Integrated Evaluation - Unit 4

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Fellowship | Unit 4 | Academic world


Think and answer.

1. How often do you make presentations, like seminars, in your course?

2. When you watch your classmates’ presentations, do you usually give them your opinion about
it? If so, what aspects do you consider?

You are going to watch speeches presented by Level 6 students. Follow the steps.

1. Access the link
usp=sharing&ouid=109725486893951416662&rtpof=true&sd=true and watch the speeches
according to your preference.
2. After watching the speeches, choose one to comment on. First of all, complete the form below.

Title of the presentation:

Name of the speaker:
Why did you choose this speech to watch?
Is there anything you would like to ask the speaker about the topic?
How much could you understand? (1 = very little; 5 = a lot)
( )1 ( )2 ( )3 ( )4 ( )5
What helped you to understand?
( ) slides
( ) organization
( ) explanation
( ) pronunciation
( ) speaking slowly
( ) you know the topic
What can the speaker do to help you understand better next time?
Fellowship | Unit 4 | Academic world

1. Using the information from the form in Watching activity 2, write a short feedback telling the
speaker your opinion about her/his presentation.

It’s important to be honest, but also respectful and polite. Be

descriptive, not judgmental.

2. Follow the steps.

a. Prewriting: think about the task and decide what you want to say.
b. Drafting: write the 1st draft of your feedback.

Remember to use
● simple past
● modal verb could
● connectors (as, when, while, etc.)

c. Revising:
i. read your text and check
● spelling
● structure
● collocations
● word order
● verb tense and form
● agreement
ii. Read your text aloud and see how it sounds.
iii. If possible, ask a classmate to read and comment on your draft.
d. Editing: make the necessary changes and write the final version.

3. Post your feedback on Moodle.

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