Eng Dialog Revised

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Leader : Maguita as HRD 1

Monic as a job applicant
Vincent as Monica’s father
Joceline as Monica's mother
Geraldy as Monica and Michelle’s friend also an employee at PT Allstar
Michelle as Ceo of PT allstar
Steven as HRD 2

Scene 1 (Monica’s house)

Joceline : “Honey, we need to talk”

Vincent : “Yes, is there something wrong?”

Joceline : “It’s about monic, she wants to continue her study.”

Vincent : “What?! Is that true?!”

Joceline : “Yes, this morning she told me that she wanted to continue her studies at
Cambridge University”

Vincent : “ Really? Cambridge university is very far and also expensive. We need to discuss
this with monic.

Joceline : “ Wait, let me call monic.”

Joceline : “Mon... please come here, we need to talk."

Monica : “Yes mum, wait a minute"

(monica shouting from her room)

Monica : “What is it, mum?"

Vincent : “Monica, is it true that you want to continue your study at Cambridge University?"

Monica : “it's true dad. I've been wanting to study there for a long time."

Vincent : “To be honest, both of us can't afford to pay for your tuition at Cambridge
university but if you really want to, you have to work and collect the money for yourself."

Monica : “It's okay, I will think about it. Actually, I've been looking for a job lately."

Joceline: “ Well if you want, we both can only support you"

Vincent : “Both of us will wish the best for you. Good luck."

Scene 2 (at Monic’s house and Geraldy’s Office, through a call)

Monic : ”Hi Geraldy, What are you doing? Are you busy?"

Geraldy : ”Hi monic, I'm fine what's up?"

Monic : ” I need your advice, about my study."

Geraldy : “sure, why not? What happened ? Don't you want to study at Cambridge?

Monic : ”Yeah. It's true but I think my parent disagree with my decision."

Geraldy : “why is that?"

Monic : “it's because my parents have a financial problem and they ask me to find a job and
solve my own problem."

Geraldy : "Oh.. you're looking for a job? My workplace requires an accountant, so I can
recommend you to my boss. I'm actually close with her."

Monic : “hah?! Really? that would be very helpful."

Geraldy : “Alright then. I'm going back to work. I'll see you soon mon! bye!"

Monic : “ Ok. Thank you so much geraldy. See you soon,"

Scene 3 (at Geraldy's Office)

Geraldy : “Hey Michelle, does our company still need an accountant?”

Michelle : “i think we still do, whats up?”

Geraldy : “ I have a recommendation, she's a fresh graduate”

Michelle : “ Really? then let’s do an interview night away, can you describe her?

Geraldy : “ Uh, when she was at college, she had many achievements and she is very diligent

Michelle : “ Wow nice, okay just schedule an interview.”

Geraldy : “ okay then, I'll tell her later”

Michelle : “Alright. oh what university did she graduated from?

Geraldy : “She graduated from Binus University, but she said she wanted to continue her
study “

Michelle : “Oh really? Where does she want to continue?”

Geraldy : “She plans to continue at Cambridge University.”

Michelle : “That’s awesome, oh I'll talk to the HRDs first and schedule an interview.”

Geraldy : “ That's great. Thanks, Michelle!”

Scene 4 (at the corridors)

Michelle : “Hey Gita, come here for a second. I want to schedule an interview.”

Gita : “yeah sure, what day do you want, and what time is it ?”

Michelle : “On Friday at 3 p.m. For one person only”

Gita : “ okay, okay, I’ll ask Steven to go with me”

Michelle : “alright! Please take care of it”

*Steven passes by*

Gita : “ Hey steven, are you free on Friday at 3 P.M? we have an interview “

Steven: “Okay, just tell the detail later, I’m free”

Scene 5 (the interview)

Gita: Please come in and take a seat

Monic: Thank You Ma'am

Gita: Good Morning. My name is Maguita from the Human Resource Division and this is my
partner Steven
Steven: Hello, nice to meet you! Thank you for coming to our office. What's your name?

Monic: Hello sir. I'm Monica Wibowo

Steven: Would you like a cup of coffee or something to drink before we begin?

Monic: No, thank you. I'm fine

Steven: Okay, let's get started, shall we. Please tell me about yourself

Monic: I'm Monica Wibowo. I come from Jakarta, but now I'm living here in Bandung. I'm a
fresh graduate from Binus University, graduated in Accounting studies.

Steven: What are your greatest Strengths?

Monic: I would say I'm an optimistic person. I always view things about life and career
positively. People around me also said that I'm friendly and diligent, easy to socialize.

Steven: What aspect of yourself do you consider to be your weaknesses?

Monic: Sometimes I feel that I speak too fast. That is why I'm learning to control my pitch,
tone, and speed.also have problems dealing with my anger issues sometimes

Steven: I see. What are your interests?

Monic: Photography always piqued my interest. When in college. I joined the photography
team. I love to take photos, whether it’s people, scenery, etc, Photography helps me to be
more patient, such as when capturing the right angle.

Steven: Interesting. What motivates you?

Monic: I'm driven by my desire to learn new things, whether big or small.as well as
overcoming new challenges in order to be a better person.

Steven: Alright, that's all the questions from me. My partner Maguita will now take over.

Gita: Thank you. Steven. Now tell me how did you hear about this job?

Monic: A friend of mine who is working in this company passed me this working
opportunity, saying that you're looking for an accountant position.

Gita: Why do you want this job?

Monic: This job is a good fit for me to start my career. I want a job where I can do what I
enjoy while also allowing me to use my creativity and skills in accounting.

Gita: Why should we hire you?

Monic: I'm glad you asked. Since I am a new fresh graduate, I know that I lack career
experience. However, the qualifications I offered cannot be measured watch on traditional
experience. I am one of the top graduates from my university. scoring a near-perfect GPA.
And after managing a full course load at the university's admissions office, I learned how to
multitask and think quickly I believe the ability to think critically and quickly is a significant
component of success for your company.

Gita: If you have to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be?

Monic: That's an interesting question. I would describe myself as a monkey. It's no secret that
monkeys are intelligent and great problem solvers, able to adapt quickly.

Gita: When can you start?

Monic: I am excited about this opportunity, so I will start as soon as I'm accepted and hired

Gita: Do you have any questions for us?

Monic: No, thanks. I think I've got a good understanding of the requirements.

Gita: Alright, the interview is concluded. it is nice to meet you. Thank you for the

Steven: Yes, I can tell that you are a good candidate. Expect to hear the results from us in a

Monica: It's also nice to meet you all too. Thank you for your time

Steven: Thanks for coming. You may leave the room.

Scene 6

* Steven and Gita were sitting together drinking, with their works *

Michelle: Hello guys, how's the interview going?

Gita: Hello, it went well. I think she's a great candidate. She is qualified indeed.
Michelle: That's great. So what did you two decide?

Steven: After some discussions between us, we decided to accept her. We believe she would
be a great asset to the company.

Gita: We're planning to send her the acceptance letter soon.

Michelle: That's nice to hear. We should give her a surprise welcome on her first day

Scene 7 (Monica’s house)

*Monica is in her room, playing with her phone. Suddenly an email popped up*
Monica : Huh, there’s an email ? Seems important. I hope it’s the acceptance letter
*reads the email thoroughly*
Monica : YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH ! I GOT ACCEPTED !!! I can’t believe I did it. I should
tell mum and dad !
*Monica goes downstairs*
Monica : Mum, Dad, come take a look at this.
Joceline : What’s wrong Monic?
Monica : Look, I finally got accepted at a company. I finally got a job.
Joceline : That’s amazing! You finally learned to solve your problem.
Vincent : That’s my girl. How much are the wages?
Monica : They offered me 4 million.
Vincent : I see. I’m so proud. You can finally make money on your own.
Joceline : Me too. I hope you can work hard and chase your Cambridge dreams.
Vincent : I think we should celebrate this.
Joceline : I agree, a moment like this don’t come every day
Monica : You don’t really have to. It’s nothing much.
Vincent : No, actually we should go out for dinner. We celebrate this together.
Joceline : That’s a great idea. I know a great restaurant.
Monica : Thank you, Mum, Dad !. (hugs )

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