TP - Be Going To and Infinitive of Purpose

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Centro de Lenguas- UNSa

Profesora Karen Elizabeth Saiquita

Alumno :Tapia Ivan

Trabajo Práctico- Going to and infinitive of purpose

1. Read the situations and complete the dialogues. Use going to.

● You want to write some letters this evening.

FRIEND: Are you going out this evening? YOU: No, I'm going to write some letters.

● You are a smoker but you decide to give it up soon.

FRIEND: Smoking is very bad for you.

YOU: I know. I’m going to give it up soon.

● You are offered a job but you decide not to take it.

FRIEND: I hear this company offered you a good job.

YOU: That’s right, but I ‘m going to decide not to take it

● You are in a restaurant. The food is awful and you decide to complain.

FRIEND: This food is awful, isn’t it?

YOU: Yes, it’s disgusting, I’m going to complain

2. Write a question with going to for each situation.

❖ Your friend wins some money. You ask:

(what/ do with it?) What are you going to do with it?

❖ Your friend is going to a party tonight. You ask:

(what/wear?) what are you going to wear?

❖ Your friend buys a new table. You ask:

(where/put it?) where are you going to put it?

❖ Your friend decides to have a party. You ask:

(who/ invite?) who are you going to invite?

3. What is going to happen in these situations? Use going to together with the words in


➢ There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. (rain) It is going to rain.
➢ It is 8:30. Jack is leaving his house. He has to be at work at 8:45 but the journey

takes 30 minutes. (late) He is going to late.

➢ There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. A lot of water is coming in through the hole.

(sink) The boat is going to sink.

➢ Emma is driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest petrol station is

a long way away. (run out) She is going to run out petrol

4. Do the following activity using going to and infinitive of purpose.

2. I’m going to download this sing to listen to it.

3 I’m going to book tickets to see a play.

4 I’m going to buy this film to watch it later.

5 I’m going to evening classes to learn French.

6 I’m going to drama school to study acting.

5. Listen to the audio and do the next activity.

1- to make his next film

2- to leave there for two years

3-to play the new songs

4- to watch a tv documentary

5- to show the artist most famous painting

6- to books tickets.

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