smoked for some subjects, a feature of data sets that accuracy when sensitivity and specificity were simply
can result in low correlations. Secondly, the contingen- added together (Table 1), while a BCO cut-off of 2 p.p.m.
cies may have influenced patterns of smoking in a man- produced the highest accuracy when the percentage of
ner that impacted correlations. Thus, it is possible that correctly identified smoking and non-smoking days com-
some participants smoked the majority of their daily cig- bined were determined (Fig. 4d). Figure 4a and b suggests
arettes immediately after the BCO level was taken so that that the highest accuracy was obtained at a cut-off
they would have low BCO levels at the next day’s testing, between 2 and 3 p.p.m. Use of these very low BCO cut-off
as was observed previously (Gariti et al. 2002). The half- values may be especially important in clinical or research
life of BCO is about 4 hours (Benowitz et al. 2002), which situations that employ incentives for smoking abstinence,
results in the relatively rapid disappearance of CO from where it is important to minimize false negative
the breath. Many of the participants were probably aware readings in order to ensure accurate implementation of
of this fact. Higher correlations might be found if smoking contingencies
and CO levels were determined over shorter (e.g. 6 hours) Once-daily measurement of BCO does not provide a
segments of time. Alternatively, the time from last ciga- precise index of recent smoking, no matter which cut-off
rette could be factored into the correlation, as has previ- criterion is selected. For example, BCO level was zero in
ously been done (Colletti et al. 1982). the present study on 135 (1.5%) and was at or below
The choice of a BCO cut-off level depends on the inten- 3 p.p.m. on 2594 (28.5%) of 9094 reported smoking
tions of the clinic or the research study in which BCO lev- days. However, the number of cigarettes smoked on
els are used as a smoking marker. For situations in which smoking days at low BCO levels was low. For example, the
it is most important to identify smokers with a high mean number of cigarettes smoked on smoking days
degree of certainty (i.e. maximize sensitivity), such as in a when BCO level was zero was 3.13 ± 3.0 (SD) cigarettes
public health screening project, a higher cut-off such as per day. For smoking days on which BCO level was 0, 1
8 p.p.m. should be used. The higher cut-off would result and 2 p.p.m., mean cigarettes smoked was 4.52 ± 3.9
in a higher PPV (% true positives) for the BCO test, but a (SD). In contrast, for smoking days on which BCO level
lower NPV (% true negatives) (Fig. 4c). For example, our was 7 or less p.p.m., mean cigarettes smoked was
data show that at a cut-off of 8 p.p.m., 98.3% of the pos- 6.56 ± 5.2 (SD).
itive tests occurred on days for which smoking was As discussed previously, amount and recency of smok-
reported. In many cases, however, clinicians and ing as well as individual differences in CO elimination
researchers are trying to verify whether or not a person kinetics and exercise levels can exert an important influ-
has refrained from smoking. A BCO cut-off criterion of ence on the association between smoking and BCO. Some
8 p.p.m. has been adopted widely within the research recent studies have tried to obviate these factors by col-
community as the standard cut-off for abstinence verifi- lecting CO measures three times per day (Roll et al. 1996;
cation (Fortmann et al. 1984; Benowitz et al. 2002; Roll & Higgins 2000; Tidey et al. 2002). However, these
Shoptaw et al. 2002). When a cut-off of 8 p.p.m. is used, studies used BCO cut-off levels of £11 p.p.m. that would
however, our data show that only 39.2% of tests classified classify incorrectly some smoking as non-smoking. For
as negative occurred on non-smoking days, while 70.8% situations for which it is critical to detect any smoking,
of tests classified as negative occurred on days when the both multiple daily measurements and a very low BCO
participant reported smoking. Thus, many participants cut-off level would need to be employed.
who reported smoking within the past 24 hours would be A potential limitation of the present study is that all
classified as non-smokers under an 8 p.p.m. criterion. subjects were paid during portions of their participation
Shoptaw et al. (2002) reported a similar specificity (93%) for meeting reduced BCO criteria. This resulted in rela-
in their study of methadone-maintained tobacco smokers tively low overall levels of smoking among participants,

© 2005 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 100, 159–167

166 Martin A. Javors et al.

and in assessment of smoking–BCO correlations within 52 weeks after the completion of a smoking cessation
lower ranges of smoking than has previously been the treatment. They evaluated BCO levels to confirm self
case. While this could be viewed as a strength that report of smoking using a BCO cut-off of 10 p.p.m. based
heightens relevance to abstinence detection, it is also pos- on Jarvis et al. (1987). Their findings suggest that sensi-
sible that the contingencies resulted in misrepresentation tivity was sacrificed for specificity, i.e. the rate of false neg-
(under-reporting) of smoking, which in turn would influ- ative tests was much higher than the rate of false positive
ence the sensitivity–specificity analyses and BCO cut-off tests. The use of a BCO cut-off of 10 p.p.m. enabled the
recommendations. In fact, however, under-reporting of correct classification of non-smokers in over 98% of cases
true smoking levels would tend to result in higher rather at all three time-points, but the correct classification of
than lower recommended BCO cut-offs. Thus, any under- smokers was lower, ranging from 62% to 89%.
reporting would have a conservative effect on recommen- In summary, our findings confirm the value of BCO as
dations. Additionally, participants were fully aware that an indicator of smoking. We conclude from our results
contingencies were based only on BCO levels and inde- that BCO cut-off levels well below 8 p.p.m and as low as
pendent of reported smoking, a factor that should have 2–3 p.p.m. may be more useful when it is important to
limited under-reporting. maximize identification of non-smokers or to distinguish
BCO levels can be elevated in certain medical condi- abstainers from light smokers. Our results indicate that
tions including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease when BCO is measured once daily, cut-off levels of 2 or
(Montuschi et al. 2001), bronchiectasis (Horvath et al. 3 p.p.m. provide the highest percentage of true identifica-
1998) and cystic fibrosis (Antuni et al. 2000), as well as tion of both smoking and abstinence outcomes and there-
by marijuana smoking, and these factors may need to be fore the highest accuracy for assessment of whether or
considered in individual cases. Another factor that may not someone has smoked within the past 24 hours.
need to be taken into consideration when setting BCO
cut-off criteria is baseline CO levels for non-smokers. The
issue of optimal cut-offs has been addressed in previous
studies that utilized general populations of smokers who The authors appreciate the editing efforts of Dr Thomas S.
were not trying to quit as well as non-smokers. Jarvis King and gratefully acknowledge the excellent technical
et al. (1987) suggested a BCO cut-off of 10 p.p.m. to min- assistance of Mr Floyd Jones and Ms Wendi Stewart-
imize the number of misclassifications of smokers and Rodriguez. The authors also wish to express gratitude
non-smokers. The mean BCO level for non-smokers in the to Dr Maxine Stitzer for exceptional editorial assistance.
Jarvis study (Jarvis et al. 1987) was 5.6 p.p.m. versus This study was possible through a grant from NIDA
1.6 p.p.m. in our study. Similarly, Sato et al. (2003) (DA 13304).
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