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General Sri John Kotelawala Defence University

IT2063 Industry Based Software Engineering Group Project

Progress Review - I
Department of Information Technology
Faculty of Computing (Intake 38)
Online Movie Ticket Booking System

Group Details
Group Number Reg. Number Student Name
D/BIT/21/0023 KKVC Devindi

D/BIT/21/0025 WDKS Perera

D/BIT/21/0050 HCT Gamage

D/BIS/21/0011 NACJC Jayasinghe

D/BIS/21/0033 HWM Himaya

Project Details
Project Title Online Movie Ticket Booking System for Southern Province
Supervisor Mrs. Dinoo Gunasekara
Table of Contents
1. CHAPTER 1- INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ iii
1.1 Aim ........................................................................................................................................... iii
1.2 Objectives ................................................................................................................................ iii
2. CHAPTER 2 - LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................... iii
3. CHAPTER 3 - METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................... vi
4. CHAPTER 4 – ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................... vii
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... vii
4.2 Fact Finding Techniques....................................................................................................... vii
4.2.1 Justification Of Fact-Finding Techniques ..................................................................... vii
4.2.2 Data Collection Plans....................................................................................................... vii
4.2.3 Conclusions depend on the gathered facts .................................................................... viii
4.3 Description of Current System .......................................................................................................xi
4.3.1 Narrative ............................................................................................................................ xi
4.3.2 Illustrations supporting narrative ................................................................................... xi
4.3.3 Process flows with Diagrams........................................................................................... xii Use Case Diagram ......................................................................................................... xii Activity Diagram .......................................................................................................... xiii Sequence Diagram ....................................................................................................... xiv Class Diagram ............................................................................................................... xv
4.3.4 Problems and limitations of current system ................................................................. xvi
4.3.5 Scope and constraints ..................................................................................................... xvi
4.4 Requirements Specification for New System .................................................................... xvii
4.4.1 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. xvii
4.4.2 Non-Functional Requirements...................................................................................... xvii
4.4.3 Technical Requirements ................................................................................................ xvii
4.5 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... xviii

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Our proposed online movie ticket booking system is a web application specially
designed to make a better booking experience. Login, navigate, and find out movies
easily for customers.

Customers may view the contents of any movie show at anytime, anywhere and may
book any movie ticket as needed. Moreover, this system helps theatre owners to
promote their theatre as only the famous theatres in the towns have their own websites
to display and book movie tickets. From our website they are helped to promote their
theatres too.

1.1 Aim
Main aim of this project is to develop an online movie ticket booking system, website
for the customer.

1.2 Objectives
• Customers can get to know about movie times and purchase tickets online anytime
from anywhere.

• To display new movie information, trailers, schedules, theater locations and ticket
prices and posters can be viewed by the customers on our web.

• When a customer specifies his city throughout the online booking process, movies in
that city are filtered ,In the next step the customer can choose his preferred theater.

• To increase the profit.

• Customers can view the available seats and book one from available theaters.

• To minimize the number of staff at the ticket box.


(Sarkar and Noel, 2020) has done a project named “A PROJECT ON ONLINE
TICKET BOOKING SYSTEM”. In here the user will be able to book the ticket using
this website. The relationship between company manager, employee, and customer
satisfies a good communication to complete ticketing process. They have designed the
project to provide the user with easy retrieval of data, details of theatre and necessary
feedback as much as possible. In this project, the user is provided with a website that
can be used to book movie tickets online. To implement this as a web application they

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used php as the technology. MySQL was used as back-end database and for front end
they used HTML and CSS.

(Guzman et al., 2017) has researched about the SM Cinemas which is one of the largest
cinema chains in Philippines. SM has applied an online ticketing system in which users
could reserve and buy tickets on their website. This study focuses on the usability of
the SM Cinema website. Nine respondents were chosen to participate in the usability
testing. From the results of the tests conducted, the website is currently satisfactory.
However, the online platform is still lackluster in areas of efficiency, and effectiveness.
Improvements must be made to the website’s layout, learnability, and features, as these
are the most problematic areas for users. In conclusion, one reason why this online
platform is not widely utilized is because Filipino users are encountering too many
problems in the usage of this online reservation platform of SM Cinemas.

(RONALD, 2013)This report describes how ticket booking is done in Uganda National
Theatre, their problem statements and by reviewing the literature on existing online
ticket booking system in order to acquaint with the available body of knowledge in our
area of interest. The report gives a detailed study of the types of electronic payment
systems used as mode of payment. The system study found that the existing system
(manual) was very slow, prone to errors and hard to quickly generate integrated reports
for fast decision-making. This project has developed an online system alternative for
tickets booking. Users can book tickets online which makes the processes easier and

(Karami, 2006)has worked on research named “Factors influencing adoption of online

ticketing”. The results of this research also showed strong support for the importance
of considering the concepts of subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and trust
in adopting the online ticketing system. In general, the result supports that the
subjective norm, and later perceived behavioral control, attitude and trust (respectively)
are the most significant factors that affect online ticketing adoption by inexperienced
users. The results also had implications for marketers of online ticketing systems.

(Kumar.D.G. and Pooja.K.M.B, 2020)have done a study and as per the study
Consumer Predilection is dependent on various demographical factors, hence the
company need to finely tune its strategies to meet requirements of diverse sets. This
research has found six solutions to promote the online movie ticket booking system.

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1. Promotional activities are required to reach the people of age group above 40 years.

2. A simplified Operating mechanism and use of local language in application can

enable even a less literate to use services.

3. Need to expand network in Tier-II cities with inclusion of a greater number of


4. There is a need to reduce internet handling charges to retain existing customers.

5. They should monitor hassle free payment and refund system.

6. Since users seek information from the portal measures need to be taken to check fake
reviews and ratings.

(Roy, Shahdeo and Kaluri, 2020)have worked on a research paper named “A

Comparative Study in Online Movie Ticket Booking System”. In the proposed research
paper, we have sorted out some of the major issues related to online movie management
system. Due to increased traffic server problem and transaction failure are the major
problems with online movie booking system. To sort out these Node JS and Mongo DB
connectivity has been used. Also, there are some more features which have been addend
and are new to movie booking system like mailing the review and trailer of the movie
to the user while they book the ticket and showing the view of screen from different
orientation of screen. For some trustworthy review we have designed our own
questionnaire so that it can give exact view of what is the true review of movie. These
reviews will cross checked by the editorial team and then published on the web site. So
basically, it’s an advanced version of online movie booking system in which few new
features have been added as well as the problems with previous system has been

(Pejakovic, 2006)has done a project and this project examines the booking
requirements of theatres, as well as the type of information required by their managers,
and incorporates some of the desirable features within a Microsoft Access database.
Efforts to streamline otherwise effective procedures should be maintained. Only then
would the system become suitable for a trial real life implementation.

(Siddharth et al., 2021) These researchers have found nowadays, conventional

reservation way of booking movie ticket is becoming more valuable. In this modern
era, technology dominates human life where people prefer simple, fast and secure way

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for each portion of his life. This project is designed to fulfill the necessities of an online
movie ticket booking system. In this project, show booking website is designed which
is time saving for the customer by booking the movie tickets online.

(Rajouria et al., 2015)In this research these researchers have highlighted the following
facts. Nowadays, the traditional book cinema tickets dying methods. This technology
has dominated human life, where is the new era. Cinema manager, employee, and
customer relations to complete the process of ticket satisfied a good communication.
With this platform we developed, we avoid wasting time reduce misunderstandings,
easy data flow, customer happiness, and are expected to provide less difficult task.

The Scrum development method was chosen to develop the proposed system because
our project is large one, so we can divide it into easily manageable sprints and complete
project deliverables quickly and efficiently. The developments are coded and tested
during sprint review. Furthermore, Scrum ensure effective use of time and money.

The proposed system is an online movie ticket booking system. First the admin must
create an account by giving a username, password and all the details of theaters. Then
the user can update my details field by giving his personal details such as his name,
address, telephone number, email, and the schedule of the showing movies with timing
,casting, trailer, available theaters, ticket price etc. The user can change account facilities
if he/she wishes. Moreover, the admin can update, delete, and add movies to the
schedule. Also, he can see the booking details, when the bookings are confirmed, and
when bookings are cancelled.
As for the users, all the users can login to the system and search for the movies, can view
the number of seats and a theater that are available for their desired movie as well.
Then he/she must register to the system. Then the user can confirm his booking
then he can go for the payment process. In there he can choose the payment method as
online transaction. Then the customer will get a confirmation that the booking is success.
Then he can get a report for the booking details.

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4.1 Introduction
Systems analysis is a problem-solving method that involves looking at the wider
system, breaking apart the parts, and figuring out how it works in order to achieve a
particular goal. It serves to determine the system’s performance for a given (known)
structure of this system.

4.2 Fact Finding Techniques

4.2.1 Justification Of Fact-Finding Techniques
The investigation stage or analysis of the current system are other names for the Facts
finding. This thorough investigation was carried out to completely comprehend the
current system and to determine the fundamental information needs. The system analyst
uses the proper fact-gathering approaches to construct and operate the current system.
Although tools cannot be used successfully or efficiently until necessary facts are
collected, collecting the necessary data is critical for using tools in the System
Development Life Cycle. Fact-finding techniques are used in the early phases of the
System Development Life Cycle, such as the system analysis phase, design, and post-
implementation evaluation. Facts in any information system can be checked using the
following three methods: In contrast to the functions used to achieve the aims, the facts
utilized to generate important information are referred to as data, while the designs used
to engage with users are referred to as interface. Common Fact-Finding Techniques are:

• Interview User
• Observation
• Questionaries
• Prototyping
• Document Analysis
• Research
4.2.2 Data Collection Plans
To develop a good System, we need sample of people. According to this Project
Questionnaires are the main Fact-Finding Techniques.

Questionnaires is the most common and, in most cases, the most effective method of
gathering information. Using questionnaires to perform surveys is fantastic way to get
information. Questionnaires are special-purpose papers that enable for the collection of
data from a wide group of individuals while maintaining some control over their replies.

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No other fact-gathering approach can tabulate the same data as quickly when working
with a big group of listeners or audience.

4.2.3 Conclusions depend on the gathered facts

The following questions are asked from the sample of people when gathering

• Name
• What age category do you fall in?
• How often do you go for a movie?
• Would you ever experience an online ticket booking system?
• Rate your experience in manual ticket booking system?
• Do you prefer to use an online ticket booking system?
• What are the problems you've faced when buying tickets?
• Would you prefer a movie ticketing system that allows you to choose the seating
when booking or purchasing the movie tickets?
• Rate the importance of online movie ticket booking system?
• What payment method you prefer most?

We used above questions for Questionnaire. For that we used

Google Forms: Online Form Creator | Google Workspace

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And these are the results of the above questioner.

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4.3 Description of Current System
4.3.1 Narrative
We have identified some problems in the existing manual system. The common way of
booking tickets for the movies is to go there (theater) and buy it. This will consume
time. When the movie ticket booking process is performed manually, it requires more
human effort and costs much.

4.3.2 Illustrations supporting narrative

We can see customers have to wait for get their tickets long in a queue near the film
halls. Also, sometimes they turn back and come because the tickets are not available.
Furthermore, getting tickets with long queues is a hassle for people.

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4.3.3 Process flows with Diagrams Use Case Diagram

Page | xii Activity Diagram

Page | xiii Sequence Diagram

Page | xiv Class Diagram

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4.3.4 Problems and limitations of current system
Following a more thorough examination of the existing manual system, the following
issues were discovered:

• People have difficult to know the correct schedule of the showing movies
including date, time, and ticket price.
• people have to wait and get their tickets in long queues.
• sometimes people turn back and come because the tickets are not available.
• There is no system in place to maintain employee information.
• Payment preparation took longer than expected.
• This will consume time.
• There is no option for data backup.
• When the movie ticket booking process is performed manually, it requires more
human effort and costs much.

4.3.5 Scope and constraints

This software system will be a Movie Ticket Booking System. We call our website
‘Cineflicks’ This system will be designed to maximize the easiness of the customers to
book tickets, which would otherwise, must be booked by standing in long queues at the
theaters. More specifically, this system is designed to allow a customer to book and
cancel his tickets at any time of the day. This software will inform the customer by
sending an E-mail, confirming his booking/canceling of his tickets. Preformatted reply
forms are used in every stage of the tickets’ booked/cancelled progress through the
system to provide a uniform review process. The system also contains a relational
database containing a list of Movies, Timings, Seats, Prices, and Bookings.

This web application allows theater owners and customers to submit details about their
establishment. This knowledge will serve as the foundation for the customer’s search
results. The web application is often used by super administrator to manage the system
and keep the data up to date. For example, the super administrator may accept theater
owners’ details and manage customer details.

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4.4 Requirements Specification for New System
4.4.1 Functional Requirements
• Any user can search for movies and can view the content and the details of movies.

• When a customer selects his city during the online booking procedure, movies in
that city are filtered. The customer can then select his desired theater in the next

• Customer should be registered and then only he can book tickets; an unregistered
user cannot book tickets. The first step in booking tickets for anyone is to register
in the system.

• Changes to cart-After login user can change or cancel the booking.

• Payment-The customer will view his receipt according to the number of tickets he
booked and the type of the seats.

• Generate report- This report will show the user details, Movie name he booked, seat

• Admin has the access to add or remove movies and relevant details(available
theaters, trailers etc.) and to view user details as well

4.4.2 Non-Functional Requirements

• User friendliness
• Security
Only authenticated administrators will have access to the system's backend servers.
• The database backup, which is constantly maintained and updated to reflect the most
recent changes, is the system's major pillar of reliability.
• Accessibility
Every user should have access to the system easily but when it comes to the booking they
have to register first.
• The product shall be based on web and has to be run from a web.

4.4.3 Technical Requirements

• Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

• Back- end: PHP, Java

• Database: MySQL

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• Operating system - Windows 10

• Coding - Visual Studio Code

4.5 Conclusion
The Analysis Phase is where the project lifecycle begins. The Analysis Phase is where
you break down the deliverables in the high-level Project Charter into the more detailed
requirements. The Analysis Phase is also the part of the project where you identify the
overall direction that the project will take through the creation of the project strategy
documents. Gathering requirements is the main attraction of the Analysis Phase. The
process of gathering requirements is usually more than simply asking the users what
they need and writing their answers down. Depending on the complexity of the
application, the process for gathering requirements has a clearly defined process of its
own. This process consists of a group of repeatable processes that utilize certain
techniques to capture, document, communicate, and manage requirements.

The analysis phase is our opportunity to dig into the details of your project so we can
begin designing the right solution. The primary objectives of this phase are Reducing
risk by increasing our understanding of the project goals, users, processes, and
features, and determining the right technology for solving the problem,
Prioritizing what to develop so we deliver the highest value features first,
Validating the chosen technology and/or architecture, Confirming the expected
investment and timeline so you know what to expect.

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