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Quarter 4 – Module 5: Discover The Conflicts Presented in Literary

Selections And The Need To Resolve This Conflicts In Non-Violent Ways

What is conflict?
“In literature, a conflict is a literary device characterized by a struggle
between two opposing forces. Conflict provides crucial tension in any Module 6: Discover Literature as a Tool to
story and is used to reveal a deeper meaning in a narrative while Assert One’s Unique Identity and to Better Understand Other People
highlighting characters’ motivations, values and weaknesses.”
(Masterclass.com) Elements Of Fiction
Conflict is an important element in the study of stories, novels, plays,
movies etc.
What are the two categories of conflict?
Fiction is defined as prose based on the author’s
1. Internal Conflict is when a character struggles with their own imagination. It means, such stories never happened in real life.
opposing desires or beliefs. Internal conflict happens within Types of literature in the fiction genre include the novel, short
them and it drives their development as a character. story, and novella. The word is from the Latin fictiō, “the act of
making, fashioning, or molding.
2. External Conflict sets a character against something or
someone beyond their control. External forces stand in the way
of a character’s motivations and create a tension as the
character tries to reach their goals. Elements of Fiction

Including both internal and external conflict is crucial for a good story, 1. Characters - are the people, animals, or aliens in the story. Readers
because life always includes both. come to know the characters through what they say, what they
think, and how they act. It is a figure in the literary work
(personality, gender, age, etc).
What are the 6 Types of Literary Conflicts?
1. Character vs. Self
This is an internal conflict, meaning that the opposition the character 1.Plot- is the series of events and actions that occur in a story.
faces is coming within. This may entail a struggle to discern what the
moral or “right” choice is, or it may also encompass mental health 2.Conflict is the opposition of forces or characters:
struggles. All other types of conflict are external – meaning that a
character comes up against an outside force that creates a conflict.
A .Man vs. Man
2. Character vs. Character
b. Human vs. Society
This is a common type of conflict in which one character’s needs or wants
c. Human vs Nature
are at odds with another’s. A character conflict can be depicted as a
d. Human vs. Self
straight-forward fist fight, or as intricate and nuanced as the ongoing
struggle for power in the HBO series of Game of Thrones.
3. Character vs. Nature Flashback shows the past event which causes the story
In a nature conflict, a character is set in opposition to nature. This can
or event to happen
mean the weather, the wilderness, or a natural disaster.
4. Character vs. Supernatural Foreshadowing shows hints of a future event that will
Pitting characters against phenomena like ghosts, gods, or monsters raises
happen because of the present story or event.
the stakes of a conflict by creating an unequal playing field. Supernatural
conflict also covers characters, like Harry Potter or Odysseus, who have a Resolution is the ending of the story
fate or destiny and struggle to accept the sacrifices that come along with
it. Happy ending
5. Character vs. Technology
Tragic ending
In this case, a character is in conflict with some kind of technology. It is
the hallmark of science fiction, which explores the problems that arise Open-minded/ Lack of or Partial Resolution
when technology grows beyond its intended use.
3.Setting refers to when (time) and where (place) the story happened.
This external conflict illustrates a character in conflict with technology.
At its best, character vs. technology conflict raises poignant questions
for the characters and readers alike about what it means to be human
4.The theme is the center or main idea of the story. It is rarely
and sets us apart from machines.
presented. We can tell that a literary is a mature piece through its theme.
6. Character vs. Society
If it embodies an original theme than a mere moral or famous saying,
A character vs. society conflict is an external conflict that occurs in
then it is a mature piece, if its theme shows an idea that preaches a
literature when the protagonist is placed in opposition with the society,
moral, then it is a mature piece. A mature work does not teach, rather it
the government, or a cultural tradition or societal norm of some kind.
reveals: it does not preach, but interprets (Dr. Hallet, Elements of Fiction)
Characters may be motivated to take action against their society by a
need to survive, a moral sense of right and wrong, or a desire for
happiness, freedom, justice or love. Here are the other characteristics of a theme:
1. It is the main idea.
2. Expressed in the form of statement, not word
Why is conflict important in a story?
3. It is a view of life.
Most of the time, readers become more interested in a literary piece
4. No theme is identical with moral or lesson
because of the tension in the story. Readers are simply hooked in order to
5. A revelation of human character
discover which of the characters or forces will eventually prevail. Conflict
6. Does not rely on facts that are not stated in the story
is a necessary element for all stories whether it is a novel, short story,
7. Not a familiar saying
mystery, romance, children’s story because it makes the plot interesting
and exciting. A conflict in a literary piece also reveals opposing beliefs and
truths about life that readers can easily relate to.

How are conflicts resolved in a story?

In actuality, conflict is not always bad and does not have to result in
violence or hurt feelings. Conflicts are part of everyday life and they
cannot be avoided. However, whether a conflict escalates, ends
negatively or is resolved and ends peacefully in a literary selection, is
entirely based on the choices a character/s make. The choices made by a
character in a story reveals his/her feelings, values and attitudes. Most
often than not, his/her response to a conflict determines how a situation
Essay writing brings more benefits than browsing through
those social media platforms that you have already memorized. It
does not only sharpen your minds and makes you more creative
than putting likes and hitting shares of your friends’ post. The
ability to share something from your mind is definitely a plausible

Module 7: Writing an essay successfully requires a lot of planning.

Discover Through Philippine Literature The Need To Work
A short story is a work of short, narrative prose that is usually
centered around one single event. It is limited in scope and has an Generally, in writing an essay, you should:
introduction, body and conclusion. Although a short story has
much in common with a novel, it is written with greater accuracy. • decide what kind of essay to write
• brainstorm your topic
Elements of a Short Story:
• research the topic

Setting is a description of where and when the story takes place. In

• choose a writing style
a short story there are fewer settings compared to a novel. The • develop a thesis
time is more limited. • outline your essay
• write your essay
Characterization deals with how the characters in the story are
described. In short stories there are usually fewer characters
• edit your writing to check spelling and grammar
compared to a novel. They usually focus on one central character or
protagonist. The first step in writing an essay is to define what type of
essay you will be writing. There are categories into which essays can
be grouped. One of these types is the informative essay.
Plot is the main sequence of events that make up the story. In
short stories the plot is usually centered around one experience or
significant moment.
Conflict or tension is usually the heart of the short story and is
related to the main character. In a short story there is usually one
main struggle.

Now, what is an informative essay? How does it differ from the other
Theme is the main idea, lesson, or message in the short story. It
types of essays?
may be an abstract idea about the human condition, society, or

Informative essay is written as literary essay piece with the

Module 8: Informative Essay purpose of educating a target audience or readers regarding a
Writing an informative essay effectively is essential in conveying to the certain topic or subject. It is intended to present or expose
something while at the same time avoiding presenting arguments
reader certain information clearly and comprehensively.
or personal opinions from the writer.

Read and be informed!

An informative essay is also called expository essay in the
sense that it also aims to expose or display an information that is
beneficial to the reader. It does not present bias judgments nor
The word essay is derived from the French infinitive essayer favorable ideas. Also, it does not dwell in the concept of
which means "to try" or "to attempt." In English, essay first meant convincing readers to do things that are contrary to their will. It is
"a trial" or "an attempt" and it is still an alternative meaning. usually 3-5 pages in length.

Essay is an analytic, interpretative, or critical literary

composition that is usually much shorter, less systematic, and
formal than a dissertation or thesis. Also, it often deals with its What are the three parts of an informative essay?
subject from a limited and often personal point of view.

An informative essay contains three parts. The first part is the

introduction. It is used to grab the attention of the reader and to
introduce the topic. It as well states the thesis statement of the
article. The thesis statement is one-sentence statement that
expresses the main idea of an essay

or text.
The second part is the body. It is the bulk of the essay and
contains all of the important facts being covered that support or
provide evidences to the thesis statement.
The last part is the conclusion. This part summarizes the essay
and encourages the reader to seek out more information about a

How to write an informative essay?

Writing an informative essay is like telling a blind person
the color of the sky or telling a kid what ice creams are made of.
One would just have to present and expand a topic.
Let’s learn the steps in writing an informative essay:
1. Think of a topic. The first thing that you have to do is think of a
topic that you want to write about. It would be good if it is
something that you are most passionate about, so you can write
in great details.
2. Create a format. The most effective format is using the essential
parts of an essay
3. Present your ideas. After choosing the topic, start writing your
ideas. Present them in a way that you are educating the readers.

“What is Informational Text? - Definition, Characteristics & Examples,


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