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052623 [H]
Created @May 26, 2023 9:53 PM


A standardized mood assessment has a N = 65 and a o = 15. Higher scores reflect a more positive mood state. A pop
music producer, interested in how music affects peoples' mood, hires a research company to assess this relationship.
As a part of the study, the research company obtains a random sample of n = 40 adults and administers the mood
assessment while they are listening to soft piano music. The mean for the sample was M = 69. Using a two-tailed test
and a = .05, use the four-step hypothesis testing procedure to test the music producer's hypothesis that music affects

YOUR TURN: Hypothesis Testing with the z-Test

Step 1: Formulate Hypotheses
Step 2: Indicate the Alpha Level and Determine Critical Values
Step 3: Calculate Relevant Statistics
Step 4: Make a Decision and Report the Results
Calculate cohen’s d and using guidelines suggested previously indicate size of the effect

Step 1:
H0 = There is no effect of Music on Mood
H1 = There is an effect of Music on Mood

Step 2:

α: 0.05 Two tailed test

− 1.96 Critical Values

Step 3:

M = 69 µ = 65 n = 40 σ = 15

M −µ σ
zobt = σM σM = n

σM = 1540
σM = 6.32456
σM = 2.37171
zobt = 2.37171
zobt = 2.37171
zobt = 1.68655

Step 4:

There is not enough substantial evidence to support the hypothesis

Non-reject of H0 , zobt = 1.69, p <.05

Cohen’s d = 0.27, small effect size

052623 [H] 1
Cohen’s d = σ
Cohen’s d = 15
Cohen’s d = 0.267

052623 [H] 2

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