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Nama : Hanna filjanah

Kelas : LK A


Jurusan : Logistik kelautan

1. Please Analyze Porter's Five Forces Analysis of the Blue line and Pestel Analysis!

 Analyze porter’s
1.Threats of new entrants
Blue Line is best known for its vast coverage across the globe. Other than its main trade
lanes of Asia-Europe and Trans-Atlantic trades, Blue Line also offers extensive coverage
between South America and Europe as well as to Africa
2.Threat of substitutes
The company also pioneered the innovative concept of Daily Blue in 2011 which provided a
premium guaranteed service between supply ports of China and European base ports.
Despite support from the trade, Blue Line was forced to cut down services due to oversupply
3.bargaining power of buyers
Blue Line continuously strives to improve its customer service. Any situation that gives rise
to a cargo claim is by nature trying.
 Pestel analysis
1. politics
In the political context the key to success in the dynamic international business environment
is to diversify systematic risk. e line needs to consider the following political factors during
the strategic planning process: political stability, policy change

Growing economies offer wide-ranging growth opportunities to the Blue. Similarly, it is
important to understand the industry lifecycle stage. Entering in mature industries can be
more challenging due to market saturation than industries at the growth stage. Moreover, the
business performance of Blue. is also influenced by the extent to which the host country
government has spent on core infrastructure development. A well-developed infrastructure
facilitates the business environment and increases the growth potential of the gold industry in
the respective country.
Aging population, migration trends and socio-economic variables have paramount importance
for international business organizations like blue line. Studying the demographic
characteristics can help blue line. in choosing the right market segment/segments with high
growth potential. The business and marketing strategies are also influenced by migration. It is
important for Blue Line. to understand the people’s general attitude towards migration as it
can influence firms’ ability to bring international managers to host country.
The development of information and communication technologies has led towards the
adoption of innovative marketing techniques to enhance collaboration with customers. Use of
social media has become common in a modern business environment. Blue line can leverage
the opportunities offered by social media marketing to improve business performance.
Technological trends can be used to start the creative social media campaigns for developing
online brand communities.

Blue line must follow the employee/labor health and safety laws as some countries have strict
regulations to ensure labor safety. Providing a secure work environment for the workforce is
the ethical and moral obligation of Blue. Similarly, anti-discrimination laws (like equal
employment opportunity) also need to be carefully studied when developing human resource
practices as discriminatory suits against employer harm the organizational image and affect
organizations’ ability to attract and retain the talent.

2. Tell me what kind strategy for the Blue Line that can improve their performance!


1.Blue line must comply with employee/labor health and safety laws
2.Providing a safe work environment for employees is an ethical and moral obligation

3. How is the Customer Relationship Management blue line with its customers? What do you think
needs to be improved?


Blue line is constantly working to improve its customer service blue line is also trying to do its best to
minimize customer inconvenience and avoid misunderstandings about the claims handling process and
make the process as efficient and simple as possible.

4. Based on the case above, blue line explains about complaint and claim handling according to the
stages, what is your opinion about the steps for complaint and claim handling at blue line companies?

In my opinion, the stages in handling complaints and claims on the company's blue line are very
effective where in dealing with situations the blue line claim handling process makes the process as simple as
possible with the main steps being to notify the insurance underwriter, then contact the blue line customer
service, involve a surveyor if needed ,reduce cargo loss,collect documents submit measurable claims and
protect against time limits.involving surveyors is very beneficial for customers because they are very easy to
find problems, facts or conditions that may be overlooked by the untrained eye

5.  Offer potential solutions for those problems based on relevant theory you have learned
from this subject.


These disappointed customers will become a serious problem if they are not addressed, because they tend
not to buy your products or use your services again, they may even badmouth your business to other
people. Therefore, it is important to know how to handle customer complaints that are most effective.
These customer complaints can be verbal, telephone, written through many media such as email, SMS,
Whatsapp chat, direct messages on Instagram, and so on. These complaints occur because customers feel
dissatisfied in all aspects of services, products, or others.

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