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Planned and Reactive Agility Performance in Semi-Professional and Amateur

Basketball Players.

Article  in  International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance · November 2013

DOI: 10.1123/IJSPP.2013-0324 · Source: PubMed

77 8,354

5 authors, including:

Robert George Lockie Matthew Daniel Jeffriess

California State University, Fullerton University of Technology Sydney


Tye S. Mcgann Samuel John Callaghan

The University of Newcastle, Australia 56 PUBLICATIONS   1,616 CITATIONS   

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International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2014, 9, 766-771
© 2014 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Planned and Reactive Agility Performance

in Semiprofessional and Amateur Basketball Players
Robert G. Lockie, Matthew D. Jeffriess, Tye S. McGann, Samuel J. Callaghan, Adrian B. Schultz

Context: Research indicates that planned and reactive agility are different athletic skills. These skills have not been adequately
assessed in male basketball players. Purpose: To define whether 10-m-sprint performance and planned and reactive agility
measured by the Y-shaped agility test can discriminate between semiprofessional and amateur basketball players. Methods: Ten
semiprofessional and 10 amateur basketball players completed 10-m sprints and planned- and reactive-agility tests. The Y-shaped
agility test involved subjects sprinting 5 m through a trigger timing gate, followed by a 45° cut and 5-m sprint to the left or right
through a target gate. In the planned condition, subjects knew the cut direction. For reactive trials, subjects visually scanned to
find the illuminated gate. A 1-way analysis of variance (P < .05) determined between-groups differences. Data were pooled (N
= 20) for a correlation analysis (P < .05). Results: The reactive tests differentiated between the groups; semiprofessional play-
ers were 6% faster for the reactive left (P = .036) and right (P = .029) cuts. The strongest correlations were between the 10-m
sprints and planned-agility tests (r = .590–.860). The reactive left cut did not correlate with the planned tests. The reactive right
cut moderately correlated with the 10-m sprint and planned right cut (r = .487–.485). Conclusions: The results reemphasized
that planned and reactive agility are separate physical qualities. Reactive agility discriminated between the semiprofessional and
amateur basketball players; planned agility did not. To distinguish between male basketball players of different ability levels,
agility tests should include a perceptual and decision-making component.

Keywords: change-of-direction speed, visual perception, decision making, Y-shaped agility test, court sports

Agility is an essential component for team sports including in that subjects are aware of the direction changes required.7,8 Cer-
basketball. Agility has been defined as an action that features an tain change-of-direction-speed tests can delineate between athletes
initiation of body movement, change of direction, or rapid accelera- of different ability levels. For example, better American football
tion or deceleration.1 There are also physical and cognitive com- players tend to complete the proagility shuttle and 3-cone drill faster
ponents such as recognition of a stimulus, reaction, and execution than players from lower levels of play.6 Regarding basketball, a test
of a physical response.1 Maximal runs in basketball often feature a that incorporated six 5-m shuttle runs designed to mimic basketball-
change in direction.2 Furthermore, elite basketball players perform specific cuts delineated between elite and subelite female players.9
more movement changes, whether transitioning from actions like However, planned agility has also been found to not discriminate
running, jumping, shuffling, or dribbling, than subelite players.3 between players of different athletic capabilities. This includes the
This illustrates the need for basketball players to effectively change 3-cone drill10 for rugby league players and an adapted Y-shaped
direction and the importance of how coaches can assess this capacity. change-of-direction-speed test in netball players8 and Australian
It is important to define the agility component actually being football players.11 Previous research has also shown that there is
assessed by a test, with Sheppard and Young1 illustrating the many little commonality between planned and reactive agility,8,11 indicat-
factors that agility comprises. Change-of-direction speed forms 1 ing they are 2 different actions.
branch of agility and incorporates factors such as the athlete’s sprint To test reactive agility, the assessment task must include an
technique, strength, and power. Perception and decision making introduced stimulus. The athlete responds to this stimulus to change
form a second branch, incorporating visual scanning, knowledge direction within the task confines. This stimulus is required to stress
of situations, and pattern recognition. athletes’ visual-scanning and decision-making capacities.7 The most
Many traditional tests of agility only assess change-of-direction common model used is a Y-shaped drill, in which athletes receive
speed; they do not incorporate a decision-making component. a stimulus that requires them to complete a 45° cut to the left or
Examples include the 505,4,5 proagility shuttle,6 and 3-cone drill.4,6 right.7,8,11–13 In an attempt to increase the specificity of a reactive
Change-of-direction speed can also be classified as planned agility, Y-shaped agility test, researchers have used video projections
for netball players8 and Australian football players13 and a live
opponent for Australian football players.11,14 In each instance, the
reactive-agility drill was able to discriminate between athletes of
At the time of the study, the authors were all with the Exercise and Sport different playing levels. However, when incorporating a person in
Science Dept, University of Newcastle, Ourimbah, Australia. Lockie is now an assessment, the variability associated with a live opponent can
with California State University, Northridge, Northridge, CA. Jeffriess is have a meaningful effect on test performance.14 Previous research
with the Sport and Exercise Discipline Group, University of Technology, has also found low reliability associated with reactive-agility tests
Sydney, Australia. Callaghan is with the School of Exercise and Health using video for Australian football (intraclass correlation coefficient
Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia. Address author cor- = .33).13 Perhaps more important, the practicality of using video
respondence to Robert Lockie at projections to assess reactive agility in the field is problematic.13

Agility in Basketball Players   767

Many basketball teams do not have access to the equipment neces- and procedures used in this study were approved by the institutional
sary to perform this type of assessment. Therefore, a protocol that ethics committee and conformed to the policy statement with respect
can distinguish athletes of different ability levels that is practically to the Declaration of Helsinki. All subjects received an explanation
appropriate and easy to implement would be of great value for of the study, including the risks and benefits of participation. Written
basketball coaches. informed consent was obtained.
Light stimuli have also been used in reactive-agility testing.7,12
Although a flashing light may not be specific to stimuli that are Design
generally present in team sports,1 it is frequently used in an applied
setting due to commercial availability in timing-gate systems.7 Reac- This research involved a cross-sectional analysis of basketball play-
tion time for a physical response to a light stimulus does provide ers. One testing session was used, where after having their height,
an indication of an individual’s information-processing speed,15 mass, and age recorded, subjects completed three 10-m sprint trials
which is an important component of reactive agility,1 and this pro- and 12 maximal efforts in the Y-shaped agility test (6 planned, 6
vides evidence of criterion validity. As evidence of the construct reactive, with 3 each to the left and right). Three minutes recovery
validity of this type of protocol, a reactive-agility test that used a was allocated between trials. All testing was conducted on an indoor
light stimulus to induce a direction change differentiated between basketball court with a sprung wooden floor. The same dynamic
higher- and lower-level rugby league7 and rugby union12 players. warm-up was completed by all subjects, consisting of 5 minutes
The reliability of such an assessment was high, with a coefficient of jogging around the court at a self-selected pace, 10 minutes of
of variation of approximately 3%.7 Given that this type of testing dynamic stretching of the lower limbs, and progressive speed runs
can be used across a range of team-sport athletes, it is important (50%, 60%, 70%, and 90% of perceived maximum) over the length
that research clarify the legitimacy of reactive-agility testing for of half the basketball court (14 m). Subjects then completed the
specific athletic populations. No research has analyzed reactive 10-m sprints. After this, the trials for the planned or reactive sprints
agility specifically in basketball players. were completed in successive order. Which group of 6 trials was
There is an argument that a valid test for assessing a player’s completed first (planned or reactive) was randomized among the
agility must include both a reactive and a visual-perceptual compo- subjects. Before the test trials, 2 submaximal (~80% of perceived
nent. Therefore, the current research compared linear 10-m-sprint maximum) practice trials were provided for each condition. Times
performance, as well as planned and reactive agility using the were recorded to the nearest 0.001 second.
Y-shaped agility test, in semiprofessional and amateur basketball
players. The inclusion of the 10-m sprint was to ensure that any 10-m Sprint
differences in reactive agility could be linked to visual-perceptual
capacities, rather than just physical capabilities relating to better The 10-m sprint was used as an assessment of planned linear accel-
planned sprint or agility performance. We hypothesized that semi- eration and has been previously included in agility research.7,11,12
professional players would perform better in both the sprint and Timing light gates (Fusion Sports, Coopers Plains, Australia) were
planned-agility tests, as well as the reactive-agility tests but that the positioned at 0 m and 10 m. Gates were set at a width of 1.5 m and
differences will be more pronounced for the reactive assessments. height of 1.2 m. Subjects began the sprint 30 cm behind the start
These hypotheses were based on research documenting the fact line to trigger the first gate7 and were instructed to sprint maximally
that elite basketball players make more direction changes during through both gates. The fastest trial was analyzed.
match play3 and higher-level team-sport athletes perform better in
light-stimulus reactive-agility tests.7,12 This research has importance Y-Shaped Agility Test
for basketball and strength and conditioning coaches. The findings
document the value of testing reactive agility specific to basketball The Y-shaped agility test was used in this study.7,12 This has previ-
players and indicate whether there is a greater need to assess this ously been found to be reliable.7 The dimensions for the test can be
capacity than planned agility. seen in Figure 1. A timing-lights system (Fusion Sports, Coopers
Plains, Australia) was used to record time and set the planned and
reactive conditions. As in the 10-m sprint, gates were set at a width
Methods of 1.5 m and height of 1.2 m. A goniometer was used to determine
the 45° angle from the middle of the trigger gate to the middle of
the target gates, and the photoelectric cells were positioned on the
Twenty male basketball players (age 22.30 ± 3.97 y, height 1.84 ± inside of these gates.12 Subjects began their sprint 30 cm behind
0.09 m, mass 85.96 ± 11.88 kg) were recruited. This included 10 the start line7 and ran maximally through the first 2 gates. In the
players from a semiprofessional team (age 21.40 ± 3.13 y, height planned condition, subjects were told before the trial which direction
1.88 ± 0.10 m, mass 88.45 ± 10.70 kg) that play 1 tier below the they were to turn. They were encouraged to perform the change-of-
Australian professional league. Ten recreational amateur players direction task as fast as possible, resulting in an approximate 45°
(age 23.20 ± 4.66 y, height 1.81 ± 0.08 m, mass 83.47 ± 13.02 kg), change of direction. They were also told not to initiate the change of
age-matched as closely as possible to the semiprofessional group, direction until they had passed through the trigger gate. Three trials
were also recruited. Subjects were recruited if they were currently each cutting left and right were completed for the planned-agility
playing basketball at either a semiprofessional or amateur level, conditions. The fastest trial for each direction change was analyzed.
had a history of physical activity (≥2 times per week) extending The conditions for the reactive test were modeled on estab-
over the previous 6 months, had played basketball for at least 5 lished methods.12 Subjects sprinted through the first 2 gates as
years,16 and did not have any existing medical conditions that would per the planned test. However, after passing through the trigger
compromise study participation. Subjects were tested in-season. All gate, subjects visually scanned for the flashing gate and, once they
subjects played 1 game per week; the semiprofessional players also located it, performed a 45° cut to sprint through the gate. During
attended 2 basketball training sessions per week. The methodology the reactive trials, subjects were required to perform a split-step
768  Lockie et al

after they passed through the trigger gate. A split-step is a small discarded and reattempted. Subjects completed 6 trials in total. The
vertical jump that is preparatory motion before making a lateral timing-lights software was programmed such that 3 trials to the left
movement.17 Although the split-step was not incorporated into the and right were completed, but the order of trials was randomized
planned tests, it was included in the reactive test to reduce subjects’ such that subjects did not know which direction to turn before the
ability to guess which gate they thought would illuminate and test, and the order was different for each subject. The fastest trial
helped ensure that the resulting position of the feet did not favor for each turn was used.
movement to either side.18 Furthermore, the body position adopted
after the split-step is coached in basketball players to encourage a Statistical Analysis
stance that can facilitate movement on the court in reactive condi-
tions.19,20 If a subject did guess during a trial (eg, did not perform Descriptive statistics (mean ± SD) were calculated for all results. A
a split-step and the trial resembled a planned change-of-direction 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA; P < .05) determined whether
sprint or initiated movement to the incorrect gate), the trial was there were significant differences between the dependent variables
(10-m sprint and Y-shaped agility-test times) for the semiprofes-
sional and amateur groups. Effect sizes (ES) were also calculated,
where the difference between the means was divided by the pooled
standard deviations.21 An ES of 0.50 or lower was considered a
small effect, 0.51 to 0.80 a medium effect, and 0.81 and above a
large effect.21
To further analyze agility, data for all subjects (N = 20) were
then combined and used for a Pearson correlation analysis (P < .05).
A correlation coefficient (r) less than .30 was considered small, .31
to .49 moderate, .50 to .69 large, .70 to .89 very large, and .90 and
higher nearly perfect for predicting relationships.22 All statistical
analyses were computed using the Statistics Package for Social
Sciences (version 20.0, IBM, Armonk, USA).

There were no differences in age (P = .324, ES = 0.45), height
(P = .117, ES = 0.77), or mass (P = .363, ES = 0.42) between the
groups. Table 1 displays the speed-test results for both groups. The
between-groups degrees of freedom for the ANOVA data equaled 1;
within-subject equaled 18. The semiprofessional group displayed
moderately, 4%, quicker 10-m-sprint times than the amateur group,
although the difference was nonsignificant. There were also no
significant differences between the planned-agility tests. In the
reactive tests, the semiprofessional group was significantly faster
for both conditions (6% faster for both cuts). In each instance, large
effects were present.
Figure 2 displays descriptive data for each test for all subjects.
The correlations between the 10-m-sprint and Y-shaped agility tests
Figure 1 — The Y-shaped agility test. Participants ran 5 m through the are shown in Table 2. All significant relationships were positive,
start gate to pass the trigger gate. After this, they cut left or right depending indicating that a faster time in one test related to a faster time in
on which reactive gate was illuminated. Gates were 1.5 m wide. the other. Moderate correlations were found between the right-cut

Table 1  Descriptive Statistics for Semiprofessional (n = 10) and Amateur (n = 10)

Basketball Players in a 10-m Sprint, and Y-Shaped Agility Test Under Planned and
Reactive Conditions With Cuts to the Left and Right
Time (s)
Semiprofessional Amateur F P Effect size
10-m sprint 1.812 ± 0.094 1.880 ± 0.072 3.271 .087 0.81
Planned left 1.877 ± 0.087 1.936 ± 0.124 1.494 .237 0.55
Planned right 1.889 ± 0.144 1.960 ± 0.144 1.199 .288 0.49
Reactive left 2.519 ± 0.167 2.672 ± 0.132 5.165 .036* 1.02
Reactive right 2.528 ± 0.191 2.696 ± 0.118 5.597 .029* 1.06
*Significant (P < .05) difference between the semiprofessional and amateur groups.
Agility in Basketball Players   769

Figure 2 — 10-m (m) sprint time and time for planned and reactive cuts to the left and right as measured by the Y-shaped agility test in semiprofes-
sional and amateur basketball players (N = 20).

Table 2  Correlations Between the 10-m Sprint and players (Table 1). This is in line with previous research showing
Y-Shaped Agility Test Under Planned and Reactive that a 10-m sprint and modified planned Y-shaped agility test did
Conditions With Cuts to the Left and Right in not discriminate between first- or reserve-grade Australian football
Semiprofessional and Amateur Basketball Players (N = players.11 The correlation analysis also illustrated the specificity of
20) the requirements in the planned tasks of linear sprinting and agil-
ity (Table 2). The 10-m sprint related to both the planned-agility
0–10 m Planned Planned Reactive tests with cuts to the left and right. The 2 planned-agility tasks also
sprint left right left demonstrated a relationship.
Planned left r .590 The qualities required for linear acceleration and planned agil-
ity have similarities. Lockie et al23 detailed that field-sport athletes
P .006*
who are faster over 10 m exhibit greater leg power and relative
Planned right r .755 .860 strength, while Chaouachi et al24 established links between absolute
P <.001* <.001* leg strength and power, and performance in a 10-m sprint and T test
Reactive left r .240 .443 .393 (a test involving linear sprinting, lateral shuffling, and backward
running) in male basketball players. These results fit into the change-
P .309 .051 .087 of-direction-speed branch of the model presented by Sheppard and
Reactive right r .485 .278 .457 .590 Young,1 in that both leg strength and leg power should contribute
P .030* .236 .043* .006* to planned agility. Furthermore, the relatively simple nature of the
change of direction required in the planned-agility task (ie, 1 cut
*Significant (P < .05) relationship between the variables.
followed by a straight sprint) also demonstrates why there were
significant relationships found. The fewer changes of direction
required in an agility task, the stronger the relationship with linear
sprinting speed.25 This phenomenon has also been demonstrated by
reactive-agility test and the 10-m sprint and right-cut planned-agility
Nimphius et al5 in female softball players, where the 505 change-
test. Large correlations were established between the 10-m sprint
of-direction-speed test, which features one 180° cut, correlated
and left-cut planned-agility test and between the 2 reactive-agility
with 10-m-sprint performance (r > .90). These results suggest that
directions. Very large correlations were found between the 10-m
the physical characteristics that contribute to planned-agility per-
sprint and the planned-agility test with the right cut and the 2
formance in semiprofessional and amateur basketball players are
planned-agility directions.
similar. Thus, there are other factors as to why certain basketball
players are capable of performing at a higher level. For this research,
Discussion this related to the perceptual factors within reactive agility.
The semiprofessional group was significantly faster than
This is the first study to analyze differences in planned and reac- the amateur group in both reactive-agility conditions, with large
tive agility between semiprofessional and amateur male basketball effects found for each difference (Table 2). Previous research has
players. Although there were small to moderate effects for the dif- also demonstrated that when considering agility, tests that include
ferences in the planned-agility tests with cuts to the left or right, perceptual requirements can delineate between team-sport athletes
the semiprofessional group was not significantly faster than the from different levels of play.8,11,12 The importance of reactive agility
amateurs for these assessments (Table 1). Linear acceleration as relates to the demands of basketball. Maximal runs in basketball
measured by a 10-m sprint, which is a component of agility,1 also will generally include some form of direction change,2 often in
did not discriminate between the semiprofessional and amateur response to opponents or the ball. Similar to previous research,8,11
770  Lockie et al

there were few significant correlations found between planned and planned agility, can differentiate between higher- and lower-level
reactive agility, although the 2 reactive conditions were significantly basketball players. This could aid talent-identification practices, as
correlated (Table 2). The right-cut reactive-agility test did corre- reactive agility may provide a better indication of basketball players
late with the 10-m sprint and right-cut planned-agility test. These with higher skill levels, possibly relating to cognitive processing.
relationships illustrate how certain qualities (ie, leg strength and Reactive-agility assessment could influence player selection and
power) contribute to both planned and reactive agility.1 Given that possible positions for players (eg, point guards). It would be appro-
relationships were found for cuts in the same direction, unilateral leg priate for further studies to investigate the use of basketball-specific
strength and power may also be important. Indeed, the preferred leg stimuli in reactive-agility situations, as long as the test validity,
can display higher power as measured by a maximal hop26 and also reliability, and practicality are appropriate. Future research should
has greater proprioceptive function for dynamic stability.27 Although analyze the technique adopted by basketball players during a reac-
leg preference or preferred cutting direction was not investigated in tive change of direction, as well as the influence of cutting from
this study, this is an avenue for future research. the preferred and nonpreferred legs.
The light stimulus used to assess reactive agility in this study
has been found to be both reliable and valid in team-sport athletes.7,12
The inclusion of visual scanning and decision making makes reac- Conclusions
tive agility a unique capacity in athletes. The process of making a This research analyzed differences in 10-m sprint, and planned-
decision can have a marked effect on the gait patterns of a change- and reactive-agility performance using a Y-shaped agility test, in
of-direction movement. Before changing direction in planned condi- semiprofessional and amateur basketball players. Reactive agility
tions, there is an increase in lateral speed in the intended direction.28 discriminated between the semiprofessional and amateur groups;
The inclusion of a decision-making component limits the degree linear speed and planned agility did not. To thoroughly distinguish
of lateral speed an athlete can generate,28 which contributes to an agility performance between basketball players of differing ability
overall slower time than with a planned cut (Figure 1). Nevertheless, levels, there must be the inclusion of some type of perceptual and
the use of effective technique during a change-of-direction task will decision-making component. This can include stimuli that may not
allow an athlete to react and complete the necessary movement more be considered sport-specific (an illuminated timing gate) but are
quickly than an opponent in match situations. Indeed, the use of a still practically appropriate.
split-step, as in this study, ensures that subjects control their lateral
movements before transferring into a body position that allows them
to cut effectively.17–20 It should be acknowledged that the split-step
may have contributed to the slower time of the reactive cuts, as This research project received financial assistance from the NSW Sporting
this action did not feature in the planned cuts. Nonetheless, further Injuries Committee. The authors would like to acknowledge the subjects
research should analyze the technique used during a reactive-agility for their contribution to the study. Special thanks to Tim Hudson and the
task in basketball players, to identify movement characteristics Central Coast Crusaders basketball association. None of the authors have
typical of an effective change of direction. any conflict of interest.
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