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Jefferson S. Babaran

Hariette Denisse M. Barrios

Kathleene L. Calumayan

Annika Ysabela Sofiel A. Coloma

Shanlei Mae M. Mendoza


Marijane B. Queja

Research Adviser

Regional Science High School for Region 02

Camp Samal, Arcon, Tumauini, Isabela

S.Y. 2022-2023


B. Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of Powdered Guyabano

(Annona muricata) Leaves as Mosquito Killer Incense.

Specifically, this study will answer the following:

a.) What is the effect of Guyabano (Annona muricata) leaves as mosquito killer incense

in terms of number of killed mosquitoes?

b.) Is there a significant difference between the treatments and control of Guyabano

(Annona muricata) leaves as mosquito killer incense and positive control mosquito

killer incense?

C. Statement of the Hypothesis

Ha: There is a significant difference between Guyabano (Annona muricata) leaves as

Mosquito Killer Incense and Commercial Mosquito Killer Incense.

H0: There is no significant difference between Guyabano (Annona muricata) leaves as

Mosquito Killer Incense and Commercial Mosquito Killer Incense.



This chapter presents the data gathered which are systematically displayed in table form.

The data were treated, analyzed, and interpreted through appropriate statistical tools described in

the preceding chapter. The results were presented following the order of the specific problems of

our study.

Table 1. The result of different killer incenses to the number of killed mosquitoes.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

T1 = 200 grams of Guyabano

0 0 0 0 0 0

+C = Baygon Katol 2 3 3 3 3 2.8

Presented in table 1 shows the number of killed mosquitoes using two different killer

incenses. In treatment 1, the 5 replicates have killed no mosquitoes while for the +C which is the

Baygon Katol, it killed 2 mosquitoes in replicate 1 and the rest of the replicates killed 3

The computed average for T1, R1-R5 is 0, whereas the +C got a mean average of 2.8.

Other than that, the highest number of killed mosquitoes is 3. The set-up which has the highest

average number of killed mosquitoes is the +C with 3 number of killed mosquitoes.

Given the data, it shows that the experimental group has killed 0 mosquitoes because as

we observed during the conduct, instead of mosquitoes getting killed, the T 1 only repels the

mosquitoes. While, as for the positive control group, replicate 1 killed 2 mosquitoes and

Replicates 2, 3, 4 and 5 killed 3 mosquitoes. This says that the positive control group mosquitoes

is better than the experimental group in terms of killing mosquitoes. The difference between the

values of the experimental group and the positive control group can be the effect on the

differences on the content of different types of killer incenses lit up.

Therefore, there is a significant difference between Guyabano (Annona muricata) leaves

as mosquito killer incense and commercial mosquito killer incense. Baygon Katol (+C) works

better as a mosquito killer incense and Guyabano (Annona muricata) leaves (T1) cannot be used

as an alternative mosquito killer incense as it shows comparable value with that of the

commercial mosquito killer incense. However, the experimental group can be used as a mosquito


Graph 1. The result of different killer incenses to the number of killed mosquitoes.
The Result of Different Killer Incenses to the Number
of Killed Mosquitoes

Number of Killed Mosquitoes

Experimental Group
2 Control Group



R1 R2 R3 R4 R5



A. Summary

The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of Powdered Guyabano (Annona

muricata) Leaves as Mosquito Killer Incense.

Powdering, Grinding and Binding of Guyabano Leaves, and testing of the product were the

major steps that we followed. The effect of Treatment 1 was tested and compared to the control

group. The differences between the Guyabano leaves and the Commercialized Killer Incense

were measured and analysed by using T-Test for Independent.

The T-Test for Independent revealed that there is a significant difference between the

Powdered Guyabano Leaves as Mosquito Killer Incense, having the alternative hypothesis being
accepted at a 0.05 level of significance. Hence, Treatment 1 and +C were compared using T-


The test revealed that +C Replicates 2, 3 and 4 have the highest number of killed

mosquitoes as compared to all the treatments including the control group Replicate 1.

Meanwhile, Treatment 1 Replicates 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 did not receive any number of killed

mosquitoes. The data was analyzed and presented through a table which shows that the +C is

more feasible than Treatment 1 in terms of killing mosquitoes.

B. Conclusion

Based on the findings and results, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference

between Guyabano (Annona muricata) leaves as mosquito killer incense and commercial

mosquito killer incense. The experimental group, which used powdered Guyabano leaves as

incense (Treatment 1), did not feasibly kill mosquitoes but rather repelled them. On the other

hand, the positive control group, which used the commercial mosquito killer incense (Baygon

Katol, denoted as +C), showed a higher number of killed mosquitoes.

The results indicate that the +C incense is more feasible in killing mosquitoes compared

to the experimental group using Guyabano leaves. The average number of killed mosquitoes for

+C was 2.8, while Treatment 1 had an average of 0. The highest number of killed mosquitoes
observed was 3, which was achieved by the +C group. Therefore, it can be concluded that

Baygon Katol (+C) is a better option as mosquito killer incense compared to powdered

Guyabano (Annona muricata) leaves (Treatment 1).

However, it is important to note that the experimental group using Guyabano leaves

showed potential as a mosquito repellent, as it feasibly repelled mosquitoes. Therefore, while it

may not be a feasible alternative as mosquito killer incense, it can still serve a purpose in

repelling mosquitoes.

Overall, the findings of the study backed up a statement of Prasad et. Al. (2021) that A.

muricata contains a class of bioactive compounds called Annonaceous Acetogenins and they are

empirically known to elicit insecticidal activities. Furthermore, plant species in this family

contain an array of toxic compounds such as  acetogenins, alkaloids,  flavonoids that confer to

these plants their insecticidal properties.

C. Recommendations

1. The researchers recommend conducting further studies about the potential uses of

Guyabano leaves particularly involving researches against mosquitoes.

2. Conducting this research in a longer period of time is recommended.

3. The testing area would be better if it is closed, to prevent mosquitoes from flying further

away from the product.

4. Capturing of mosquitoes would also be a helpful alternative to make the testing of the

product easier.

5. The researchers recommend changing the materials used to make Treatment 1 to make its

span longer.
6. The researchers recommend testing the product as a mosquito repellent instead of a

mosquito killer.


Appendix A (Documentation)

Figure 1. Washing of Guyabano Leaves Figure 2. Drying of Guyabano Leaves

Appendix B (Raw Data and Computed Data)

Raw Data:

Appendix Table 1. The result of different killer incenses to the number of killed mosquitoes.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

T1 = 200 grams of Guyabano

0 0 0 0 0 0

+C = Baygon Katol 2 3 3 3 3 2.8

Table 1 presents the number of killed mosquitoes using two different killer incense. As

discussed in Chapter 4, there is a significant difference between Guyabano (Annona muricata)

leaves as mosquito killer incense and commercial mosquito killer incense.

Figure 7. Computed Data

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