Drugs For CHF and Arryhtmias

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What is heart failure? Manifestation of Heart Failure

- It is a chronic, progressive disorder in  Systolic HF
which the heart muscle is unable to o Less blood pumped out of
pump enough blood to meet the body’s ventricles
needs o Ejection fraction <40%
- Decrease CO (Cardiac Output) o Weakened heart muscles
Frank-Starling Law  Diastolic HF
- Increased filling of the ventricle results o Less blood fills the
in greater contraction forces and thus a ventricles
rise in the cardiac output o Ejection fraction – normal
o Stiff heart muscle

- In the presence of HF, in order to

counteract the effect of falling CO and
thus reduced perfusion to vital organs,
the body will try to compensate via two
tightly regulated mechanisms
- The first one involves the increase in
sympathetic nervous system activity
- Second major compensatory
mechanism, which involves activation of
the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone Electrophysiology of Normal Cardiac Rhythm
system - An electrophysiology (EP) study is a test
performed to assess your heart’s
Main role of natriuretic peptides is to counter electrical system or activity and is used
the effects of volume overload and adrenergic to diagnosis abnormal heartbeats or
activation by stimulation sodium and water arrhythmia
excretion, promoting myocardial relaxation, - The electrical impulse that triggers a
inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis, normal contraction originates at regular
suppressing sympathetic outflow & stimulating intervals in the sinoatrial (SA) node
vasodilation. usually at a frequency of 60-100 bpm
- Cardiac electrical activity is determined
by transmembrane potential-the
potential, or voltage the difference
between the intracellular and
extracellular environments. These
potential differences can only exist
because of the selectivity-permeable
cardiac cell membranes. This
membrane is composed of a lipid
bilayer which are situated specialized
proteins that form channels that allow
passage of certain ions at specific times
between the intra- and extracellular
- The initiation of a heartbeat is governed
by automaticity
- The sinus node controls the heart rate
most of the time because its rate of
discharge is faster than the His cells
- The bundle of His is a heart muscle that
takes part in electrical conduction in the
heart. Purkinje fibers are branched
fibers that carry the electrical impulse ACTION POTENTIAL: Electrical stimulation
to the ventricles. created by a sequence of ion fluxes through
specialized channels in the membrane
(sarcolemma) of the cells responsible for
generating contractile force in the intact heart
that leads to cardiac contraction.
The action potential in typical
cardiomyocytes is composed of 5 phases (0-4),
beginning and ending with phase 4.
• An action potential triggered in a
neighboring cardiomyocyte or
pacemaker cell causes the TMP to rise
above −90 mV.
Schematic representation of the heart PHASE 1: EARLY REPOLARIZATION
and normal cardiac electrical activity • TMP is now slightly positive.
(intracellular recordings from areas • Some K+ channels open briefly and an
indicated and ECG). Sinoatrial (SA) node, outward flow of K+ returns the TMP to
atrioventricular (AV) node, and Purkinje approximately 0 mV.
cells display pacemaker activity (phase 4 PHASE 2: THE PLATEAU PHASE
depolarization). The ECG is the body surface • L-type Ca2+ channels are still open and
manifestation of the depolarization and there is a small, constant inward
repolarization waves of the heart. The P current of Ca2+. This becomes
wave is generated by atrial depolarization, significant in the excitation-contraction
the QRS by ventricular muscle coupling process described below.
depolarization, and the T wave by • K+ leaks out down its concentration
ventricular repolarization. Thus, the PR gradient through delayed rectifier K+
interval is a measure of conduction time channels.
from atrium to ventricle, and the QRS • These two countercurrents are
duration indicates the time required for all electrically balanced, and the TMP is
of the ventricular cells to be activated (ie, maintained at a plateau just below 0
the intraventricular conduction time). The mV throughout phase 2.
QT interval reflects the duration of the PHASE 3: REPOLARIZATION
ventricular action potential • Ca2+ channels are gradually inactivated.
• Transmembrane Potential (TMP) is the • Persistent outflow of K+, now exceeding
electrical potential difference (voltage) Ca2+ inflow, brings TMP back towards
between the inside and the outside of resting potential of −90 mV to prepare
a cell. When there is a net movement the cell for a new cycle of
of +ve ions into a cell, the TMP depolarization.
becomes more +ve, and when there is • Normal transmembrane ionic
a net movement of +ve ions out of a concentration gradients are restored by
cell, TMP becomes more –ve. returning Na+ and Ca2+ ions to the
extracellular environment, and K+ ions
to the cell interior. The pumps involved aspects: there is an abnormality in the
include the sarcolemma Na+-Ca2+ site of origin of the impulse, its rate or
exchanger, Ca2+-ATPase and Na+-K+- regularity, or its conduction.
ATPase. Specific Anti-arrhythmic Agents
PHASE 4: THE RESTING PHASE The most widely used scheme for the
• The resting potential in a cardiomyocyte classification of antiarrhythmic drug actions
is −90 mV due to a constant outward recognizes four classes:
leak of K+ through inward rectifier 1. Class 1 action is sodium channel
channels. blockade. Subclasses of this action
• Na+ and Ca2+ channels are closed at reflect effects on the action potential
resting TMP. duration (APD) and the kinetics of
• TMP approaches −70mV, the threshold sodium channel blockade. Drugs with
potential in cardiomyocytes, i.e. the class 1A action prolong the APD and
point at which enough fast Na+ dissociate from the channel with
channels have opened to generate a intermediate kinetics; drugs with class
self-sustaining inward Na+ current. 1B action shorten the APD in some
• The large Na+ current rapidly tissues of the heart and dissociate from
depolarizes the TMP to 0 mV and the channel with rapid kinetics; and
slightly above 0 mV for a transient drugs with class 1C action have minimal
period of time called the overshoot; fast effects on the APD and dissociate from
Na+ channels close (recall that fast Na+ the channel with slow kinetics.
channels are time-dependent). 2. Class 2 action is sympatholytic. Drugs
• L-type (“long-opening”) Ca2+ channels with this action reduce β-adrenergic
open when the TMP is greater than −40 activity in the heart.
mV and cause a small but steady influx 3. Class 3 action manifests as prolongation
of Ca2+ down its concentration of the APD. Most drugs with this action
gradient. block the rapid component of the
Mechanism of Arrhythmias delayed rectifier potassium current, IKr.
• Many factors can precipitate or 4. 4. Class 4 action is blockade of the
exacerbate arrhythmias: ischemia, cardiac calcium current. This action
hypoxia, acidosis or alkalosis, slows conduction in regions where the
electrolyte abnormalities, excessive action potential upstroke is calcium
catecholamine exposure, autonomic dependent, eg, the SA and AV nodes.
influences, drug toxicity (eg. digitalis or
antiarrhythmic drugs), overstretching of
cardiac fibers, and the presence of
scarred or otherwise diseased tissue.
However, all arrhythmias result from (1)
disturbances in impulse formation, (2)
disturbances in impulse conduction, or
(3) both.
• Arrhythmias consist of cardiac
depolarizations that deviate from the
above description in one or more

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