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Nanda Lal Tripathee

Kumar Bahadur Rai

Sangam Books Publication Pvt. Ltd.

Kathmandu, Nepal
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Sangam Books Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Kalanki, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: 01-4281122

Nanda Lal Tripathee

Kumar Bahadur Rai

First Edition 2008

Second Edition 2009
Third Edition 2013 (Revised and Updated)
Fourth Edition 2014 (Revised and Updated)
Fifth Edition 2016 (Reprint)
Sixth Edition 2018 (Revised and Updated)
Seventh Edition 2021

ISBN: 978-9937-762-00-7
Rs: 383.00

©All rights reserved with the publisher

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kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|af6 :jLs[t
This book, Sangam’s Science and Technology for Today and Tomorrow, Book 6, a
part of the series of Sangam “Science for Today and Tomorrow”, has especially been
designed and prepared to meet the needs of the school children studying in Grade
Six. It is based on the syllabus of Science and Technology prescribed by CDC, Nepal.
No doubt, the concepts have been presented in conformity with the latest methods of
teaching science. Lessons are well-sequenced and activity-based with an emphasis on
Science and Technology Literacy (STL). Learning outcomes listed at the beginning of
the lesson enable the learners to judge the scope of each lesson. Each lesson contains
suitable illustrations with a considerable number of diagrams that enable students
to grasp the concepts easily. Simple experiments are given with examples related to
students’ daily experiences. Definitions, laws and important facts have been coloured
to highlight them. Lessons have been summarized through the concept maps that
help in quick review of concepts. Introduction of concept maps helps students to
revise the whole unit in a logical way. Diverse exercises have been given to provoke
different cognitive levels. Project given in each lesson helps students to apply their
skills to research and to develop their ability in teamwork. Questions under “Think
and answer” provide the advanced concepts related to the topic to widen the horizon
of knowledge. The new words given in each unit define the scientific jargons of each
lesson and help to increase the vocabulary of science.
Thanks are due to Sangam Books Publication Pvt. Ltd. for bringing out this book in an
attractive layout. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Mr. Kumar Bahadur Rai
for his contribution to making the series flawless. Valuable suggestions given by the
science teachers, teacher-trainers and the concerned individuals are highly appreciated
and I assure that the suggestions would be incorporated in the forthcoming edition.
I also wish to take this opportunity to thank all those who provided me with valuable
support and advice.
I always appreciate the valuable suggestions and comments from the teachers, the
students and the readers of this book for further improvement. The author of this
series could be reached at

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Units Topics Page

1. Scientific Learning 1-24

What is Science? 2
Measurement and Unit 7
2. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 25-64
Technology 26
Use of Smart Phone and Computer in Our Daily Life 38
3. Organisms and Their Structure 65-101
4. Biodiversity and Environment 102-122
Environment 103
Ecology and Ecosystem 114
5. Life Process 123-134
6. Force and Motion 135-151
Rest and Motion 136
7. Energy in Daily Life 152-184
Energy 153
Heat 163
Light 168
Sound 178
8. Electricity and Magnetism 185-199
9. Matter 200-214
Mixture 201
Solution 203
10. Materials used in Daily Life 215-231
Some Useful Chemicals 216
Metals and Non-metals 224
11. Earth and Space 232-254
Soil 233
Earth 241
Solar System 247

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