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Imagine Education

Student Assessment Feedback


Student Name: ________________________________________________

Unit: BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace

Assessment Satisfactory (S) / Date Comment

Not Yet


Feedback from the Student:

I have been provided with feedback on this assessment from the assessor for this unit

Student Signature:

Overall competency has been achieved: YES □ NO □

□     Assessment submitted past end date
Assessor’s Name: Result Date:
Assessor’s Signature:

Imagine Education
Student Assessment Cover

Course Code SIT40516 Course Name Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

Unit Code BSBDIV501 Unit Name Manage diversity in the workplace

Due Date ________________ Assessment Name Questions


Student No. ________________ Student Name _____________________________

Student Phone ________________ Student Email _____________________________

Student Declaration
I declare that this assessment is my own work and where my work is supported by documents from my
workplace placement/employer permission has been granted.

Note: This assessment will not be accepted unless all sections have been completed and the front cover has been
signed and dated.

Filling out this coversheet as part of an electronic submission and approving the above information will operate in
the same way as physically signing this cover sheet.

Student Signature _________________________ Date: _____________________________

Office Use Only

Date/s Received: ___/___/___ ___/___/___ ___/___/___

Date/s Assessed: ___/___/___ ___/___/___ ___/___/___

Result of Assessment: ___________ ___________ ___________

Entered on Training Plan Moderation Signature

Note for Assessors: Filling out the above Office Use Only section as part of an electronic submission will operate in
the same way as physically signing this cover sheet. If not physically signed, Assessor must print their name in
signature box.

Imagine Education

Course Code and Name: SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

Unit Code: BSBDIV501
Unit Title: Manage diversity in the workplace


Please complete the student details section.Ensure you check your work before submitting.

This short answer assessment is one form of assessment that is used to collect evidence of competency for
this unit.

To demonstrate competence you must correctly answer all questions. Any shortfalls or wrong responses may
be followed up by your trainer in verbal, written or practical instance.

You will be required to complete other relevant assessment tasks for this unit as instructed by your teacher
or trainer. Please note, once the assessor has marked your work they will provide you with feedback.

Question 1: List 6 prohibited areas of discrimination your company’s diversity policy should address.

Question 2: List 3 examples of policies that may cover aspects of businesses operations affected by

Question 3: When should staff be made aware of the diversity policy?

Question 4: Name 2 ways of prompting the diversity policy

Question 5: What should you do if you discover areas of the anti-discrimination legislation, which are
not fully addressed by your diversity policy in your workplace?

Question 6: What can happen if your own prejudices cause discrimination during the employment
process and a candidate is dissatisfied?

Question 7: List 2 benefits of selecting a socially diverse workforce.

Question 8: List 3 types of training you may need to offer staff to help deal with cultural difference in
your team.

Question 9: List 3 examples of issues caused by cultural differences that can cause tensions between

Question 10: How can you manage staff tensions and assist staff in working effectively with each

Question 11: Who should ideally be in charge when investigating complaints relating to bullying, racial
vilification, sexual harassment or violence?

Question 12: An employer can be held liable for any unlawful workplace behaviour unless they can
prove what?

Question 13: What are some ways businesses can promote diversity?

Question 14: Give an example of how you can use the skills from a cultural diverse workforce to improve
products or services in your industry.

Question 15: Match the following pieces of legislation with their corresponding description.
Age Discrimination Act 2004 – 1) protects against discrimination on the basis of a disability

Disability Discrimination Act 1992 – 2) protects against discrimination on the basis of ethnic
extraction, skin colour, descent, national origin, etc.
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 –
3) protects younger and older people from unlawful treatment
on the basis of their age
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 –
4) established the Australian Human Rights Commission, gives
it powers and defines discrimination
Australian Human Rights Commission
Act 1986 – 5) protects against discrimination on the basis of sex, marital
status or pregnancy

Question 16: List the 2 main ways which can be used to lodge and handle a complaint:


Question 17: List 4 types of complaints which must be investigated formally:

Question 18: The HR manager asks you to investigate a sexual harassment claim which has occurred
yesterday in the catering department. In brief, outline the steps you
should take to address this complaint in a professional manner.

Imagine Education

Course Code and Name: SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

Unit Code: BSBDIV501
Unit Title: Manage diversity in the workplace

Assessment 2

Whilst EEO legislation covers the general aspects related to Equal Opportunity Employment, the intention
of this project is to identify contemporary aspects which would be beneficial for a diverse team in the
workplace. You are encouraged to evaluate current programs and identify which aspects can be
implemented in a sustainable manner in industry.

The link and information provided on the websites are sources of information and all responses you
provide here must be clearly referenced. Policies and procedures must be your own work.

1. Go to the website and identify the

purpose of the following Acts – what is covered, who does this apply to and what is the relevance in a
 Age Discrimination Act

 Disability Discrimination Act

 Racial Discrimination Act

 Sex Discrimination Act

 Australian Human Rights Commission Act

2. Current projects that have been implemented as part of the national strategies for each of the
following acts can be found on the relevant areas of Review these current
projects and analyse the key factors and campaigns which would be beneficial and could be adapted
for managing a diverse workplace. Which potential benefits for a workplace can you find in each of
these projects?

 Age Discrimination Act

 Disability Discrimination Act

 Racial Discrimination Act

 Sex Discrimination Act

3. Answer the following questions:

a) Review your existing diversity policy in the workplace (if one exists) and compare what is included
to what should be included. Identify what is potentially lacking and which of the aspects you have
researched could be included

b) Given consideration to the requirements you have identified in Question (a) and the positives you
have analysed and identified in Question 2; develop a diversity policy which sufficiently covers all
aspects required to manage diversity in a contemporary, modern workplace which fosters
effective communication and promotes harmony and an inclusive team

4. Develop a bullying/harassment policy that can be used in your workplace. The policy needs to include:
(You may access and reference you state WHS legislation or Fairwork for specific requirements in your
state and the following link provides a checklist:

 The legal requirements set out by law

 Examples of what is defined as bullying and harassment and what is not

 A clear statement that will outline the processes and procedures to be followed in case of any
incident including the stages of informal and formal procedures

 A statement regarding how you will implement this policy in the workplace and ensure that staff
are trained and aware on an ongoing basis, as part of an integrated consultation process


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