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Thief Tactics:

Thief Skills
Skill Mechanics Stat Notes

Bribe Bribe basic skill + Argumentative or Attractive Fel Blessing of Charisma

Charm Charm basic skill + Argumentative or Attractive Fel Blessing of Charisma
Climb Walls Climb basic skill Str
Detect Noise Perception basic skill Int
Escape Bonds Sleight of hand Dex Blessing of Finesse
Fence Evaluate skill Int
Find Traps Perception basic skill I Blessing of Wit
Remove Traps N/a ??? Awaiting Set Traps skill
Forge Documents N/a Dex Blessing of Finesse
Gamble Gamble basic skill Int
Haggle Haggle basic skill Fel Blessing of Charisma
Hide in Shadows and Stealth (General) and (Urban) Agi
Move Silently
Intimidate Pray Fel Blessing of Charisma
Jumping Athletics basic skill Agi
Open Locks Pick Locks skill Dex Blessing of Finesse
Perception I check I Blessing of Wit
Poisoning Trade (Poison) Dex Blessing of Finesse
Public Speaking Charm skill Fel Blessing of Charisma
Pick Pockets Sleight of hand Dex Blessing of Finesse
Read Languages Read/Write (Tilean/Thieves/Reikspiel) Int
Tumbling/ Athletics basic skill Agi
Falling from height
Tunnelling N/a

General tactics

 Win favour with urchins: Entertain (storytelling) – stories of Ranald

 Simple caltrops: marbles


Sees herself as a Teaser for the other two.

1. Long dry twig concealed in one leg of his breeches and tied to his ankle. Hit knees, twig
snaps, attract attention.
2. Over-chewed orange pulp as a substitute for vomit
3. Pretend to have plague (red cheeks, bleeding lips, bruised eyes
4. Finger knife to drop lady’s skirts
5. Stage a fight
6. Blow up and burn stuff
o Set house on fire

Three sacred rules:

1. Always ensure subject is distracted, either by teasers or some other means

2. Minimise contact with subject even when distracted.
3. Clear the vicinity fast

Impersonation: layers of the onion

“Most followers of Ranald are experts at disguise and deception, keeping their true nature hidden
from the rest of the world”

 Concept: always have deeper layers of identity so she can give something away to folk who
sense there is something deeper, at any time to put folks off the true scent.
1. She can reveal any of these layers to avoid revealing any of the others
 Lots of fake names.
1. Anton to the rest of the party.
2. Antonia is not real name.
 Layers:
1. Beggar or Merchant
2. Apothecary
3. Deeply religious (not just superstitious)
4. Priest/Nun (Katya – provincial – disarming beauty)
5. Priest/Nun (Shallya - classical)
6. Core: Friar
7. Friar (Crossed fingers)
8. Female
 Preferred impersonations
1. Beggar (recalling her life on the streets)
2. Merchant (fulfilling expectations of her Tilean background)
3. Emulating other priesthoods (using Lore: Theology)
 Loves to emulate being a priest of various others religions.


See D&D Thief’s Handbook Chapter 6: Classic Cons

 Short-Change Swindles 109

 Gambling 109
 Quackery 109
o Uses heal and charm
 Forgery and Counterfeiting 110
 Jewellery Swindles 110
 Robbing the Robbers 110

Thief Tools (potentially available)
Picking Pockets

 Arm Sling 91
 Mini-Blade 91

Opening Locks

 Lockpicks
 Improvised Lockpicks 91
 Acid 92
 Chisels 92
 Cutters, Files and hacksaws 92
 Magnifying Glass/Lens 92
 Oil and Funnel 92

Finding and Removing Traps

 Lockpicks 93

Moving Silently/ Hiding in Shadows

 Footpads 93
 Silenced Armor 93
 Strapping 93
 Camouflage Clothing 94
 Charcoal 94
 Plant Dyes 94
 Weaponblack 94

Detecting Noise

 Listening Cones 94

Climbing Walls

 Clawed Gloves and Shoes 95

 Climbing Daggers 95
 Grapples 95
 Special Function Arrows 96
 Spikes and Line 97

Miscellaneous Equipment 97

Burglary and Theft

 Crowbar
 Glass Cutter 97
 Housebreaker's Harness 97
 Keymaking Set 97
 Limewood Strips 98
 Sharkskin 98

 Skeleton Key 98
 Tar Paper 98
 Wax Pad 99

Evasions 99

 Aniseed 99
 Caltrops 99
 Catstink 99
 Dog Pepper 100
 Hand Lamp 100
 Hollow Boots 100
 Marbles 100

Self-Protection and Combat 100

 Blinding Powder 100

 Death Knife 100
 Folding Bow 101
 Pin Ring 101
 Sword Stick 101
 Wrist Sheath 101

The Joy of Sticks 101

 Blade Pole 101

 Blade Pole 101
 Climbing Pole 101
 Hooked Pole 101
 Mirror Pole .101


 False Scabbard 102

 Hand Warming Lamp 102
 Marked Cards and Biased Dice 102
 Water Shoes 102

Cover Stories
 Charm (Begging) for beggar cover story.
 Haggle/Charm/Evaluate for merchant cover story
 Trade (cook), Charm (waiter) to get into elite’s houses. Makes poisoning easy.

 Other religions Antonia poses as:

Cover Careers
Can also

Skill Disguise
Trade (Cook) ARTISAN (CHEF)
Entertain (Storytell)/Attractive BAWD/PRIEST OF KATYA (provincial)
Beg (Charm) BEGGAR
Calligraphy/Read-Write STUDENT (SCHOLAR)
Pick Pockets (sleight of hand) CUTPURSE


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