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IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2014),May 09-11,2014,Jaipur,India

Hybrid Simulation Method using

MATLAB/SIMULINK and PSPICE for Studying the
Dynamics of the DC-DC Converters with Linear
Chandra Shetty, Member, IEEE
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India

Abstract- There are numerous simulation tools for studying combination of advantages of both MATLAB/SIMULINK
electrical and electronic circuit system dynamics. Most of the and PSPICE for learning the behavior of the dc-dc converter.
times, we stick to a specific software package for studying the Two step design process is adopted. PSPICE is used to design
behavior of a circuit- it depends either on acquaintance with the
the compensator for the required phase margin and bandwidth
software or on accessibility. However, it is good to carefully
and MATLAB/SIMULINK is used for testing the closed loop
evaluate the advantages and shortcomings of each package prior
to selecting one for a given set of objectives. In this paper, it has
dc-dc converter circuit for the desired transient and steady
been demonstrated how one can combine both the popular state response. MATLAB/SIMULINK can be used for
simulation tools MATLAB/SIMULINK and PSPICE to study the designing linear controllers using SISOTOOL. It requires the
dynamics of the dc-dc converters. The introduced co-simulation transfer function of the plant. The transfer function of the plant
method has advantages like elimination of the laborious process can be obtained by measurement or analysis, like state-space
of development of transfer function of the power stage for averaging technique [8], which is a time consuming practice.
designing the controller, get rid of convergence problem and Type 2 error amplifier is considered as a compensator, which
truncation of simulation time. The method proposed can be
is having two poles and one zero. Because this amplifier has
adapted by beginners who are very new to the designing of
two poles, for reference this is called as Type 2 error
switching regulators for the quick understanding of dynamics of
the converter. Down converter with voltage mode control is used
amplifier. Type 2 error amplifier is referred as "proportional
to verify the proposed method. This can also be extended to plus integral controller (PI)".
higher order converters, like Cuk and SEPIC, where deriving the
OrCAD PSPICE has been employed for obtaining
transfer function of a plant is quite tedious process, apart from
frequency response, which is required for designing linear
above mentioned second order converter. Also, simulation with
idealized models and detailed models has been discussed in the
compensator, of the power stage by drawing the schematic of
paper. the plant on the schematic page editor of the capture without

Keywords- down converter; higher order converters; TL494;

the need of transfer function. Once the compensator is
designed, its performance can be simulated using SIMULINK
MATLAB/SIMULINK, PSPICE; SISOTOOL to study the dynamics of a dc-dc converter. MATLAB is
chosen for simulating the closed loop plant since PSPICE
I. INTRODUCTION exhibits the convergence problem and requires more time for
simulation than MATLAB. However, one can eliminate this

ne must be very grateful to tremendous advancement
convergence problem by using standard design guidelines in
in the computer technology. Had there not been
simulation settings. Most of the students who are new to the
improvement in the computer aided design, it would
PSPICE will not be aware of this stuff. So, an effort has been
have been very difficult to analyze the electrical and electronic
made for combing advantages of both software tools to arrive
systems with pencil and paper. Some of the previously
at a solution for the beginners who try to design the
reported work [1]-[5], specifically focusing on power
compensator for a converter.
electronic course, highlight the importance of simulation tools
in electrical engineering. For higher order converters, it takes considerable amount of
calculation to arrive at the transfer function, which is essential
Designing feedback control for switching power supplies
for applying frequency response analysis. So, the investigated
has always been a challenging task. In [6], feedback controller
study could be a great help for the analysis of these types of
design for switching regulators has been elaborated using
converters. Down converter is considered for demonstrating
specific software package which will guide the students for
the proposed method of simulation.
learning linear as well as non-linear controllers.

Co-simulation method [7] has been considered for studying II. SMALL SIGNAL MODEL
the dynamics of the dc-dc converters. In this paper, it's been a

[978-1-4799-4040-0/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE]

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The advantage of frequency domain over time domain is From the frequency response, as shown in the fig. 3, it is
that we can modify open loop transfer function of a system for apparent that type 2 error amplifier, shown in the fig. 2, is

specified closed loop performance without necessity of the enough to get the desired phase boost.

information about closed loop transfer function. The dc-dc
converters are highly non-linear in nature. For applying 1
frequency response analysis, it requires linearization of the

power stage i.e small signal model of the plant. The linear
model of the power stage can be developed either by state
space averaging technique or using an average model of the
switch [9]. In this paper, frequency response of the power
stage is obtained by using the schematic of the plant in
OrCAD PSPICE [10]-[12] without the requirement of transfer
function, which can be obtained by above mentioned Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of type II amplifier.
linearization techniques. The frequency response can also be
obtained by measurement. However, both are extra burden as The simulation result of the PSPICE is combined with the
far as quick learning of compensator design is concerned. K-factor approach standard design guidelines to arrive at the
transfer function of the compensator. This transfer function
will be used in SIMULINK for the simulation of the closed
loop plant. The transfer function of the type 2 error amplifier
To design the compensator, PSPICE is considered as a is given by equation (1).
viable simulation tool in this paper. The first step in stabilizing
a feedback loop is to determine the transfer function of the
plant. We can develop small signal model of the plant as a
transfer function using state space analysis. Once we have
linearized model of the power stage, there are well known
G(S) = (1)
methods from control theory for designing the controller to
ensure stability and dynamic response.

Since PSPICE doesn't require the transfer function for

obtaining the frequency response of the plant, it saves time in From the simulation result, the gain at 10Khz is -2.24dB
deriving transfer function and calculating compensating and the phase angle is -lOt . The PWM converter has a gain -
components. Another advantage is we get the actual value of 9.54dB. The total gain of the power stage and PWM converter
compensating components with the help of K-factor approach is -11.78dB. Based on the above data and equations (2) to (6),
[13] unlike in MATLAB. In SISOTOOL design we get only the value of compensated elements are:Rl=lkQ (chosen
the transfer function of the compensator, not the actual values value), R2=4.284kQ, Cl=12.26nf, C2=1.24nf. Fig. 4 shows
of compensating components. The values of resistors and the schematic for verifying the desired phase margin and
capacitors are calculated by comparing the obtained bandwidth after obtaining the values of compensating
compensator transfer function of compensator from elements.
SISOTOOL to the standard transfer function of the linear
controllers like P, PI or PID. Boost = M - P - 90 (2)
The down converter is considered as a design example. The
converter specifications are as follows: Vin=lOV, Vout= 5V, K = Tan[(Boost/2) + 45] (3)
Switching frequency=1OOKHz, phase margin=45,
bandwidth=lOKHz, Rc=O.5Q, R1=O.IQ, C=100uF, L=100uH
and load resistance is 5Q. The Pspice schematic for obtaining C2 = 1/ (2nfGR J ) (4)
the frequency response is shown in fig. 1
CJ = C2 (K - 1) (5)
100uH 0.1
R2 = K/(2nfC1) (6)
Vin Upon the substitution of compensated component values in
OVdc� 5
0.5 equation (1), the resulting transfer function of the compensator
is given by equation (7).

8 X 105 s + l.9 xl04

( )
s s + 1.88 x 105
Fig. I. Pspice Schematic used to detennine frequency response.
( )

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� O '--------'---------r--------r---------r-------,r------- -,--------,--------,
M : :
----------- -:-- - - - - - - - --- - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - --- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - --- -t -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- -t- -------------



___ -____ _-
___ J:
______-__- �---- --� ==lI-=-=".- +------
_ __---_-
_ _ _-_- _
------------r --(lZUen: 5-�'Z:'2"�'8"�')
- - ------------- +-
------------ ---- -----

t O ·
_________ ________________ ____________ _____________ ___________ .i ___________ ��_ _l _____________
-----------,------------- ------------ ------------- ------------t-------------
r___ __

- 40 � ------

@]DB(V(R3:2) )
� -L � ------ ------ ------ � ------ �
-----------�- - ----------- ------------ ------------- ------------t -- ----------- ------------� - ------------
-------- � ------ � ------ �
Od,------,---- --��====��� --�----�------�------�----_.

.... -
. . :�p(...I=��,-o�, . i;�;�j; -. .:. . .
___________J _____________ ____________

- -- -- - -- .,---- -- -- -- ---�- -- - -- -- -
a ----------- ------ ------ ------- ---- -

+- -----+------ -----+------ �--������; �� ��====�

, ,
- 1 00d
___________ _________ __ _ __ __ __ ______ ____ __ __ __ __ _ _ __________ __ __ __ _______ ___________ _____________
oJ. .1. .L.
,, ,,
----------- ,------------- ------- - ---- ------------- ----- - ----- - , --
, ,..
,, ------------
-- -- - - - -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -r- -

-----------+------------ ------------ ------------- ------------r------------- -----------+-------------

-200d 4-------�--�--L---_+--�

100Hz 1. OKBz
[�:! P (V (R3: 2»)
10Hz 1 0KH z 100KHz


Fig. 3. Uncompensated open loop frequency response.


11L 1
R2 C1
R4 R1
00.1 100utI-J 1Nl- OlJT- 11'<

IN--<-, %l1N-)f,(3)



Fig. 4. Pspice schematic to test open loop frequency response with compensation.


t==+---=�----f------------ ; ;

a ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------

------------+------------------------�-------- ------------�-------------- ------------7--------------
------------t---------------------------r------------ ------�-__+-��CUi �-1:"'9"817�;--------------
d ------------�---------------------------�------------ ------------�-------------- -----��-..:.::..----
i i i
------------r---------------------------r------------ ------------1-------------- ------------r-------------- i -
------------t---------------------------r------------ ------------1-------------- ------------t--------------
-I nn

f--------4---=-=--=--�- -�=�--
f F\ 1 j
� 1 0:\ , ;, ,
! �� � �� o�:::�� :;
h ------------ -------------- -------------lo--------------

:::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =::::::::: �


� ::::::: :::::: : : ::::::::::::::


lOB;:: 100Ez 1.0ITJ1z 10P"Jiz 100KHz
.;. ?lV(EZ;J»
'E L t:: U UtlH,; V

Fig. 5. Frequency response with compensation

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So, MATLAB is adapted for simulation of closed loop plant.
IV. CLOSED LOOP PLANT SIMULATION USING Moreover, it takes lesser time than the PSPICE to execute the
MATLAB project. The designed transfer function in PSPICE , given by
PSPICE employs nodal analysis method for circuit equation (7), is realized with the help of the LTI system block
simulation. A sudden discontinuity in PSPICE can result in the which has been furnished in control system toolbox. The
program proceeding with extremely small steps and result in a PWM generation is simulated with the help of relational
problem of convergence. Eventually, simulation would stop operator tool box, as shown in fig. 6. The simulink block
with an error message. There are few definite rules to avoid diagram of the plant and the output voltage are shown in fig. 7
the solution from failing to converge. However, the proper and 8 respectively. This simulation take considerably takes
simulation settings to avoid convergence during simulation less time than other two simulation methods, which are
require experience, which the most students don't possess, in discussed in next section. This is an added advantage apart
using PSPICE. from having elimination of convergence problem.

9-r:.: Itl C un -en t
Mea """-
f;::em:;:e=n=t ::::;:=�


�� M�mM' �

-=L .)J T � R Voltage


r-. [
L-------1 eM

1 14---te5 1 5��\.I l 1.B�� oj+-----{


Fig.6. Simulink block diagram of the closed loop plant.


For comparison purpose, the same converter has also been
considered for simulation using PSPICE. This section is
Fig. 7. PWM Generator block. dedicated for studying the distinction between two simulation
tools in executing a closed loop dc-dc converter. There are
l() r---�--�---r----, significant differences between the simulation output obtained
from MATLAB and PSPICE as far as steady state and transient
response is considered. The circuit diagram is shown in fig. 9.

Ll 1'D1


'- Cbreak
10V 100u R2
Ubreak Cl
� OrrPAGC CrT-2


Fig. 8. Output voltage of closed loop plant in MA TLAB/SIMULINK.

(a )

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Freq= lOOk


Although most of the times we simulate the electrical and
electronic circuits using idealized circuit models, simulation
using hardware chip model has certain advantages, it includes
the assistance in hardware implementation of the converter.
TL494 PWM [14] chip is considered for simulation. The output

voltage is shown in the fig. 11.
V2= {Vp)
TD = O
Since the PWM chip model takes into consideration various
TR.= {(lJF ... q)-2n}

parameters, it requires considerable CPU time for calculation.

Although it takes considerably more time than the simulation
PElt = {lJ(Freq))
with idealized circuit models, this simulation with actual chip
model assist in hardware implementation. As mentioned
earlier, here also definite rules are considered to avoid the
C7 solution from failing to converge.


R1 8 C6 5. cv
.- tl j
---------· --------- --+--.-.------�-----.-.-.-. i j +
·---- ------------ --- ----

.- _·ir.___ �:___'!--------- �-+--.-.�----_f-----.�'-.�. .----!-----------+-:�+----

.1:::::;== =FTi··IF
4284k 12.26n


I���]�� �I••• • • •i• • • • • • • • :11• •


Off PAGEl EfT-4

(b) 2.0ms 3.Jms

Fig. 9. Schematic of closed loop plant in PSPICE with idealized circuit models: Time

Fig. I I. Output voltage with detailed PWM (using TL494) model.

(a) power stage and (b) PWM stage.

With the idealized circuit models, like ideal switches, the

simulation time is significantly less than the simulation with VII. CONCLUSION
detailed PWM chip model, which is discussed in next section.
Co-simulation method has been introduced for studying the
The simulation with idealized models gives approximate
dynamics of the dc-dc converters with linear controller. The
results since it considers fewer parameters. However, it is
paper has elaborated the advantages of co-simulation method.
simulation output is shown in fig. lO. Proper design guidelines
useful for a quick, rough estimate of circuit performance. The
It includes tackling the problem of convergence, elimination
have been adopted in the simulation settings to deal with of the necessity of transfer function of the plant for controller
convergence problem. design and reduction in simulation time. Although it can't be

l C V ,--,:--,:--,: --,: -,,-'--'

: :--'--
: ---,--': --': -'--'
: --'
claimed as a most efficient method, it can be adopted by

� !� !
beginners who are having a little acquaintance in both

PI! ·iT·· i· · •• • • �i i.·. i �• • • • •i·•• Ij • • ·i.�

MATLAB/SIMULINK and PSPICE. However, advanced
::::: :::::: ::::: :::::: ::::: learners can also employ this proposed method for higher
order converters with some extra effort.

The importance of simulation with idealized models and

SV --- -¥-:L----;---- �-----;-.-.-�------- - - ;:-- -�- ---;-:.-.�.----

. ._____ ______ detailed is also dealt in the discussion. If we observe three
different simulated outputs, each one has different steady state
-----l------t-----+-----t----- l f l f + t +
·----- ----- ---·- ----------- ------ ·---- ---- ----· ----
and transient characteristics. Computer simulation should not
-----1------t-----+-----t----- . -----1-----� .-. -1------ --- ------�. ----+----t--. -. + -
j i j i j i j i j i j be looked upon as a substitute for a hardware prototype. On
- -- ---

the other hand, simulated result would be a great help while

----- -·---- - ---- ------ ----· ·----- ----- -·-·- ----------- ------ ·---- ----- --·-· ·----

Os 1.Oms 2 . 0ms 3.0m3

implementing the hardware prototype, which saves time as

well cost of the project.

This work was supported by National Institute of
Fig. 10. Output voltage with idealized circuit model. Technology Karnataka, India.

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