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Advertising Brief

1. Client : Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo

2. Brand : Fikom Moestopo
3. Campaign Period :
4. Brand Category : Rebranding Fikom Moestopo menjadi
Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi unggulan
5. How Is The market & Brand Perfomance :
6. Who & how is the competition :
7. What are the marketing weakness & strength :
8. What is Marketing objective :
9. What is marketing strategy :
10. What is costumers profile
 Sex : Laki-laki & Perempuan
 Age : 18 -25 Thn
 Education : SMA/SMK
 Profession
 Marital status


 Lifestyle
 Personality


 Primary
 Secondary
11. What Is Brand USP

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