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Arlo Tealeaf

Halfling Cleric Of Tymora Level 3 (Luckbringer specialty priest from Faiths & Pantheons)

Str 10 Dex 16 Con 15 Int 14 Wis 16 Cha 7

Alignment: Chaotic Good

HP: 19

Armor Class: 8 (5 in Studded Leather, 3 in Chainmail)

THAC0: 20 (18 with sling)

Weapon Proficiencies: Sling, Club

Languages: Common, Halfling

Non Weapon Proficiencies: Gaming (bonus, Cha), Healing (Wis-2), Religion (Wis),
Swimming (Str), Riding (Wis+1), Cooking (Int), Animal Handling (Wis-1), Animal Training
(Wis), Musical Instrument (Dex-1)

Secondary Skill: Scribe

Saving Throws: PPDM 10, RSW 10, PP 13, BW 16, S 11

Spells per day/level: 4/3

Major Access: All, Chaos, Charm, Creation, Divination, Healing, Necromantic, Protection,
Summoning, Travelers

Minor Access: Guardian, Sun, Wards, Weather

Favourite Spells:

1st level: Cure Light Wounds, Know Direction, Weighty Chest, Detect Evil, Detect Snares &
Pits, Invisibility to Undead, Light, Protection From Evil

2nd level: Favor Of Tymora, Dissension's Feast, Zone Of Truth, Find Traps, Hold Person,
Silence 15’ Radius, Speak With Animals

Spells Memorized:

Other abilities:

▪Turn Undead

▪Luckbringer: 1/day raise one roll by 1 before rolling

▪Cast Moment: 1/day

▪+4 to Saving Throws vs Poison (Δεν έχει υπολογιστεί παραπάνω)

▪-1 to weapon speed factors

▪If in non metal armor, alone or with elves and away at least 90’ from others -> -4 or -2 to
enemy surprise roll

Equipment: holy symbol of Tymora, trained Pony, backpack, blanket, small tent, large chest,
large sack, studded leather armor, chainmail armor, club, sling, slingstone (x30), belt, belt
pouch, pipe, banjo, pot, cooking equipment & utensils, dry rations (7 days), flint & steel,
torch (x3), bandages

Background: Arlo Tealeaf, ο “Τυχερός Chef”, περιπλανώμενος γευσιγνώστης και μάγειρας

(αλλά και βιρτουόζος στο banjo), ξεκίνησε από την κοσμοπολίτικη Waterdeep του μακρινού
Βορρά και διασχίζει ολόκληρο το Sword Coast πάνω στο εκπαιδευμένο pony του
προσπαθώντας να διαδώσει τις αρετές της Θεάς Τύχης Tymora. Δεν είναι ο τύπος που θα
μαγνητίσει τα πλήθη με πομπώδεις λόγους (είναι αρκετά ντροπαλός και εξαιρετικά
ανέμελος σε σημείο που μπορεί να ενοχλήσει τους γύρω του) αλλά αφήνει τις πράξεις του
να μιλήσουν για το μεγαλείο της Θεάς. Είναι τρομερός στο σημάδι με τη σφεντόνα του και
κουβαλάει απλά ένα ρόπαλο για μάχη σώμα με σώμα γιατί “ό,τι κι αν συμβεί, πάντα θα
βρίσκεται ένα μικρό κούτσουρο κόντα μου, ακόμα κι από τύχη, αυτό είναι άλλωστε το
μεγαλείο της Θεάς! Άρα, θα είμαι πάντα έτοιμος!”
New Spells:

Favor of Tymora (Abjuration)

Sphere: Protection

Range: Touch

Components: V, S

Duration: Special

Casting Time: 5

Area of Effect: One living creature

Saving Throw: None

This spell (also known as “Tymora’s Smile”) confers a protection upon a

single living recipient creature that cannot be ended by dispel magic or other

magical effects. It lasts until the death of the recipient creature or until its

power is exhausted by use.

A priest of Tymora must physically touch the spell recipient with a bare

hand to cast this spell, requiring a successful attack roll if the recipient is in

battle or unwilling. The favor of Tymora confers bonuses upon the saving

throws of the recipient it affects. The first saving throw made by the recipi-

ent after the spell is successfully cast is made at a +4 bonus, even if it takes

place later in the same round as the spell took effect. The second saving

throw after the spell takes effect is at a +3 bonus, the next at a +2 bonus,

and the following one at a +1 bonus. After the four enhanced saving throws

occur, the magic is exhausted.

Tymora does not allow her favor to be granted to the same creature more

than once in any day unless there are exceptional circumstances, such as a

character championing Tymora’s cause in open battle. Any attempt to cast

Tymora’s favor more than once a day on a nonworshiper of Tymora auto-

matically fails.

Creatures faithful to Tymora are looked upon with disfavor if they re-

quest the bestowal of a favor of Tymora more than twice in any tenday; to

rely directly on the goddess is not to trust in her luck. This includes priests

of Tymora, who may have to atone for any use of this spell on themselves

that exceeds this rate.

Moment (Divination)

Sphere: Numbers

Range: 0

Components: V, S, M

Duration: 1 round/level

Casting Time: 1 round

Area of Effect: 50-foot radius

Saving Throw: None

Theoretically, every action has a particular moment at which it will have its greatest

possible effect. Using the arcane mathematics of this spell, the priest can determine the

"ideal moment" for any single action in each round that the spell is in effect. This action

must be performed by a character other than the priest. In practice, another character
informs the priest of an action he wants to undertake in

a round. The priest concentrates on the action, then informs the character when the

"correct moment" has come. The character then gains a bonus of 20% (+4 on a d20) to

the success of his action. The spell can affect only a single action in a given round. When

used in combat, the priest can advise the best moment to initiate an action (affecting

initiative) or what moment offers the greatest success in striking (affecting the chance to


If the character seeks advice concerning initiative, he gains a -2 modifier to the

initiative roll, but only at the cost of -2 on his chance to hit. Characters who seek the best

attack frequently delay their actions. These characters suffer a +1 on their initiative roll

but gain a +4 on their chance to hit. The spell cannot affect the amount of damage caused,
since the act (striking) has already succeeded at that point.

Characters are not obliged to wait for the moment specified by the priest. For

example, a fighter might decide that striking first is more important than gaining +4 to

hit. The character can act normally, based on his or her unmodified initiative. The

character gains no bonus from the moment spell, and the priest can affect no other action

in that round.

Noncombat actions can also benefit from the moment spell. For example, a thief planning

to climb a wall may wait to start her climb until the priest informs her that the moment is

right. If she waits, she gains a bonus of 20% to her Climb Walls roll (in this case, the

bonus is subtracted from her roll).

While concentrating on this spell, the priest can take no other action. A break in the

priest's concentration--taking damage in combat, for example--terminates the spell


The material component is a set of three silver dice, which the priest tosses in his

hand while concentrating on the spell. The dice are not consumed in the casting.

Know Direction (Divination)

Sphere: Travelers

Range: 0

Components: V, S, M

Duration: Instantaneous

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: Special

Saving Throw: None

Know direction allows the caster to instantly know the direction of north. The spell is

effective in any environment, whether underwater, underground, or in darkness

(including magical darkness).

The material component is a small scrap of a parchment map that is at least 100 years


Weighty Chest (Alteration)

Sphere: Wards

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M

Duration: 1 day/level

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 5-foot cube

Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the caster to enchant a chest, book, package, or any other nonliving

object no larger than a 5'x5'x5' cube. When the enchanted object is touched by anyone

other than the caster, the apparent weight of the object increases, becoming 2-5 (1d4+1)

times the weight of the person or persons touching it. This condition makes the object

extremely difficult to move for anyone but the caster. The caster can move the object

normally throughout the duration of the spell.

The material component is a lead ball.

Dissension's Feast (Enchantment/Charm, Alteration)

Sphere: Chaos

Range: Touch

Components: V, S

Duration: 5 turns+2 turns/level

Casting Time: 2 turns

Area of Effect: Special

Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell must be cast by a priest during the preparation of food for a meal. The spell

is cast on any one quantity of food; thus, the priest could cast the spell on the batter of a

wedding cake, or he could cast the spell on a quantity of onions as they are diced for both

a salad and a stew. The spell affects 10 pounds of food per level of the caster. Anyone

who eats the affected food (even a character who eats the salad but not the stew) is

subject to the effects of the spell.

The effects of the spell begin five rounds after the food has been eaten. At that time,

creatures who have eaten the affected food are allowed a saving throw; success indicates
that a creature is not affected.

Affected creatures quickly become agitated. Petty events ranging from poor table

manners to loud talking bother everyone. After five minutes, tempers flare, characters

feel compelled to shout at and insult one another, and threats are hurled. Even normally

calm characters will feel compelled to vent their frustrations violently.

Creatures maintain no alliances while under the effect of dissension's feast. A king

and his wife who are normally madly in love will find themselves bickering with each other in
a matter of minutes. Members of a diplomatic delegation might come to blows

with each other within minutes of eating the food.

At the end of the spell duration, characters undergo the sensation of waking up. All

are free to behave as they wish. Characters at the meal will still be angry, although they

will have no idea why they became angry.

Zone of Truth (Enchantment/Charm)

Sphere: Wards

Range: 30 yards

Components: V, S, M

Duration: 1 round/level

Casting Time: 2

Area of Effect: 5-foot square/level

Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell prevents creatures within the area of effect (or those who enter it) from

speaking any deliberate and knowing lies. Creatures are allowed a saving throw to avoid

the effects; those who fail the save are affected fully. Affected characters are aware of this
enchantment; therefore, they may avoid answering questions to which they would

normally respond with a lie or they may be evasive as long as they remain within the

boundaries of the truth. When a character leaves the area, he is free to speak as he


The spell affects a square whose sides are five feet long per level of the caster; thus, a

4th-level priest could affect a 20 foot by 20 foot square.

The material components are the priest's holy symbol and a phony emerald, ruby, or


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