Managing The Unmanageable Media in A Crisis.

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Managing The

Unmanageable Media
in a Crisis.
Bryan Barcelona.
Are newspapers
still relevant
Newspapers are still
relevant today.
They are like an old trusted friend whose voice we listen to in times of
uncertainty and despair but also to whom we turn to for the good news.
1. Newspapers are highly
2. Newspapers command a
reader’s full attention.
3. Advertising in newspapers
is still welcomed by readers.
How to Use Social Media for Crisis
Communications and Emergency
● Have a crisis communications plan
● Listen, understand and learn
● Know when to respond and

It’s Vital
when not to
● Run a simulation and rehearse
to have a social media crisis ● Choose the spokesperson
management plan to minimise the carefully.
risk of a crisis. ●
Contoh kasus:
Insiden Suporter Persita vs PERSIS
1. Pemain PERSIS dianggap main
hakim sendiri.
Problem apa yang muncul dari 2. Pemain PERSIS dianggap tidak
pemberitaan media? patuh hukum.
3. Pemain PERSIS menyukai
“It takes 20 years to build a 4. Pemain PERSIS cenderung
reputation and five minutes to semena-mena karena dianggap
ruin it. If you think about that, memiliki privilege.
you'll do things differently.
Jadi, apa yang
dilakukan pada
situasi tersebut?
Nangis. ;’(
Once a crisis strikes, you won't have Yang saat itu saya lakukan:

Membuat laporan ke pihak berwajib.

time to start from scratch. ●
● Menyiapkan rilis sebagai pernyataan sikap,
bahwa yang kami lakukan sudah diketahui
Segera menghubungi ‘tim krisis’ yang oleh pihak berwenang.
memang berdedikasi 24/7 dan selalu siap ● Menghubungi wartawan online untuk
membeberkan narasi yang tidak bersifat
sedia untuk melakukan brainstorm pada normatif
momen krusial seperti ini. Media akan ● Mengoptimalkan pemberitahuan satu pintu
secara normatif lewat web dan kanal sosial
tetap menjalankan tugasnya DENGAN media
ATAU TANPA BANTUANMU. ● Koordinasi dengan klub lawan
● Meminta suporter PERSIS untuk bisa kontrol
Mengabaikan situasi akan membuatmu
kehilangan kendali akan narasi.
Perception is reality.

Assess the situation from

the public's point of view.
If you weren't on the
inside, what would you
Reaksi dari PERSITA hasil Komunikasi dengan PERSIS


Sentimen Pemberitaan Pasca Insiden

Your spokesperson is the "face" or your church. In a crisis, it's particularly
important to have the right messenger. Choose someone who conveys care,
credibility and confidence.

Crisis communications training can help you develop the ability to effectively
connect with the audience, manage your message, handle difficult questions and
avoid potential interview pitfalls.

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