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Sentence Stems

The Language
of Opinions
Use these questions, responses, and sentence starters
to share opinions in English. This includes language for
agreeing and disagreeing.

Sentence Stems
Sentence stems are helpful when you need to form a
thought in English. The sentences have been started
for you. These are also called sentence frames or
sentence starters.

Asking for an Opinion Expressing an Opinion

Sentence Stems Sentence Stems

What do you think about… ? I think/feel… .

How do you feel about… ? I don’t think… .

What’s your opinion on… ? In my opinion… .

What are your thoughts on… ? As far as I’m concerned… .

What’s your take on… ? If you ask me… .

Do you agree with (name)? The way I see it… .

Do you agree that… ? From my point of view… .

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The Language of Opinions
Sentence Stems

Agreeing with an Opinion Disagreeing with an Opinion

Responses Responses

So do I. / Me too. I disagree.

Neither do I. / I don’t either. Actually, I think… 

I agree. I have to disagree with you about…

I think so too. I’m afraid I have to disagree. / I’m afraid I disagree.

I have to agree with (name). I see things differently.

I’m with you there. I don’t think that’s the case.

Strong Agreement Strong Disagreement

Responses Responses

Absolutely! / Definitely! / Exactly! I strongly/completely disagree.

Totally! / I totally agree. I totally disagree.

I couldn’t agree more. That doesn’t make any sense.

I’m with you one hundred percent. No way! (informal)

Right? (informal) That’s ridiculous. (informal)

Partial Agreement
Sentence Stems

I see where you’re coming from, but…  That’s true/partly right, but… 

You have a point, but…  I agree to an extent, but… 

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The Language of Opinions
Sentence Stems

Opinion Language

Here are a few questions, responses, and sentence

starters for expressing and responding to opinions.

• What do you think about… ?

• What’s your opinion on… ?

• In my opinion…

• As far as I’m concerned…

• If you ask me…

• So do I.

• I agree.

• I’m with you there.

• Absolutely!

• I totally agree.

• I couldn’t agree more.

• Right?

• I disagree.

• Actually, I think…

• I don’t think that’s the case.

• I strongly disagree.

• No way!

• I see where you’re coming from, but...

• You have a point, but...

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