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Business Communication Unit 14

Unit 14 Employment Communication –

Resumes and Cover Letters

14.1 Introduction
14.2 Writing a Resume
Types of resumes
Components of resumes
Language and other guidelines for resumes
14.3 Writing Job Application Letters
14.4 Other Letters regarding Employment
14.5 Job Search Plan
14.6 Summary
14.7 Glossary
14.8 Terminal Questions
14.9 Answers
14.10 Case Study

14.1 Introduction
In the previous unit we studied what a report is and the types of report. We
also studied the format of and steps to prepare an effective report. As a
management student it is very important to know how to use reports
effectively at the workplace.
In order to get a job you need to approach an organisation. How do you
communicate to an organisation that you are interested to work with them?
You can do this by sending a resume along with your job application. In this
unit we will study how to write a resume.

Will Smith writes to his potential employer Mr. George Gilhooley of XYZ
Company seeking a job. For this he prepares a resume and sends it along
with a letter. The letter that he wrote is as follows,
Mr. George Gilhooley
XYZ Company
87 Delaware Road

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Hatfield, CA 08065
(909) 555-5555
Date: 23rd January 2011
Dear Mr. Gilhooley,
I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times
Union. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my
certificates, resume and three references.
The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting and I believe
that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very
competitive candidate for this position. Some key strengths that I possess
for success in this position include:
 I have successfully designed, developed and supported live use
 I strive for continued excellence.
 I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all
 With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full
understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I
also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as
 Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.
 I can be reached anytime via email at or my cell
phone, 909-444-4444.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with
you about this opportunity.
Will Smith

After reading the scenario the following questions arise:

What is the letter written by Will Smith to his employer called?
How to write this letter?
In this unit we will study how to write a resume and learn to prepare a job
application. We will also learn the other letters written by employees to the
employer or managers that are related to employment.

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After studying this unit, you should be able to:
 define resume
 list types of resume
 write a job application letter
 list other types of letters related to employment

14.2 Writing a Resume

A resume is a document that summarises your background, educational
qualifications, experience and interests. It may be sent not only to current
employers, but also to potential employers, who may hire you for a job that
has not been announced. From a prospective employer’s point of view, it
serves as a screening device, helping to select the most worthy candidates
for a particular position and to eliminate the others. From a job seeker’s
point of view, the resume conveys how you present your ideas, whether you
are organised and what your strengths are, apart from listing your
Although resumes and job application letter are sent together to the
potential employer, the letter is seen first. It is a good practice to write the
resume before the letter as the resume helps to identify the ideas that must
be highlighted in an application letter. Resumes, like application letters,
must focus on the needs of employers. For example, a person seeking a job
as a visualiser in an advertising agency must emphasise his creative skills
over other skills since the agency’s requirement is of a creative candidate.
14.2.1 Types of resumes
There are two approaches to write a resume. Your choice of the approach
depends on your experience and accomplishments.
1. Chronological resume – This type of resume lists your education and
experience in reverse order and describes your most recent job or
qualification first. This is the most commonly used approach and is generally
used when your education and work experience are clearly related to the job
that you are applying for. It is also appropriate for recent college graduates,
with little or no work experience.
An example of a chronological resume is shown in table 14.1.

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Table 14.1: Chronological Resume

Sally M.
1001 Ram Road Fort Collins, CO 80525
(970) 555–1234
Summary of Qualifications and Key Skills
 Three years experience in retail management, specialising in
purchasing and floor display design.
 Strong communication skills in a variety of professional settings.
 Enthusiastic dedication to excellent customer service.
MA in Speech Communications (2000-2002)
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
GPA 3.6/4.0
BA in Anthropology, December 1999 (1995-1999)
Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, AR
GPA 3.5/4.0
Dean’s List
Professional Experience
Assistant Office Manager (2001-2002)
Department of Speech Communications, Colorado State University, Fort
Collins, CO
Managed departmental supplies budget, oversaw office purchasing and
inventory, overhauled department-wide filing system, supervised part-
time staff.
Intern (1999)
Sharkey’s Community Grocery Corporate Headquarters, Washington, DC
Assisted company publicist with writing press releases, designing weekly
advertisements, and managing customer databases. Developed research
methods for determining customer preference for shopping hours.
Assistant Night Manager (1997-1999)
Sharkey’s Community Grocery, Jonesboro, AR
Purchased, stocked and maintained dairy and ice-cream sections,
oversaw point of purchase display construction, scheduled twenty part-
time employees.

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Computer Skills – Microsoft Word, Excel, Corel Draw, Paint Shop Pro,
QuickBooks, Oracle Small Business, basic HTML knowledge.
Special Skills – Thorough knowledge of MMORPG and single-player
gaming systems, thorough knowledge of Internet applications.
REFERENCES – Available on request.

A chronological ’Work history’ would follow the ’Experience’ section, listing

all jobs held in reverse chronological order, starting from the most recent
job. The ’Education’ section would come next, listing institutions, degrees
and dates.
2. Functional resume – This type of resume is appropriate when you have
held a number of jobs in different functional areas or when you are changing
your career completely.
For example, moving from Marketing job to a job related to Human
Resources (HR) or changing your career focus from an industry job to an
academic job.
In this case, the resume will be prepared in such a way that all jobs in a
particular area are grouped together.
A functional resume would be written as follows:


5834 Newark Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008, 202-555-4836,
American University, Washington, DC
MA, International Relations, May 2007
Comparative and Regional Studies: Africa
Middlebury College, Florence, Italy, and Middlebury, VT
MA, Italian Language and Literature, August 2001
Thesis: “Dall’ Africa all’Italia: Gli extracommunitari a Firenze (From Africa
to Italy: The Non-European Economic Community in Florence)”
University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo, CO
BS, Broad Area Social Science, May 1995
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 Responded to daily inquiries about Nonviolence International
 Coordinated logistical and planning aspects of International Day,
including performances, floor planning, and student projects
 Recruited and coordinated 75 volunteers for Baltimore, Maryland,
Columbus Day Parade
 Facilitated “Rainbows” (for children experiencing a loss in the family)
 Projected Foreign Language Department budget of $30,000
 Organised university athletic banquet for 400 people
 Scheduled 35 guest speakers and 15 extracurricular events (field trips,
dances, fund raisers, etc.)
Programme Development
 Initiated contacts with Nigerians interested in nonviolent conflict
resolution workshops
 Contributed to writing 50-page grant proposal for Islam, Democracy,
and Nonviolence
 Attended peace and conflict resolution workshop for 55 Palestinian
Security Officers
 Formulated four-month programme of student projects (recipes,
traditional costumes, flags, reports, regalia, etc.) to educate students
and community about cultural diversity culminating in International Day
event attended by 600 people
 Modified high school classroom curriculum and activities
 Created interactive video-disc programme at LIBRA Authorware
conference sponsored by United States
Naval Academy
 Attended and assessed Computer Assisted Language Learning and
Instruction Consortium coordinated by United States Air Force
 Co-authored 80-page proposal for Interactive Video-Disc Laboratory
Languages and Travel
 Fluent Italian, intermediate French, basic Spanish skills

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 Lived in Italy and France and travelled to Canada, Hawaii, Germany,

Switzerland, and Ukraine Computers
 Proficient in MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Word Press
Our Lady Queen of Peace School, Baltimore, MD
Social Studies, Science, and Spanish Teacher, August 2002–present
Nonviolence International, Washington, DC
Cooperative Education Intern, June–August 2006
Academy of Languages, Baltimore, MD
Italian Tutor, June 2005–August 2006
Pueblo County High School, Pueblo, CO
French, Italian, and Spanish Teacher, August 1997–August 1999

14.2.2 Components of resumes

Irrespective of the type of resume, all resumes must have the same basic
information or standard components. Figure 14.1 depicts the various
components of a resume.

Fig. 14.1: Resume Components

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Let us discuss each of these components in brief.

• Basic data – This includes the name, address, telephone number and
email id. The information provided must allow a prospective employer to
reach you easily. If you are still in college, it is better to provide both the
home and college address. If you are already employed, list either a
business phone number or a mobile number where you can be reached
during work hours.
• Career objective – An objective must be very specific, stating clearly the
position you are seeking and the area in which you want to work. The
objective statement must consist of two parts:
o Your general goal, mentioning some skills that you feel will qualify
you for the job.
o One or more specific areas in which you wish to work.
For example, the objective for an entry level position is written as, “An
entry-level position in public relations, with an opportunity to use my
skills in writing and researching. Special interests in publicity, radio
and television programming.”
• Education – Employers are interested in knowing about your academic
qualifications after high school. Educational qualifications must be listed
in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent qualification
first. The degree earned, name of the institution and date of receiving the
degree must be mentioned.
For example, Master of Business Administration in Retail Operations,
Manipal University Jaipur, August 2008.
In addition, any theses written, special courses taken, ranks, awards and
scholarships earned may also be mentioned, if relevant.
• Experience – Like educational qualifications, work experience must be
listed in reverse chronological order. If your experience is limited, you
may also list part-time jobs, internships and voluntary work, under the
title ‘work experience’. More than job designations, employers are
interested in knowing what you can do. Therefore, a brief description of
each job and the duties performed by you must be included. Short
phrases may be used, instead of complete sentences. Technical
terminology may also be used to describe the work done by you.

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For example, Production Supervisor, Western University Media

Productions, 1996-97. Assisted in video tape productions, digital and
online videotape editing using studio and portable cameras.
 Skills/Other knowledge – In this section, capabilities such as languages
known, computer skills and special writing skills may be listed.
 Organisations and activities – Membership of student and professional
associations, clubs and committees, offices held, as well as extra-
curricular activities such as sports, music and photography, must be
listed in this section. This information gives prospective employers an
idea of your aptitudes, attitudes and personality.
 References – References could be obtained from anyone who is familiar
with either your academic or professional work, such as your professors
or immediate supervisor. Prior permission must always be sought before
listing anyone as a reference. Generally, it is sufficient to include the
statement ’References available on request’ in your resume and to
furnish the names only if you are asked to. Employers ask for references
only if they wish to do a background check on you. When listing
references, the name of the person, designation, institution and contact
details must be provided. For example, you can mention the reference as

Jane Dolan
Marketing Manager
123 Company,
# 345, Twin towers, MT Park,
Bangalore 560 073
Phone: 9989876576

14.2.3 Language and other guidelines for resumes

The general appearance of a resume is extremely important. It must project
a professional image of you to the organisation. A badly presented resume
with errors in spelling and grammar could cost you the job. That is why
many job seekers prefer to hire the services of a professional firm to prepare
their resumes.

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The following points must be kept in mind, regarding the appearance of a

 Print your resume on good quality paper
 Leave a lot of white space, so that the resume does not look cluttered
 Use a high quality printer or copy machine, for good reproduction
 Avoid using special types of paper and fancy typefaces for special effects
 Limit your resume to a maximum of two pages, since employers do not
have the time to go through lengthy resumes
Regarding the language and writing style, avoid being wordy or verbose and
use simple, brief statements. Your resume must convey your dynamic
personality and highlight your accomplishments. A list of ’action words’ that
must be used in writing resumes is given in table 14.2.
Table 14.2: Chronological Resume
Achieved Defined Helped Planned
Acted Delegated Identified Prepared
Adapted Demonstrated Informed Presented
Advised Described Inspected Produced
Allocated Designated Instructed Recommended
Analysed Determined Integrated Reorganised
Applied Developed Initiated Resolved
Appointed Directed Introduced Revised
Approved Distributed Investigated Reviewed
Arranged Drafted Involved Scheduled
Assessed Edited Launched Selected
Assigned Encouraged Located Started
Assisted Established Managed Studied
Classified Evaluated Marketed Suggested
Collected Examined Modified Supervised
Communicated Facilitated Monitored Supported
Compared Forecasted Motivated Surveyed
Compiled Formulated Negotiated Taught
Completed Gathered Observed Tested
Coordinated Generated Organised Trained
Conducted Guided Participated Translated
Created Handled Performed Updated

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Some don’ts of resume writing

 Do not include personal references on your resume. A potential
employer is interested in references only if he or she is seriously
considering hiring you. At that time, you may be asked to provide
reference information.
 Do not use odd-size paper or loud colours. 8 1/2 X 11-inch paper – in
white, buff or beige, is appropriate. Also, be sure to use a good quality
 Do not include your salary history or reasons for leaving previous jobs
in a resume. Also, do not mention sexual harassment issues, lawsuits,
workers' compensation claims, or say, "They fired me for no good
reason." In addition, leave out any discussion about hobbies, musical
instruments you play, sports you enjoy, your marital status (with the
number and gender of kids), age or race. This is a business marketing
document, so limit the information on it to business related issues.
 Do not include references to areas of your life that are not business
related or not related to your current career goals. Membership in
outside social organisations, military service, etc., has no place in a
resume, unless they somehow apply to your job objectives.
 Do not have any unreasonable expectations of what a resume can do.
You will be guilty of a grave error in judgment if you expect someone to
hire you because of your resume. Your resume is simply a piece of
paper. It comes with no guarantee of truthfulness, and it certainly
cannot close a deal. You may choose to believe that your record
speaks for itself, but the truth is: only you speak for yourself.

Activity 1:
Imagine that you are applying for the post of lecturer in a Business
School. Write an objective statement in about 100 words for your resume.
(Refer sub-section 14.2.1 for detailed guidelines.)

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Self Assessment Questions

1. A _________________________ is a document that summarises your
background, educational qualifications, experience and interests.
2. ______________________ resume is appropriate when you are
changing your career completely. (Pick the right option)
a) Functional
b) Cross functional
c) Chronological
d) Professional
3. If your experience is limited, you may also list part-time jobs,
internships and voluntary work, under the title work experience.
4. The general ______________________ of a resume is extremely

14.3 Writing Job Application Letters

A job application letter is also known as a ’cover’ letter, is a letter sent along
with the resume to emphasise or highlight the major points mentioned in the
resume. A letter of application usually provides employer the detailed
information on why you are qualified for the job that you are applying for.
The job application letter is prepared after you prepare the resume. A
resume by itself is incomplete, unless it is accompanied by a cover letter.
The cover letter, like the resume, must be well written and presented, as it
creates a first impression and can get you an interview.
Cover letters must be written similar to sales letters, using all the techniques
of persuasion. You have to sell yourself to a prospective employer, in the
same way that you sell a product to a prospective customer. Cover letters
can also be used to personalise your qualifications for a specific job.
Every job application or cover letter must include some standard
components. Figure 14.2 depicts the components of a job application.

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Fig. 14.2: Job Application Standard Components

Let us discuss them in brief.

1. Address and salutation – The letter must be addressed to a specific
individual and not to the organisation. The individual must be addressed
formally, by his/her last name.
For example, Dear Mr. Johnson/Ms. Johnson
If the name of the individual is not known, the person must be addressed by
the designation.
For example, “Dear HR Manager/ Sales Manager”.
2. Opening – The opening statement or paragraph must be straightforward
and brief, mentioning the purpose of the letter.
3. Body – Highlight your strongest qualifications in a couple of paragraphs,
explaining how they will benefit the employer, using words that are different
from those in the resume.

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4. Closing – Ask for the opportunity of a personal interview, showing

flexibility in time and location.
While the standard parts of the letter remain the same, the format may vary,
depending on the type of letter.
Types of job application letters
Job application letters may be classified into two broad categories:
1) Solicited application letters
2) Unsolicited application letters
Let us briefly discuss them.
1. Solicited application letter – It can be defined as a letter written to a
prospective employer, in response to an advertised job.
A solicited application letter is easier to write and is more direct and
straightforward than an unsolicited application letter. It is written following
the direct organisational plan or format, which we discussed in detail, in
unit 11 on business letter writing. The direct organisational plan consists in
presenting the main idea first, followed by reasons, an explanation and then
a friendly closing. A solicited letter would be written in the following pattern:
 Include a subject line, stating the purpose of the letter.
For example, include a subject line “Application for the position of
Management Trainee”.
 Mention right in the beginning that you are applying for a specific position
that is available, stating how you learned about the opening – for
example, through an advertisement, through friends or through head
 State the reasons for applying for this particular position, i.e., why your
qualifications and experience make you suitable for the job.
 Close the letter cordially and ask for a personal interview at the
convenience of the employer.
An example of a solicited cover letter, written in the direct organisational
format, is shown in table 14.3:

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Table 14.3: Sample Solicited Cover Letter

The HR Manager
East West Infotainment
Bidadi Industrial Area
Bangalore 560 035
April 8, 2008
Dear HR Manager,
Sub : Application for the position of Management Trainee
In response to your advertisement in the Times of India Ascent, dated
April 5th, 2008, I am applying for the position of Management Trainee with
specialisation in Human Resources.
I believe that my qualification and experience match the needs of
the above position. I have recently completed my MBA from Manipal
University Jaipur via distance education, with specialisation in
Human Resources. My final MBA project was on ‘HR Recruiting
Policies’ in Ampersand Information Systems, Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore. In
addition, I have also worked on a part-time basis with an IT recruitment
firm in Bangalore, for approximately six months.
Please find enclosed resume, along with an executive summary of my
project report for your reference. Please consider this application and
provide me an opportunity to be a part of your esteemed organisation.
Thanking you,
Praveen Kumar
Encl 1: Resume
Encl 2: Project report summary

A solicited cover letter, such as the one shown in table 14.3, must be
accompanied by a ’solicited’ resume, where the career objective is tailored
to the advertised position and the relevant experience if any, is highlighted
and follows the career objective.
2. Unsolicited job application letter – Sometimes job application letters
may also be sent to prospective employers who have not advertised for an

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immediate position. A candidate may have a list of preferred employers and

send job applications to them, in the hope of being contacted, as and when
positions become available. These are known as unsolicited application or
cover letters. This has certain advantages from the applicant’s point of view:
 By sending out a number of unsolicited letters to potential employers, the
job seeker increases the number of job available opportunities.
 There is less competition for the job seeker than there would be in the
case of solicited job application letters, which are sent in response to an
 If the letter is persuasive enough and meets a potential employer’s
requirements, it could even be successful in creating a job.
 It suggests initiative on the part of the job seeker.
The unsolicited job application letter also offers some advantages to
potential employers:
 It saves advertising costs for the organisation.
 It saves time, as having a ready file of resumes helps the Human
Resource (HR) department to shortlist and contact applicants
immediately, instead of advertising and waiting for responses. An
advertisement may also fetch hundreds of responses, all of which may
take time to screen and shortlist.
 It increases the likelihood of getting candidates with initiative and
The unsolicited job application letter is not as direct as a solicited letter. This
is because it has to be much more persuasive and convince the prospective
employer to select you for a job that is not currently available. It is
essentially a sales letter and follows the fundamental steps of selling or the
’Attention, Interest, Desire, Action’ format, that was discussed in unit 11. The
AIDA format is one type of indirect organisational plan. Let us discuss this
format with regard to unsolicited letters.
1. Getting attention – Similar to a sales letter, an unsolicited cover letter
must get the attention of the prospective employer. There are different ways
of doing this.
One way is to show familiarity with the company is by writing,

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“I have researched IT companies and identified yours as one of the leaders

in the field of microprocessor design, using advanced technology.”
Another attention-getting technique is to highlight some of your outstanding
For example – “If you need an executive assistant who can type at a speed
of 100 words per minute, contact me.”
Referring to the source of job information could also serve as an attention
getter, especially if the source is highly regarded by the employer.
For example – When the Vice President, Marketing, of your company visited
our campus to give a lecture he mentioned that the company hires
management trainees with marketing specialisation, every year.
References to magazine and newspaper articles can also be used as
attention-getting devices.
For example – “I read in the latest issue of the Advertising and Marketing
magazine that your agency has won a prestigious new account and
understand that you may want to hire some client service executives to
service the account.”
2. Creating interest – This can be done by highlighting your strongest
qualifications and relating them to the needs of a specific position.
Prospective employers are most interested in your qualifications and
experience that are related to the job and expect you to point out that
relationship. This assures them that you understand what the job involves.
In order to create interest, the cover letter must avoid repeating facts from
the resume. Instead, it must interpret the facts.
For example – “From the business courses taken during my MBA program
and from three years’ experience as a collection agent, I have learnt how to
tackle a number of customer related problems such as legal, psychological
and sales promotional. These problems are similar to what a claims adjuster
would have to face – acting within the limits of the law and a code of ethics,
choosing the words that are most likely to influence a particular client and
constantly promoting the company’s products.”

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The above paragraph creates interest, by relating the qualifications and

experience to the needs of a specific position, namely, a claims adjuster.
Note that it does not repeat factual details which can be found in the
resume, such as the name of the college where the applicant studied MBA,
the specialisations taken or the firm where the applicant worked as a
collection agent. It conveys to the prospective employer that the applicant
knows what the job of a claims adjuster would involve.
3. Inducing desire – Similar to convincing consumers that a product is
relevant to their needs, the prospective employer must be convinced that
the applicant is the right person for the job at hand. This can be done by
providing concrete evidence and by stressing the benefits to the prospective
The technique for selling a product is to emphasise the prominent features
of a product, along with supporting evidence. Similarly, the job applicants
must identify their major strengths (such as a particular qualification or a
part of his/her job experience) and provide enough details about them to
sound convincing.
For example – My MBA final project work was with a leading international
bank. I have also completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Bank
Management, offered via distance education by a reputed institute. I am
currently pursuing a part-time course in the programming of the XXX
computer – the same model that your bank is now in the process of
4. Asking for action – The last paragraph of the letter must ask for action
on the part of the prospective employer. In a solicited letter, the desired
action is usually a request for a personal interview. However, in an
unsolicited letter, it can be a request to the prospective employer to indicate
whether there might be an opening for a specific position in the near future.
This is as per the indirect organisational plan, where the main idea (asking
for a suitable opening) is stated last.
The following points must be remembered when asking for action:
 Ask for the specific action politely, without making demands.
 Express gratitude, because you are seeking a favour.
 Emphasise your strengths again in the last paragraph.

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For example, “Please contact the references in my enclosed resume, for

their comments on my knowledge of accounting and my interpersonal skills.
I would be grateful if you could indicate whether there would be an opening
for an auditor in your esteemed organisation, in the near future.”
Self Assessment Questions
5. Cover letters can also be used to personalise your qualifications for a
specific job. (True/False)
6. The _______________________ must be straightforward and brief,
mentioning the purpose of the letter. (Pick the right option)
a) Opening statement
b) Address
c) Body
d) Closing
7. A _____________________________ letter is easier to write and is
more direct and straightforward than an unsolicited application letter.
8. __________________________ increases the likelihood of getting
candidates with initiative and foresight.
9. The initial paragraph of unsolicited job application letter must ask for
action on the part of the prospective employer. (True/False)

Additional Reading:
Sarada, M. (2004). The Complete Guide to Resume Writing. New Delhi:
Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

14.4 Other Letters regarding Employment

Apart from job application letters, business executives often have to write
other letters related to employment or to a job application. Figure 14.3
depicts some of these letters.

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Fig. 14.3: Other Letters Related to Employment

Let us briefly discuss these letters.

1. Recommendation letters
These are letters written to prospective employers about an applicant’s
suitability for a particular job. They may be worded positively or negatively. If
the letter recommends the applicant with enthusiasm, it is generally written
following the direct organisational plan or format, stating the main idea first.
In other words, the applicant is endorsed right in the beginning of the letter.
On the other hand, if the recommendation is negative, the indirect
organisational plan is followed, giving the reasons first and then stating that
the applicant is not suitable for the job.
The following points must be considered, when writing recommendation
 Fairness to applicants and prospective employers must be shown.
Helping an applicant to get a job for which he/she is not suitable is being
unfair to a prospective employer. Similarly, giving a negative
recommendation to a worthy applicant because of personal bias is not
being fair to the applicant.

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 Relevant information must be provided in the letter. This includes the

length of the applicant’s current employment, the nature of the job,
performance, his/her strengths and weaknesses and any other
information that would help to evaluate the applicant.
 Legal safeguards must also be included in the letter. For example, a
statement must be included that the information provided is confidential
or used only for professional purposes. Failure to state this could lead to
a lawsuit being filed against the writer.
Some employers use forms for getting information about job applicants,
instead of asking for recommendation letters. This helps them to get the
needed information faster, as filling out forms is easier than writing a letter.
Table 14.4 shows a sample recommendation letter.
Table 14.4: Recommendation Letter

Hi Mr Harry Jackson,
This letter is my personal recommendation for Cathy Douglas. Until just
recently, I have been Cathy's immediate supervisor for several years. I
found her to be consistently pleasant, tackling all assignments with
dedication and a smile.
Besides being a joy to work with, Cathy is a take-charge person who is
able to present creative ideas and communicate the benefits. She has
successfully developed several marketing plans for our company that
have resulted in increased revenue. During her tenure, we saw an
increase in profits that exceeded one million dollars. The new revenue
was a direct result of the plans implemented by Cathy.
Though she was an asset to our marketing efforts, Cathy was also
extraordinarily helpful in other areas of the company. In addition to writing
effective training modules for sales representatives, Cathy assumed a
leadership role in sales meetings, inspiring and motivating other
I highly recommend Cathy for employment. She is a team player and
would make a great asset to any organisation.
Sharon Feeney Marketing Manager ABC Productions

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2. Job acceptance letters

These are similar to letters that convey good news and must be written
following the direct organisational plan. They must begin by accepting the
job right away, followed by any necessary details, such as documents to be
submitted and then a friendly closing, indicating that you are looking forward
to working with the employer. Table 14.5 shows a sample job acceptance
Table 14.5: Job Acceptance Letter

Dear Mr. Barnes,

As we discussed on the phone, I am very pleased to accept the position
of Marketing Manager with Smithfield Pottery. Thank you for the
opportunity. I am eager to make a positive contribution to the company
and to work with everyone on the Smithfield team.
As we discussed, my starting salary will be 10 lakhs per annum and
health and life insurance benefits will be provided after 90 days of
I look forward to starting employment on July 1, 2010. If there is any
additional information or paperwork you need prior to then, please let me
Jane Fieldstone

3. Job refusal letters

Prospective employers like to know as soon as possible, whether a job offer
has been accepted or not. When a job offer is rejected, they would like to
know the reasons why it has been declined. Therefore, a job refusal letter
must state the reasons first, although it must be tactfully worded, so as to
retain the goodwill of the employer for future purposes. The bad news or the
news that the job is being rejected must be stated towards the end, following
the indirect organisational plan. Table 14.6 shows a sample job refusal

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Table 14.6: Job Refusal Letter

Dear Mr. Harrison,

Yours was one of the most challenging job interviews that I attended in
my search for a tax accounting related job. I found your ideas on the
percentage-depletion problem particularly interesting.
As you yourself mentioned during our meeting, opportunities in your
organisation are good for those who are interested in costs. However, my
special area of interest and expertise is tax accounting.
Therefore, I have recently accepted a job with the 2M company, where my
responsibilities will lie solely in the area of tax accounting.
I thank you for your time and the opportunity given to me to explore career
prospects in your organisation.

4. Thank you letters

These letters are appropriate after the applicant has attended a job
interview. As a matter of courtesy, they must be sent out, even if the
applicant does not stand a chance of getting the job. This retains the
prospective employer’s goodwill and increases the chances of being
considered for future jobs. If the applicant is being considered for the
present job, a thank you letter may be the deciding factor in his/her favour.
Thank you letters are relatively shorter than other employment letters.
Writing in too much detail de-emphasises the appreciation and gratitude that
they are meant to convey. Table 14.7 shows a sample ‘thank you’ letter.
Table 14.7: A Thank You Letter

Dear Mr. Harry Jackson

It was very enjoyable to speak with you about the assistant account
executive position at the Smith Agency. The job, as you presented it,
seems to be a very good match for my skills and interests. The creative
approach to account management that you described confirmed my
desire to work with you.

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In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing

skills, assertiveness and the ability to encourage others to work
cooperatively with the department. My artistic background will help me to
work with artists on staff and provide me with an understanding of the
visual aspects of our work.
I understand your need for administrative support. My detail orientation
and organisational skills will help to free you to deal with larger issues. I
neglected to mention during my interview that I had worked for two
summers as a temporary office worker. This experience helped me to
develop my secretarial and clerical skills.
I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in
working for you and look forward to hearing from you about this position.
Sam Daniels

Self Assessment Questions

10. ____________________________ letters are written to prospective
employers about an applicant’s suitability for a particular job. (Pick the
right option.)
a) Job acceptance
b) Recommendation
c) Job refusal
d) Thank you
11. Prospective employers like to know as soon as possible, whether a job
offer has been accepted or not. (True/False)
12. ___________________ letters are appropriate after the applicant has
attended a job interview.

14.5 Job Search Plan

It is essential to have an effective job search plan before you begin to look
for a new job. You can follow a traditional job search approach or a targeted
job search approach.

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Traditional job search approach

In a traditional job search approach, you apply for jobs in many
organisations that have job openings that are aligned with your career goals.
Organisations list job openings in newspapers, employment agencies and
the Web. Employment agencies can be government agencies or private
agencies. While submitting your resume at an employment agency, it is a
good practice to consider the agency personnel as your potential employer.
You can submit your resume and cover letters through online job portals like or These job portals
list the jobs by industry, by functions and by location. You can also visit job
fairs and submit your resumes and cover letters. Job Fairs are events
arranged to enable fast track recruitment of employees.
Targeted job search approach
In a targeted job search approach, you seek employment in a particular
company. The company may not have any current job openings. You must
research the company and write a job letter that convinces the company that
your skills and abilities will be an asset to the company. In a targeted job
search, you can identify companies where you want to work through your
friends who may be employed in that company. You can also read business
magazines and identify companies that provide a good work environment.
The resume that you submit in company websites or job portals is called an
electronic resume. The content of an electronic resume is similar to a
traditional resume but differs in the manner of presentation. You can also
create an e-portfolio to present your talents, experience and achievements.
An e-portfolio includes the following:
 Technical skills
 Courses completed
 Workshops and seminars attended
 Awards received
 Volunteer work done
 Videos of presentations given
 Resume
You can also create a blog to provide details about your accomplishments to
your prospective employer.

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Self Assessment Questions

12. In a traditional job search approach, you seek employment in a
particular company. (True/False)
13. The resume that you submit in company websites or job portals is
called __________________________.

14.6 Summary
Let us recapitulate the important points studied in this unit:
 A document that summarises your background, educational
qualifications, experience and interests is known as a resume.
 Chronological and functional resumes are the two types of resumes.
 The important components of a resume are:
o Basic data
o Career objective
o Education
o Experience
o Skills/Other knowledge
o Organisations and activities
o References
 Job application letter or cover letter introduces or covers the major points
mentioned in the resume.
 The important components of a job application letter are:
o Address and salutation
o Opening
o Body
o Closing
 Job application letters are classified into two broad categories, namely,
solicited application letters and unsolicited application letters.
 The other letters used for communicating job related information are:
o Recommendation letters
o Job acceptance letters
o Job refusal letters
o Thank you letters
 It is essential to have an effective job search plan before you begin to
look for a new job.

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 The resume that you submit in company websites or job portals is called
an electronic resume.

14.7 Glossary
Chronological order: Arranged in order of time of occurrence.
Head hunters: A person whose profession is to find executives to fill open
positions in corporations; an executive personnel recruiter; also, a company
that performs a similar service.
Human Resources (HR): The department or support systems responsible
for personnel sourcing and hiring, applicant tracking, skills development and
tracking, benefits administration and compliance with associated
government regulations.

14.8 Terminal Questions

1. Explain the different types of resume.
2. What are the different components of a resume? Explain.
3. What is a cover letter? Explain its components.
4. Explain the different types of job application letters.
5. Write a note on the other letters related to employment or to a job
6. Differentiate between a traditional job search approach and a targeted
job search approach.

14.9 Answers

Self Assessment Questions

1. Resume
2. Functional
3. True
4. Appearance
5. True
6. Opening statement

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7. Solicited application
8. Unsolicited job application letter
9. False. The last paragraph of unsolicited job application letter must ask
for action on the part of the prospective employer.
10. Recommendation
11. True
12. Thank you
13. False. In a targeted job search approach, you seek employment in a
particular company.
14. An electronic resume

Terminal Questions
1. Chronological resume and functional resume are the different types of
resume. For more details, refer sub-section 14.2.1.
2. Basic data, career objective, education, experience, skills etc are the
different components of a resume. For more details, refer sub-section
3. A letter that contains the major or important points of a resume is called
a cover letter. Address and salutation, opening, body and closing are the
components of it. For more details, refer section 14.3.
4. Solicited application letters and unsolicited application letters are the two
different types of job application letters. For more details, refer sub-
section 14.3.1.
5. Usually in organisations letters such as recommendation letters, job
acceptance letters, job refusal letters and thank you letters are used for
communicating job related information. For more details, refer
section 14.4.
6. In a traditional job search approach, you apply for jobs in many
organisations that have job openings that are aligned with your career
goals. In a targeted job search approach, you seek employment in a
particular company. For more details, refer section 14.5.

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14.10 Case Study

Will Smith's Resume

Will Smith is a Ph.D. holder is neuroscience and is planning to apply for a
job and decides to prepare a resume.
Will Smith is planning to apply for the post of project manager and wants
to prepare a resume. He is an expert on the brain of the sea slug which
he studied while at school. At first glance, this knowledge of his may not
seem so important. But while studying slug brains, Smith developed a
sophisticated computer model to track the results of his experiments.
Smith had the computer skills to be a technical consultant. He also knew
that he had the personality to do well in the field because he had worked
for himself helping people purchase and set up home computers.
Smith realised that the most important part of his resume is the overview.
He plans to tell his potential employer most of what they want to know
about his technical capabilities in the first few lines of his resume. The rest
of the resume will show that he has the project management and people
skills to handle the job.
Writing the resume
The following are the important strategies Smith decides to implement
while creating his resume:
 He decides to use chronological format because his skills are clear and
well defined. As the overview establishes his concrete skills, the first
entry under the work experience is slightly out of the field.
 He describes his degree as 'Computational Neuroscience', to
emphasise the connection between his degree and the job.
 He states exactly what position he seeks and tries to convey as much
information as possible in the resume.
Will Smith, Ph.D.
Mayor Mansion,
1st Summer St.
Somerville, LS 02134
Phone: 555-1313

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 9 years C/C++ development (Unix, Win95/NT, Mac OS)
 Ph.D. in computational neuroscience, strong quantitative
modelling and statistical skills
 Seeking project management position
Postdoctoral Fellow, Brandels University (1996-1998)
 Translated non-quantitative biological problems into quantitative
 Developed C++ applications and user interfaces to test models.
 Designed computational models of active filters in neurons;
measures of salience in time-series.
Computer consultant, freelance (1996-1998)
 Helped nontechnical home users with system purchases and
 Web design and development (DHTML, CSS, JavaScript).
 System administration (Unix, Win95/NT): 20-machines campus
Graduate student, Princeton University (1991-1996)
 Computer modelling of biophysical mechanism of learning.
 Analysis of feedback and gain control in biological neural network.
 Research on stochastic resonance, role of noise in neural nets.
 Ph.D. computational neuroscience (neurobiology), Princeton
University. (1996).
 A.B. Neuroscience, philosophy, Bowdoin College. (1991)
Other Activities
 Cofounder and manager of college cafe, 1988-1991
 Interests: drawing, hiking, carpentry, poetry, juggling
In his job descriptions, Smith emphasises the analytical and technical
skills that will translate into consulting work, rather than the biological
knowledge involved. His freelance work was pretty informal, but it is good
to mention in the resume as it is a relevant experience to the job applied

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Discussion Questions:
1. What is the main objective of Smith's resume?
(Hint: Refer to section 'Objective' in the Case Study)
2. Was Smith able to write an effective resume? Explain.
(Hint: Refer to sections 'Approach' and 'Conclusion' in case study)
(Source: Basalla, S.E., & Debelius, M. (2007). "So What are You Going to do
With That?": Finding Careers Outside Academia. London: The University of
Chicago Press )

 Basalla S.E., & Debelius M. (2007). "So What are You Going to do With
That?": Finding Careers Outside Academia. London: The University of
Chicago Press.
 Fulton-Calkins P., & Stulz K. M. (2009). Procedures and Theory for
Administrative Professionals, 6E. U. S. A.: South-Western Cengage
 Kennedy, J. L. Cover Letters for Dummies. 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons.
 Sarmiento, K. (2009). The Complete Guide to Writing Effective Résumé
Cover letters: Step-by-Step Instructions. Florida: Atlantic Publishing

– Retrieved on January 27, 2012.
 – Retrieved on
January 27, 2012.
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on March 26, 2012.
– Retrieved on March 26, 2012.
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