Integrated Evaluation - Unit 3

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Fellowship | Unit 3 | Social Issues

1. In this unit, we discussed stereotypes related to places and cultures. Can you think about
other kinds of stereotypes?
2. Explore the images and answer: what stereotypes do they refer to?

(From Accessed on May 17th, 2021)

3. You are going to watch a video called Threat of Stereotypes - Social Experiments Illustrated.
a. What kind of stereotypes do you expect to see on the video? (click here for the
definition of “threat”)
b. What social experiments do you expect to see on the video? (click here to learn
about social experiments)
4. Now watch the video and answer (click here to access)
(From Accessed on May 14, 2021)
a. Was it what you expected?
b. What is the threat of stereotypes?

1. Use the table below to brainstorm usual stereotypes related to countries and its cultures.
Make some notes.
Country Stereotypes

Brazil Everybody likes soccer/football, can dance the samba etc.

Fellowship | Unit 3 | Social Issues

2. Recall the video you watched on the moodle “Things Brazilians are sick of hearing”. What
stereotypes are represented?
3. Inspired by the video, write a scene with a dialogue that represents another stereotype
related to Brazilians; or you can produce a scene with stereotypes related to other cultures.
In your dialogue make sure you:

 Describe the scenario: where the characters are, if they are male, female, what they are
wearing, what the place look like
 Include, in the character’s lines, an explicit stereotype and how the characters react, either
by expressing verbally that there is a stereotype or by making gestures or having facial
 Write at least 10 lines.

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