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Chapter 1: Introduction to Python

 What is Python?
 Why Python?
 Installing Python
 Running Python

Chapter 2: Basic Concepts

 Variables
 Data Types
 Operators
 Control Structures
 Functions

Chapter 3: Collections

 Lists
 Tuples
 Sets
 Dictionaries

Chapter 4: File Handling

 Reading and Writing Text Files

 Reading and Writing Binary Files
 Exception Handling

Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming

 Classes and Objects

 Inheritance
 Polymorphism
 Encapsulation

Chapter 6: Modules and Packages

 Importing Modules
 Creating and Importing Packages
 Namespaces
Chapter 7: Regular Expressions

 Basic Syntax
 Matching Patterns
 Substitution

Chapter 8: Advanced Topics

 Decorators
 Generators
 Multithreading
 Networking

Chapter 9: Libraries and Frameworks

 NumPy
 Pandas
 Matplotlib
 Django

Chapter 10: Conclusion

 Tips for Further Learning

 Best Practices for Writing Python Code
 Real-World Applications of Python

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