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EN. pHXsnes | met) Ee eee eee 34] particle Physieg . — 7 UF elementary — paritces _are_those_panifeles_eahos 2 Tntenal_ KRECENNS TRENDS ioe | aamasl| __—| Structures are unknown._Le Pions, quarts and medfator _— paticles_are_condidend as dho ¢ lementary_pardicles. _ Fi, Particles cand Andipzvetfelegs- 7 J| PA paniicle Te said do_be aniipanticle af a paniide | 5¢_ chat hag equal_mass_and magnitude ef electric har$e', but nertund of Charge fo opposite. | Some cramples_of ifcle—ankipantile pact. _)| €lecton znd pasitron:+ —ithey having equal mass__cand_equal_magnfiude of hen | van_etectton _c: charge (ie, 1.64 107! c). [nl emloines with ~ | postion istheycliappean.o pis proton and znffproton:- LA q L_Andfprton__ ¥_the nansipaanile a a Ile: [Neutron _zind antineutronss HV) ui Andfoeudmn"is_cthe _vantfpantiele co? neutron, Neudron vas andineusron rave zero electe — Chaese Neutrino__-and_-anif-neutfno So Paull purposed, fo_s031,dhat Pdecay Fo always accom parted ley anodaon. Particle _t4 simost Zero rot mass rand __zero~ charge, Called newttind. Antfeutrihe fe the, cantipar ttle of neutrino. EE (Fe) SS a 2, ee tar oe atte mand __zantfimathen fproton, aniston) } | Andfelements (2,_posioo- nti atten -———— aac HTespandtie tof forma_—2 mfpanlele lag oy) a | Annthtlasfons= SR te tonnes He rcs rt boll Whena partic i pnd tae Tndn__0neib ee __prncess_of—Convenigg~ “Italy. commented 4 Log Y= “ay. Leometin 22 | i foie -ontebs— aed ntatbe a qd Cee eo ee ee I i yh u is ~pleeen position auntbitan. | a —S Cy en a, Ea pati ‘productfon: a Ss — antenact wtth the mnatta whe [__ta tn 39 on Ya1ay NAY dhe nucleus. ‘hana. pa — decker =pasteen pail sravesng nenor—from Hod, wetay or Jory — passes _dtvough ho_nuclear. Af, (ave % -ve) appears‘ tr place of of entiby-Tt_tnnn— poten «The: maheaaltzatfon. prvcers.— fe pale: predictions — Pa ae Rotation ofan oojeck Along fs axfs fs ated eq, [Tt Ts quite differnt than claS6ical_— physica “in_sthe content Clomentary. panties. a lef Hf x pane ; *Dosind 7 POP Eee STs : Abs Spin of. Jes Fal Sen giB_Spfo. of panda 7 BF an abi pin, paraicle reverse. their _dfrection th 27 rotadfon _____| C-e_upgide_curns clown) and afte, another 27% rotation, Gme_ | te heir _onfgfnal___posfifon. ok, duth_pasticles Can _reCouer. | thot _ent original PasPfon_ after 4a ‘kaon. Peomfons_ant. half | ff particles. ote pte bail Ty the pavales hawing, re 5 ecole.” tHat_orfgFral_ _/posPion__‘aafter 2x _xvtaton «Bosons ave Friesen spin panicles vs Classification _of Et lomentany particles: | [Te ne __| FL Stecton(e). if oy eerie : | Bem neuitivole wal) _| a / | Of muon) If _Anwon_newbtne Ya)_| ——!__ ———-— ‘eumrons:- _ ——————-—_—_ ee . ~ | tho Clamentany, pavricies with half-TreBen_Sping ———| Called _Pesritons.”Halp Aniesien. Can be Hat_Odd. mmuyeg, aE aas yo ns & 4 uania Lelong ; — this sfamfy.” ‘hts — panies obey. pau Extlution Prine, ~ [loptongi= DN Lighter — etementwny,_pansicles are Zncoxporatea in Akg —_f las. cthone po. Six_Leplons.————— Some_Smportant ofarmnstt e-lepreo’s mare tabulated belew. ~ — panes Fat Muon Faun, + ¢eneudrino M=neudino fs > Te neudino. tls > — Quarks:- ee Buarks_zte_Qlomentary. panicles tvhich ave cbofundamontal. Condiues_ DAN. thoy forions. chy Cornet fm Caspste_ past _|| Clea Called hadrons. shot _dosciptfon af quarks mde tabulated belear. [Tipe of quanes Pr Spmbor FF Chaee [Baryon od. - | Antiques | Ue fou | te | * | ye f_Soum ft td fe tf [Cham | cf a%e | eo f - Stange | 3 =e Yo s Top ft te Ly t — Bodom | : Lb [=se ¥ Ma f b (Fe Si Basons: : - ei ahe_elemaniany panteies wih 200 or Tltbed_SfinlO tad vane,_basons. Grauge Lesong and _Mig.8s basons are_onam— on Hfles—e—boasons. thay do not_obey pault Exclusion piace. ~~) Hadrons:- : - “| Hadrons_are_Stongly otenacting haay Compase pause Shey ove_Compased of — uarks wth ne re bas — Isf-—4uo0_ ven ea for ath Hatyon— D/ protons _¢p=uud) 1S") = te Total _Chaege, B= tee + Fe- ges te— en _ Also, Baryon number, 6 zt ptget ailany, Antiproton Contains, Pod : 5 Neudron:- (n= _udd) medi peeky aloe Total. Change, B2 ee se- se = 0 —[ piigo,@anyon number, G2 fake ed bon —nu Hat 3 Bi Sti Lay Antineuton, No Udd. |___Baryon 8~combtnation Charge | F uud re | n _udd, ° BK uds ° it wus +e P 2° uds ° | a 2 dds -e ford uss © ie. diss ne oe see ne __3 Generations of Quarks and labtons:- [EL Crenexation s~ of rea iter |~ Type _ Feet Second thing |” Auares j ir |__Up-tupe vp lw) Charmlo toplt) | [| down-type = [+ down ed) shargeco | botlom ts) | Lobtones Pee Se 7 vee : —__|__Chorged “| etochon Ley tMuon( 44) demu) | _neittra election neutrtredYe)| Pon newfnel Ya) Ht neutrino (Vc) 1 Fa. 0ua vision 2nd bey. ond t ei_unk¥nousn. Pang Congse ~ Aare Colied diye ~ —— |_Vison. the eof untuase —ts—$ ——_ Auents of universe are fauisible—an || mation andar oneny ny ch ———fthae_branch of — (ents fog ane ovate, evolution natu af oo Called Cosmology. —— _ TY Eta BIS- Bandy _ rer) ory Of ted. dany faba mod utdelycaceepted rnd ——| popular. h_xplafns not poly dt oribt®. all —_ aan mathe ake laws of phages andthe. [Rage —_ ene cutive. dea urueiteacH-alse2.ceoukt fart. Qxpansfon bf _uvfiversa ad tad range of —— { phenomena: HY) Red Shirt v3] Acrordtng in.» Doppler. affect, dathe. %5_zappenent change _ fn__wavelonfth__e4- waves emitted by. Source when ff motian ~ with respert of Observer. stho wave-_ longa fe frevenged ef the Source fo_rnoving, away _ m.__oboerver and 2s decreased tf Source % moving _ __|Feouvards olagorvern. ofthe dim moving dowards dhe earth tavle - [ight emithed by. gta will be clecremse — | Bnd_ M's Colour _ shifted donkey Visthie__Spectnwm formed Inf. Such _pyncess fe Glled — an Shift. _ a S, the Sinn, “fn tho_ Salary ID OVO za 0. Cobin rand _covelanfith _@}. Light emitted cre - | aT ; ——= ll Anetehses cand hifi « doande _1ed_and Sith —_ a_Vissilt _Spechum ctowsaed dad end %s_Called red Shige TL us const a 7 lax: fe Tih a Wie ty! Sala ‘Y— Moving nay. dio Us. v ded Shift (z= 6 AG here C\s_velocBy. of It5ht_fx_Vaceum « af2 be the sale _tenjth eb ernttied vadiation by 4] Bhat Radda loo dhe. oecenied save lennon ante gy aod _ shit (zs a ay Krom ead) & ci Vie Ando Oy Vv AA [oraarders] c A CA - [Ax= V2\_ a e a Ss ab = te] Rod Shift Shows that Salary ave moving away Hubble's Laure | drom us: This _Oves ise the dhomy a urfivese 9 dxganding, che ‘velodPy woth tobith — Balary moves | saway Arom use _prnpsrfondl cto hor dgBonce from“ eouh thes Law fs _Siven yy Hubby tence H frie known RA tyubbtes Las. fo - According to Hublels law the spetd With which _atayy —ynoves away from ue ft clive Cely. -propartional_do_f5 __clfehanee —_from Loidhs fn | eee ee tere eee teat j we, Sa oe J | 4j\ (Sf vba Ms gud ih with 2 wry oot *n i fron us and Xo be toon %% PPM Fam! | Ca4h, Shon, H yan i Sy ye Woh ah Tuas, He te Huile’s Genfont «2° yaive D3, j conte 0, Yuyples es Game Sj bse dine and # ve Net age yO bo Fa poss tp! wee wu mercer unvese 44 : 5 ee us With velouyp hin, Oy Hobe Tawa Ve eR pral- ae) I xf untvese %- “onpecbing ho a Bie : Aintn,__R 2 VENGE OY Ss Fin 24002) VE ee - _ — i ar de ase? ¥ yeas _ Hublde"s Consort trot | pence, redpntal.of | 6} universe. ate | aL Page| Bl | Size of unitvor ses = pain bene une $s 2 mnd_ Speed of sgh speed Af _Light than, by tbbies —_ | Law, = Ho Camo C= Hep “| a “| — Rate R= 6000 Mega ‘pa. Gees (mpc) _ = boon x10% pc =Gooox sox 3.0 Light. year —] ; 7 J mpc = 10f pe “) dpe > 9.2 tht Year | A _OMCol__ongty s- lol the density. of _urfiver¢e whith determine the expanding nate of urfiverca 4 Caled _ev'ital ancy. T+ 1s dansred_loy &. Let us Congider the uvfivast aya Sphovital. Volume ef radius sand assy sf ‘ml be dhe ynass ef radi —f}- ert Hubbes taus,__filso, Ui) Sn ear) nee = He e i a 2 Ge 4 3 |B MNS oameve-—-b _ Ralany cand'y’ be B's 7 | B6Cape_yetecity— “dhe fiom the urfiverse han BS — DyavFlatfonal. pe. should be equal do ke, Hoe ~~~ ¢h) me bar == as is gives Value of crAfal a ( ss 2 Het] © - ee J Sez “SR | dinsty, te Se0* nds = eS [4 “ep llc abou axy oitcal dans ot et —}-2fviscine a — oiwase nas, putadine ona Aotst Arty Hd 9 __|radtasfon the Sautestble i ft unase_ sels | does not_embt- zany. bend _of roaiation %& Called __ Hho fyuitle dorm of eneany wich dan be Sourte- a re nulte —ferece. causing Alo exparsin_ef- det urivaye > — ete mcoslerane %e_Known as Aaah ena ——__* FH_@lack Hole! __ 2 2_a_aphoaftal_non- rofaing body _twidh_ mae Pb edhing not even Light_Can esta [radius Leys than Ry ned “| From the Guero of the body,uch_leoty fs Giled Bick a ee = es] _Chravitadipnal_waves >| (7k ——> General theory. of Pelativy #}_Albat Eindein. Some —propensies of gyavadional onves mares | invisible : : : _ aeenee )| Speoel_fs equal 4o_Speee of (she. : ee Obey. the inverse Square. Jaw. : These touid _txts__Sr_any freq une, frequenty- waves \ueuld “toe tmpessible to Artec __ \ howeve

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