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Name: _________________________________________ Course: ______________

I. Directions: Analyze carefully the sentences. Encircle the letter that
corresponds to your answers.

1. It is the process of bringing people together and making them interact and exchange
ideas across traditional borders.
a. Multiculturalism c. Globalization
a. Culture d. Semiotics

2. Which statement does NOT define “Culture”?

a. It is the learned and shared behavior of a community of interacting human
b. It is the shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs,
and effective understanding that are learned through a process of
c. It is the learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and n
norms that affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people.
d. It is the increasing economic, political, and cultural integration and
interdependence of diverse cultures.
3. It refers to one world interconnected by an electronic nervous system (media).
a. Multiculturalism c. Global Village
b. Ethnocentrism d. Global Communication

4. Who argued that the “flattening of the world” is the effect of the process of
a. Gamble and Gamble c. Deirdre Johnston
b. Thomas Friedman d. Freya Stark
5. It is the belief that cultures, races, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority
groups, should be accorded special acknowledgement of differences within a
dominant political culture.
a. Multiculturalism c. Global Village
b. Ethnocentrism d. Globalization
6. “Every country has its own way of saying things. The important thing is that which
lies behind people’s words.” Whose assertion is this?
a. Gamble and Gamble c. Deirdre Johnston
b. Thomas Friedman d. Freya Stark
7. This refers to the people who set down rules for correct language use to equate
correctness to strict observance of the rules of grammar.
a. Linguist c. Lexist
b. Prescriptivist d. Polyglot

8. It refers to the belief that a person’s culture is much better than any other group’s
a. Semiotics c. Ethnocentrism
b. Language d. Multicilturalism

9. Variations according to the use of language in speaking and writing which varies
in their degrees of formality depending on the topic, purpose, context, and
audience is referred to as ____________.
a. Semiotics c. Register
b. Culture d. Signification

10. It is referred to as the heart of culture.

a. Context c. People
b. Language d. Grammar

11. It is the study not only of what we refer to as “signs” in everyday speech but of
anything which “stands for” something else.
a. Semiotics c. Register
b. Culture d. Signification

12. It is referred to as the relationship of the signifier (sounds and images) and signified
a. Semiotics c. Register
b. Culture d. Signification

13. When there is a combination of two or more semiotic systems, a text is called
a. Multimodal c. Hypermedia
b. Linguistic d. Signification

14. It is the integration of different channels of communication such as written texts,

still pictures, motion pictures and sound.
a. Multimodal c. Hypermedia
b. Linguistic d. Signification

15. It is type of communication that uses technology to simultaneously reach a wide

a. Mass Media c. Web browser
b. Web page d. Hypermedia
16. It is a document connected to the World Wide Web and viewable by anyone
connected to the internet.
a. Mass Media c. Web browser
b. Web page d. Hypermedia

17. It is an application used to access and view websites such as Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari.
a. Mass Media c. Web browser
b. Web page d. Hypermedia

18. It is the use of multiple delivery channels by means of a combination of media

platforms like book, comics, magazine, web series film and video game medium
all working as part of the same story.
a. Mass Media c. Transmedia
b. Web page d. Hypermedia

19. It refers to the process gathering of materials in various sources and connecting
these together to create your own and /or re-contextualizing the materials
gathered along with the acknowledgement of the sources.
a. Copying c. Rephrasing
b. Cutting d. Patch-working

20. It is the act of stealing and passing off as your own ideas, words, or any other
intellectual property produced by another person.
a. Ethnocentrism c. Plagiarism
b. Multiculturalism d. Individualism

21. When we think and act as Filipinos because we are brought this way same with
the Koreans who behave the way Koreans would with Korean set of values,
what characteristic of cultures is considered?
a. Cultures are shared.
b. Cultures are learned, not innate.
c. Cultures are dynamic.
d. Cultures are multifaceted.

22. As we experience the process of globalization, cultures have constantly change

in the same way that cultural contact increases, what characteristic of cultures is
a. Cultures are shared.
b. Cultures are learned, not innate.
c. Cultures are dynamic.
d. Cultures are multifaceted.

23. It is often generalized negative traits assigned to a group of people (e.g. race,
religion, social class, etc.) even if these traits may only reflect a selected few of
the group.
a. Stereotypes c. Ethnocentrism
b. Prejudice d. Anxiety

24. It is the fear or apprehension associated with an Intercultural communication.

a. Stereotypes c. Ethnocentrism
b. Prejudice d. Anxiety
25. When a member of one cultural group adopt the language, practices and belief of
another group and losing aspects of their traditional culture in the process, what
way of adapting to new cultures is considered?
a. Cultural Accommodation
b. Cultural Assimilation
c. Cultural Integration
d. Cultural Separation

26. Books, news reports, magazine or journal articles, business letters, official
speeches and sermons are examples of ______________.
a. Very formal or Static Register
b. Informal, Group, or Casual Register
c. Neutral, Professional of Consultative Register
d. Formal or Regulated Register

27. Use of slang, vulgar speeches and colloquialisms in conversations, chats, blogs,
e-mails, tweets and personal letters are examples of _____________.
a. Very formal or Static Register
b. Informal, Group, or Casual Register
c. Neutral, Professional of Consultative Register
d. Formal or Regulated Register

28. The language providing vocabulary is called _____________ and the language
that provides syntactic structure is called substrate.
a. Semiotics c. Register
b. Lexifier d. Signifier

29. It refers to any language that is widely used as a means of communication among
speakers of other languages.
a. Interlanguage c. Pidgin
b. Lingua Franca d. Creole

30. What happens when a pidgin become more fully developed and serves as the
language of the community?
a. It becomes a creole.
b. It becomes signifier.
c. It becomes lexifier.
d. It becomes interlanguage.
31. It refers to the copying of words of the author and intertwining these words to your
a. Paraphrasing c. Summarizing
b. Quoting d. Contextualizing

32. It refers to the use of your own words and own style of writing to state another author’s
a. Paraphrasing c. Summarizing
b. Quoting d. Contextualizing

33. It is the persuasive summary of your qualifications for employment.

a. Application Letter c. Minutes of the Meeting
b. Memorandum d. Resumè

34. It means “to state” to “to tell” and takes the form of a short official note that one writes
to a person or to several individuals such as members, faculty, heads of offices and
the like.
a. Application Letter c. Minutes of the Meeting
b. Memorandum d. Resumè

35. It refers to the official written records of a meeting’s proceedings and regarded also
as legal documents.
a. Application Letter c. Minutes of the Meeting
b. Memorandum d. Resumè

36. It serves as a formal introduction of yourself to your prospective employer and aims
to make favorable impression to the employer.
a. Application Letter c. Minutes of the Meeting
b. Memorandum d. Resumè

37. It refers to the typically used external communication—messages from one company
to another, from company to a client or to a supplier.
a. Business Letter c. Request Letter
b. Application Letter d. Solicitation Letter

38. “I am Justine Billones, a student researcher of the University of Rizal System. I am

currently conducting my study about the employability of the URS Graduates from
2010-2016. In connection to this, I would like to ask for the list of the names of the
graduates from SY 2010-2016….”
The excerpt is an example of__________________.
a. Business Letter c. Request Letter
b. Application Letter d. Project Proposal

39. Its purpose is to ensure the successful completion of the task or project within the
specified time, informs the reader about the status of an on-going project or task—
how much had been done, is being done, and will be done by a particular date.
a. Progress Report c. Incident Report
b. Short Report d. Project proposal

40. It is a document designed to convince or persuade someone to follow or accept a

specific course of action and is written to propose a change of process or policy,
solution to a problem, purchase of product or service, pursuit of an activity or
a. Progress Report c. Incident Report
b. Short Report d. Project proposal

41. The public lecture, status report, briefing, fireside chats and chalk talk are types of
a. Special Occasion Speeches c. Persuasive speeches
b. Speech Delivery d. Informative speech

42. This organizational pattern for Informative speech allows one to explain how someone
or something has developed over a period of time.
a. Spatial Pattern c. Narrative Pattern
b. Topical Pattern d. Chronological Pattern

43. It refers to the pattern that allows you to describe the physical or directional
relationship between objects or places.
a. Spatial Pattern c. Narrative Pattern
b. Topical Pattern d. Chronological Pattern

44. Ethos that appeals to “character”, Pathos that appeals to “emotions” and Logos that
appeals to the “correct thinking”, are elements of _____________.
a. Information c. Persuasion
b. Narration d. Description

45. Commencement addresses, commemorative speeches like tributes and eulogies are
examples of ______________.
a. Ceremonial Speech c. Contest Speech
b. Courtesy Speech d. Commemorative Speech

46. This type of speech is delivered by the individuals who have been recognized,
honored or awarded.
a. Introductory Speech c. Speech of Presentation
b. Acceptance Speech d. Commemorative Speech

47. A speech that highlights and reinforce cultural beliefs, values and behaviors is called
a. Eulogy c. Acceptance Speech
b. Congratulatory Speech d. Tribute
49 A speech given to praise or honor someone who has died is referred to as
a. Eulogy c. Acceptance Speech
b. Congratulatory Speech d. Tribute

50. It is known as the graduation speech where the speaker acknowledges the
importance of the ceremony and honors the graduates.
a. Introductory Speech c. Commencement Address
b. Acceptance Speech d. Commemorative Speech

51. What semiotic system is being referred to when a text is using the aspects of
vocabulary, generic structure and the grammar of oral and written language?
a. Linguistic or textual System c. Audio System
b. Visual System d. Gestural System

52. The aspects of movement, speed and stillness in facial expression and body language
emphasizes what semiotic system?
a. Linguistic or textual System c. Audio System
b. Visual System d. Gestural System

53. Proximity, direction, position of layout and dramatization of objects in space are
aspects of what semiotic system?
a. Linguistic or textual System c. Spatial System
b. Visual System d. Gestural System

54. Volume, pitch and rhythm of music and sound effects are aspects of what semiotic
a. Linguistic or textual System c. Audio System
b. Visual System d. Gestural System

55. The American musical comedy-drama television series is an example of what medium
of multimodal text?
a. Paper c. Digital
b. Live d. Transmedia

56. It refers to the process of speaking in a structured, deliberate manner to inform or

entertain an audience.
a. Memorized Speech c. Impromptu Speech
b. Extemporaneous Speech d. Public Speaking

57. It is a speech that necessitates the speaker to formulate his/her sentences while
he/she is speaking spontaneously.
a. Memorized Speech c. Impromptu Speech
b. Extemporaneous Speech d. Public Speaking
57. It is a speech that requires speaker to commit everything to memory; and is also used
for long pieces in oratorical, declamation and other literary contests.
a. Memorized Speech c. Impromptu Speech
b. Extemporaneous Speech d. Public Speaking

58. It is a speech that has a very minimal or no time for preparation which is also
considered the best way to bring out the most natural thing to say at the moment.
a. Memorized Speech c. Impromptu Speech
b. Extemporaneous Speech d. Public Speaking

59. In communicating, we should not cause embarrassment to a person. What Ethics in

Communication is identified in the given statement?
a. Audience c. Rights vs. Responsibilities
b. Mutuality d. Individual Dignity
60. In communicating, we should be responsible for the consequences of what we are
sharing with other people. What Ethics in Communication is identified in the given

a. Audience c. Accuracy
b. Mutuality d. Accountability

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