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Term Definition/explanation Latvian Other languages (of your choice)

hardware collection of physical elements that constitutes a [dator]aparatūra - datoru (Ru) аппаратное обеспечение
computer system sistēmas tehniskā daļa (De) technische Bestandteile
(Fr) matériel
software any set of machine-readable instructions that directs a Programmatūra - (Ru) программное обеспечение
computer's processor to perform specific operations datorprogrammu kopums, kas (De) Computersoftware
nodrošina datu apstrādes (Fr) logiciel
sistēmas efektīvu darbību
computer system a combination of hardware and software
CPU central processing unit
main memory  1. the only one directly accessible to the CPU primary pamatatmiņa (Ru) оперативное запоминающее
storage device. 2. the amount of memory physically устройство (ОЗУ)
installed on your device (De) Hauptspeicher
(Fr) mémoire principale
Peripheral (n) a device, such as a disk drive, printer, modem, or perifērijas vienība (Ru) периферийное устройство
joystick, that is connected to a computer and is (De) Peripherieeinheit
controlled by the computer's microprocessor (Fr) accessoire; périphérique
RAM Randomly Accessed Memory brīvpiekļuves atmiņa
hard disc cietais disks
disc drive diskdzinis
input ievaddati (De)Eingabedaten
input device a peripheral (piece of computer hardware equipment) ievades mezgls; ievadierīce
used to provide data and control signals to computer
output izvaddati
output device izvades ierīce
storage device atmiņas ierīce
USB port A narrow, rectangular connection point on a computer
or other device (such as a keyboard) where you can
connect a universal serial bus (USB) device.
(to) back up (v) To make a duplicate copy of a program, a disk, or data  dublēt
GUI Graphical User Interface grafiskais lietotāja interfeiss
desktop PC galddators
mainframe lieldators

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