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Year 7 PHE Study Guide for Semester 1 Exam

You will need to be familiar with the following:

Benefits of Physical Activity (refer to your text Chapter 3)

Effect of physical activity on health and wellbeing

Incidental and structured physical activity

The 4 Domains of Physical Activity

The 5 dimensions of Health, eg. Mental (cognitive), emotional, social, physical and spiritual

Influences on why people do varying degrees of physical activity

Preventative health practices and reasons to engage in regular physical activity

Healthy Eating Issues (refer to your text Chapter 2)

Food groups

How diet is related to nutrition

General knowledge about how our bodies use various nutrients, eg. Carbohydrates, Fats, Protein,
Vitamins, Minerals, Fibre, Water

Australian Guide to Healthy Eating recommendations, eg. Servings, types of food intake

Measure of dietary energy

Factors which could influence an individual’s dietary choices

Reason to maintain a healthy diet

Cast study examples of healthy living, related to energy intake and expenditure, the FITT principle,
guidelines, dimensions of health etc. (Expansion of your knowledge)

Community awareness and planning for an active and healthy environment

The Examination includes:

20 Multiple Choice questions, 9 Short Answer Questions and Part C Extended Response has
(2) options, of which you must CHOOSE only ONE option to respond to.
Good luck! Study well….

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