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Running head: Creative Learning Plan # 2- Language and Literacy 1

Creative Learning Plan # 2

Language Arts, Literacy and Literature

Khadijah A. Alexander

Antelope Valley College

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Creative Learning Plan # 2 2

Creative Learning Plan # 2

Language Arts, Literacy and Literature

1. Description
Activity Name and Topic:
Language Arts, Literacy and Literature- How are you feeling?
Overview and Summary:
This plan will give children the opportunity to learn and sing along to songs in order to develop a
strong sense of knowing how to interpret other individuals emotions as well as their own.
The most appropriate age group for this activity is ages 2 through 3. The number of children
present is 1, this activity took place in the comfort of my own home on November 10th, 2017.
I chose to offer this experience because it allows the children to express themselves, enhancing
observation skills which can be useful for self-reflection and inquiry. This activity encourages
and promotes divergent thinking because it allows children to understand the importance of
emotions and how to fully express themselves appropriately.
2. Learning Objectives
Developmental Domains: The growth areas that will be supported in this plan are as follows:
Social- This plan helps in the child’s social development because they are able to learn how to
express themselves when they are either happy, upset, etc or being able to empathize and
sympathize with another individual’s emotional experience.

Emotional- As children develop, the things that provoke their emotional responses change, as
well as the strategies they use to manage them. Their emotions are also increasingly influenced
by their thinking. This plan helps in a way that they become more aware of their own feelings
and better able to recognise and understand other people's.

Physical- While children are learning the songs they are also learning the dance moves
associated with each song being sung, as well as doing the activities for one or both songs
mastering the development of both fine and gross motor skills.

Cognitive- This plan will help children's skills in realizing that inner emotional state do not need
to correspond with their outer expression, both in themselves and in others, and at more mature
levels the ability to understand that one’s emotional-expressive behavior may impact on another
and take this into account in one’s self-presentation strategies.

Content/ Curriculum Areas:

The following skills that will be integrated in this plan are math and music and movement. The
reason why I chose these two is because when it comes to math children can count and
categorize the different ways they can express themselves. When playing the songs “If you're
happy and you know it” and “Feelings” music and movement is involved in the sense that they
are moving and dancing along to the songs being sung.


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Creative Learning Plan # 2 3

1. Children will be able to create and construct at least 3 different feelings and emotion
faces while building a vocabulary of words for naming feelings.
2. Children will be able to have the ability to read other people’s emotions develop the
ability to identify and express one’s own feelings or emotions.

3. Procedures
During circle time I will explain and introduce emotion concepts during story time or activity
time, using pictures and facial expressions to help children better understand the connection
between feelings and self-expression. Help your preschooler put feeling words into context when
he is experiencing a heightened emotional moment. For example, you might say, "You are really
excited about that puppy," or "You feel frustrated with this puzzle right now."

Materials, Supplies, Equipment, Space, Organization:

● Craft Sticks
● Markers
● Scissors
● Glue Sticks
● Foam Sheets

1. On a piece of foam sheet cut out several circles in different colors
2. Draw the different emotions on different sheets of foam
3. Write each emotion on the back
4. Draw the emotions on the front of foam sheet ( Happy, sad, angry, etc)
5. Cut out people with blank faces to allow stick on’s
Holding up the first emotion stick, say the word and do the action and have everyone chorus the
word and copy your gesture. Do the same for all the flashcards and stick them on the board in the
order of the song, in a line across the board. Once all the cards are on the board, point to any
stick and say "What’s this?". Finally, ask individual students what different cards are. On the
board draw a large circle. Then draw two eyes, ears, nose and a smiley mouth. Do the same
facial gesture and say "I’m happy! Happy, happy, happy". Getting everyone to chorus "happy"
and do the facial expression. Then erase the mouth and draw a sad mouth (and maybe a tear
under one eye) and teach "sad". Doing the same for the rest of the vocab.

Differentiated Instruction: I can help children with physical disabilities be successful in this
project by:
1. For children who cannot hear write down the emotions on the back of the stick pops

This plan was very successful, Child was able to learn the vocabulary for the assignment as well
as identify which emotions were which when creating their own emotions.

When it comes to tweaking or fixing this a plan I would say there’s not much I would change

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Creative Learning Plan # 2 4

other than to make sure there’s not as much distractions while teaching this activity.

5. Documentation
Samples: Attached

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