DMGT501 9

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Student Registration Number

Course Code: DMGT501

Course Title: Operations Management
Time Allowed: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
1. This paper contains 10 questions divided in two parts on 1 page.
2. Part A is compulsory.
3. In Part B (Questions 2 to 10), attempt any 6 questions out of 9. Attempt all parts of the selected
4. The marks assigned to each question are shown at the end of each question in square brackets.
5. Answer all questions in serial order.
6. The student is required to attempt the question paper in English medium only.

Q1. Write answers to the following questions:
a. What are the functions of Production Management?
b. What do you understand by mass customization?
c. Define capacity. How do we measure it?
d. What is a fixed position layout?
e. What is the need for a location decision?
f. What is Kaizen?
g. What is EOQ?
h. What do you understand by SCM?
i. Explain any two points of difference between centralized purchasing and decentralized
j. What is JIT? (10x2=20)

Q2. What is production management? How is it related to other management functions? (10 Marks)

Q3. A. Explain various phases of product life cycle.

B. What do you understand by modular design and DFM? (10 Marks)

Q4. What are the types of facility layout? How is it important for enhancing productivity? (10 Marks)

Q5.The governing principle is that a location of plant should be fixed in such a manner that people interested
in its success can sell goods most profitably and manufacture them with least expenses. Explain how this
objective can be achieved? (10 Marks)

Q6 “The basis for decisions on outsourcing or vertical integration is knowledge of the true cost of
manufacturing goods internally against the cost of acquiring these goods from suppliers". Discuss.
(10 Marks)

Q7. What do you understand by Quality Assurance and how is it achieved? (10 Marks)

Q8. What do you understand by inventory Management and what are the tools used for the same?
(10 Marks)
Q9. What are the elements of
a. JIT b. SCM (5x2=10)
Q10. What is purchase function and what issues should be kept in mind for enhancing its efficiency?
(10 Marks)

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