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THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATES’ COURT OF MAKINDYE AT MAKINDYE MISC, CAUSE.726 OF 2023 BAITWABABO HERBER VERSUS: ASINGUZA ALLAN ORDER This matter coming up for final disposal this 19" day of June, 2023 before HIS WORSHIP 'GGA ADIRU, AG. SENIOR MAGISTRATE GRADE ONE, in the presence of Counse! Alex Byaruhanga Asiimwe for the Applicant, the Applicant and in the absence of the Respondent, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT; 1. The Applicant be added back ta the 'BUYANJA MY ROOTS’ Whatsapp Groups. 2. A permanent injunction doth issue restraining the Respondent, his agents and/or his assignees from further infringing of the Applicant's right of Association 3. No order as to costs Given under my Hand and Seal of this Honorable Court thi ma day of. ae) 2023 INOVE MAGISTRAT! Cer mma 19 JUN we / at

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