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Le Huyen Ai Thuy, PhD, Professor

Lao Duc Thuan, PhD
Truong Kim Phuong, PhD
Course Topics (Theoretic lessons)
Chapter 1. Nucleic acids extraction & Quantitation of nucleic acids
Chapter 2. Working with enzymes
Chapter 3. Molecular hybridization
Chapter 4. Vectors and Gene cloning
Chapter 5. Polymerase Chain Reaction method
Chapter 6. Nucleic acid sequencing.
Chapter 1. Nucleic acids extraction
Quantitation of nucleic acids

Topic 1.1. Nucleic acids extraction

Topic 1.2. Quantitation of nucleic acids

Topic 1.1. Nucleic acids extraction

❖ Topic contents

1.1. Dideoxyribonucleic acid extraction.

1.2. Deoxyribonucleic acid extraction.
1.3. Introduction: molecular facilities and equipment.
Nuclease: Dnase => thủy giải DNA
Dnase: cần “cofactor” là các ion hóa trị
2: Ca2+; Mg2+
EDTA: hấp phụ các ion hóa trị 2: Ca2+;
Hệ quả: EDTA ức chế/bất hoạt Dnase
=> đảm bảo tính toàn vẹn của bộ gen,
DNA cần tách chiết
Bảo quản trong dung dịch TE: Ethanol tuyệt đối trữ lạnh.
- Tris-HCl (pH 8) Isopropanol
- The end of Topic 1.1 -

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