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20 Provas da EEAr: de 2011 a 2022

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Coletânea feita pelo professor Marcelo Silva

Facebook/Instagram: Marcelo Silva Profs (#MSProfs)
Material compilado, diagramado e revisado pelo professor Marcelo Silva
com provas baixadas na internet e devidamente adaptadas
para que os alunos possam se preparar melhor para o concurso.

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Read the text and answer questions 26, 27 and 28.

Guaratinguetá, the city of Friar Galvão has begun to

welcome more and more tourists
1 An increasing number of tourists is visiting
Guaratinguetá, a city with a population of 110,000 about
six kilometers from Aparecida. In 2006 the city
welcomed an average of about 50 tourist buses at
5 weekends – now it is 200 buses. Religious tourism will
boost the local economy. New hotels and restaurants will
be built. The Santo Antônio Cathedral and Friar Galvão
Museum are two of the most popular places for tourists.
In a small room at the back of the Cathedral the famous
10 Friar Galvão pills are produced. In total about 90,000
pills are produced a month. The pills are also produced in
the Mosteiro da Luz, in São Paulo, ______ about 5,000
units are distributed a day.
(Adapted from Maganews # 36)
friar – frei
increasing – aumento
to boost – impulsionar
pill – pílula

26 – Choose the right alternative to have the blank filled, in the

text, with the appropriate relative pronoun.
a) who
b) where
c) which
d) whose

27 – Based on the text, we can conclude that

a) a rise in the religious tourism won’t stimulate economic
b) there won’t be a great demand for restaurants and hotels in
c) considerable amount of pills are made and given to tourists
behind the church.
d) much more vehicles have brought people to Guaratinguetá in
order to know the Brazilian saint’s place.

28 – All these structures below are in the passive voice, except

a) pills are produced
b) units are distributed
c) Friar Galvão has begun
d) restaurants will be built

Página 6
Read the text and answer questions 29 and 30. 31 – The Chinese government spokesman said that
1 What do you think of when you hear the word “beauty”? a) China was not afraid of the Internet.
Chances are that you would envision someone young and b) YouTube was being blocked in China.
beautiful, someone in good health. Today the words c) the Internet scares China government.
“health” and “beauty” have become so confused, almost d) China had blocked YouTube video site.
5 standing as synonyms for each other, that they are almost
impossible to differentiate. But if you think for a Read the text and answer questions 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36.
moment, why do you buy a certain kind of health food?
Surely, yes, you want to maintain good health, but more Linguistic Awareness
likely, you bought it mainly because it contains fewer 1 Most humans use language readily and on most
10 calories, thus allowing you to eat more and maintain your occasions successfully without much cognitive
good looks. This is a normal reaction because disease knowledge ____ the nature of language. Because
prevention, as a part of good health, feels so distant while language is mostly unselfconsciously used to accomplish
the benefits of beauty are so immediate. 5 daily tasks, not much thought is given to the actual
Cosmetics, skin care and plastic surgery constantly tempt complexity of language. David McMillan, in his graduate
15 us to make that decision, wavering between using slight thesis “Miscommunications in Air Traffic Control”,
tricks to improve upon or help the natural and actually points out that the ease with which we use language(s) to
adding or removing parts to the body. In the USA alone, communicate in our daily lives and the usual lack ____
696,904 people have cosmetic surgery, and the numbers 10 serious consequences for miscommunication mask the
seem to be on the rise in this youth-worshipping, health- fragility of human language as a vehicle for clear
20 conscious culture. People really think that attractiveness communications. The apparently simple use of language
indicates good health. It’s just that they’re mistaken actually requires a sophisticated interaction of complex
about it. processes, and our usually successful daily experience
GLOSSARY 15 with language belies its complexity. In daily life,
to envision – visualizar miscommunication occurs but rarely results in anything
thus – assim, desta forma other than minor inconvenience, minor embarrassment,
to tempt – tentar or lost time. In air traffic control communications,
to waver – oscilar however, the stakes are dramatically higher and
slight tricks – pequenos macetes 20 communication errors have the potential for far more
youth-worshipping – cultuador da juventude serious consequences.

29 – According to the text, the words “health” and “beauty” to accomplish – executar
nowadays to belie – camuflar, ocultar
embarrassment – constrangimento
a) have a double meaning. stakes – riscos
b) have the exact meaning.
c) have opposite meanings.
d) almost have the same meaning.
32 – Choose the right alternative to have the blanks filled,
30 – In “In the USA alone, 696,904 people have cosmetic a) of / to
surgery, and the numbers seem to be on the rise…”, (lines 17, 18 b) by / on
and 19), it means that the amount of cosmetic surgery is c) from / at
a) falling. d) about / of
b) reducing.
c) increasing.
d) dropping down.
33 – According to the text,
a) there’s no error-potential in the natural human language.
Read the extract and answer question 31.
b) there must be some awareness of the dangers inherent in air
A Chinese government spokesman wouldn’t confirm whether traffic control communications.
YouTube had indeed been blocked. He said that China “is not c) human language is the best vehicle for pilot and controller
afraid of the Internet”. However, he was unable to state that communications because it never leads to
China “blocked YouTube video site”. misunderstandings.
d) in daily life, the speakers usually have familiarity with the
(Taken from Telegraph Newspaper)
language so they are always able to communicate effectively
GLOSSARY without breakdowns.
spokesman – porta-voz
indeed – realmente

Página 7
34 – “however”, (line 19), underlined in the text, was used to Read the text and answer questions 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43.
Don’t Quit
a) result. 1 When things go wrong as they sometimes will;
b) contrast. When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill;
c) purpose. When the funds are low, and the debts are high
d) reason. And you want to smile, but have to sigh;
5 When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but do not quit.

35 – In which alternative below is there a prefix added to a Success is the failure turned inside out;
word to express opposite meaning? The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are
a) readily (line 1). 10 It may be near when it seems so far;
b) apparently (line 12). So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
c) unselfconsciously (line 4). It’s when things go wrong that you must not quit.
d) miscommunication (line 10).
to trudge – caminhar penosamente
uphill – difícil, exaustivo
36 – All the words below give an idea of frequency, except to sigh – suspirar
tint – tom, tonalidade
a) rarely (line 16).
b) usually (line 14).
c) actually (line 13). 39 – The poem is about
d) on most occasions (line 1 and 2). a) wealth.
b) gratitude.
c) boredom.
d) perseverance.
Read the extract and answer questions 37 and 38.
What is sports therapy?
1 Sports therapy is transforming physical activity
40 – “seems”, (line 2), is similar in meaning to
programs, as the ones done in gyms, into a life quality a) get.
project. Let’s say you have a difficult problem here and b) occur.
now. Put on your tennis shoes and walk for 30 minutes. c) become.
5 When you get back, check how this same problem is. d) appear to be.
The other option is to face the problem in a sedentary
way. After 40 minutes, how do you think it is going to
be? Certainly, much bigger. Physical exercises have a
therapeutic effect: they should not be seen as a waste of 41 – In “So stick to the fight...”, (line 11), we can conclude that
10 time. people
(Adapted from TAM Magazine # 39) a) can’t give up the fight.
b) had better stop fighting.
c) should never continue their fights.
d) shouldn’t get engaged in any fight.
37 – The underlined words, in the text, are similar in meaning to
a) tell.
b) speak.
c) mention. 42 – The pairs of words below indicate contrast between them,
d) suppose. except in
a) near x far (line10).
b) funds x debts (line 3).
c) clouds x doubt (line 8).
d) success x failure (line7).
38 – “ones”, (line 2 in the text), is considered _____ and refers
to _____. 43 – The imperative form of the verbs, underlined in the text, is
a) a pronoun – gymnasts being used to
b) a number – quality projects
a) give advice.
c) a number – sports facilities
b) give directions.
d) a pronoun – physical activity programs
c) make an invitation.
d) give an explanation.

Página 8
Read the text and answer questions 44, 45, 46 and 47. Read the text and answer questions 48, 49 and 50.
Haiti, a country under eternal reconstruction
1 Why did you choose the shirt that you are wearing right
1 It seems that nature has not been kind to Haiti. The
now? Is it because you like the tailoring or the color, or
earthquake on January 12 th aggravated the chaos and
because it’s fashionable right now? Traditionally,
poverty in the country. According to the United
clothes have served the two main purposes of keeping
Nations, up to January 23rd the official number of dead
5 you warm and making you look good, but in the future,
5 was 111,000 and 200,000 had been injured. It has been
you may be choosing your clothes for the technological
estimated, however, that the final death toll could be
features that they offer – from an MP3 player built into a
200,000. Thousands of houses have been destroyed or
stylish Levi’s jacket, to cameras contained in gloves, to
damaged, and hundreds of thousands of people have
glasses linked to portable computers, to shirts that can
been left homeless. Before being hit by the earthquake
10 monitor a wearer’s heart rate, temperature and breathing,
10 the country was struck by a hurricane in 2008.
to bras that can measure breathing in order to monitor
However, nature cannot be held chiefly responsible for
and assess your exercise, to television sets contained in
the Haitians’ suffering. In this country of nine million
souls, over half are living below the level of extreme
Teams such as those at the Massachusetts Institute of
poverty, earning just a dollar a day. It is the poorest
15 Technology (MIT), the Georgia Institute of Technology,
15 country in the Americas. The country is very, very
the French Textile Institute and Durham University in
underprivileged – there is a lack of schools, jobs,
Britain are leading the way for research and testing, and
hospitals, transport, security, infrastructure, basic
it seems like only a matter of time before their bold
sanitation, and – mainly – political stability. In
experiments enter the mainstream market.
political terms Haiti has always been in conflict. From
20 the second half of the 19th century until the beginning GLOSSARY
of the 20 th century, 16 Heads of State were overthrown tailoring – corte
or assassinated. wearer – usuário
(Taken from Telegraph Newspaper) bras – sutiãs
bold experiments – experimentos audaciosos
mainstream market – mercado principal
injured – ferido
death tool – número oficial de mortos
struck – atingido
chiefly – principalmente
Heads of States – Chefes de Estado
to be overthrown – ser deposto
48 – The two main purposes of clothes, underlined in the text,
are related to
44 – The ____________ was used most of the time, in the text,
to talk about actions _______________. a) power and status.
b) culture and religion.
a) present continuous – happening these days c) money and pleasure.
b) simple past – completely finished in a past period d) protection and looks.
c) simple present – that happen regularly or all the time
d) present perfect tense – in the past that have a result now

45 – The suffix added to the word, underlined in the text, means

a) little. 49 – According to the text, some technological features that can
b) below. be offered by clothes, in the future, are except
c) having. a) cameras contained in gloves.
d) without. b) MP3 players built into jackets.
c) television sets contained in handbags.
46 – Which alternative, extracted from the text, presents a d) glasses that can monitor temperatures.
gerund form?
a) Before being hit by the earthquake…
b) …responsible for the Haitian’s suffering.
c) …until the beginning of the 20 th century… 50 – “A matter of ”, (line 18), is closest in meaning to
d) …over half are living below the level of extreme poverty…
a) afraid of.
b) a kind of.
47 – In “… the final death toll could be 200,000”, the c) instead of.
underlined expression, gives an idea of d) a question of.

a) ability in the past.

b) remote possibility.
c) uncertain estimation.
d) realistic expectation.

Página 9
AS QUESTÕES DE 26 A 50 REFEREM-SE Read the text and answer questions 30, 31, 32 and 33.

À LÍNGUA INGLESA (2/2011) A Miracle Cure?

1 More and more people are turning away from their
Read the text and answer questions 26, 27, 28 and 29. doctors and, instead, going to individuals who have no
medical training and who sell unproven treatments.
The disappearing generation gap They go to quacks to get everything from treatments for
5 colds to cures for cancer.
1 A recent study has produced an interesting picture of
Quacks usually sell products and treatments for illnesses
today’s parent – child relationships. It has revealed
that generally have no proven cure. Other common
that many of today’s parents and children dress the
quackeries are treatments to lose weight quickly, to
same, listen to the same music, have similar interests
5 and attitudes and are in fact best friends. And there is make hair grow again, and to keep a person young.
10 Many people don’t realize how unsafe it is to use
now a much greater tolerance and understanding
unproven treatments. So why do people trust quacks?
between generations than ever before.
People want the “miracle cure”. They want the product
Although the generation gap hasn’t disappeared
that will solve their problem… quickly, easily and
completely, it is getting smaller all the time. Today it
10 completely.
is very common for parents and their children to share
15 You are not powerless. Before you buy a product or
their clothes, make-up, music and other possessions.
treatment, talk to a doctor, pharmacist or another health
Conversations that were unthinkable a generation ago,
professional. Don’t make the mistake of letting yourself
on subjects such as relationships, sex and drugs are
or anyone you know become a victim of health fraud. It
now comfortable and common. And many parents and
15 could cost you a lot of money or, worse yet, your life.
children regularly spend much of their leisure time
(Taken from Healthier You Magazine)
(Family Circle Magazine)
quacks – pessoas que vendem produtos ou tratamentos de saúde
que não funcionam
generation gap – diferença de gerações
to turn away from – afastar-se, recusar-se a ver

26 – According to the text, 30 – According to the text,

a) it is worth spending money on quackeries.
a) the generation gap has disappeared completely. b) quacks usually have proper medical training.
b) parents and children tolerate each other much more than in
c) quacks can easily prove the effectiveness of the products
previous generations.
they sell.
c) most parents and children don’t talk about topics such as sex
d) people go to quacks because they want an easy and quick
and drugs nowadays.
solution for their problems.
d) it is uncommon today for parents and children to spend their
leisure time together.
31 – The second paragraph reveals that common quackeries are
treatments for, except
27 – The underlined expression, in the text, means that the a) hair growth.
generation gap is ___________ getting smaller. b) young people.
c) quick weight-loss.
a) soon
d) illnesses that generally have no proven cure.
b) quickly
c) drastically
d) continuously 32 – If the treatments are unproven, (line 3), it means that they
a) really work
28 – Based on the text, it’s very usual for parents and their b) are successful
children to share, except c) are not proved or tested
a) music. d) can be legally prescribed
b) clothes.
c) friends.
d) belongings. 33 – The last paragraph reveals that people should, except
a) fear to be deceived by quacks.
b) spend a lot of money on unproven treatments.
c) realize how the use of a product sold by a quack can put
29 – “regularly”, (line 15), can be replaced by their lives at risk.
a) often. d) ask a doctor for his/her opinion before getting any medical
b) seldom. treatment.
c) hardly ever.
d) almost never.

Página 6
Read the text and answer questions 34, 35, 36 and 37. Read the text and answer questions 38, 39, 40 and 41.

Glee: Comedy musical. 9 p.m. Wednesdays on Fox Crash Landing Aires Boeing 737-800 San Andres
1 Created by Ryan Murphy, the series is an irreverent, Island, Columbia.
upbeat, non-cynical take on the cliché-ridden troupe of August 16, 2010 by Marcel Van Leeuwen
high school life, as seen through the eyes of 1 At least one person died and five more are injured after
cheerleaders, jocks, quirky and underpaid teachers. a Boeing 737 crashed onto the runway at 1:49 a.m.
5 Will (Matthew Morrison) is an idealistic teacher at local time today on San Andres Island. The jet,
McKinley High School ___ gets the chance to take carrying 131 people, broke into three pieces. The Aires
over the oppressed Glee Club. What he’s got going 5 flight departed Bogoto around midnight and, according
against him is that everyone thinks Glee Club is weak. to Colombian Air Force Colonel David Barrero,
And worse, McKinley High dotes on its “Cheerios” - officials are investigating reports - the aircraft
10 the world-beating cheerleading squad coached by Sue experienced a lightning strike. San Andres Island’s
Sylvester (Jane Lynch), the fearful, sweat-suit-wearing airport has closed its 7,545-foot runway until the
teacher. Will’s job will be to make Glee Club cool 10 wreckage can be removed. Barrero commented that the
again. It’s not going to be easy, because he’s got a skill of the pilot kept the airliner from colliding with
ragtag group: Artie (Kevin McHale), ___’s in a the airport. The landing occurred during a storm.
15 wheelchair; Mercedes (Amber Riley), the plus-size (Taken from
diva; Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz), the rebellious stutterer;
and Kurt (Chris Colfer), the boy diva. Will also has got GLOSSARY
one standout star, Rachel (Lea Michele), the egotistical Crewmembers – membros da tripulação
girl with the note-perfect voice, and one diamond in Wreckage – destroços
20 the rough, Finn (Cory Monteith), the quarterback with
good looks and a real passion for show choir.
(Adapted from 38 – According to the text, the possible reason for the crash was
a) a dust storm.
Up-beat – alegre
b) a lightning strike.
Cliché-ridden troupe – grupo de cantores cheios de esteriótipo
c) the pilot’s lack of experience.
Jocks – “marombeiros” (jovens que gostam de malhar)
d) the presence of wreckage on the runway.
Quirky – estranho no comportamento
To dote on – amar
Squad – esquadrão
Ragtag – grupo de pessoas não muito respeitado
Stutterer – gago 39 – In “At least one person died…”, (line 1), the journalist
Standout star – estrela exibicionista means that
Egotistical – pessoa metida
a) no one died.
Quarterback – uma posição específica de um jogador de futebol americano
b) all people died.
34 – Choose the right alternative to have the blanks filled, c) none of the people died.
respectively d) not less than one person died.

a) who / who
b) which / that
c) that / which 40 – What’s the passive voice for “…officials are investigating
d) which / who reports…”, (line 7)?
35 – All adjectives have a negative connotation, except a) Reports are being investigated.
b) Reports were being investigated.
a) fearful (line 11). c) Officials were investigating reports.
b) idealistic (line 5). d) Officials have been investigating reports.
c) underpaid (line 4).
d) rebellious (line 16).

36 – The underlined verb in the text can be replaced by 41 – Select the alternative in which the conditional sentence has
the same idea as in “…the skill of the pilot kept the airliner from
a) trained. colliding with the airport.”, (lines 10, 11 and 12).
b) arranged.
c) exercised. a) The plane will collide with the airport if the pilot is skilled.
d) supported. b) The plane would have collided with the airport if the pilot
were skilled.
37 – If Mercedes (Amber Riley) is plus-size, (line 15), it means c) If the pilot were not skilled, the plane would have collided
that she is __________. with the airport.
d) If the pilot had been skilled, the plane would not have
a) thin collided with the airport.
b) slim
c) large
d) in shape

Página 7 Nº de Inscrição __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Read the cartoon and answer question 42. 44 – In “ …birds each year are killed in the city as a result of
striking glass-fronted buildings.”, (lines 8 and 9), the expression,
in bold type, implies an idea of
a) reason.
b) purpose.
c) condition.
d) contradiction.

45 – The opposite meaning of the verb “dim”, underlined in

the text, is
a) fade.
b) emit.
c) darken.
d) brighten.

42 – According to the cartoon, we can conclude that the English 46 – “switch off”, (line 17), can be replaced by
teacher is chopping down the sign
a) go off.
a) because of bad grammar. b) put on.
b) when she reads taboo words in the sign. c) turn on.
c) due to her misconception about reduction in price. d) turn off.
d) because she can’t afford to pay for her purchases.
Read the extract and answer questions 47, 48, 49 and 50.
Read the text and answer questions 43, 44, 45 and 46.
Aviation &Environment
1 In the early days of the jet
NYC skyscrapers dim lights to help migratory birds
age, speed and luxury were
the drivers of intercontinental
1 A growing number of New York skyscrapers are
switching off their lights to help reduce the number of
5 Today, our engines are at the
birds hitting the high-rise buildings.
cutting edge of efficiency.
The “lights out” project – organised by NYC Audubon –
Our aircraft are more
5 runs from September 1st to November 1st, when
aerodynamic and lighter than
migratory birds are expected to have completed their
ever before. Moreover, we are making huge
autumn migrations.
10 improvements in our air traffic control efficiency, how
An estimated 90,000 birds each year are killed in the city
we fly our aircraft and in developing more
as a result of striking glass-fronted buildings.
environmentally-friendly operations at airports. But we
10 Organisers of the annual initiative say the bright lights
are still using the same fuel. That’s about to change. The
disorientate the migrating birds. The birds are reluctant
world is turning to governments and business to reduce
to fly from a well-lit area to a dark one. Confused by
15 the human impact on climate change. And the aviation
artificial lights, they circle repeatedly within the light
is about to embark on a new journey.
field, colliding with the buildings.
Sustainable biofuels are crucial to providing a cleaner
15 NYC Audubon – a group that works to protect wild birds
source of fuel to power the world’s fleet of aircraft and
and their habitats within the city – is calling on owners
help the billions of people who travel by air each year to
and tenants in high-rise buildings to switch off lights on
20 lower the impact of their journey on our planet.
unoccupied floors or unused space between midnight and
(Taken from
(by Mark Kinver Science , BBC News) GLOSSARY
Cutting edge – o que é de mais avançado
Fleet – frota
43 – According to the text, all alternatives are correct, except:
a) Wild birds’ lives could be saved by simply putting out 47 – Reading the extract leads to the conclusion that
unnecessary lights of glass-fronted high buildings from 12 a) aviation engineers have failed to make planes more efficient.
o’clock at night through daybreak, during the migration b) aviation’s negative environmental effects have been
neglected by the world.
b) Only proprietors of tall buildings are involved with the
“lights out” project. c) the aviation industry isn’t in denial, and doesn’t refuse to
c) High number of wild birds dies annually in NYC because of admit the global climate change.
collisions with glass-fronted high buildings. d) aviation industry has been improving its environmental
d) Wild birds get confused by bright lights and start flying performance consistently since jets started flying.
around the lights crashing into the buildings.

Página 8
48 – In “… we are making huge improvements in developing
more environmentally-friendly operations at airports.” (lines 9-
12), we can conclude that the aviation industry, except
a) is developing policies that help the impact of aviation on the
health of the Earth.
b) is committed to establishing procedures that will make it
greener for today and for the future.
c) is making ongoing environmental improvements so as to
evaluate the negative impact of greenhouse gases only.
d) is involved in a range of initiatives and programmes aimed
at reducing the impact of its operations on the environment.

49 – The sentence “That’s about to change.”, (line 13), refers to

the fact that
a) new fuels will be developed very soon.
b) green policies should have been implemented before.
c) aviation’s impact on the environment will be slightly reduced.
d) the government is adopting stricter rules to reduce aviation’s
negative environmental effects.

50 – “crucial”, in bold type in the extract, is closest in meaning

to all alternatives, except
a) critical.
b) essential.
c) problematic.
d) extremely important.


Página 9 Nº de Inscrição __ __ __ __ __ __ __
AS QUESTÕES DE 26 A 50 REFEREM-SE 29 – According to the news,
À LÍNGUA INGLESA (1/2012) a) the official death toll stands at 35, but it could reach 215.
Read the extract and answer questions 26, 27 and 28. b) all passengers as well as the aircrews knew about the bomb
DIY stands for die? c) a large group of people can’t be screened at arrival terminals
1 Every year 70 people are killed and 250,000 people are due to the fact that many airports have become commercial
injured in Britain in DIY (Do-It-Yourself) related enterprises.
accidents. Some blame the media for the pressure to d) like the authorities in Ukraine and the Czech Republic,
make ordinary people perform beyond their capabilities Britain’s Department of Transport refused to strengthen
5 in improving home. Andy Kane explains why he is so security at the airports.
hooked on DIY: “As long as it’s safe and looks good
I’m happy. It’s great feeling to stand back and say ‘I did 30 – “ ...the airport lacks security.”, (lines 21 and 22), means
that.’ ” that
(Taken from Speak up magazine #152)
26 – According to the extract, a) the airport has been properly secured.
b) the airport is not vulnerable to attacks.
a) not only is DIY considered risky, it can be lethal as well. c) the airport is tightly secure from attacks.
b) Andy Kane doesn’t mind about the dangers of DIY as long as d) there isn’t enough security at the airport.
it makes him happy.
c) Britons feel ashamed of themselves when they are unable to
perform well in improving home. 31 – “its”, (line 18), refers to
d) the media is the only one responsible for putting pressure on
common people to perform well in improving home. a) blast.
b) aircrews.
27 – “stands for”, in the title of the extract, could be replaced by c) passengers.
a) means. d) Domodedovo airport.
b) highlights.
c) introduces.
d) contrasts with. 32 – “luggage”, (line 4), could be replaced by, except:
28 – In “Andy Kane explains why he is so hooked on DIY”, the a) suitcases
words in bold type are closest in meaning to b) baggage
c) carriage
a) scared of.
d) bags
b) averse to.
c) addicted to.
d) apprehensive about. Read the cartoon and answer questions 33 and 34.
Read the news and answer questions 29, 30, 31 and 32.
1 Authorities in Ukraine and the Czech Republic were
beefing up airport security measures in the wake of the
suicide attack in Moscow. Police with sniffer dogs were
randomly checking passengers and their luggage for
5 possible explosives. Britain’s Department of Transport,
responsible for Europe’s busiest airport, London’s
Heathrow, declined to comment on any possible new
airport measures, although such arrangements are kept
under constant review. Security experts have warned is
10 impossible to screen the crowds at arrival terminals
because many airports have been turned into
commercial centers, with shops, food courts, train
stations and other facilities. The attack at
Domodedovo’s international arrival areas killed 35
15 people and wounded 180.
Domodedovo Airport closed down temporarily after the
blast but then reopened after only 20 minutes. Many 33 – Fill in the blank with the suitable option:
aircrews and passengers in its secure departure and a) purchase
arrival areas at the time were not even aware of the b) purchased
20 blast. c) purchasing
What happened at Domodedovo shows that the airport d) had purchased
lacks security.
(Taken from
beef up – melhorar algo
Página 6
34 – When they say they should have read the fine print more 39 – “He has been living abroad for decades...”, (line 11),
carefully, it means that they are means that Nunes
a) blaming the air company for the fine print. a) used to live abroad.
b) complaining that the airfares were not cheap enough. b) is still living abroad.
c) expressing deep dissatisfaction with the on-board service c) has been to different countries.
offered. d) has recently moved to another country.
d) taking the blame for not having read the fine print more
Read the news and answer questions 40, 41, 42 and 43.

Read the text and answer questions 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39. Asian guy wears old-man mask to enter Canada
The road to success by Amy Nauyen on Nov 6,2010
1 Divorcée leaves everything behind to travel the world. At 1 Beware the next time you sit next to a suspicious-
first, the story seems simple and unoriginal. In the hands looking elderly Caucasian man on the airplane – it
of Elizabeth Gilbert, however, what might be just a could be a young Asian dude. Recently, an
journey to self-awareness turns into one of the _____ unidentified Hong Kong man boarded an Air Canada
5 literary hits in recent years. Eat, Pray, Love (2006), 158 5 flight AC 018 bound for Vancouver from Hong Kong,
weeks on the New York Times best-sellers list, sold over wearing old-man mask and carrying a boarding pass of
6.4 million copies in the US alone. The love affair with a US citizen born in 1955.
Brazilian José Nunes, who Elisabeth met in Indonesia, Unfortunately, suspicion arose around the fact that his
provided material for the newly released book hands looked surprisingly young. Later during the
10 Committed. They live in New Jersey, where Nunes runs a 10 flight, he was seen going to the bathroom and
trading company. He has been living abroad for decades emerging as an Asian male in his early 20s. Border
and prefers not to appear in interviews or TV shows. “I services agents took him into custody when the plane
admire Julia and Javier for the movie, but choose to stay landed in Vancouver.
(Taken from
out of it all”, he told to Dufry World magazine.
(Taken from Dufry World # 12) GLOSSARY
Caucasian – pertencente à raça branca
35 – Choose the right alternative to have the blank filled:
a) huge
b) bigger 40 – According to the news, all alternatives are correct, except:
c) popular a) The young Asian man was held in detention in Vancouver.
d) greatest b) An Asian man disguised himself as a Caucasian senior
c) The Asian male was able to cleverly disguise his face as
36 – “… a journey to self-awareness…”, (line 4), implies an well as his hands to be an elderly Caucasian man.
idea of d) Despite his youth, the Asian man successfully managed to
get on the plane with a boarding pass, which belonged to a
a) time for reflection. US citizen in his mid-fifties.
b) a moment of leisure.
c) a round-the-world trip. 41 – The news is about
d) a recycling period for writers.
a) an Asian terrorist.
b) a naive young man.
37 – The verb “run” in “… where Nunes runs a trading c) immigration violation.
company.”, (lines 10 and 11), means d) an insane passenger on board.
a) acquire.
b) compete. 42 – In “… Air Canada flight AC 018 bound for Vancouver...”,
c) be in charge of business. (lines 4 and 5), the underlined words mean
d) move quickly using legs.
a) arriving at.
b) flying from.
38 – “... Nunes prefers not to appear in interviews or TV c) departing from.
shows.”, (line 12), leads to the conclusion that
d) travelling towards.
a) Nunes prefers talk shows to TV series.
b) Nunes would rather preserve his privacy.
c) Nunes prefers being famous rather than be unknown. 43 – “looked”, underlined in the text, could be replaced by
d) in Nunes’ opinion, exposure on television is preferable to
privacy. a) got.
b) felt.
c) seemed.
d) became.

Página 7
Read the text and answer questions 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48. 48 – “regardless of”, (line 10), is closest in meaning to
Duty free quotas and purchase ceiling a) including.
1 DEPARTURE No quotas apply to departure shopping, b) providing.
except for the arrival limits at destination countries and c) without permission.
the limit allowed on the return leg. According to a d) without considering.
resolution by ANAC, the Brazilian Aviation Authority,
5 liquids purchased upon departure must be placed in Read the poem and answer questions 49 and 50.
sealed transparent bags and remain sealed through
customs upon return. 1 “Over the same sea, on the same winds;
ARRIVALS The purchase ceiling at the duty free store is A ship sails in one direction, another in opposite.
US$500 per passenger, with required presentation of the It is not the wind that decides which direction the ship
10 airline ticket and a valid travel document, regardless of goes;
any other purchases made overseas. 5 It’s the sails; how they are tied and how they are
DECLARING GOODS Incoming travelers must provide maneuvered.
a Luggage Statement to the Federal Revenue Bureau. If Similarly, it is not fate that decides where your life is
the US$500 foreign quota is exceeded, a customs duty of going;
15 50% shall be levied on the exceeding amount. It is all about how you take life and where you take it
(Taken from Dufry World n°12)
10 to.”
GLOSSARY (Taken from
Duty free – loja exclusiva, para viagens internacionais, que
vende produtos importados e nacionais sem a cobrança de
impostos. 49 – Reading the poem leads to the conclusion that
Federal Revenue Bureau – Receita Federal a) people must accept life as it is.
levy – cobrar um tributo b) choices and decisions are crucial to the people’s future.
c) people should let things happen in their lives without taking
44 – According to the text, any decisions.
d) the more people take decisions on their future the more they
a) there is no need to show any documents for purchasing make their lives more difficult.
goods at duty free stores on arrival.
b) an incoming traveler is not permitted to spent less than
US$500 on purchase at duty free stores. 50 “maneuvered”, (line 6), means
c) if an incoming traveler purchases more than US$500, US$50 a) finely adjusted.
will be charged for excess baggage. b) perfectly raised.
d) travelers are allowed to buy liquids on departure unless they c) skilfully moved.
are carried in sealed transparent bags and remain sealed until d) carelessly driven.
passenger’s destination.
45 – The underlined word in “Incoming travelers…”, (line 12),
means that passengers are
a) traveling abroad.
b) arriving at a place.
c) departing for a place.
d) leaving for a particular place.

46 – “customs”, (line 7), is the place where

a) people collect their cases and bags after a flight.
b) travelers leave their bags so they can be put on a plane.
c) travelers’ bags are checked for illegal goods when they go
into a country.
d) officials check the passports of people who wish to come
into the country.

47 – Fill in the blank with the suitable option:

“... a customs duty of 50% shall be levied on the exceeding
amount.”, (lines 14 and 15), leads to the conclusion that a tax
_____ be charged by customs when a traveler exceeds the
purchase ceiling.
a) may
b) won’t
c) might
d) has to

Página 8
Read the text and answer questions 31, 32, 33 and 34.
Japan tsunami ‘ghost ship’ drifting to Canada
À LÍNGUA INGLESA (1/2013) 1 A Japanese fishing vessel swept away by the March
2011 tsunami has been spotted adrift off the west coast
Read the excerpt and answer questions 26, 27 and 28.
of Canada by the coastguard.
Many people think that dialects are corrupt versions of the An aircraft patrolling the seas off British Columbia
standard language, and that dialect forms are mistakes, made 5 saw the 15m vessel seen floating 275km from the
by ignorant people who have not learnt correct grammar. Haida Gwaii islands on Friday.
In fact, this is not at all true: dialects have their own It is believed to be the first large item from the millions
systematic – but different – grammars. of tonnes of tsunami debris to cross the Pacific.
Dialect forms are not incorrect in _____ but they can be out No one is believed to be aboard the ship, registered in
of place in formal styles where only the standard language is 10 Hokkaido, Japan.
normally used. Canada’s Transport Ministry is monitoring the vessel
(Adapted from Practical English Usage by Michael Swan) for marine pollution and to see if it becomes an
26 - Fill in the blank with the suitable option The tsunami last March generated more than 25
a) their. 15 million tonnes of debris, say researchers at the
b) itself. University of Hawaii. Between four and eight million
c) theirs. tonnes were washed into the ocean, with one to two
d) themselves. million tonnes still floating on the surface.
The main mass of the debris is not expected to make
27 - In “...they can be out of place in formal styles where...”, the 20 landfall in North America until March 2014.
words in bold type mean Maria Cantwell, US senator for Washington state, said
the boat was expected to drift slowly south.
a) lost. (Adapted from BBC news)
b) obvious. GLOSSARY
c) inappropriate. vessel – embarcação
d) in the incorrect order. to be swept away – ser arrastado
28 - The first paragraph in the excerpt leads to the conclusion that landfall – o ato de chegar à costa
adrift – sem rumo
a) ignorant people make more grammar mistakes. to drift – ser arrastado pela correnteza
b) mistakes made by ignorant people are seldom seen as dialects.
c) more often than not, dialects corrupt the standard language.
31 - The correct active voice for “A Japanese fishing vessel has
been spotted adrift off the west coast of Canada by the
d) a large number of people assume dialects are incorrect forms
coastguard.”, (lines 1, 2 and 3), is:
of the language.
a) A Japanese fishing vessel was spotted adrift off the west
Read the excerpt and answer questions 29 and 30. coast of Canada.
After the September 11 terrorist attacks, none of us can promise b) A Japanese fishing vessel was being spotted adrift off the
our children a safe world, but we can all learn lessons from that west coast of Canada.
horrendous event: 1) that families and relationships are more c) The coastguard spotted a Japanese fishing vessel adrift off
crucial than ever before, and 2) that demonstrating resilience and the west coast of Canada.
strong values for our children may be the most important roles d) The coastguard has spotted a Japanese fishing vessel adrift
we can play as parents and grandparents. off the west coast of Canada.
(Adapted from Family Circle Magazine, 2002) 32 - “debris”, in bold type in the text, is related to
resilience – capacidade de voltar a ser forte, feliz, ou bem- a) clouds of toxic gas caused by pollution in Japan.
sucedido novamente, após uma situação ou evento difícil. b) the dark oil spill spread over the ocean in Canada.
c) unwanted materials that were left on the west coast of Canada.
29 - In “...strong values for our children may be the most...”, d) pieces of items that were washed into the ocean during the
the underlined word is closest in meaning to tsunami in Japan.

a) must. 33 - In “No one is believed to be aboard the ship...”, the

b) might. underlined word has the same meaning as
c) have to.
a) beside.
d) ought to.
b) outside.
c) on board.
30 - All information below is provided by the excerpt, except: d) disembarking.
a) September 11 has made strong family ties more important.
b) The lessons learnt after the September 11 attacks could not
34 - In “Maria Cantwell said the boat was expected to drift
have been taught any other way. slowly south.”, (lines 21 and 22), it means that she
c) One of the most important roles a parent or grandparent can a) wishes the boat would sail for the south.
play is to teach children how to be tough. b) will wait until the boat returns from the south.
d) Horrifying as they were, the attacks occurred on Sept 11 c) believes that the boat is likely to move slowly towards the south.
have taught the world valuable things. d) hopes that coastguard will be able to guide the boat to the south.
Página 6
Read the article and answer questions 39, 40, 41 and 42.
Read the text and answer questions 35, 36, 37 and 38.
London 2012: Great-grandmother prepares for Aviation English Language –
torch role The Importance of Communication in Aviation
1 Diana Gould will be 100 when she takes part in the 1 English is the international language of aviation, and
Olympic Torch Relay. the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
“I’m ______ up and down ______ a candlestick,” said requires all pilots and air traffic controllers to be
99-year-old Diana Gould, who is the oldest among the competent in English. Both air traffic controllers and
5 8,000 people who will carry the Olympic flame. 5 pilots must have sufficient language proficiency to be
The great-grandmother of six, who lives in a retirement able to manage the complex tasks they have to
flat in Kenton, north-west London, did not know that undertake if they are going to do them with safety.
her granddaughter Alexandra Antscherl had nominated The English that is spoken in communication between
her to be a torchbearer. pilots and air traffic control is quite restricted, and is
10 But since being selected she has been ______ for the 10 referred to as standard phraseology – a large fixed set of
300-yard walk. words and phrases used to cover most operating
“I was delighted when Alexandra told me and when I procedures and some eventualities.
heard I was definitely accepted I started to get really You might expect that miscommunication would be
excited.” rare when people are working with a very restricted
15 “I’ve seen the torch now – I think the design is lovely 15 code. But this is not the case. One of the most frequent
and it’s fairly comfortable to hold.” problems is caused by pronunciation, but grammatical
“As long as the walk is on the flat I think I’ll be OK. and lexical problems are not unusual ______________.
The biggest challenge will be the weight of the torch.” If anything out of the ordinary happens,
“I can’t walk quick because I walk with a stick. About misunderstandings can be compounded by intercultural
20 halfway I think I will have to change arms because of 20 communication problems and lack of flexibility in
the weight of the thing!” language use.
(By Debabani Majumdar, BBC News, London) (Taken from
candlestick – candelabro 39 - Choose the alternative so as to have the article completed
yard – jarda (0,9144 de um metro) correctly:
stick – bengala a) neither
b) either
35 - Choose the right alternative to have the blanks filled, c) also
respectively: d) too
a) walking – held – prepared
b) walking – holding – preparing 40 - Reading the article leads to the conclusion that, except:
c) going to walk – can hold – prepared
a) effective communication in English is an essential
d) going to walk – will hold – preparing
prerequisite to safety.
b) aviation will be free of accidents if pilots and air traffic
36 - The words, in bold type in the text, are adjectives, except: controllers use phraseology effectively.
c) cultural differences between crew members and air traffic
a) lovely
controllers could be a language barrier to successful
b) excited
communication, when unusual events occur.
c) delighted
d) breakdown in the communication process could be avoided
d) nominated
if both pilots and air traffic controllers have the necessary
autonomy in using English language to deal with their tasks.
37 - “torchbearer”, (line 9), refers to a person who
a) designed the original torch. 41 - In “One of the most frequent problems is caused by
b) carries the torch during the Olympic Torch Relay. pronunciation, but grammatical and lexical problems are just as
c) weighs the torch before the Olympic Games begin. important to achieve effective communication.”, it is revealed that
d) first carried a torch in an international sports competition.
a) grammar and vocabulary have been a low priority for
aviation personnel.
38 - According to the text, all alternatives are correct, except: b) neither grammar nor lexis is high priority for pilots’ and
a) An elderly woman, who walks with a stick, will be in charge controllers’ work.
of carrying the Olympic torch in London. c) communication error is most related to mispronouncing the
b) Diana Gould, whose granddaughter nominated her to take standard phraseology.
part in the Olympic Torch Relay, is very pleased that she will d) not only pronunciation but also grammar and lexis play a
be one of the torchbearers. crucial role in communicating effectively.
c) The great-grandmother of six, who will be the eldest
torchbearer in the London Olympic Games, will face the
42 - “lack of”, in bold type in the text, can mean, except:
challenge of supporting the weight of the torch. a) none of.
d) The great-grandmother, who has been trained for supporting b) plenty of.
the weight of the London Olympic Games torch, will walk as c) absence of.
fast as she can during the Olympic Torch Relay. d) shortage of.

Página 7
Read the cartoon and answer questions 43 and 44. 46 - “Perks”, in the title of the article, refers to the
___________ of peppermint.
a) benefits
b) downside
c) pros and cons
d) disadvantages

47 - The third paragraph of the article reveals that peppermint

a) can cure chronic diseases.
b) can be considered a multipurpose herb.
c) is said to be a very effective allopathic medicine.
d) itself is highly recommended to combat acute diseases.

Santa knows he has to be more careful. One

more accident _____ pilot error, and the FAA Read the excerpt and answer questions 48, 49 and 50.
would take away his pilot’s license for good. Fifty years ago, _____ ever considered that a life full of
GLOSSARY household chores, not shared by her husband, might take a toll
FAA – Administração Federal de Aviação on a mother’s mental state.
Husbands, who weren’t expected to be involved _____ with
their children, were passionately caught up in developing their
43 - All alternatives complete the blank, except: own careers, yet at-home mothers often seemed frustrated,
a) due to dissatisfied and tired of being homebodies.
(Adapted from Family Circle Magazine, 2002)
b) owing to
c) in spite of
household chores – tarefas domésticas
d) because of
take a toll on – ter um efeito negativo sobre
passionately – intensamente
44 - According to the cartoon, if Santa causes one more homebodies – pessoas que passam muito tempo em casa
accident, the FAA will
a) force him to retake his driving test. 48 - Fill in the blanks with the suitable options, respectively:
b) take his pilot’s license permanently. a) none – much
c) make Santa stop driving his vehicle. b) nobody – any
d) not allow Santa to deliver Christmas gifts ever again. c) no one – much
d) no one – many
Read the article and answer questions 45, 46 and 47.
Peppermint perks
1 Not just a breath freshener, studies have also shown 49 - In “...were passionately caught up in developing...”, the
that peppermint could help alleviate symptoms of IBS underlined phrasal verb is closest in meaning to
(irritable bowel syndrome) by reducing abdominal
pain, gas and diarrhea. “Peppermint tea in particular a) absorbed.
5 helps soothe indigestion caused by a bug or IBS,” says b) separated.
Eric Yarnell, professor of botanical medicine. c) distracted.
Strong mints and even candy canes may help tame an d) indifferent.
upset stomach, too, as long as you don’t have heartburn.
10 Peppermint is also appreciated for the soothing effect
it has in treating headaches, migraines, skin irritations, 50 - “own”, in bold type in the excerpt, refers to the
nausea, and menstrual cramps.
a) careers.
(Adapted from Reader’s Digest)
b) mothers.
c) children.
peppermint – tipo de menta (hortelã-pimenta)
d) husbands.
bug – virose

45 - Based on the article, peppermint

a) is only available in tea bags.
b) is always prescribed by health professionals.
c) is good for calming an upset stomach even if there are
symptoms of heartburn.
d) can be used in the treatment of gastrointestinal problems,
apart from being also used as a breath freshener.

Página 8
AS QUESTÕES DE 26 A 50 REFEREM-SE 30 – According to the text, dark chocolate
À LÍNGUA INGLESA (2/2013) a) can improve your health.
Read the text and answer questions 26, 27 and 28. b) can never be bad for you.
c) could help relieve strong headaches.
Are you a procrastinator?
d) is appetizing because of the vitamins it contains.
1 Following a schedule and doing things on time
is extremely important in today’s busy world. 31 – In “It can be bad for you if you overdo it…”, (lines 3 and
Using time effectively is a valuable skill that 4), the text suggests that chocolate
everyone must master. Catching a bus, getting
a) could cause deadly diseases.
5 to work or school on time, and even meeting
b) may help people lose weight.
friends requires managing time. Unfortunately,
c) can be harmful to people over a certain age.
not everyone is very good at doing this. Many
d) should not be consumed in large quantities every day.
people are procrastinators; they put off doing
things that they need to until it’s too late. We all 32 – “Such as”, in bold type in the text, could be replaced by
10 procrastinate sometimes in life. any of the following, except:
26 – According to the text, procrastinators a) like
b) for granted
a) delay things until there isn’t enough time to execute them.
c) for instance
b) know how to manage their time well.
d) for example
c) carefully make plans in advance.
d) are always busy and tired. Read the text and answer questions 33, 34, 35 and 36.
A celebrity crusade
27 – “...not everyone is very good at doing this.”, (line 7), 1 The actress Kim Basinger has launched a
means that crusade to help American’s circus animals.
She complains that they are often badly
a) no one can use time well.
treated and poorly looked after. “These
b) everyone is able to use time successfully.
5 animals are kept in horrific conditions.
c) anyone is capable of using time properly.
They’re dragged around cities suffering in the
d) not everybody can manage time effectively.
name of entertainment.” Basinger was
28 – “Put off”, (line 8), is similar in meaning to mobilised into action following a circus
tragedy in Albuquerque. An African elephant
a) forget. 10 named Heather was found dead inside a
b) cancel. steamy, poorly ventilated trailer. She
c) expect. belonged to the King World Circus. As a
d) postpone. consequence, two circus handlers were
charged with cruelty to animals and the
Read the text and answer questions 29, 30, 31 and 32. 15 travelling circus was forced to hand over its
The food that everyone loves two surviving elephants to a local zoo park.
(Taken from Speak Up # 131)
1 Several studies in recent years have found
that chocolate could be more beneficial GLOSSARY
than harmful. It can be bad for you if you dragged around – arrastados.
overdo it: in this case, it can trigger 33 – The text is focused on
5 migraines or digestive disorders, besides
making you fat. Doctors and nutritionists a) Circus
recommend that daily consumption should b) Celebrities
not exceed 50 grams. The good thing c) Entertainment
about chocolate, especially dark chocolate, d) Animal Rights
10 is that it has a high level of substances
called flavonoids, which help slow the 34 – According to the text,
aging process and help reduce the risk of a) the handlers never take care of elephants.
heart disease. ________ being delicious, b) Kim Basinger will be the new owner of the circus.
chocolate is nutritious because it contains c) Heather was struggling to survive inside the trailer.
15 vitamins A, B, C, D and E, and minerals – d) the local zoo park became responsible for the two surviving
such as iron and phosphorus. elephants after the tragedy.
29 – Fill in the blank with the appropriate word to complete the 35 – In “... its two surviving elephants...”, (lines 15 and 16), the
text. underlined word expresses the idea of possession related to
a) But a) circus.
b) Besides b) handlers.
c) Therefore c) zoo park.
d) In spite of d) elephants.

Página 6
36 – The personal pronoun “she”, underlined twice in the 41 – According to the text, after using Facebook, some people
text, refers respectively to:
a) felt unpleasant feelings.
a) a handler / Heather b) made more online friends.
b) Heather / an actress c) asked each other questions.
c) a celebrity / an actress d) completed their scientific researches quickly.
d) Kim Basinger / Heather
Read the text and answer questions 37, 38 and 39.
42 – In “…their seemingly more successful ‘Facebook
friends’…”, (lines 6 and 7), the underlined word can be replaced
The men who guard the Queen by
1 If you’ve ______ been to London, you’ve a) surely.
probably seen them: they are the soldiers in b) positively.
bright red jackets or shining helmets who c) apparently.
stand outside Buckingham Palace. They are d) undoubtedly.
5 men who can stand absolutely still, even
when tourists tell them jokes, touch them, Read the text and answer questions 43, 44, 45 and 46.
push them, or try to make them move. They
may look identical and even march like English ghost stories
robots, but they are in fact some of the best- 1 Many of Britain’s ancient castles have ghosts. One of
10 trained soldiers in the British army. Some the most famous “haunted castles” in England is
people are surprised to learn that the guns actually the Tower of London. During the Tower’s
that the soldiers carry are not just for show: long history, many men and women were thrown into
they are loaded! 5 its dark dungeons, or executed outside its gates.
37 – Fill in the blank with the appropriate word to complete the _______ the most famous was Lady Jane Grey, Queen
text. of England, who was beheaded outside the Tower on
19 th July 1554. Since then, it is said that the ghost of
a) ever Lady Jane Grey wanders through the rooms and
b) even 10 corridors of the Tower of London. This is just one of
c) never Britain’s well-known ghosts; but there are lots of
d) always ghosts too who aren’t quite as famous.
38 – According to the text, the soldiers who guard the Queen GLOSSARY
dungeons – masmorras, prisões, calabouços
a) carry weapons under their uniforms.
b) wear plain clothes not to call attention to themselves. 43 – Fill in the blank with the appropriate word to complete the
c) cannot move when they are standing outside the Palace. text.
d) are better trained than any other soldiers all over the world. a) One
b) Among
39 – In “The guns are not just for show…”, in the text, the
c) Between
sentence means that the guns are d) Considering
a) real.
b) fake. 44 – “Actually”, (line 3), is similar in meaning to
c) only on display. a) in fact.
d) used during special events. b) presently.
Read the text and answer questions 40, 41 and 42. c) currently.
d) not really.
Facebook makes users envious and dissatisfied
1 In a recent research study conducted by two German
universities, Facebook members answered questions
45 – In “…Lady Jane Grey, Queen of England, who was
about their own feelings after using the platform. beheaded outside the Tower…”, (lines 6 and 7), the underlined
More than one-third of the respondents reported words could be replaced by
5 predominantly negative feelings, such as frustration. a) was crowned.
The researchers identified that envying their b) lost her temper.
seemingly more successful ‘Facebook friends’ is the c) had minor injuries.
major reason for this result. In general, online social d) had her head cut off.
networks allow users brand-new insights on relevant
10 others, which would be _______ more difficult to
obtain offline. 46 – The last two lines in the text reveal that
40 – Fill in the blank with the appropriate word to complete the a) visitors see the ghost of Lady Jane Grey more often than
b) not all of the ghosts in Britain are as famous as Lady Jane
a) many Grey’s.
b) some c) the ghost of Lady Jane Grey is the most famous one in Britain.
c) much d) apart from Lady Jane Grey’s, the ghosts in Britain are not
d) a few famous at all.

Página 7 Nº de Inscrição __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Read the text and answer questions 47, 48, 49 and 50.
Mad car disease
1 It was in the summer of 1992 that Britain’s
two main motoring organisations, the RAC
(Royal Automobile Club) and the AA
(Automobile Association), started to issue
5 warnings about an increase in aggressive
behaviour on the roads.
The RAC noted that more and more drivers
were losing their temper behind the wheel,
and there were reports of fights between
10 motorists.
In Wakefield, West Yorkshire, a 78-year-old
man died after he had been punched by a
driver half his age during a dispute at a set of
traffic lights. In another incident a pedestrian
15 who forced a van driver to brake suddenly
was beaten senseless by a vehicle’s two
(Adapted from Speak Up # 9)
to issue warnings – divulgar advertências

47 – The text is about:

a) Careless drivers.
b) Reckless pedestrians.
c) Constant traffic jams.
d) Increasing violence in the traffic.

48 – “... more and more drivers were losing their temper

behind the wheel”, (lines 7 and 8), means that drivers
a) need to control their temper.
b) became bad-tempered while repairing their wheels.
c) were lost because they didn’t know where they were.
d) were becoming so angry that they couldn’t control
themselves while driving.

49 – What’s the active voice for “A 78-year-old man died

after he had been punched by a driver.”?
A 78-year-old man died after a driver _______ him.
a) has punched
b) had punched
c) was punching
d) would have punched

50 – The relative pronoun “who”, in bold type in the text,

refers to
a) van driver.
b) pedestrian.
c) government.
d) a 78-year-old man.

Página 8
AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE 28 – Fill in the blanks with the suitable options, respectively:
a) a-a
b) a - the
Read the article and answer questions 25, 26 and 27. c) the - a
Unbeetable: The humble root which fights cancer d) the - the
and lowers blood pressure 29 – In “...the world’s most recognizable works...”, (lines 3 and
1 With its sweet, earthy taste and ruby-red interior,
4), the underlined word is closest in meaning to
beetroot is a favourite of foods, but there’s far more to
it than that. a) easily identified.
The majority of beetroot’s benefits stem from the b) artistically made.
5 unusually high level of nitrates it contains. c) readily available.
Nitrates have suffered a bad reputation because of d) commercially priced.
their use as a food additive. However, recent studies
have shown that nitrates in beetroot lower blood Read the text and answer questions 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
pressure. and 36.
10 A study carried out in 2010 also found that the Charles Lindbergh’s achievement
_____the blood pressure, the _____ the drop observed. 1 On 20th May 1927 a small fixed-wing single-
If beetroot juice is consumed widely, there will be engined aeroplane loaded with its maximum capacity
reduction in death from cardiovascular disease. of fuel (450 gallons) struggled to get airborne as it
Among other benefits, beetroots may also slow bounced down the runway at Roosevelt Field, New
15 progression of dementia and growth of tumours. 5 York. To avoid extra weight, the parachute, the radio
and even the brakes had been removed by the
25 – Choose the alternative so as to have the article completed mechanic. At last it lifted off, just avoiding some
correctly: telephone wires, and disappeared into the distance.
Thirty hours later a hundred thousand Parisians
a) high – great
10 lined up at the Le Bourget Airport to wait for the
b) higher – greater
arrival of the plane. It was 10 o’clock at night.
c) higher – greatest
Burning lanterns marked out the runway. Then came
d) highest – greatest
the low-pitched sound of an engine and a wave of
26 – Based on the article, beetroot excitement swept through the crowd. The Spirit of St.
15 Louis touched down and rolled to the end of the
a) is only enjoyed because of its sweet flavour. runway. Out of the plane stepped a tall handsome
b) contains a substance that can lower blood pressure. American – Charles Lindbergh. He’d just become the
c) is not as healthy as other vegetables due to its high level of first person to fly solo across the Atlantic, and he was
nitrates. destined to become one of the most famous men in the
d) among other benefits, it is also recommended to combat world.
contagious diseases.
27 – The title of the article reveals that beetroots are get airborne – decolar
bounced – “deu um solavanco”
a) unbeatable. lined up – enfileiraram-se
b) unavailable.
c) unavoidable.
d) unaccountable.
30 – All words underlined in the text are adjectives, except:
Read the text and answer questions 28 and 29. a) fixed-wing
b) low-pitched
1 Leonardo da Vinci has long been praised as one c) disappeared
of the finest artists of __________ Renaissance, d) single-engined
working far ahead of his time and producing some of
the world’s most recognizable works. 31 – “At last”, (line 7), is closest in meaning to
5 But da Vinci has finally received __________
credit he deserves for his startling medical accuracy a) when.
hundreds of years in advance of his peers, as b) while.
scientists compare his anatomical drawings with c) finally.
modern day MRI scans. d) as soon as.
10 In a series of 30 pictures, an organization in
England intends to show just accurate da Vinci was. 32 – In “He’d just become the first person to fly solo across the
(Adapted from Atlantic, ...”, (lines 17 and 18), the underlined word has the same meaning as
GLOSSARY a) alone.
praised – considerado, visto b) ground.
startling – surpreendente, impressionante c) open land.
MRI scans – imagens de ressonância magnética d) accompanied.
Página 6
33 – In “At last it lifted off, just avoiding some telephone wires 39 – According to the text, an old British tradition
...”, (lines 7 and 8), it means that Lindbergh
a) has existed for at least eight decades.
a) clipped the telephone wires as he lifted off. b) can help promote a political union in Europe.
b) hit some telephone wires before the plane had lifted off. c) will have to be broken for the 2014 elections.
c) flew high over some telephone wires during his landing. d) is being unfairly broken by the European Commission.
d) could prevent himself from hitting the plane on some
telephone wires.
40 – According to the text, a common European Union voting
34 – The correct active voice for “The parachute, the radio and day is
even the brakes had been removed by the mechanic.”, (lines 5-7),
is a) unlikely to secure fewer votes in Britain.
b) being challenged by the British government.
a) The parachute, the radio and even the brakes were removed. c) recommended by the European Commission.
b) The parachute, the radio and even the brakes had to be d) needed to keep the peace between countries in Europe.
c) The mechanic has removed the parachute, the radio and even
the brakes.
Read the text and answer questions 41, 42 and 43.
d) The mechanic had removed the parachute, the radio and
even the brakes. 1 During a two-day referendum last week, the
people of the Falkland Islands (known in Brazil as
35 – “a hundred thousand”, (line 9), is expressed in number as: “Malvinas”) voted overwhelmingly to remain a
a) 100,000 British overseas territory.
b) 1,000,000 5 Shortly after the referendum result, David
c) 10,000,000 Cameron, the British Prime Minister, said that
d) 100,000,000 Argentina must respect the wishes of the Falkland
36 – In, “He’d just become the first person ...”, (line 17), the “They want to remain British and that view
underlined letter is a contracted form of: 10 should be respected ________ everybody, including
________ Argentina”, Mr. Cameron said.
a) did (Adapted from
b) had
c) could GLOSSARY
d) should overwhelmingly – em uma maioria esmagadora; em uma
grande maioria
Read the text and answer questions 37, 38, 39 and 40.
1 An 82-year British tradition of voting on a Thursday
could be broken under plans to create a common
European Union voting day, as a step to cement a 41 – Fill in the blanks with the suitable options, respectively:
political union in Europe. a) by - by
5 Recommendations from the European Commission b) to - to
propose that Europe has a common voting day for the c) for - for
2014 elections to choose the next President of the d) from - from
Currently in almost all European countries voting
10 day is on a Sunday.
_________ 1931 the British people have always
voted on a Thursday. A change to the voting date could
42 – In “...Argentina must respect the wishes of…”, (line 7),
the underlined word can be replaced by
cause a decrease in the number of voters in Britain.
(Adapted from a) would like to.
37 – Fill in the blank with a suitable option: b) is likely to.
c) is able to.
a) In d) needs to.
b) For
c) Since
d) During
43 – According to the text, we can conclude that David
38 – In “ a step to cement a political union...”, (lines 3 and Cameron
4), the underlined word is closest in meaning to
a) supports the referendum result.
a) widen. b) said that he is likely to remain British.
b) loosen. c) finds it hard to respect everybody’s wishes.
c) weaken. d) expressed his views and opinions before the referendum had
d) strengthen. ended.

Página 7
46 – In “Street lamps and outlines of buildings were barely
visible …”, (lines 4 and 5), it means that they were
a) visible only with great effort.
b) not visible at all.
c) clearly visible.
d) highly visible.

47 – In “... pedestrians donned face masks to guard against the

smoke.”, (lines 5 and 6), it means that
a) masks had to be worn to avoid breathing deadly fumes.
b) pedestrians had their masks on so as to stop them from
c) pedestrians had to put face masks on to protect themselves
against smoke.
d) pedestrians were given face masks by the government
owing to “severe” pollution in Beijing.

48 – The last paragraph reveals that

a) passengers usually get stuck during Chinese New Year
44 – According to the cartoon, the interviewee _______ being b) the passengers were stranded at the airport because of flight
successful. cancellations.
a) is too out of shape for c) the airport gets busy for the best part of February due to
b) is not fat enough for Chinese New Year celebrations.
c) has little chance of d) the airlines were forced to cancel their flights because there
d) has no chance of were no more seats available.

Read the article and answer questions 45, 46, 47 and 48.
1 Thick smog in China forced airlines to cancel
flights, as heavy-polluting factories in Beijing were
temporarily shut down to ease the pollution.
Street lamps and outlines of buildings were barely
5 visible in the Chinese capital, as pedestrians donned
face masks to guard against the smoke. The
government advised residents to stay indoors as much
as possible because the pollution was “severe”.
The flight cancellations prevented the passengers
10 from flying during the first week of the country’s
busiest period of travel, due to the Chinese New Year
on February 10. Many passengers were left waiting at
the airport, as information was scarce.
smog – neblina misturada com poluição, nevoeiro com

45 – According to the article, we can infer that heavy-polluting

factories in Beijing
a) were advised to cease operations for good.
b) had to suspend their production because of flight
c) had to stop operating for a short time in an attempt to reduce
smog levels.
d) were closed down because of the effects of industrial
pollution on the population.

Página 8
Read the cartoon and answer question 25.

1 2

25 – Reading the cartoon, we can infer that Garfield thinks that

a) despite the fact that the dog is fierce, he won’t bite because
of the meat.
b) the dog is well-behaved, that’s why Garfield likes feeding
him with some meat.
c) he is afraid of dogs and has decided to give him poisonous
d) he always carries meat because he gets along with fierce

Read the text and answer questions 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30.
1 There’s an old cliché in linguistics that a language is a
dialect with an army and navy behind it. This isn’t merely a
joke. Defining when a new language is born is __________
than defining when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. In the
5 process by which a dialect becomes a language there is no
easy empirical equivalent of the point when the butterfly
emerges from the larva able to take off. So no linguist can
look back and say: “That’s it, Wednesday 5 May 1213,
that’s when the English language finally got wings.”

caterpillar – lagarta

26 – Fill in the blank with the correct option:

a) hard
b) hardly
c) harder
d) hardening

27 – The pronoun “it”, in bold type in the text, refers to

a) linguistics.
b) dialect.
c) cliché.
d) navy.

Página 6
28 – “take off”, (line 7), means 34 – Reading the extract, we can lead to the conclusion that
a) start flying. a) men are keen on sharing problems.
b) become upset. b) men gain respect by agreeing with their peers.
c) return to Nature. c) similarly to men, women enjoy being outdoors with their
d) accept its destiny. friends.
d) gender differences can be seen in the way men and women
29 – “got”, (line 9), can be correctly replaced by communicate with each other.
a) grew.
b) grow.
c) grown.
35 – In “... he would prefer to use a map and find his way by
d) growing. himself.”, (lines 9 and 10), it means that he
a) would rather use a map instead of asking for directions.
30 – According to the text, b) gets bored when people don’t give him the right direction.
a) English was created in May 1213. c) never asks for directions because he always has a map with
b) you need wings in order to learn English. him.
c) it’s impossible to discover exactly when English was born. d) he would rather drive alone because his wife’s attitude
d) the process for a dialect to become a language is empirical. makes him annoyed.

Read the extract and answer questions 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35.
Read the article and answer questions 36, 37, 38 and 39.
1 Different ways of speaking are part of gender. As
adults, men and women sometimes face difficulties in their 1 After a series of building problems and public protests
communication with each other. Studies of communication in Brazil, the governing body of world football, Fifa,
show that if a woman tells her husband about a problem, repeatedly warned there would be “no compromise” over
5 she will expect him to listen and offer sympathy. She may the delivery of World Cup stadiums. But with Fifa’s end-
be annoyed when he simply tells her how to solve the 5 of-year deadline looming, several stadiums are well behind
problem. Similarly, a husband may be annoyed when his schedule and one host city, Cuiaba, has told the BBC that
wife wants to stop and ask a stranger for directions to a not only will it be unable to finish its stadium on time, but
park or restaurant. Unlike his wife, he would prefer to use a there are not even enough hotel rooms for visiting fans.
10 map and find his way by himself. Even though Fifa only insisted on a minimum of eight
Language is also part of the different ways that men 10 stadiums to host the World Cup, Brazil decided to go with
and women think about friendship. Most men believe that 12, such was the interest and demand from all parts of this
friendship means doing things together such as camping or huge nation to be part of the tournament. But, in hindsight,
playing tennis. Talking is not an important part of has Brazil bitten off more than it can chew? Up in the
15 friendship for most of them. Women, ______________, ________city of Manaus, they are finishing an arena that
usually identify their best friend as someone with whom 15 bears some resemblance to the famous Bird’s Nest Stadium
they talk frequently. Experts believe that for women, in Beijing: an elaborate steel structure, imported from
talking with friends and agreeing with them is very Portugal, envelops the playing area like an indigenous
important. woven basket.
(Adapted from Different Ways of Talking) (Taken from
31 – Fill in the blank with the suitable option: looming – expiring
a) also in hindsight – looking back now
b) therefore
c) increasingly 36 – Fill in the blank with the suitable option:
d) on the other hand a) northern
b) northerner
c) northbound
32 – Similarly, in bold type in the extract, could be replaced by: d) northeastern
a) Likewise
b) Unlike
c) Likely
d) Like 37 – According to the article, all alternatives are correct,
a) the stadium in Manaus has a complex design.
33 – In the extract, when the woman expects her husband to b) both host cities Cuiaba and Manaus won’t be able to finish
offer sympathy, (lines 4 and 5), she wants him to their World Cup stadiums on time.
a) be nice to her. c) Brazil has decided to go with 12 stadiums so as to have the
b) sort her problems out. huge nation involved in the tournament.
c) understand and care about her problems. d) Cuiaba declared scarcity of affordable hotel rooms as well
d) believe that she really has something to overcome. as problems with the delivery of its stadium.

Página 7
38 – The question, in bold type in the article, makes us reflect 41 – All alternatives complete the blank below, except:
that Brazil The text __________.
a) tried to build more stadiums than it was able to do. a) describes each element in detail
b) didn’t agree to build the stadiums imposed by Fifa. b) shows the tastes of food that each individual may like
c) didn’t have any doubts about delivering the stadiums on c) outlines the effects each element has on an individual’s
time. personality
d) was cautious when deciding the number of stadiums needed d) explains what happens when an individual lacks one of the
for the World Cup. five elements

39 – In “…an arena that bears some resemblance to the famous 42 – “Though” and “although”, underlined in the text, are
Bird’s Nest Stadium…”, (lines 16 and 17), it means that the closest in meaning to
stadium in Manaus ____________ the one in Beijing.
a) if.
a) is the same as b) when.
b) is as huge as c) because.
c) looks like d) however.
d) lookalike
Read the text and answer questions 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 43 – “Value”, (line 5), was used in the text as a/an
47, 48. a) verb.
Understanding the Five Elements b) noun.
1 Water is represented by the color black and the calm c) adverb.
stillness of winter. People _____ dominant element is d) adjective.
water prefer salty foods. They tend to be peaceful and
introspective, though they can also be stubborn 44 – Choose one negative personality adjective for each
5 individuals. Water people value privacy and rarely share element: water, wood, fire, earth and metal, in this order:
their personal thoughts with others.
Wood is represented by the color green and the rebirth of a) calm – helpful – passionate – patient – distant
spring. People _____ dominant element is wood prefer b) peaceful – assertive – optimistic – easygoing – systematic
sour foods. They tend to be driven, assertive individuals, c) introspective – understanding – destructive – caring – refined
10 which can sometimes make them argumentative and d) stubborn – argumentative – rude – overprotective – unfriendly
difficult to get along with. However, they can also be
understanding, helpful individuals who are happy to assist
others in need. 45 – “Tend”, in bold type in the text, means
Fire corresponds to the color red and the season of a) to attempt.
15 summer. People _____ dominant element prefer bitter b) to seem tender.
foods. They tend to be optimistic, energetic, c) to show tenderness.
unpredictable individuals. Fire people often have strong d) to have a tendency to.
opinions, and are risk takers: they are passionate people
who love excitement and change. Like fire, though, they
20 can also be destructive and rude. 46 – All words below are adjectives, except:
Earth is represented by the color yellow and is related to a) salty (line 3)
late summer – a time of wellbeing when things are in b) spicy (line 30)
balance. People _____ dominant element is earth prefer c) happy (line 13)
sweet foods. Earth people are slow to change their minds d) privacy (line 5)
25 and rarely lose their tempers. They tend to be patient,
easygoing, caring, and nurturing, although like some
parents, they can also be overprotective. 47 – Put the following adverbs: sometimes, often and rarely in
Metal is represented by the color white and is related to order, from the least frequent to the most frequent.
the season of autumn. People _____ dominant element is a) often – sometimes – rarely
30 metal prefer spicy foods. They tend to be systematic and b) rarely – sometimes – often
refined, but are sometimes viewed by others as somewhat c) sometimes – often – rarely
distant or unfriendly. d) often – rarely – sometimes

GLOSSARY 48 – According to people’s preference for food, detailed in the

nurturing – supportive text, we can infer that
somewhat – more than a little but not very
a) Fire people probably like the taste of lemons and vinegar.
40 – Choose the alternative so as to have the text completed b) Metal people probably enjoy cooking recipes with chili
correctly: peppers.
c) Water people probably avoid eating French fries and salted
a) who
b) which
d) Wood people probably appreciate beverages such as coffee
c) whom
and strong black tea.
d) whose
Página 8
Read the text and answer the questions: 25, 26 and 27.
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
01 Can evolutionary theories also explain why
gentlemen prefer blondes? Yes, argues Nancy Etcoff of
the Harvard Medical School in Survival of the Prettiest.
The Science of Beauty.
05 She suggests that men choose blondes over
brunettes for the fairness of their skin. The lighter skin
tone allows men to detect the flush of sexual
excitement, making these women appear more fertile.
American women are taking this to heart. A 1991
10 study found that the largest group of girls, who were
born in America, was brunette and only 16 per cent of
the American girls were born blonde, although 80 per
cent of American boys prefer blondes to brunettes. In
response to this pressure, half of all American women
15 today color _______ hair, with 40 per cent choosing
light shades.
(Adapted from Inglês Doorway)
taking this to heart – levando isso muito a sério
shades – tons
25 – Fill in the blank, (line 15), with the appropriate response.
a) my
b) her
c) your
d) their
26 – According to the text,
a) 80 per cent of American girls color their hair.
b) most of American women wish to be redheads.
c) the light skin allows men to detect the kindness of
d) an evolutionary study can explain the reason for gentlemen
prefer blondes.
27 – According to the text,
a) blondes are more fertile than brunettes.
b) most of American girls were born brunette.
c) American men prefer brunettes to blondes.
d) half of American women color their hair with light shades.
Read the text and answer questions 28, 29, 30 and 31.
01 Dear,
It was great to hear from you. Sorry it’s taken me a while
to reply, but I’ve been up to my eyes in work recently.
I’m happy to hear that you’re having such a good time at
05 college and that you’ve made lots of new friends. David
sounds nice. Three weeks? That must be a record for
I’m writing to ask you what you’re doing the last
weekend in May. I was wondering if you’d like to come
10 and spend a few days at the shore. How about bringing
David with you? (Can he cook?!) Please try to come.
I’m really looking forward to seeing you.
Write soon and let me know.
Lots of love.
(Adapted from American Inside Out, Sue Kay and
V. Jones)
Página 6
GLOSSARY 33 – According to the text, we can infer that
up to my eyes in – muito envolvido em algo a) turkey, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie are seldom served on
28 – In “I’m looking forward to”, the underlined words, in the
b) Thanksgiving is a celebration among families and friends to
text, is closest in meaning to, to be _________.
thank God.
a) unpleasant c) it’s traditional to watch football game on TV before the
b) unhappy dinner.
c) hopeless d) Americans celebrate thanksgiving every other year.
d) excited
34 – According to the text, all the alternatives are correct,
29 – According to the text, we can infer that all alternatives are except:
correct, except: a) Pilgrims learned how to plant and where to fish with
a) It’s a letter of invitation. Indians.
b) David is someone’s boss. b) All Pilgrims were established in Massachusetts.
c) The letter is very friendly. c) Indians were responsible for Pilgrims survival.
d) It’s supposed to be a letter between friends. d) The Pilgrims invited the Indians to their feast.

30 – According to the text, all alternatives are correct, except: Read the text and answer questions 35, 36 and 37.

a) David was invited to a trip. Flight attendant

b) Someone is planning to travel to the shore. 01 Within every elegant and friendly flight attendant
c) Someone wants to spend time with another one. exists a very well trained professional. They graduate
d) Someone refused an invitation to go to the beach. from courses recognized by the Civil Aeronautical
Department (DAC). For six months, this professional
31 – According to the text, we can infer that, the letter wasn’t 05 learns the basic functions of a plane as well as flight
replied immediately, because procedures. Security issues, either in the air or on the
ground, are dealt with in detail. A flight attendant is
a) the work has demanded lots of attention. taught how to handle first – aid procedures for passengers
b) there was no interest to answer the letter. and he or she also gets survival training in case of an
c) the time hasn’t been short. 10 accident. After _______, the flight attendant must pass a
d) the letter wasn’t received. test at the DAC to obtain a license. Only now can this
professional be part of the crew. The courses require just
Read the text and answer the questions 32, 33 and 34. a basic knowledge of English, but to develop in the
Thanksgiving career, to crew international flights, fluent English is a
01 In 1620 one of the first British settlements in 15 must.
America was established in Massachusetts. These settlers (Adapted from Inglês de olho no mundo do trabalho)
known as Pilgrims had come to America to freely 35 – Fill in the blank with the suitable option.
practice their religion. They arrived in November, when
05 it was too late to plant crops. ______ many people died, a) graduate
the Pilgrim settlement survived the winter because of b) graduates
help from Indians who lived nearby. The Indians taught c) graduated
the Pilgrims about corn and showed them where to fish. d) graduating
The next November, after the crops were harvested, the
10 Pilgrims gave thanks to God at a feast to which they 36 – In “A flight attendant is taught
how to handle first – aid
invited the Indians. procedures for passengers…” (line 10), the underlined verb is
Every year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. closest in meaning to, except:
Families and friends get together for a big feast. The
a) to calm down
meal usually includes roast turkey with stuffing and
b) to cope with
15 gravy, a sweet sauce made from cranberries, sweet
c) to deal with
potatoes, and pumpkin pie. What a meal! It’s not
d) to manage
surprising that a recent Thanksgiving tradition is to sit
after dinner in front of the TV watching a professional
football game. 37 – According to the text, all the alternatives are correct,
(Adapted from Inglês Doorway) except:

GLOSSARY Flight attendants

harvested – colhido a) must have some knowledge about the plane and flight
cranberries – mirtilo rules.
b) are very well trained in security problems on board or on
32 – Fill in the blank with the suitable option: the ground.
a) Besides c) are elegant and friendly, but also highly trained
b) Because professionals.
c) Although d) must have only basic skills of English to crew
d) Therefore international flights.

Página 7
Read the text and answer questions 38, 39 and 40.
42 – In “The giant structure was inaugurated with a firework
Halloween display...” the correct active voice is: “Someone ________the
01 ___ the 31st of October many people ___ England, in giant structure”.
the United States and even in Brazil prepare to celebrate
Halloween, or the Witches Day. Halloween has a pagan a) inaugurated
origin, dating back to Roman and Celts times. b) inaugurates
05 Many years later in England, farmers used to go c) is inaugurating
_____house _____house to ask for food. It was meant to d) was inaugurating
bring good luck to them. This gave origin to the “trick or
treat” tradition: groups of children dressed like witches
43 – “featured”, in bold type, in the text, is closest in meaning
and ghosts visit many houses to ask for sweets. If they do to
10 not get their treats, they play a trick. a) made
In the United States another tradition is famous. b) included
Houses and schools are decorated with pumpkins with a c) represented
candle inside. d) demonstrated
(Adapted from Inglês de olho no mundo do trabalho)

38 – Fill in he blanks with the suitable option 44 – “largest”, (line 2 ), was used in the text as a
a) for – to – on – in a) superlative.
b) on – in – from – to b) comparative of equality.
c) to – from – in – for c) comparative of inferiority.
d) since – for – from – to d) comparative of superiority.
Read the text and answer questions 45, 46, 47 and 48.
39 – According to the text, we can infer that Pepsi versus Coke
01 Pepsi is in trouble. For a long time now, it’s been
a) Halloween has a religious origin. the second most popular cola drink in the United States,
b) In Brazil people don’t celebrate the Witches’ Day. after Coke. But now it’s in third place, with Coke and
c) The “trick or treat” tradition began with children asking for Diet Coke in the number one and two positions. But
food. 05 PepsiCo (the producer of the famous drink) is
d) A pumpkin with a candle inside is used to adorn the houses determined to fight back. It plans to spend 30% more on
in Halloween in the United States. advertising this year. Some think this might lead to
another Cola War (the name given to the battle between
Coke and Pepsi for market dominance in the ‘70s and
40 – “Trick or treat”, in bold type, in the text, means 10 ‘80s). More worrying for both companies is the fact that
a) a celebration of someone’s birthday. US consumers are spending less on fizzy drinks every
b) an event in which is someone’s wedding. year, preferring healthier options such as fruit juice or
c) a day when people thank for the end of the harvest. tea.
d) an activity in which children knock on door of houses to ask (adapted from “hot English magazine” nº 4)
for candies.
45 – According to the text, it’s correct to say that in the U.S.A.,
Read the article and answer questions 41, 42, 43 and 44. a) was always the most popular cola drink.
01 Rio de Janeiro presented what they are calling the b) is the third most popular cola drink these days.
largest ever floating Christmas “tree” on the Rodrigo de c) had to fight to be in the third position after Coke.
Freitas Lagoon on Saturday night. d) has been struggling against Coke for a long time in order to
The giant structure was_______ with a firework get the second position.
05 display during an event that featured lights and musical 46 – In the text, when PepsiCo says that it is determined to fight
performance, drawing thousands of people to the lagoon. back, (lines 4, 5 and 6), it means that the producer
This year’s theme celebrates the importance of light in
people’s lives, _______by the sun, the moon and the a) plans to attack Coke investing in advertisement.
stars. b) wants to advertise for another Cola War.
10 The 280 ft. tall structure is _______ by 3.1 million c) will resist until the end of the Cola War.
lights and it will be lit every night until 6 January. d) is dominating the market of cola drinks.
(Adapted from www.telegraph .co. uk)

47 – In ... “it’s been the second most popular drink...” (lines 2

41 – Choose the best alternative to fill in the blanks and 3), the underlined letter is a contracted form of:
a) inaugurated – showed – inaugurated a) is
b) featured – inaugurated – symbolized b) has
c) symbolized – presented – inaugurated c) was
d) inaugurated – symbolized – illuminated d) does

Página 8
48 – Fizzy drinks, in bold type, in the extract, can be replaced
by _______ drinks.
a) still
b) fresh
c) freezing
d) sparkling

Página 9
AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE Read the cartoon and answer the question 29.

Read the text and answer questions 25, 26, 27 and 28.
1 What could have prompted Lubitz to deliberately
destroy the aircraft, killing everyone on board,
remained the focus of investigations in Germany.
Officials said Lubitz was not known to be on any
5 terrorism list, and his religion was not immediately
He had passed medical and psychological testing
when he was hired in 2013, said Carsten Spohr, CEO of
Lufthansa, which owns Germanwings.
10 While the ailment Lubitz had sought treatment for
hasn’t been revealed, that he was declared unfit for
work is an important detail, aviation analysts say. Pilots Taken from
are required to maintain their fitness to fly and must tell
their airline if they’re found unfit, CNN aviation 29 – According to the cartoon, we can affirm that
15 analyst David Soucie said. a) The boy would not marry the girl at all.
Adapted from b) “If” and “unless” have exactly the same meaning.
germanwings-plane-crash-main/ c) The girl was happy, because the boy accepted to marry her
when she grows up.
d) There is only one way that the girl would marry the boy:
25 – According to the article, the German pilot Lubitz being the last girl on Earth.
a) was responsible for a terrorist attack
b) planned to destroy the aircraft.
c) was hired to destroy the plane.
d) revealed his sickness. 30 – In the sentence “Beware of the dog. He bites really hard;
however, he can be bribed”, which word can replace “however”
without interfering in the meaning?
a) Because
26 – In the sentence “Pilots (…) must tell their airline if they’re b) Moreover
found unfit.” (lines 13-14), the expression in bold can be c) Therefore
replaced by: d) Nevertheless

a) can
b) should
c) have to Read the text and answer questions 31 and 32.
d) ought to
1 New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island
and Massachusetts have declared states of emergency
and 50 million people are expected to wake up to ___
27 – The sentence “(…) he was hired in 2013 (…)” (line 8) has foot of snow on Tuesday, January 27, 2015.
the same meaning as: 5 In other development:
- 6,500 flights in and out of airports along ___ East
a) The airline hired Lubitz in 2013. Coast cancelled;
b) Lubitz hired Carsten Spohr in 2013 - schools and businesses stopped early on Monday;
c) Lufthansa hired Carsten Spohr in 2013. - New York’s subway and bus services stop at 23:00
d) Carsten Spohr hired the CEO of Lufthansa in 2013. 10 local time;
- wind gusts of 75 mph or more are forecast for
coastal areas of Massachusetts; and
- Boston’s Logan Airport said there would be no
flights after 19:00 local time.
28 – In the sentence “(...), said Carsten Spohr, CEO of Adapted from
Lufthansa, which owns Germanwings.” (line 8-9), the word in
bold refers to 31 – Fill in the blank in lines 3 and 6 with the right words:
a) CEO. a) a – an
b) Lubitz. b) a – the
c) Lufthansa. c) an – the
d) Carsten Spohr. d) the – the

Página 6
32 – According to the text, Read the text and answer questions 36, 37, 38 and 39.
1 Germanwings and its parent company, Lufthansa, are
a) many services will not be available because of the snow. still reeling from the disaster. Senior managers are facing a
b) people expect to wake up with their feet on the snow on barrage of questions about Lubitz and the company's policies.
Tuesday. Lubitz passed his annual pilot recertification medical
c) Boston’s Logan Airport will start operating after 19:00 local 5 examination in summer 2014, a German aviation source told
time. CNN. An official with Lufthansa said that the exam only tests
d) after 23:00 local time, people will have to go home by bus physical health, not psychological health. The company
or subway. was never given any indication Lubitz was depressed, the
official said, and if he went to a doctor on his own he would
10 have been required to self-report if he had been deemed unfit
to fly.
The company has already changed its rules following the
Read the text and ans wer questions 33, 34 and 35. crash to ensure that two crew members are in the cockpit at all
times. Many other airlines have taken similar steps or been
Winter s por ts 15 advised by authorities to do so.
1 Only two areas of the USA are mild in winter, the coasts, More and more information is coming to light about the
especially Florida and southern Californ ia, and the lives of the passengers and crew members on Flight 9525.
southern part of the Mississippi basin. They include Iranian sports journalists who had been working
Everywhere e lse it gets cold, often very cold. By the at covering a big Spanish soccer game between Barcelona and
5 end of November, many Ame rican states are often 20 Real Madrid; a group of young students from a German town
covered in snow; and although recent winters have been who were returning from a school trip; two successful
less cold, sport in winter usually means winter sports, or German opera singers who had performed at a Barcelona
indoor sports. theater; and an American mother and daughter from Virginia.
By January, many people in North Ame rica will have Most of the people on the flight were from Germany or
10 temperatures of -30°C; not every day, of course, but such 25 Spain, officials have said. Searchers at the mountainside crash
site are continuing with their precarious mission to recover the
low te mperatures are not ra re. In Chicago and
remains of the dead.
Minneapolis, the temperature can fall be low -40°. Adapted from
W hen it is very cold, especially when there is a cold
wind, ______ people want to go outside, unless they
deemed – considered
15 have to; but on sunny winter days, winter sports are to reel – to be confused or shocked by a situation
In the large flat regions in the middle of No rth 36 – According to the text,
America, ______ winter sports are snowmobiling, snow-
shoeing and cross-country skiing. Ice-skating is popular a) the company’s policies are in trouble because of the disaster.
b) the company was aware of Lubitz’s physical health and
20 too; lakes and rivers freeze, and many towns and cities
psychological health.
have free open-air skating rinks. In many places, these c) the airline has not ensured that two crew members are in the
are flood-lit after dark, so that people can enjoy skating cockpit at all times.
in the evening. d) an annual pilot recertification medical examination was not
Adapt ed from ermediat e/wint er- performed by the co-pilot Lubitz.
sport s.usa.htm
37 – “Unfit to fly”, lines 11 and 12, means
33 – Fill in the blank, ( line 14 ) with the suitable option:
a) able to fly.
a) much b) ready to fly.
b) many c) unable to fly.
c) litt le d) acceptable to fly.
d) few
38 – “Crew members”, (line 13), means all the people who
a) work on a plane.
b) buy things on a plane.
34 – “Mild”, (line 1), in the text, means c) go into a plane and steal things.
a) cold. d) are involved in illegal activities.
b) freezing.
c) fairly warm. 39 – According to the text, write (T) for the true statements and
d) extremely hot. (F) for the false statements.
( ) There were artists on Flight 9525.
( ) There were only elderly people on board.
( ) All the passengers on Flight 9525 were Spanish.
( ) The journalists on board were returning from a vacation
35 – Choose the alternative so as to have the text completed trip.
correctly, (line 18): Choose the alternative which corresponds to the order.
a) more popular than a) T–F–F–F
b) less popular than b) F–T–T–F
c) the most popular c) T–F–F–T
d) as popular as d) T–T–F–F
Página 7
Read the text and answer questions 40, 41, 42 and 43. Read the cartoon to answer question 44.

The flight
1 Flight 9525, an Airbus A320, took off at 10:01 a.m.
on March 24 from Barcelona, bound for Dusseldorf.
The plane had 144 passengers and six crew members on
5 According to French aviation accident
investigators, the plane began descending from its Taken from
cruising altitude of 38,000 feet at 10:31 a.m. It lost
contact with French radar at an altitude of 6,175 feet at 44 – According to the cartoon, all the sentences are correct,
10:40 a.m., the investigators said. except:
10 Transponder data shows that the autopilot was a) Jon said that Garfield looks too heavyset.
reprogrammed by someone inside the cockpit to change b) Jon thinks Garfield needs to put on weight.
the plane's altitude from 38,000 feet to 100 feet, c) Garfield thinks that he is heavy because of the gravity on
according to Flightradar24, a website that tracks Earth.
aviation data. d) Garfield knows that gravity on Earth is stronger than in
15 The aircraft crashed in a remote area near Digne- some other planets.
les-Bains in the Alpes de Haute-Provence region.
Adapted from

40 – Choose the correct active sentence to replace “The 45 – Choose the alternative that corresponds to the right form of
autopilot was reprogrammed by someone” (lines 10 and 11).
the reported speech for what the boy said.
a) Someone had reprogrammed the autopilot.
b) Someone has reprogrammed the autopilot. BOY: The teacher sent me an email with my grades, but I
c) Someone reprogrammed the autopilot. deleted it.
d) Someone reprograms the autopilot. The boy said that his teacher
a) had not sent him an email with his grades, but he had deleted
b) has sent him an email with his grades, but he has deleted it.
c) sent him an email with his grades, but he has deleted it.
d) had sent him an email with his grades, but he deleted it.
41 – Cockpit, (line 11), means the
a) kitchen on a plane.
b) back part of a plane.
c) area in a plane where the pilot sits.
d) part of a plane where goods are stored. 46 – Read the cartoon and write (T) for the true statements and
(F) for the false statements.

42 – The pronoun “It” (line 7) refers to

a) accident.
b) altitude.
c) plane.
d) feet.

( ) The toothbrush said that the toilet paper’s job is the best.
( ) The toothbrush said that it has the worst job in the world and
the toilet paper agreed.
43 – Complete the statement taken from the text (lines 1-2) with ( ) The toilet paper’s thinking conveys the meaning that there is
the correct question tag: always someone who has a worse job.
( ) The toilet paper’s thinking was ironic, possibly interpreted
“Flight 9525, an Airbus A320, took off at 10:01 a.m on March as “so, you do not know what I actually do”.
24 from Barcelona, ______”?
Choose the alternative that corresponds to the correct order:
a) won’t it a) T – T – T – F
b) didn’t it b) F – F – F – T
c) wasn’t it c) F – F – T – T
d) doesn’t it d) F – F – T – F

Página 8
Read the text and answer the questions 47 and 48.
1 Radiotelephone communications lack the facial cues,
body language, and listening cues found in usual face-
to-face situations. Communications without such cues
are considered to be more difficult and challenging,
5 requiring a higher degree of language proficiency, than
face-to-face interactions. In addition, other features of
radiotelephone communications make it a unique kind
of communicative event, for example:
- The sound quality may be poor, with distracting
10 sounds.
- The communicative workload of the air traffic
controller or a pilot may be heavy, with a corresponding
need for efficiency and brevity.
- In addition to their communicative tasks, pilots must
15 also attend to all of the tasks involved in operating their
Adapted from Document 9835 (ICAO, 2010, p. 2-6).

47 – Write (T) for the true statements and (F) for the false
statements, according to the text.
( ) Radiotelephone communications need to be efficient and
( ) The sound in radiotelephone communications may not be
( ) In radiotelephone communications, there is no body
( ) Radiotelephone communications do not require a good level
of language proficiency.
Choose the correct alternative, according to the order of the
a) T–T–T–F
b) T–F–T–F
c) T–T–F–T
d) F–T–F–T

48 – The words “efficiency” and “brevity” (both in line 13)

follow, respectively, the same rule of word formation as in
a) policy – party.
b) agency – plenty.
c) fancy – security.
d) proficiency – clarity.

Página 9
AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE 29 – Choose the sentence that corresponds to the right form of
the reported speech for the dialogue:
The mother said to the son:
Read the text and answer questions 25, 26 and 27. – Do not watch TV after midnight!
1 Until the 1960's, team sports were not played on a) The mother told her son to does not watch TV after midnight.
a global scale. In Europe, people ______ European games, b) The mother told her son do not to watch TV after midnight.
and in North America we played American games. c) The mother told her son to not watch TV after midnight.
The only real "global" sports ______ individual sports, d) The mother told her son not to watch TV after midnight.
5 such as golf and tennis.
At that time, rich Americans could travel to Europe
on holiday, and play these two games; but whole teams Read the text and answer questions 30 and 31.
of sportsmen did not often travel around the world,
Interview with Tony Hawk (TH) - Wheels on Fire
it was too complicated and slow! (WOF) Magazine
10 The first worldwide sports competition was the
Olympic Games; but originally the Olympics were only 1 WOF: Let’s start with the high point of your career.
concerned with athletics; they did not include the wide Can you pick one out to share with us?
variety of sports that they now cover. TH: Oh, yes, definitely. For me, the high point came
So as far as team sports are concerned, America has when I was traveling to France and I had to fill out a tourist
15 grown up with its own tradition; we love our “football” 5 information card. You know, the thing you fill out when
and our baseball and our basketball. We don't mind if you’re entering a new country? Well, I got to write down
these sports are not popular in other countries. That way, “skateboarder” as my occupation. How cool!
we can organise the “World Series” baseball Taken from BARTON et at. Northstar. 2.ed. New York: Longman, 2004, p. 22.
championship, knowing that a US team will almost
20 always win. 30 – According to the text, the high point of Tony Hawk’s career
was when he
Adapted from
GLOSSARY a) traveled to France to work.
On a global scale – all over the world b) filled out a form declaring his goods.
c) had to write his job - skateboarder - on a form.
25 – Fill in the blanks with the correct options. d) worked as a tourist information guide in France.
a) play – is
b) plays – are 31 – The expression “pick (...) out” (line 2) has the same
c) played – were meaning as
d) has played – was
a) choose
b) invent
c) come
26 – According to the text, choose the correct alternative. d) enter
a) Affluent Americans could play golf and tennis in Europe.
b) Team sports were played on a global scale until the 1960’s. Read the text and answer questions 32 and 33.
c) The Olympic Games have always covered a wide variety of 1 As a scientist working in Antarctica, I spend most of
sports. my time in the lab studying ice. (…) Antarctica is the
d) Only baseball and basketball were considered global sports center of important scientific research, and it must be
until the 1960’s. preserved for this purpose. (…) When tourists groups came
5 here, they take us away from our research. Our work is
difficult, and some of our projects can be damaged by such
simple mistakes as opening a wrong door or bumping into
27 – The expression “has grown up” (lines 14 and 15), in bold a small piece of equipment.
type in the text, means Taken from BARTON et al. Northstar. New York: Longman, 2004, p. 22.
a) has developed gradually.
b) has finished completely.
32 – Write (T) for the true statements or (F) for the false
c) has escaped from. statements.
d) has given. ( ) Antarctica must be preserved for research purposes.
( ) Tourists don’t need the scientists to visit Antarctica.
( ) Simple mistakes can be damaged by opening the wrong
28 – Choose the alternative that does not complete the sentence ( ) Tourists can make simple mistakes and damage some
below. of the researchers’ projects.
It is possible to pass an exam, __________ you study hard. Choose the correct alternative.
a) if a) T–F–F–F
b) unless b) T–T–T–T
c) as long as c) T–T–F–T
d) provided that d) T–F–F–T

Página 6
33 – According to the text, the word “it”, in line 3, refers to Read the text and answer questions 37 and 38.
a) ice Why study abroad?
b) scientist 1 Have you considered studying abroad, but are not sure
c) Antarctica whether it’s worth your time? If you ask anybody who has
d) scientific research studied abroad, he or she will most certainly tell you that it
is a life-changing experience and one of the most rewarding
5 things he or she has ever done. Perhaps you’re not certain
Read the text and answer questions 34 and 35. what benefits you can reap from an extended stay in a
foreign country. There are many reasons why you should
1 Should we fear that someday a huge asteroid would take the plunge.
fulfill one of the apocalyptic scenarios envisaged for Adapted from
Earth, when a space rock smashes into our planet causing 37 – According to the text, studying abroad
a global disaster? Judit Gyorgyey-Ries, an experienced
5 astronomer at the University of Texas’ McDonald a) is an experience that changes someone’s life.
Observatory becalms the worried doomsdayers with a b) is a waste of time.
scientific approach to the matter. In an interview with c) has no benefits., she discusses potential asteroid threats, d) is very risky.
her current research and misinterpretation of her words
10 by tabloid newspapers. 38 – The adjective that follows the same superlative rule as in
Taken from
“the most rewarding” (line 4) is
34 – The only word that has the same suffix as in “astronomer”
(line 5) is a) the most cheap
b) the most cruel
a) matter c) the most safe
b) disaster d) the most old
c) newspaper
d) doomsdayer
Read the text and answer questions 39 and 40.
1 You may not have heard the words “freshman fifteen”
before, but they are very important for students who are
entering university.
35 – In the text, the meaning of “misinterpretation” (line 9) is to “Fifteen” refers to fifteen pounds, the fifteen pounds
5 added to a student’s weight in his or her first year.
a) forget to interpret. There are a number of reasons why first-year university
b) interpret correctly. students gain weight, but it is encouraging to know that
c) interpret in a wrong way. freshmen don’t have to add these harmfull fifteen pounds.
d) interpret and report to the news. Some students visit the kitchen many times while
10 studying and also have less time for walking, running and
doing sports due to their amount of schoolwork.
(Adapted from Active skills for Reading)
39 – Which of the underlined words in the text is an adjective?
Read the cartoon and answer questions 36.
a) doing
b) walking
c) running
d) encouraging

40 – According to the text, a freshman is a student in the

a) last year of university.
b) first year of university.
c) second year of university.
d) year before the final year of university.

41 – Read the dialogue and complete it with the right form of the
WAITER: Are you ready to order?
36 – Replace the numbers (1) and (2) in the cartoon with the CLIENT: Would you mind _______ me the menu?
right form of the verbs. WAITER: Of course not. Here you are.
a) (1) will look – (2) had sink a) to bring
b) (1) would look – (2) had sank b) brought
c) (1) would look – (2) hadn’t sunk c) bringing
d) (1) wouldn’t look – (2) haven’t sunk d) not bring

Página 7
42 – In the sentence: The steward is arriving in the airport now. Read the cartoon and answer question 47.
The feminine of the word in bold type is
a) woman steward
b) female steward
c) stewardwoman
d) stewardess

Read the text and answer the questions 43, 44, 45 and 46.
1 The job of a pilot is difficult and risky, but prestigious.
Airline pilots often travel thousands of kilometers and can
find themselves in a different time and climate zones every 47 – According to the cartoon, Leo is having an uncomfortable
day. ____ see all parts of the world and get to know new flight
5 people almost all the time. But a pilot also faces problems. a) because of the wind.
____ often suffer from jet lag and can become tired when b) because of an engine failure.
flying through different time zones. ____ spend many c) because the pilot has a problem with himself.
days away from home and ____ families. d) with movements up and down due to heavy traffic.
Although many people think it is a real dream job,
10 pilots must be responsible people, because they have the
lives of up to a few hundred passengers in their hands.
They have to have hundreds of hours of training before Read the cartoon and answer question 48.
they can do their job. Pilots must remain calm in
dangerous situations and always have to make the right
15 decisions. They need to see and hear perfectly.
About 60 % of all pilots fly commercial airplanes, the rest
fly cargo and private planes, as well as air force planes.
On average pilots spend about 70 to 100 hours a month
in the air.
(Adapted from http://

43 – Fill in the blanks with the correct options, respectively.

a) They – They – Them – them (
b) They – Their – Them – their 48 – In the sentence: “Dude, now my peanuts are on the floor…
c) They – They – They – their MEE-Yow!”
d) They – They – They – them
“…MEE-You!” can be correctly replaced by
a) , isn’t it?
b) , are they?
c) , aren’t they?
44 – “Jet lag”, in bold type (line 6), means d) , aren’t the peanuts?
a) the tired and confused feeling after flying a very long distance.
b) a feeling of satisfaction when flying a very long distance.
c) the warm and friendly feeling towards the crew members.
d) a feeling of claustrophobia from being in a small place.

45 – The numbers “70 and 100” (line 18), are expressed in

English as
a) seventy and a hundred
b) seventy and a thousand
c) seventeen and a hundred
d) seventeen and a thousand

46 – According to the text, the great number of pilots fly

a) commercial airplanes
b) air force planes
c) private planes
d) cargo planes

Página 8
AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE À Read the cartoon and answer question 30.

Read the cartoon and answer questions 25 and 26.

30 – The doctor’s joke is funny only if the reader knows that
a) men cannot have a hernia.
b) Hagar knows everything about English grammar.
c) there is a different name for the same disease in men and
Source: women.
d) there’s not a disease called hisnia and it was a trick with the
25 – According to the cartoon, we can affirm that: possessive adjectives her (female) and his (male).
a) Hagar speaks French.
b) Hagar’s friend speaks some French.
c) Hagar is afraid of the other soldiers.
d) Hagar and his friend don’t want to hurt the soldiers. Read the text and answer questions 31 and 32.
Rio de Janeiro
26 – If Hagar’s friend had told the soldiers what he was asked 1 In a quick and decisive military sweep, Brazilian
to in English he would have said: security forces seized control of this city’s most notorious
slum on Sunday, claiming victory in a weeklong battle
a) If you go away, we will not harm you. against drug gangs that has claimed dozens of lives.
b) If they go away, we will not harm you. 5 Drug gangs have stained the reputation of this seaside
c) If you went away, we will not harm you. city and contributed heavily to giving it one of the highest
d) If they will go away, we will not harm you. murder rates in the world. For the past two years, (1)
government has carried out (2) ambitious campaign to
pacify (3) most violent slums and regain control of the city
Read the text and answer questions 27 and 28. 10 in advance of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic
1 Throughout history, butterflies have been seen as symbols of Games. The police have since wrested more than three
many things - not only transformation and purity, dozen communities from criminal gangs, installing special
but also death and sin. Today though, scientists study them community police forces there.
to see what they can tell us about our changing planet, writes
5 Mary Colwell. 31 – Complete the text with the correct article.
a) (1) the – (2) an – (3) the
27 – The underlined word in line 1 can be replaced by only one b) (1) the – (2) the – (3) a
of the words below. Choose the right alternative. c) (1) the – (2) a – (3) the
d) (1) a – (2) the – (3) a
a) Since
b) Below
c) Before
d) Through
32 – According to the text:
a) military forces swept all the slums in Rio de Janeiro.
28 – According to the text, butterflies: b) Rio de Janeiro had its reputation regained after many murders.
a) don’t symbolize purity. c) the government wants to pacify violent slums in Rio before
b) are also symbols of death and sin. 2016 Olympic Games.
c) have been studied by scientists throughout history. d) the police has protected more than three dozen criminal gangs
d) cannot tell anything about the changes in the planet. by installing police forces in the slums.

29 – Read the dialogue and mark the right expression to

complete it correctly. 33 – Choose the alternative that completes the sentence
A: _____________ have you been working as a sergeant?
B: For about 2 years. You wouldn’t believe him, __________?
a) How a) do you
b) How long b) don’t you
c) How much c) would you
d) How many d) wouldn’t you

Página 6
Read the article and answer questions 34, 35 and 36. 39 – Read the sentences and write T for the correct matching
1 The U2 was one of _____ military planes of the Cold between the phrasal verb and the meaning or F for the incorrect
War. It was designed to fly high over a foreign country, take matching:
pictures and gather information. ( ) May I close the door? It is too cold. (ask for permission)
The U2 was built in Area 51, a secret place in ( ) Nobody answers the phone. They must be busy. (obligation)
5 Nevada, known for UFO sightings. The US Air Force built ( ) She should talk to him to apologize. (suggestion)
the area to create such a secret plane and test new weapons. ( ) They might not come for dinner. (prohibition)
The single-pilot plane could fly at an altitude of over
20 km above the earth's surface. With its special cameras Choose the correct alternative:
it could take detailed photos and close-ups of objects on the
10 ground. Today, the US Air Force still operates a modified a) T–F–T–F
version of the U2, however it is not used as a spy plane any b) T–T–F–T
more. Current planes have a larger fuselage and need less c) T–F–F–F
fuel than their predecessors of the Cold War. They are also d) F–F–T–T
equipped with more sophisticated instruments. Some of
15 them fly over Afghanistan and support American soldiers
on the ground. They also saw action during the Gulf War
and the conflict in the Balkans.
U2s are also used for research. NASA uses the
former spy planes for tests in the atmosphere. 40 – Choose the alternative that contains the right use of the
(adapted from relative pronoun, in order to write the two sentences below as
a single sentence:
34 – Choose the correct alternative to complete the article (line 1). That is the teacher. I spoke to her about my grades.
a) as famous as a) That is the teacher to whom I spoke to about my grades.
b) the most famous b) That is the teacher to who I spoke to about my grades.
c) less famous than c) That is the teacher to whom I spoke about my grades.
d) more famous than d) That is the teacher who I spoke about my grades.

35 – In the article, the word in bold type (line 7) expresses

a) advice
b) ability
c) request
d) preference 41 – Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence.
After landing safely pilots and crew will have a few days
of rest _____.
36 – According to the article, all the sentences are correct,
except: a) if they have been on a long distance flight.
b) if they will be on a long distance flight.
a) Nowadays a new version of the U2 is operated as a spy plane. c) if they were on a long distance flight.
b) The US Air Force built a secret area to work on the U2. d) if they are on a long distance flight.
c) During the Cold War, the U2 was used as a spy plane.
d) The U2 could identify objects on the ground.

37 – Choose the alternative so as to have the passage completed

correctly. Read the cartoon and answer question 42.
Many people believe that pilots earn a lot of money.
But the real fact is _____ the airline is, _____ pilots’ salary is.
Smaller budget airlines can not afford to pay their pilots that
a) the largest – the highest
b) the larger – the highest
c) the largest – the higher
d) the larger – the higher
38 – The sentence “I wouldn’t marry you, unless you were the
last girl on Earth” has the same meaning as:
42 – In the cartoon, “hovering” is
a) I would marry you only if you were the last girl on Earth. a) a verb
b) If you were the last girl on Earth, I wouldn’t marry you. b) a noun
c) If you weren’t the last girl on Earth, I would marry you. c) an adverb
d) If I married you, you would be the last girl on Earth. d) an adjective

Página 7
Read the text and answer questions 43, 44 and 45. Read the passage and answer question 46.
Why do planes crash? 1 There are many things that a pilot must do before the
1 Navigational errors are among the most common causes of flight. They must check out weather conditions on the flight
plane crashes. Planes are flown into a mountain or the sea path and around the landing area. They also have to check
out of a variety of reasons. Sometimes weather conditions flight plans, fill in forms and do a lot of paperwork. Before
are bad, in other cases pilots have made bad judgements. 5 takeoff pilots brief their crew and do a complete check of the
5 In 1996 a Peruvian airliner crashed into the sea after the airplane to see if everything works the way it should.
computer stopped working. The crew had almost no data left Pilots must calculate how much fuel they have to take with
to work with and didn't know at which height they were them.
(Adapted from
flying when they hit the water.
In 1977 almost 600 people got killed when two planes
10 were heading at full speed towards each other and collided in 46 – “Must” in bold type (lines 1 and 2) can be correctly
heavy fog on the runway in Tenerife. The crash happened replaced by:
after planes had been guided to Tenerife because Gran
a) can – can
Canary airport was closed.
b) can – could
In June 2009 an Air France airbus disappeared off the
c) could – could
15 coast of Brazil. Although the wreckage was found after
d) have to – have to
a few days it took investigators almost three years to find out
what had really happened to the plane.
Pilots are criticising the way planes are ____. In the past
decades the structure of planes has changed. More computers
20 and automated systems are taking over, the pilot often has no 47 – The sentence “If young people don’t control the hours they
alternatives left. spend on-line, they won’t stay out of trouble.” can be correctly
(Adapted from
replaced by:

43 – Complete the sentence in the text (line 18) with the correct a) Unless young people control the hours they spend on-line,
option they will stay out of trouble.
b) Unless young people control the hours they spend on-line,
a) building they won’t stay out of trouble.
b) builds c) If young people controls the hours they spend on line, they
c) build will unless stay out of trouble.
d) built d) Unless young people don’t control the hours they spend on
line, they won’t stay out of trouble.

44 – “Wreckage” in bold type, (line 15) means

a) the parts of a plane that are left after it has been destroyed in 48 – Read the cartoon and write (T) for the true statements and
an accident. (F) for the false statements.
b) a piece of equipment on plane that records what happens on
a flight.
c) the main part of a plane, in which people sit or goods are
d) the large flat part that sticks out from the side of a plane and
helps to keep the plane in the air.

45 – According to the text, write (T) for the true statements and (
(F) for the false statements. ( ) The pilot is fed up with the passengers’ questions.
( ) In 1977 two planes collided in Tenerife. ( ) The pilot is concerned about the in-flight movie and meal.
( ) In 1977 almost 600 people were killed due to heavy fog on ( ) The passenger is concerned about the in-flight movie and
the runway. meal.
( ) In 1977 two planes collided when they were heading for ( ) The pilot and the passenger are engaged in a conversation
Gran Canary airport. about flying a jet safely.
( ) In 1977 two planes were guided to Gran Canary airport Choose the alternative that corresponds to the correct order.
because Tenerife was closed.
a) T – F – F – T
Choose the alternative that corresponds to the order.
b) F – T – T – F
a) T – T – F – F c) T – F – T – F
b) T – F – F – T d) F – F – T – T
c) F – T – F – F
d) F – F – T – T

Página 8
AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE À Read the extract and answer questions 29 and 30.
LÍNGUA INGLESA (2/2017) A lack of sleep affects your mood
1 When a person cannot sleep or sleeps only a few hours a
night, a lot of damage is done. A person gets bad-tempered,
Read the text and answer questions 25, 26, 27 and 28. loses their drive, feels angry and tired, and also gets bags
under their eyes. Poor sleep can also make a person
Hijacked jets destroy Twin Towers: a creeping horror 5 emotionally unstable and even affect their immune system.
1 The horror arrived in epsodic bursts of chilling disbelief, A good tip to improve the quality of sleep is to avoid heavy
signified first by trembling floors, sharp eruptions, cracked meals at night and to avoid drinking beverages with a high
windows. There was the cruel sight of bodies helplessly caffeine content, such as soft drinks and coffee.
tumbling out, some of _____ in flames. Fonte: Maganews
5 Finally, the high and impressive towers themselves were
reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of smoke raced through the 29 – According to the extract,
downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, shaped
like tornadoes on their sides. a) a bad night’s sleep doesn’t result in skin damage.
Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared b) a good night’s sleep makes a person less energetic.
10 overhead. Was another one coming? No, it was a fighter jet. c) a bad sleep leads to a change in behaviour.
But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for _____ d) sleeping badly is harmless to our health.
lives, but _____ didn’t know where to go. Should people go
north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People hid
beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated jumping 30 – A helpful piece of advice, mentioned in the extract, is:
15 into the river (…).
Fonte:The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001. a) Stay away from heavy meals at night.
GLOSSARY b) Be away from alcoholic drinks.
chilling disbelief – incredulidade assustadora c) Give up drinks with caffeine.
trembling floors – o tremor dos andares d) Skip meals when it is night.
to scramble – lutar

25 – Choose the best pronouns to have the text completed,

Read the article and answer questions 31, 32 and 33.
a) them – their – they
b) they – them – their Airports ‘vunerable’ to attack
c) their – they – them 1 The 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack was a
d) them – they – their terrorist ramming attack which occurred on Saturday 30 June
2007, when a dark green Jeep Cherokee loaded with propane
canisters was driven into the glass doors of the Glasgow
5 International Airport terminal and set ablaze. It was the first
terrorist attack to take place in Scotland. Security bollards
26 – The text is about outside the entrance stopped the car from entering the
terminal, although the doors were damaged.
a) a terrorist attack.
Security consultant Chris Yates said many of the changes
b) a bomb explosion.
10 put in place at Glasgow had been copied at other UK airports.
c) a terrific day of horror.
But he said that although some “weak points” in airport had
d) an implosion of some buildings.
been addressed, others remained.
Since the attack, cars no longer drop off passengers
outside the main terminal building, which was fitted with
15 bomb-proof glass.
Fonte:BBC News
27 – Which word, from the text, is being used as an adjective? GLOSSARY
a) creeping (title) (car) ramming attack – ataque no qual um veículo choca-se
b) coursing (line 7) contra um local
c) tumbling (line 4) propane canister – container de metal contendo gás propano
d) jumping (line 14) bollard – poste usado para manter um veículo fora de uma área
em particular

28 – ‘hid’, (line 13), is the past tense of the verb 31 – According to the article, the main terminal building was
a) hit. a) rebuilt by using glass against bullet.
b) hike. b) supplied with glass proofed against bomb.
c) hint. c) fitted with security locks made by bomb-proof glass.
d) hide. d) fitted out with sophisticated anti-collision equipment.

Página 6
32 – In ‘(…) a Jeep Cherokee was driven into the glass doors 37 – The sentence ‘It’s also our responsibility to expose
and set ablaze’, (lines 3 - 5), it means that the vehicle hit into the environmental criminals.’ means that Greenpeace ________,
glass doors and _________________, except: except:
a) burnt a) sole responsibility is to expose criminals.
b) blew up b) exposes environmental criminals, among other things.
c) caught fire c) is responsible for exposing environmental criminals, too.
d) burst into flames d) is responsible for exposing environmental criminals, as well.

33 – Choose the alternative that reflects the information provided

by the article.
a) Security hasn’t been improved at Glasgow Airport since the
attack happened.
b) The security at Glasgow Airport has been neglected by the Read the text and answer questions 38, 39 and 40.
United Kingdom authorities.
The Bottom Line on Facebook Depression
c) In spite of the damages at Glasgow Airport, the drop-offs are
still allowed outside the terminal building. 1 Facebook, the most popular social media platform, does
d) The airports in the United Kingdom aren’t secure enough to not make people more depressed on its own. Instead, what
prevent the possibility of another terrorist attack. the research shows is that Facebook – when used as a
surveillance device – leads to a greater risk of feelings of
5 envy. And the more those feelings of envy increase, the more
likely it is for a person to start feeling depressed.
The key to stopping these feelings is to not use Facebook
Read the text and answer questions 34, 35, 36 and 37. primarily as a surveillance method to spy on your family and
friends’ lives. Instead, use it as a social network where you
1 Greenpeace _____ against environmental degradation 10 share your own information, photos and updates, as well as
since 1971 when a small boat of volunteers and journalists consume other’s updates and shares.
_____ into the U.S. atomic test zone of Amchitka, Alaska. Healthy use of Facebook will protect you against the
Our focus has been on the most crucial worldwide threats possibility of feeling more depressed after using it. It’s a
5 to our planet’s biodiversity and environment. It’s also our simple thing you can try for yourself – especially if you feel
responsibility to expose environmental criminals, and to 15 more envious after checking Facebook.
challenge governments and corporations when they fail to act Fonte: Psych Central – World of Psychology
appropriately in order to protect our environment and our
future. 38 – Reading the text leads to the conclusion that Facebook

a) may lessen depressive feelings.

34 – Choose the best verbal form to have the text completed, b) alone doesn’t cause people to be more depressed.
respectively: c) is a social tool that can help loneliness if it is used in a healthy
a) has campaigned – sailed d) can lead to unconscious envy that will result in depression
b) had campaigned – sailed feelings.
c) campaigned – was sailing
d) was campaigning – has sailed

39 – In ‘(...) when used as a surveillance device (...)’, (lines 3

and 4), it means that Facebook is used for
35 – According to the text, Greenpeace a) updating the news.
b) keeping track of others.
a) is concerned about a range of environmental issues.
b) campaigns actively for the deforestation of the forests. c) exchanging the information between more people.
c) presents a threat to planet’s biodiversity and environment. d) surveying people in order to find out their attitudes or
d) blames politicians and business companies for environmental opinions.

40 – Reading the last paragraph can lead to the conclusion that

a) Facebook is highly addictive.
36 – ‘in order to’, underlined in the text, is used to b) a healthy relationship with Facebook means no use of it at all.
a) give orders. c) heavy Facebook users should get rid of social media in order
b) express purpose. to have a feeling of well-being.
c) indicate personal opinion. d) Facebook, when it is not used in a healthy way, can affect the
d) talk about a sequence of ideas. state of people’s mental health, making them feel very
Página 7
Read the fable and answer questions 41, 42, 43 and 44. Read the article and answer questions 45, 46, 47 and 48.
Why I stopped mispronouncing my Igbo name
The Crab and His Mother
1 In Nigeria, the language spoken by one of the largest
Mamma Crab _____ to Baby Crab when she _____ that he was
ethnic groups, the Igbo, is in danger of dying out – which is
walking sideways. Mamma Crab said, ‘Why are you walking
odd because the population is growing. In the past this
sideways like that, my son? You have to walk straight.’
didn’t worry Nkem Ifejika, who is himself Igbo but never
Baby Crab replied, ‘Show me how, dear mother, and I’ll follow
5 learned the language.
your example.’
When he is in Nigeria, he says his parents are Igbo. He
Mamma Crab tried and tried, but her efforts were in vain. She might throw in that he partly grew up in the United
could not walk straight herself. Then, she saw how foolish she Kingdom. In Britain, He says he’s Nigerian, though he often
had been to find fault with her child. adds explainers about having been educated at British
Fonte:Aesop’s Fables 10 schools and lived outside Nigeria since he was 12 years old.
Nkem Ifejika can speak English, French among others.
41 – Choose the best verbal form to have the fable completed, However, he can’t speak the language of his ancestors. Igbo
respectively: is a tonal language, so the words with the wrong stresses and
tones either change their meaning, or worse, become
a) talked – was noticed 15 unintelligible. In Igboland, as it’s informally known, names
b) was talking – noticed have meaning and history. Nkemakonam means “may I not
c) has talked – was noticing lack what is mine”, while Ifejika means “what I have is
d) has been talking – has noticed greater”. By mispronouncing his names, he was throwing
away generation of history, and disregarding his parents’
20 careful choice.
His indefatigable and proudly wife, who is also Igbo,
helped him out when they met. Now he knows how to
pronounce his name properly, with the correct tones and
with pride.
Fonte: BBC NewsWorld Service

42 – The moral of the fable is 45 – According to the article, Nkem Ifejika ___________,
a) ‘practice is our best friend’. except:
b) ‘example is the best teacher’. a) has been able to speak his ancestors’ tongue since he was a
c) ‘the only way to retain love is to give it away’. child.
d) ‘never give up persuading someone to copy you’. b) didn’t use to pronounce his name properly.
c) was taught in the United Kingdom.
d) was partly brought up in Nigeria.

46 – In ‘(...) the Igbo is in danger of dying out (...)’, (line 2),

it means that the language is in danger of ______________.
a) being minority
b) being less spoken
43 – Change the sentence below into indirect speech. c) becoming unclear
Baby Crab said to Mamma Crab, ‘Show me how to walk straight d) going into extinction
Baby Crab told _____ how to walk straight (…). 47 – In ‘Igbo is a tonal language, so the words with the wrong
stresses and tones either change their meaning, or worse, become
a) his mom to show unintelligible.’, (lines 12-15), it means that mispronouncing the
b) to his mom show words in Igbo can
c) his mom showing
d) to his mom shows a) have little change on their meaning as well as their
b) affect not only their meaning but also the understanding of
c) change their meaning but hardly ever their intelligibility.
d) make the understanding easy.

48 – All underlined words in the article have a negative prefix,

44 – ‘could’, underlined in the fable, was used to except:
a) express prohibition. a) disregarding
b) refuse permission. b) indefatigable
c) talk about ability. c) unintelligible
d) give an order. d) mispronouncing
Página 8
AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE À Read the text and answer questions 28, 29 and 30.
Twenty-First Century Birdwatching
Read the text to answer questions 25 and 26. 1 Our ancestors could spot natural predators from far by
The Pilot Fatigue Problem their silhouettes. Are we equally aware of the predators in the
present-day? Drones are remote-controlled planes that can be
1 For years, pilot fatigue has been a real issue. Airline used for anything from surveillance, to rescue operations and
pilots, as well as cargo, corporate and charter pilots can all 5 scientific research. Most drones are used today by military
face fatigue while on the job. While pilot fatigue can be powers for remote-controlled surveillance and attack, and
common and overlooked, it poses a very troubling threat to their numbers are growing. The Federal Aviation
5 aviation safety and should be taken seriously. Administration (FAA) predicted in 2012 that within 20 years
Pilot fatigue has been a real problem since the beginning
there could be as many as 30.000 drones flying over U.S. Soil
of air travel. Charles Lindbergh fought to stay awake on his 10 alone. As robotic birds will become commonplace in the near
record-breaking 33.5-hour transatlantic flight from New future, we should be prepared to identify them.
York to Paris on the Spirit of St. Louis. Long-haul pilots (Adapted from
10 have reported falling asleep at the controls. Cargo pilots
that fly at night face fatigue from challenging the body's 28 – According to the text, the number of drones used by
natural internal clock. military powers is
The Lindbergh flight provides a great example for the
real issue today that fatigue is an acceptable risk and one a) increasing in terms of surveillance and attack.
15 that isn't given enough credit. Lindbergh flew from New b) preventing remote – controlled surveillance.
York to Paris without falling asleep. Similarly, pilots today c) continuing the same as in 2012.
get away with flying tired all the time. If you ask an d) decreasing in terms of attack.
average pilot how much sleep he got the night before a
flight, it's probably on a par with the average American,
20 which is about six and a half hours. 29 – “Their”, (line 7), underlined in the text, refers to
This might be an acceptable amount of sleep if you have
a) powers.
a desk job.
(Source: b) drones.
c) numbers.
25 – Write (T) for the true statements and (F) for the false d) surveillance and attack.
( ) Pilot fatigue is affecting only charter pilots. 30 – In the text, all the nouns bellow refer to drones, except:
( ) The Lindbergh flight shows that fatigue poses no risk for
aviation. a) predators (line 2)
( ) If pilots sleep about six and a half hours before a flight. He b) ancestors (line 1)
won’t face operational risks. c) robotic birds (line 10)
( ) There are accounts that pilots have falled asleep at the d) remote-controlled planes (line 3)
controls due to very long commute. Read the text and answer questions 31 and 32.
Choose the alternative that correspond to the right order.
Human's Best Friend
a) T – F – T – F
1 We know that dogs are human's best friends. They love
b) F – T – T – F
us and we love them. However, we're not so sure where
c) F – F – F – T
they came from. Many scientists think they came from
d) T – F – F – T
wolves 15,000 years ago. Although wolves are wild and
5 dogs are tame, they're still a lot alike. Both wag their tails
26 – “on a par with”, (line 19), in bold type, means when happy and put their tails between their legs when
a) at the same level. scared.
b) at the same local. Dogs are easy to educate. Well-educated dogs are
c) at different points. sometimes used as watchdogs. A watchdog can stop a
d) at different standards. 10 creature that is five to six times bigger. It is interesting,
though, that these dogs, which can become terrifyingly
wild in times of danger, pose no harm to their owners. In
27 – Read the sentences and decide if they are Active (A) or the face of a threat, they put their lives in danger to save
Passive (P). their owners.
(Adapted from
( ) Magazines are sold at newsstands everywhere.
( ) Many readers subscribe to the magazine. 31 – Choose the correct alternative to have the passive voice
( ) A large type edition is also printed. from the sentence, in bold type, in the text.
( ) They also recorded it.
Their lives _______ in danger to save their owners.
Choose the alternative that corresponds to the right order.
a) A – A – P – A a) is put
b) P – A – P – A b) are put
c) P – P – A – P c) was put
d) P – A – P – P d) were put

Página 6
32 – Write (T) for the True statements and (F) for the False Read the text to answer question 36.
statements, according to the text.
1 Your parents tell you to wear sunscreen when you're
( ) Dogs and wolves present features that make many scientists outside in the summer. And they are certainly right.
think that dogs came from wolves. Sunscreen protects your skin from ultraviolet light rays. Too
( ) Although dogs are human’s best friends. People don’t know much ultraviolet is bad for your skin. If you spend a long
their origin, exactly. 5 time outside without any sunscreen on, you ____ a sunburn
because of the ultraviolet rays.
( ) Watchdogs can put their owners in danger in times of (Adapted from
( ) Well-educated dogs when in danger are always tame. 36 – Choose the alternative to have the text completed
Choose the alternative that corresponds to the correct order.
a) would have got
a) T – F – T – F b) might have got
b) T – T – T – F c) might get
c) T – T – F – F d) would get
d) T – F – F – T

Read the text and answer questions 33 and 34. Read the text and answer questions 37, 38 and 39.

1 Pilates is a unique combination of ____, ____ and ____. The first man drew a small circle in the sand and told the
It improves circulation and body alignment. It engages the second man, “This is what you know”, and drawing a circle
powerhouse of the lower abs, hips and lower back in almost around the small one, “This is what I know”. The second man
every movement. Throughout the workout, practitioners try took the stick and drew an immense ring around both circles:
5 to stay united from shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip, “This is where both of us know nothing”.
(Adapted from Carl Sandburg (1878-1967), american poet)
making sure the neck and limbs are used in long, graceful
37 – According to the passage
(Adapted from
The first man declared that he had more ____ than the second
33 – Fill in the blanks with the correct alternative, man.
respectively: a) knowledge
a) stretching – strengthening – breathing b) wisdom
b) stretched – strengthened – breathed c) circles
c) stretches – strengthens – breathes d) rings
d) stretch – strengthen – breathe

38 – The first man thought the second man knew __________.

34 – “workout”, (line 4), in bold type in the text, means a) more than he did
a) a period people rest. b) very much
b) a period of mental exercise. c) very little
c) a period of physical exercise. d) nothing
d) a period people spend repairing things at work.

39 – the word “one” in bold type refers to ________.

35 – Read the cartoon and choose the best response.
a) First man
b) Second man
c) circle
d) sand

40 – According to the extract, what is the alternative that

contains the right explanation about the gerund in bold type?
“Swimming is an amazing exercise. It’s healthy, fun, relaxing
and a low-impact sport. I know this from personal experience.
Last year while I was jogging I injured my left knee. I don’t go
Adapted from
jogging anymore, now I’m considering joining a swimming
a) The students were supposed to tell what they did during the
summer. The gerund is:
b) During the summer all the students communicated through a) The direct object of the sentence.
twitter. b) The progressive form of the verb.
c) Every student knew what Kayla did on vacation. c) The indirect object of the verb.
d) Kayla follows all the students on social network. d) The subject of the sentence.

Página 7
41 – Read the text and choose the correct alternative. Read at the extract and answer questions 44 and 45.
Some situation call for a lot of patience. We were going to
In the film “The accountant”, a man on the autism spectrum call on some friends. But I had traveled to São Paulo and it was
is a number cruncher by day, while involving himself in seedier raining hard.
activities at night. Because of the weather all flights to Rio were call off.
This scene occurs in a conference room after the lead
So I couldn’t come. I called her up to explain, and then she
character, Christian (Ben Affleck), is hired to review a company’s
called me down!
financial records. He spends an entire night writing out figures,
using whiteboards and eventually the room’s glass walls.
For the scene, Mr. O’Connor wanted to take the audience 44 – “call for”, in bold type in the text, means
inside the mind of the character. During an interview,
he explained how he used a real forensic accountant to get the a) demand
numbers right and also a creative approach to covering walls with b) cancel
tidy handwriting. c) phone d) visit
a) the director, Mr. O’Connor, wanted to show the viewer what
goes on in the head of the character.
b) the director. Mr. O’Connor, put the audience inside the mind
of a real forensic accountant. 45 – Choose the correct alternative to replace the phrasal verb,
c) the main character, Christian, spends the night studying for underlined in the text.
presentation work.
a) reprimand
d) the main character, Christian, suffers from panic disorder.
b) deprive
c) refuse
d) visit

42 – Read the cartoon and choose the best response.

46 – Complete the sentence with the correct response.
Frida Kahlo, a master ____the art of surrealism, is _____
icon of Mexican popular culture.
a) from – the
b) to – the
c) by – an d) of – an
According to the cartoon,
a) the little boy suggests that the girl is bossy.
b) the dog becomes forever the girl’s dog.
c) the dog tries to teach the girl to jump. 47 – Write (T) for true and (F) for false according to the
d) the girl wants to buy a dog for her. explanation of the tenses in parenthesis.
( ) When you are looking back from a point in past time, and
you are concerned with the effects of something which
happened at an earlier time in the past. (Past perfect )
( ) When you are concerned with the present effects of
43 – Read the cartoon and choose the best response. something which happened at an indefinite time in the past.
(past perfect continuous)
( ) When you are talking about something which continued to
happen before and after a particular time. (past continuous)
Choose the alternative that corresponds to the right order.
a) T–F–F
b) T–F–T
c) F–T–F
d) F–F–T
48 – Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun.
According to the cartoon, the man “An archeologist is a man_____ work is the study of ancient
a) convinces his companion on the nutritional composition of the things.”
mass. a) whose
b) persuades her to choose the same dish and add a salad. b) which
c) describes technically and praises his favorite dish. c) how
d) proves that pizza and salad are the same in theory. d) who
Página 8
Read the text and answer questions 25, 26, 27 and 28.
Brazil takes on the European Refugee Crisis
1 In 2016 significantly less refugees _____in Europe than
the year before. The Organization for Migration and the EU
border agency Frontex have reported a notable decline in the
number of migrants arriving on Europe’s shores by nearly
5 two-thirds. These numbers, however, are by no means an
indication of improvement in the international situation of
It’s evident that something has to change in the
international mindset to bring an end to the enduring human
10 rights violations concerning millions of people. Surprisingly,
a potential wind of change has come from Brazil, a country
facing a deep economic and political crisis.
Brazil is one of the biggest recipients of refugees in Latin
America. In 2013 they introduced a humanitarian visa
15 program for Syrians, processing 8.450 humanitarian visas on
basis of which more than 2.000 Syrian refugees have already
settled in Brazil. Brazil has several reasons to pursue a
recipient immigration policy. Receiving immigrants from all
over the world helps to boost the country’s international
20 reputation and to turn around its negative image regarding a
high crime rate and an even higher external debt. Immigrants
in Brazil also seem to be perceived as less as a (financial)
burden than in many European countries.
mindset – atitudes das pessoas
enduring – resistente, duradoura
financial burden – carga financeira

25 – Choose the best verbal form to have the text completed

a) arrived
b) had arrived
c) have arrived
d) have been arriving

26 – According to the text, we can say that

a) just Syrians refugees are settled in Brazil.
b) Brazil has supported many Syrian refugees.
c) Brazil has no interest in humanitarian programs.
d) due to the huge crisis, Brazil has refused foreigners.

27 – As used in (line 5), ‘however’ is closest in meaning to

a) besides.
b) although.
c) moreover.
d) in addition.

28 – ‘a potential wind of change has come (…)’ in bold in the

text, means
a) there’s a possibility of change.
b) the changing has just started.
c) the changing has happened.
d) there’s a hope of changing.

Página 6
Read the cartoon and choose the best response. 32 – Write (T) for true statements and (F) for false statements
and choose the alternative that corresponds to the right order.
( ) The noise created by Lilium is too loud.
( ) Lilium will be a sustainable form of air transportation.
( ) Lilium has fan engines and an innovative technology to cut
( ) A European Space Agency designed an amazing aircraft
with space for more than two people to sit.
a) F–F–T–T
b) T–F–F–T
c) T–T–T–F
d) F–T–F–F
29 – According to the cartoon,
a) the guy is arguing with his parents about his graduation gift.
b) the guy’s father is being intentionally sarcastic about the
issue. 33 – Choose the alternative in which the prefix ‘in-’ was used to
c) the guy’s parents are discussing about their present
form an opposite.
d) the guy’s parents are expecting to win a great gift for his a) incubator (line 3)
graduation. b) inexpensive (line 12)
c) incorporated (line 20)
Read the text and answer questions 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35. d) infrastructure (line 14)
Inside Lilium, The World’s First Vertical Takeoff And
Landing Private Jet
1 Wonder what’s in store for the future of private jet flying?
Here’s a glimpse. A start-up company – hosted in a European
Space Agency (ESA) business incubator center in Bavaria – 34 – Which word, in bold in the text, means approximately?
released an idea for an egg-shaped two-seater plane called
a) by
5 Lilium that’s currently in the works. With a top speed of 250
b) about
mph and a range of 300 miles, the plane can travel roughly
c) close to
between Munich and Berlin in about 90 minutes. And
d) between
according to the ESA, if testing succeeds, this _____ the
world’s first vertical takeoff and landing private jet.
10 The project came about when Daniel Wiegand – one of the
four founders of Lilium – wanted to realize flying for the
masses in a fast, inexpensive, efficient and eco-friendly way.
‘Our goal is to develop an aircraft that doesn’t need the 35 – As used in (line 5), ‘currently’ can be replaced by
complex and expensive infrastructure of an airport, can be
15 used close to urban areas, and doesn’t produce too much a) now.
noise and pollution,’ he said. So to produce this new class of b) finally.
airplanes that could take off and land vertically anywhere c) actually.
with a surface area of 250 square feet by 2018, Wiegand and d) eventually.
his team in Germany came up with a design using electric
20 engines and incorporated movable fan turbines.
glimpse – uma ideia para entender melhor algo
Read the extract and answer the question 36.
30 – Choose the best verbal form to have the text completed
correctly: To be or not to be
Every one knows that ‘To be or Not to be, that is the question’
a) is
comes from Hamlet, but when someone says ‘Neither a
b) was
borrower nor a lender be’, they are probably unaware that they
c) will be
also quoting from the same play.
d) would be Innovations/ Thompson

31 – According to the text, Lilium 36 – The quotation, in bold in the extract, means
a) is a European Space Agency business incubator center. a) If you borrow something, you must refuse to give it back.
b) is a helicopter with a vertical takeoff and landing system. b) If you are not a borrower, you can’t be a lender.
c) is an electric jet with lower cost for short range journeys. c) Don’t be a lender or a borrower.
d) is an unmanned aircraft which is affordable for the masses. d) It’s better to borrow than save.

Página 7
Read the text and answer questions 37, 38 and 39. 41 – According to the text, it’s correct to say that
The birds and the bees
a) just a few airlines have survived the crisis.
1 My little boy came in the other day with a really serious b) big companies get better results than the others.
look on his face and said, ‘Dad, do you mind if I ask you a c) none of the 82 airlines formed in 10 years has failed so far.
question? Where do I come from?’ I’d been dreading this d) domestic air transport market in the USA is not really
question for ages, but like a good father, I sat him down and vulnerable to newcomers.
5 gently told him all about the birds and the bees. When I’d
finished, he was very quite. He then got up and went, ‘thank
you, Dad’ and headed for the door. I said, ‘So what made you 42 – ‘Paradoxically’, in bold in the text was used to express
ask me?’ and he turned around and said, ‘I just want to know,
because Bobby next door says HE comes from Manchester!’ a) similar ideas.
Fonte: Innovations/ Thompson b) opposite features.
c) additional information.
37 – ‘headed’, underlined in the text, means d) negative consequences.
a) turned the head.
b) went towards. 43 – According to the text, all alternatives are correct, EXCEPT:
c) looked.
a) there’s no crisis for JetBlue.
d) pushed.
b) JetBlue has been growing for four years.
c) crisis is something never heard by JetBlue.
d) JetBlue sales are going down at a spectacular rate.
38 – According to the text, we can infer that
a) children are always polemic.
b) no adults are prepared to answer some issues. Read the text and answer questions 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48.
c) after simple questions, it’s better to give simple answers.
1 The practical impacts of climate change can be hard to
d) fathers and sons almost always have difficulty in getting
predict _____ the large scales of time and geography over
which changes are occurring. But more frequent jolts in mid-
air could be one way in which individuals will soon literally
5 feel the effects.
39 – In “I’d been dreading this question for ages (...)”, we can A new scientific study says that severe turbulence could
infer that become two to three times more common later this century
a) the father wasn’t expecting that question. when there is twice as much carbon dioxide in the
b) his father’s words could be perfectly understood. atmosphere.
c) the father was well prepared to answer the question. 10 ‘Our new study paints the most detailed picture yet of
d) the father feared the day his son would ask him questions how aircraft turbulence will respond to climate change,’ says
about sex. author Dr. Paul Williams. ‘Even the most seasoned frequent
fliers may be alarmed at the prospect of a 149% increase in
severe turbulence, which frequently hospitalizes air travelers
Read the text and answer questions 40, 41, 42 and 43. 15 and flight attendants around the world.’
JetBlue ... The crisis? Never heard of it… Climate change is expected to lead to stronger vertical
wind shears in the jet stream, at the cruising altitude for most
1 The domestic air transport market in the USA must seem
jet aircraft. Wind shears can become unstable and cause
highly unstable to newcomers, including low-cost carriers.
Of the 82 airlines formed in ten years ______ followed
20 Williams used supercomputers simulations that calculate
deregulation in 1978, only two have survived - America West
clear-air turbulence along Transatlantic routes in winter and
5 and Mid-west Express. Statistics show that three-quarters of
found all turbulence strength levels will increase in a world
all projects never even get off the ground and that most of the
with twice as much CO2. The computer models show the
others crash in less than five years.
average amount of light turbulence will increase by 59%,
Paradoxically, Southwest Airlines, the No.1 success
25 light-to-moderate turbulence by 75%, moderate by 94%,
story in the US air transport today, was founded before
moderate-to-severe by 127%, and severe by 149%.
10 deregulation (in 1972), though it did take advantage of it.
Ironically, or perhaps poetically, aviation has long been
Many of those who tried to imitate the Southwest model
recognized as a major contributor of greenhouse gases to the
came to grief. Not JetBlue, ______ just four years after it was
formed is continuing to grow at a spectacular rate.
Fonte: Revista Planet Aero-Space GLOSSARY
GLOSSARY jolt – solavanco
come to grief – falir seasoned – experiente
deregulation – desregulamentação wind shear – tesoura de vento

40 – The best alternative to complete the text is: 44 – Choose the best word to have the text completed correctly:
a) that / how a) because of
b) when / that b) a major cause
c) that / which c) one good reason
d) which / when d) for the purpose of
Página 8
45 – As used in (line 16), ‘lead to’ can be replaced by
a) result in.
b) forecast.
c) encounter.
d) accompany.

46 – According to the text,

a) Aviation is a contributory factor in 20 % of all carbon dioxide
b) there used to be three times more severe turbulence than
c) an increase in all categories of turbulence will occur in the
years to come.
d) it will take a considerable time to people experience the
effects of climate change.

47 – Which of the following are examples of Comparative and

Superlative adjectives, respectively?
a) severe (line 14) / major contributor (line 28)
b) stronger (line 16) / the most seasoned (line 12)
c) more frequent (line 3) / twice as much (line 23)
d) more common (line 7) / most jet aircraft (lines 17 and 18)

48 – Which of the following is being used in the Passive Voice?

a) Williams used supercomputers simulations (…) (line 20)
b) But more frequent jolts in mid-air could be one way (…)
(lines 3 and 4)
c) The practical impacts of climate change can be hard to predict
(…) (lines 1 and 2)
d) Climate change is expected to lead to stronger vertical wind
shears (…) (lines 16 and 17)

Página 9
AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE À Read the text and answer questions 28, 29 and 30.
LÍNGUA INGLESA (1/2019) Behind a Shopping Center in New Jersey,
Signs of a Mass Extinction
Read the text and answer questions 25 and 26.
Behind a Lowe’s home improvement store here, scientists
Chennai floods: Know which flights are cancelled! are methodically scraping and sifting through ___ quarry pit
1 New Delhi: In the wake of incessant rain and heavy that may contain unique insights to the mass extinction that
downpour in Chennai leading to floods that have affected eliminated _____ dinosaurs.
normal lives, various domestic flights have cancelled their 5 Back then, about 66 million years ago, _____ oceans
services to and from the city. were higher, and this part of southern New Jersey was a
5 Leading domestic carrier IndiGo airlines announced on its shallow sea, 10 to 15 miles offshore from ____ ancient
official Facebook page that few flights connecting to Chennai mountain range that rose from the water. Today’s quarry pit
for Thursday have been cancelled. was once the sea bottom, and one particular layer about 40
“Flight operations to and from Chennai have been 10 feet beneath the surface contains a bounty of fossils.
affected due to heavy rains. Few flights connecting following Kenneth J. Lacovara, a professor of paleontology and
10 cities to Chennai are cancelled for tomorrow - Hyderabad, geology at nearby Rowan University, calls the layer ___
Mumbai, Kochi, Kolkota, Pune, Coimbatore, Delhi & “mass death assemblage.” He believes it may be ____ only
Vizag”, the company said on its official FB page. known collection of animal remains that dates from the mass
The company, however, assured that all passengers would 15 extinction itself.
be refunded 100 percent. Taken from - Accessed on 06/01/2016.
Adapted from:
28 – Complete the text with the right articles. Then choose the
correct alternative.
25 – The correct form of the sentence “Flight operations to and
from Chennai have been affected due to heavy rains” – a) a – the – the – a – an – the
announced IndiGo Airlines”, in the indirect speech is: b) a – the – the – an – a – the
c) an – the – the – an – a – an
a) IndiGo Airlines announced that flight operations to and from d) a – the – the – the – an – an
Chennai would be affected due to heavy rains.
b) IndiGo Airlines announced that flight operations to and from
Chennai had been affected due to heavy rains. 29 – The pronoun it (line 13), underlined in the text, refers to
c) IndiGo Airlines announced that flight operations to and from a) “the mass extinction” (line 14 and 15)
Chennai will be affected due to heavy rains. b) “Rowan University” (line 12)
d) IndiGo Airlines announced that flight operations to and from c) “a professor” (line 11)
Chennai was affected due to heavy rains. d) “the layer” (line 12)

26 – Considering the underlined expression in the sentence 30 – Choose the alternative that replaces the sentence below
“Flight operations to and from Chennai have been affected due to without changing its meaning:
heavy rains” (lines 8 and 9), it is correct to say that
“Today’s quarry pit was once the sea bottom.” (lines 8 and 9)
a) the present perfect tense was used to refer to a temporary
continuing action. a) Today is quarry pit was once the sea bottom.
b) the present perfect tense was used to announce news of a b) Today has quarry pit was once the sea bottom.
recent event. c) The quarry pit of today was the sea bottom at once.
c) the past perfect tense was used to say that something was in d) The quarry pit of today was the sea bottom in the past.
d) the simple past tense was used to announce an earlier past.
Read the weather forecast for the UK on December 2nd, 2015,
and answer question 31.
27 – Read the cartoon and choose the correct alternative: Rain becoming slow-moving across central UK today. Winds
largely easing.
Rain across Scotland and Northern Ireland at first will continue
southeastwards, stalling across Wales and parts of northern
England by late afternoon. Brighter, colder conditions will follow
across the northwest, but it will remain cloudy and mild in the
Adapted from Accessed on 02/12/2015.
Acessed on 23/10/2015.
31 – According to the weather forecast, choose the correct
a) The air traffic controller duck understood that the duck pilot alternative:
was requesting a day of May.
b) The pilot duck was shouting “mayday” because he wanted to a) There will be rain in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and north of
relax. England.
c) The air traffic controller duck was frantic due to the affliction b) There will be heavy rain in Wales in the afternoon.
of the pilot. c) The weather will be colder in the southeast.
d) The pilot duck was landing due to bad weather. d) It will be snowy in the northwest.

Página 6
Read the text and answer question 32. 35 – According to the text, it is correct to affirm that
Ingredients a) Tenzin Gyatso, the world’s most famous monk, had more than
- 25g butter 100,000 people celebrating his 80th birthday.
- 500g small onions, (about 5 in total), halved and finely sliced b) Dalai Lama is celebrating his friend Patti Smith’s 80th
- 2 eggs birthday.
- 284ml pot double cream c) Dalai Lama would like to have white hair and beard.
- 140g mature cheddar, coarsely grated d) Patti Smith is considered the 14th Dalai Lama.
For the pastry
- 280g plain flour, plus extra for dusting Read the text and answer questions 36 and 37.
- 140g cold butter
Adapted from - Accessed on 15/12/2015.
Meet the 'homeless man' who flies the world first class
1 For the last year and a half, Ben Schlappig has been
32 – The text above is a recipe for: essentially homeless. The 25-year-old American has ______
fixed address, ______ the keys to his own front door. Why
a) a salmon and watercress quiche. bother paying rent, he figured, when a bed was only ever a
b) a sticky onion and cheddar quiche. 5 first class ticket away?
c) a leek, mushroom and Gruyère quiche. Schlappig is a "Hobbyist," as those in the game call it - a
d) a caramelized onion quiche with cheddar and bacon. professional traveler with an almost obsessive attention to
fine print, who uses a mixture of frequent flyer miles and
credit card reward points, to zoom around the globe for a
Read the text and answer questions 33, 34 e 35. 10 fraction of the cost.
The Last Dalai Lama? Since he first started racking up air miles a little over a
decade ago – yes, he was just 14 when he started this –
1 On a wet Sunday in June at the Glastonbury Festival, Schlappig says he's never flown economy on an international
more than 100,000 people spontaneously burst into a flight.
rendition of ‘‘Happy Birthday.’’ Onstage, Tenzin Gyatso, the
Taken from
14th Dalai Lama, blew out the solitary candle on a large world-free-airline-air-miles/index.html
5 birthday cake while clasping the hand of Patti Smith, who
stood beside him. The world’s most famous monk then poked 36 – Choose the correct verb that can replace the phrasal verb
a thick finger at Smith’s silvery mane. ‘‘Musicians,’’ he said, “racking up” (line 11), according to the text.
‘‘white hair.’’ But ‘‘the voice and physical action,’’ he added
in his booming baritone, ‘‘forceful.’’ As Smith giggled, he a) amass
10 went on: ‘‘So, that gives me encouragement. Myself, now 80 b) forfeit
years old, but I should be like you — more active!’’ c) give up
Taken from Acessed on 14/12/15. d) abandon

33 – Match the definitions to the words: 37 – The correct words to fill in the blanks (line 2 and 3) are,
1. clasp (line 5) respectively:
2. poke (line 6) a) no – neither
3. giggle (line 9) b) neither – nor
4. booming (line 9) c) either – neither
( ) a loud and deep sound. d) not either – not neither
( ) to laugh in a childlike way.
( ) to hold someone’s hand firmly. Read the text and answer questions 38, 39 and 40.
( ) to push someone or something with the fingers.
Heathrow expansion should face strict environmental
Choose the correct order: conditions, say MPs.
a) 1–4–3–2 1 Final government approval for the expansion of Heathrow
b) 2–1–4–3 should be withheld until Europe’s busiest airport can
c) 3–2–1–4 demonstrate that it accepts and will comply with key
d) 4–3–1–2 environmental conditions, a parliamentary committee has
MPs on the environmental audit committee have been
34 – The correct form of the sentence “more than 100,000 people 5 hearing evidence on the likely carbon emissions, air quality
burst into a rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ ” (lines 2 and 3) in the and noise levels after the government-appointed Airports
present perfect is: Commission recommended a third runway at Heathrow as
a) More than 100,000 people has bursted into a rendition of the preferred plan for London airport expansion.
Happy Birthday. (Adapted from www.theguardian/ environment. Acessed on 01/12/2015)
b) More than 100,000 people have bursted into a rendition of
Happy Birthday.
38 – Heathrow airport already has _____________.
c) More than 100,000 people have burst into a rendition of a) 1 runway
Happy Birthday. b) 2 runways
d) More than 100,000 people has burst into a rendition of Happy c) 3 runways
Birthday. d) 30 runways

Página 7
39 – Choose the synonym in the context for the underlined word 44 – In the first balloon, the verbs “watch” and “learn” are
in the title, and its correct part of speech. respectively in the
a) easygoing – adverb a) imperative mood – imperative mood
b) tough – adjective b) imperative mood – subjunctive mood
c) fear – adjective c) subjunctive mood – imperative mood
d) severely – adverb d) subjunctive mood – subjunctive mood

40 – Write true (T) or false (F), according to the text: The following text refers to questions 45 e 46.
( ) The expansion of Heathrow airport ought to be blocked until The following are examples of types of air traffic
the busiest airport complies with key environmental controllers:
conditions. Tower controllers direct the movement of vehicles on
( ) The expansion of Heathrow should begin once Europe’s runways and taxiways. They check flight plans, give pilots
busiest airport may accept other conditions for weather. 5 clearance for takeoff or landing, and direct the movement of
( ) Europe’s busiest airport can accept this change under two aircraft and other traffic on the runways and other parts of the
conditions: better air quality and lower noise levels. airport. Most work from control towers, as they generally
( ) Heathrow airport can choose the best alternative for must be able to see the traffic they control.
environmental conditions. Approach and departure controllers ensure that aircraft
10 traveling within an airport's airspace maintain minimum
a) T–T–F–F separation for safety. They give clearances to enter controlled
b) F–F–T–F airspace and hand off control of aircraft to en route
c) T–F–F–F controllers. They use radar equipment to monitor flight paths
d) F–F–T–T and work in buildings known as Terminal Radar Approach
15 Control Centers (TRACON). They also provide information
Read the cartoon and answer questions 41 and 42. to pilots, such as weather conditions and other critical
En route controllers monitor aircraft once they leave an
airport's airspace. They work at air route traffic control
20 centers located throughout the country, which typically are
not located at airports.
Each center is assigned an airspace based on the
geography and altitude of the area in which it is located. As
an airplane approaches and flies through a center's airspace,
Taken from Accessed on 26/10/2015 en route controllers guide the airplane along its route. They
may adjust the flight path of aircraft for safety and collision
41 – Choose the correct alternative, according to the cartoon. avoidance.
a) The flying duck understood there was turbulence, because the Adapted from: ttps://
winds were strong.
b) The air traffic controller duck didn’t have time to warn about 45 – Consider this excerpt from the text:
c) The water in movement caused the wind turbulence. “They work at air route traffic control centers located throughout
d) The water turbulence was caused by the alligator. the country, which typically are not located at airports.” (lines 19,
20 and 21)
42 – In the first balloon, the phrasal verb “watch for” cannot be All the following sentences about the underlined word are correct,
replaced by except:
a) see a) The underlined word is a relative pronoun.
b) notice b) The word “which” introduces a defining relative clause.
c) beware of c) The word “which” refers to “air route traffic control centers”.
d) pay attention to d) “Which typically are not located at airports” is a non-defining
relative clause.
Read the cartoon and answer questions 43 and 44.
46 – Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Then
choose the right alternative.
( ) En route controllers manage aircraft within airport’s airspace.
( ) Approach and departure controllers give official approval for
landing and takeoff.
( ) The responsibility of approach and departure controllers is to
ensure that aircraft stay safe distances apart.
Adapted from:
( ) Some of the tower controller duties are to prepare flight plans
43 – Which words complete the lines in the cartoon? and to manage the movements of aircraft on the ground.
a) As – as a) F–T–F–T
b) At – as b) T–T–F–F
c) Like – as c) F–T–T–F
d) How – like d) F–F–T–F

Página 8
Read the text to answer questions 47 and 48.
Air Traffic Controllers
Air traffic controllers coordinate the movement of air
traffic, to ensure that aircraft stay safe distances apart.
Air traffic controllers typically do the following:
5 - Issue landing and takeoff instructions to pilots;
- Monitor and direct the movement of aircraft on the
ground and in the air, using radar, computers, or visual
- Control all ground traffic at airports, including baggage
10 vehicles and airport workers;
- Manage communications by transferring control of
departing flights to traffic control centers and accepting
control of arriving flights;
- Provide information to pilots, such as weather updates,
15 runway closures, and other critical information; and
- Alert airport response staff, in the event of an aircraft
Air traffic controllers' primary concern is safety, but they
also must direct aircraft efficiently to minimize delays. They
20 manage the flow of aircraft into and out of the airport
airspace, guide pilots during takeoff and landing, and monitor
aircraft, as they travel through the skies.
Controllers usually manage multiple aircraft at the same
time and must make quick decisions to ensure the safety of
25 the aircraft. For example, a controller might direct one
aircraft on its landing approach, while providing another
aircraft with weather information.
Adapted from: ttps://

47 – The words underlined in the text (lines 19 and 25) express,

a) deduction – obligation
b) obligation – deduction
c) obligation – possibility
d) deduction – possibility

48 – According to the text, it is correct to say that

a) the main concern of an air traffic controller is to avoid delays.
b) an air traffic controller must be a fast and a good decision
c) air traffic controllers must not direct more than one aircraft at
the same time.
d) air traffic controllers manage the flow of aircraft into the
airport airspace only.

Página 9
AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE À 29 – All the sentences below are in the passive voice, EXCEPT,
LÍNGUA INGLESA (2/2019) a) The pilot’s licence was suspended.
b) The pilot was removed from the cockpit.
Read the text and answer the questions 25, 26 and 27.
c) All the passengers were put at the hotels.
Hawaii’ volcano d) An airport employee noticed the drunk pilot.
Caleb Jones and Andrey Mac Aroy
Kilawea began erupting more than two weeks ago. It has burned
dozens of homes, forced people to escape ______ smoke and fire
and led officials to distribute face masks to protect against ash
particles. Lava flying ______ the air from cracks in the earth can Read the text and answer the questions 30, 31 and 32.
weigh as much as a refrigerator and even small pieces can be The mistake
lethal. The lava streamed ______ a highway and flowed ______
the ocean. That sent hydrochloric acid with fine glass particles 1 A photographer named John was flying first class from
into the air, a process that can lead to lung demage and eye and London to Nairobi in Kenya when one of the pilots came out
skin irritation. The highway was closed in some places, and of the cockpit to make some coffee in the microwave. He
residents in the area have been evacuated. couldn’t get the machine to work, so he asked his fellow pilot
Adapted from; May 20, 2018.
5 to help him.
As the other pilot left the cockpit, he let the heavy metal
door close behind him. The pilot started an urgent,
25 – Choose the best prepositions to have the text completed whispered discussion with his colleague. The two pilots had
correctly. locked themselves out of their cockpit and, as they told the
10 photographer (who promised not to tell the other passengers),
a) from/ through/ across/ into
the door was fitted with a safety lock. This meant that not
b) from/ into/ across/ through
even the pilots could open it from outside the cockpit. John
c) into/ across/ through/ from
remembered that he had put his Swiss army knife in his hand
d) across/ into/ through/ from
luggage. However, he couldn’t remember where he had put
15 his hand luggage and spent five minutes opening and closing
overhead lockers until he found it. John and the pilots
26 – According to the text, we can infer that attacked the door with the knife, the lock started to come
loose, and when they broke into the cockpit, the plane was
a) Kilawa erupted about ten days ago. cruising eastward over the Indian Ocean.
b) The lavas didn’t cause any health problems.
c) The lavas can be very heavy and dangerous. Adapted from American Inside Out - Student’s Book.
d) The residents didn’t leave their houses during the eruption.

27 – “lead to”, underlined in the text, can be replaced by 30 – According to the text, we can say that _________________.
a) The pilots got back to the flight deck
a) offer
b) Neither passenger realized the situation
b) cause
c) The pilots often make coffee during the flight
c) develop
d) It’s really common to face a problem like this one
d) influence

Read the text and answer the questions 28 and 29.

Drunk pilot removed from cockpit at Stuttgart Airport
31 – The word “whispered”, in bold, in the text, is closest in
Josh Gerbbatiss meaning to ________.
A “highly intoxicated” pilot was removed from the cockpit of
a) yelled
a flight, leaving more than 100 passengers unable to leave
b) bellowed
Stuttgart airport. Shortly before ______, an airport employee
c) screamed
noticed the man walking unsteadly and smelt of alchool.
d) murmured
The airline apologised for having to cancel the flight. All the
passengers were put up in hotels overnight. The pilot’s licence
was immeadiately suspended.
Adapted from The Independent Online; March 25, 2018.
32 – According to the text, choose the best response.
28 – Choose the best verbal form to have the text completed
a) The airplane was heading for London.
b) The two pilots were locked in the cabin.
a) take off c) The two pilots argued with the photographer.
b) took off d) The photographer helped the pilots to make coffee.
c) takes off
d) taking off

Página 6
Read the text and answer the questions 33, 34, and 35. 37 – The word “ageing”, in bold in the text, is closest in
St Marteen: tourist killed by jet blast at caribean airport meaning to

A tourist has been killed after being knocked over by jet blast at a) old
an airport famous for its dangerous runway. The woman was b) new
watching a plane take off at Princess Juliana Airport on the island c) modern
of St. Marteen when the blast of a Boeing 737 knocked her over. d) efficient
The tourist was standing by the fence at the end of the runway,
watching the plane takes off when she fell and had head injuries. 38 – According to the text, we can infer that
She was taken to hospital, where she died. The airport is one of
the most dangerous in the world due to the location of its runway a) The plane crashed far from the airport.
with a public beach at one end, and a mountain at the other. b) The accident isn’t considered a huge tragedy.
Between the beach and the airport there is a public road. Despite c) All the passengers survived and only a couple died.
warning signs and requests from the airport to stay away from the d) The weather was dull and wet at the time of the accident.
runway they don’t obey and stay by the fence to feel the blast
from planes as they take off.
Read the text and answer the questions 39, 40 and 41.
Adapted from The Independent Online; July 13, 2017.
Jeremy Berke
33 – “Her”, underlined in the text, refers to the 1 Commercial airplane cabins are generally pressurized to
an equivalent of 6,000 to 8,000 feet above sea level, in an
a) woman effort to maintain a healthy oxygen level for both the
b) airport passengers and the flight crew. When a passenger jet is flying
c) runway 5 at a cruising altitude of over 36,000 feet, the pressure outside
d) princess the cabin is_____________ than inside the pressurized cabin.
Air pressure has a tendency to equalize, moving from areas
of high pressure to low pressure to achieve equilibrium.
34 – The word “despite” is closest in meaning to When a hole rips open on a plane, the suction resulting from
a) although 10 the pressure difference between the cabin and the sky could
b) however pull nearby people or objects outside. Depending on the size
c) because of of the hole, such accidents could either create just enough
d) in spite of force to shuffle papers around, or, pull a full-size human out
of the plane. Survival is unlikely for anyone fully sucked out
15 into the sky.
While in-flight incidents are extremely rare, if you want
35 – According to the text all alternatives are correct, EXCEPT, to survive a crash, research suggests the best place to sit is in
a middle seat toward the back of the plane.
A tourist ________________
a) was taken to the hospital but had no damage.
b) was standing by the fence at the end of the runway.
c) was watching the planes take off when she fell down.
d) was killed at the airport on the island of St. Marteen.
39 – Write (T) for the true statements and (F) for the false
statements, according to the text.
( ) The safest place into the airplane is the first class.
( ) After being entirely sucked out in the sky, it’s difficult
Read the text and answer the questions 36, 37, and 38. someone survives.
( ) It’s likely to survive a crash if your place into the airplane is
Cuba plane crash: 110 dead as investigators recover
in the cockpit.
flight’black box
( ) A depressurization caused by a hole on a plane can suck out
The fiery crash of an ageing passenger jet close to any people or object outside.
Havana’s main airport killed 110 people while three survivors a) F–F–T–T
remain gravily in the hospital, making it the Caribean b) T–F–T–F
island’s deadliest air disaster in nearly 30 years. The weather was c) T–T–F–F
rainy at the airport at the time of the accident and some people d) F–T–F–T
could hear a strange noise and saw the plane with an engine on
fire. Among the dead are 20 clergy members of an evangelical
church, the Mexican pilots and the cabin crew.
Adapted from Independent Online, May 25. 40 – Choose the best alternative to have the text completed
36 – The word “deadliest”, undelined in the text, is a correctly.
a) more low
a) superlative
b) the lowest
b) comparative of equality
c) much lower
c) comparative of inequality
d) the most low
d) comparative of superiority

Página 7
41 – According to the text, we can infer that _______________, 44 – According to the text, we can affirm that ______________.
EXCEPT, a) an old woman from flight 1380 passed away
a) at 36,000 feet above sea level, it’s not possible to breathe b) someone fainted due to the depressurization
without a pressurized cabin c) a passenger died during flight 1380 endurance
b) it’s possible to breathe naturally at an altitude of 5,000 feet d) a 43 – year – old woman named Riordan was the only one to
above sea level survive the accident
c) at 36,000 feet above sea level, the pressure outside the cabin is
higher than inside the pressurized cabin Read the text and answer the questions 45, 46 and 47.
d) an airplane cabin pressurized to 7,000 feet above sea level has
a good oxygen level to passengers and crew Mrs. Pratchett
1 Her name was Mrs Pratchett. She was a small, skinny old
hag with moustache on her upper lip and a mouth as sour as a
Read the text and answer the questions 42, 43 and 44. green goosebery. She never smiled.
Her apron was gray and greasy. Her blouse had bits of
Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 5 breakfast all over it, toast crumbs and tea stains and splotches
Jeremy Berke of dried egg yollk. It was her hands, however, that disturbed
1 Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 suffered an engine failure us most.They were disgusting. They were black with dirt and
that smashed a plane window, sucking a passenger halfway grime.
out of the plane in midair. And do not forget that it was these hands and fingers that
A passenger on a Southwest Airlines flight on Tuesday 10 she would plunge into the sweet-jars when we asked for a
5 was partially sucked out of a window after an engine pennyworth of TreackleToffe or Wine Gums or Nut Clusters,
exploded in midair. or whatever. There were precious few health laws in those
The flight, traveling from New York to Dallas, was days, and nobody, least of all Mrs. Pratchett , ever thought of
forced to make an emergency landing in Philadelphia, and using a little shovel for getting sweets out as they do today.
the passenger — a 43-year-old woman named Jennifer American Inside Out – Teacher’s book.
10 Riordan — died Tuesday at a hospital. It was the first fatality
in a US passenger plane accident in nine years. 45 – In the text, all the adjectives below refer to Mrs. Pratchett,
Passengers on the flight described how, after the EXCEPT,
explosion sent shrapnel into one of the plane’s windows,
Riordan was pulled halfway out of aircraft. a) Hag
15 While passengers were able to pull Riordan back into the b) Sour
plane, another passenger was said to have felt “severe c) Small
pressure” after positioning his back against the opening in the d) Greasy
cabin in an attempt to seal it.
When there’s an opening in an airplane during flight
46 – According to the text, we can infer that Mrs Pratchett was
20 (regardless of the cause), the plane will undergo rapid _______________.
depressurization. Adapted from a) really tidy
b) kind of adorable
Glossary: c) sort of unpleasant
shrapnel – pequenos pedaços de metal que são lançados d) someone very kind
devido a uma explosão.
47 – According to the text, choose the best response.
a) Mrs. Pratchett was the cleaner.
42 – Which of the following sentence is being used in passive b) Mrs. Pratchett was really repulsive.
voice? c) Mrs. Pratchett’s place was very hygienic.
a) Riordan was pulled halfway out of the aircraft. d) Mrs. Pratchett wore an impeccable apron.
b) Passengers were able to pull Riordan back into the plane.
c) It was the first fatality in US passenger plane accident in nine Read the text and answer the questions 48.
years. Routine
d) Another passenger felt severe pressure after positioning his
back against the opening cabin. We’re supposed to start work at nine, but I often come in later
because I have to take my children to school first, but then I stay
a little later. Of course, if I have an early meeting or if I have to
be in court first thing in the morning, my wife has to take the kids
43 – In, “... another passenger was said to have felt severe to school. American Inside out - Teacher's book.
pressure after positioning his back against the opening in the
cabin in an attempt to seal it”. 48 – According to the text, in “We are supposed to start work at
The word “seal” is closest in meaning to ____________. nine, (...)”. The underlined words are closest in meaning to
“We are to start (...)”
a) fix
b) hide a) wanted
c) close b) wished
d) protect c) hopped
d) expected
Página 8
AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE À Read the text to answer questions 30, 31 and 32.
Evacuations as typhoon hits China coast

Read the text to answer questions 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29. More than 200,000 people ___________ evacuated as a
typhoon made landfall on China’s east coast, state media say.
To tip, or not to tip? Typhoon Yagi hit China’s Zhejiang province shortly before
midnight on Sunday packing winds of up to 102km/h, the official
The word tip comes from an old English slang. Americans Xinhua news agency reports, citing provincial flood control
usually tip people in places like restaurants, airports, hotels, and headquarters.
hair salons. A total of 204,949 people in 10 cities, including Taizhou,
People who work in these places often get paid low wages. Zhoushan, and Wenzhou, have been evacuated and almost 21,000
A tip shows that the customer is pleased with service. fishing boats called back to port, it said.
Sometimes it’s hard to know how much to tip. The size of the The storm will also bring heavy rain and will gradually
tip usually depends on the service. People such as parking valets weaken as it moves slowly inland to the northwest, Xinhua said.
or bellshops usually get (small) _____________ tips. Summer is China’s typhoon season, although casualties
The tip for people such as taxi drivers and waiters or waitresses is ____________ minimised in recent years by early government
usually (large) _____________. planning and evacuations from potencial danger zones.
When you’re not sure about how much to tip, do what feels Adapted from
right. You don’t have to tip for bad services. And you can give a
(big) _____________ tip for a very good service.
Remember, though, your behavior is (important) _____________ 30 – Complete the text with the correct alternative.
than your money. Always treat service providers with respect. a) has been – had been
Adapted from Interchange b) had been – had been
c) has been – have been
d) have been – have been
25 – Choose the alternative that completes the text with the correct
comparatives. 31 – According to the text, we can infer that
a) smaller – larger – bigger – more important. a) heavy rain is forecast for China’s typhoon season.
b) smaller – the largest – bigger – the most important. b) more than 200,000 fishing boats called back to port.
c) the smallest – the largest – bigger – the most important. c) the bad weather condition was caused by a wind shear.
d) the smallest – the largest – the biggest – the most important. d) typhoon Yagi has hit China’s Zhejiang province just after noon.

26 – According to the text, we can infer that: 32 – According to the text, we can infer that
a) Zhejiang is the Chinese who forecast the storm.
a) The tips depend on someone’s behavior. b) Typhoon is a violent storm with very strong winds.
b) Even if the service is very good, tips don’t change. c) Taizhou and Zhoushan are some countries in China.
c) People demonstrate their satisfaction tipping for the service. d) China has been facing typhoon for a long time during its all
d) People who works as parking vallets or bellshops get no tips. seasons.

27 – In (...) “you are not sure” about how much (...)”, the Read the text to answer questions 33 and 34.
underlined words are closest in meaning to “you ____________”.
a) know Hanging out
b) are certain R. Jordania
c) are uncertain In american cities, teenagers like to spend time together –
d) have no doubt “hang out”, as they say – at drugstore, luncheonettes, or ice cream
Often, they don’t even meet inside, but gather on the sidewalk
28 – According to the text, choose the best response. in front of the store. From time to time they go in for coffee, milk,
ice cream. They also like to play the pinball machines.
In “Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants, Most parents disapprove of their children’s “hanging out” that
airports, hotels, and (...)”, the word “TIP” is closest in meaning to way. They consider it a waste of time, which could be better used
a) take some money. doing homework, working at a part-time job, or helping in the
b) pay for the service. house.
c) ask for extra money. Adapted from life in the USA.
d) give an amount of additional money.
33 – According to the text, we can infer that
a) teenagers are fond of hanging out with friends.
29 – “low wages”, in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning to b) ice cream is the teenager’s favorite kind of junk food.
a) large tips. c) pinball machines are not something they enjoy playing so
b) small tips. much.
c) small salary. d) most of the time teenagers “hang out” in the inner part of a
d) a high amount of money. place.

Página nº 6
34 – According to the text, choose the best response: 38 – Fill in the blanks with the correct personal pronouns:
a) Just a few teenagers make some housework. a) they – them – him – he
b) All of parents think the teenagers should work part-time. b) them – they – he – him
c) Most of teenagers help their families doing the housework. c) he – him – they – them
d) Most teenagers’ parents don’t go along with the way their d) them – they – him – he
children spend time.
39 – According to the text, we can infer that, EXCEPT:
Read the text to answer questions 35, 36 and 37. a) Doubles are paid to go to social events and business meetings.
b) The young clerk was amazed by the young people in the shop.
Roller skating c) Some people like to have a very similar appearance to
R.Jordania celebrities.
Roller skating used to be strictly for children. Nowadays, with d) Many companies work with people who take the place of
the new neoprene wheels and frictionless ballbearings, famous actors for some purposes.
rollerskating has become popular with people with of all ages and
all social classes.
Not only do people skate, they also dance on roller
40 – In “Walker is a clerk, but he also makes money as Daniel’s
skates – ______ the term roller-disco. double (...)”, the underlined word means that Walker _________
To cater to the new fad, many indoor roller – disco rinks are Daniel.
opening all over the country. There people can dance on roller a) looks like
skates ______ in winter when there is snow and ice on the ground. b) is not similar
Life in the USA. c) is different from
d) is the opposite of
35 – Complete the text with the correct alternative subsequently.
a) even – that
b) that – even Read the text to answer questions 41 and 42.
c) why – hence
d) hence – even The legislation follows a year-on-year increase in drone
36 – According to the text, choose the best response. Joana Whitehead
New laws introduced today will restrict all drones from flying
a) Winter is the best season to dance on roller skates. above 400 feet or within one kilometer of airport boundaries. The
b) Snow and ice can be a problem for roller skating people. legislation follows a year-on-year increase of drones incidents
c) Roller skating used to be popular for all ages and social classes. with aircraft, with 93 reported in 2017. The measures are hoped to
d) The new wheels feature is one of the things that become the reduce the possibility of damage to windows and engines of
“Roller skating” popular. planes and helicopters.
Further laws will require owners of drones weighing 250
37 – In “Roller skating used to be strictly for children.”, the verb grams or more to register with the Civil Aviation Authority
“used to”, in bold type is closest in meaning to: (CAA). The majority of drones users considered it is vital for
drone pilots to adhere to the rules and guidelines of the CAA, a
a) My sister is used to calling me at work.
set of rules introduced to promote safe and responsible drone use.
b) The children used the roller skating to play.
Drones are here to stay, not only as a recriational pastime, but
c) They are used to meeting people late at night.
as a vital tool in many industries – from agriculture to
d) When she was a chilld, she used to play baseball with friends.
blue-light services – so incresing public trust through safe drone
flying is crucial.
Read the text to answer questions 38, 39 and 40. Adapted from

Celebrity Doubles
41 – According to the text, choose the correct alternative;
A group of teenagers is standing outside a shop in Manchester,
England. Many of _____ have cameras and are looking in the shop a) Drones incidents with aircraft are increasing every year.
window. ____ want to see the movie star Daniel Radcliffe. A man b) Drones are just tools used for recreation in your leisure time.
in the shop looks like Radcliffe, but ______ isn’t the famous actor. c) New laws won’t allow all drones to fly within 400 feet near the
He’s Andrew Walker - a twenty-two-year old shop clerk. airports.
Walker isn’t surprised by the teenagers. People often stop d) Most of drones users consider it is not important to follow the
_____ on the street and want to take his picture. Walker is a clerk, rules of the CAA
but he also makes money as Daniel’s double. Today, many
companies work with celebrity doubles. They look like famous
athletes, pop singers, and actors. The companies pay doubles to go 42 – The verb “to adhere”, in bold type in the text, is closest in
to parties and business meetings. Doubles are also on TV and in meaning to
newspapers ads. a) to believe in someone’s idea.
Why do people want to look like a celebrity? One double in the b) to behave according a particular rule.
USA says, “I can make good money. I also make a lot of people c) to disapprove something or someone.
happy”. d) to disagree with an action or proposal.
Adapted from World Link - Developing English Fluency
Página nº 7
Read the text to answer questions 43, 44 and 45. 46 – Fill in the blank with the correct relative pronoun.
Airline employee steals, crashes plane near Seattle
a) who
US authorities are investigating the Friday night crash of a b) what
Horizon Air Q400 aircraft near Seattle-Tacoma airport in c) which
Washington state after an airline employee took off without d) whose
clearance and flew the plane for about an hour before it crashed.
Two F-15 military fighter jets went up into the air in order to
intercept the stolen airliner, and the airport closed for a short time. 47 – Choose the correct verb to replace the phrasal verb “passed
There were no passengers on board except the person who was away”, in bold type in the text:
operating the plane. It is believed that he is Richard Russel, a 29
year old local man who worked for the airline. Some media a) died
images showed the aircraft doing complicated and dangerous b) choked
flying before crash. In an audio recording a conversation with an c) fainted
air traffic controller, the person piloting the aircraft said he was a d) collapsed
“broken guy”.
Adapted from
48 – In “The crew did everything they could (...)”, the modal
“could” is used to indicate
43 – According to the text, choose the correct alternative: a) ability
a) The only person on board was the airline employee. b) obligation
b) The aircraft made a calm and smooth flight before crashing. c) permission
c) The plane flew for approximately one hour and landed safely. d) prohibition
d) The airport was kept closed during many hours after the

44 – “In order to”, in bold type in the text, is a _________ clause.

a) time
b) result
c) manner
d) purpose

45 – In “the person piloting the aircraft said he was a broken guy

(...)”, you can infer that the man was ___________, EXCEPT:
a) so sad
b) very excited
c) suffering a lot
d) extremely unhappy

Read the text to answer questions 46, 47 and 48.

The cabin crew battled to save the passenger

Ben Graham
Shocked passengers watched as doctors and cabin crew tried
to save the life of a critically ill passenger on a Qantas flight to
Sidney on Friday.
A Qantas spokeswoman confirmed that the passenger
________ received tratment during the medical emergency
couldn’t survive.
The flight from London, via Singapore, was forced to land in
Adelaide because of the incident. No passengers got off the flight
while it was in Adelaide.
A witness on board told that everything started with a cabin
announcement asking for any doctors on board. There were two
passengers with medical training, but nothing could be done to
save the passenger. The crew did everything they could, including
performing CPR with a doctor on board, but unfortunately the
passenger has passed away.
Adapted from

Página nº 8

Read the text and answer questions 25, 26 and 27.

The plane, the pilot and the mechanic.

Whereas, several test pilots might fly the prototype, each
prototype is enrusted to only one mechanic. For him, I’m the pilot
who is going to fly “his” plane and furnish him with the proof that
the work he has lovingly and conscientiously put it on it all day,
and sometimes all night, has not been in vain. The relation
between the pilot, the plane and the mechanic are at once very
simple – basic, obviously – and very complex when it comes to
putting them into words. For the mechanic, the plane is a kind of
Sleeping Beauty, and he takes care of her and coddles her while
she is asleep. As soon as she wakes up, she passes into the hands
of the pilots, but he only knows the plane when it is “alive”, when
it is flying and functioning. The moment the plane takes off for a
test, the mechanic loses sight of it, but he follows it, he feels it, he
is bound to it by a kind of sixth sense, or to put it better, by an
invisible umbilical cord.
Adapted from Read for Meaning.

25 – According to the text, we can infer that ________________.

a) the plane is in the mechanic’s inner
b) the mechanic desires to fly with the pilot
c) the pilot and the mechanic feel the plane in the same way
d) the mechanic is the one who fixes the plane as any other

26 – According to the text, we can say that _________________.

a) the pilot flew the mechanic’s plane in vain
b) the mechanic is the only one able to fly his plane
c) there are a lot of mechanics testing the pilot’s plane
d) the pilot will give the mechanic the proof that his work has been
a success

27 – In...”For the mechanic, the plane is a kind of Sleeping

Beauty, and he takes care of her and coddles her while she is
asleep”, we can say that the mechanic ________________.
a) is clumsy of the plane
b) is really jealous of the plane
c) is very caring about the aircraft
d) doesn’t care of the most of the aircraft

Read the text and answer question 28.

They arrived at the court in plenty of time and went straight to

the robing room. It was crowded with solicitors and counsil.
Adapted from Reading for Meaning

28 – The words, “in plenty of time”, in bold type in the

paragraph, is closest in meaning to __________.
a) late
b) on time
c) over time
d) in good time

Página nº 5
Read the text and answer questions 29 and 30. 31 – All the underlined words from the text are phrasal verbs,
Iceberg ruptures in Patagonia raise alarm about global a) end of
warming b) dress up
c) went out
d) scare away
Fabian Andres Cambero
Two new icebergs have broken off from the Grey Glacier in
Chile’s Patagonia in recent weeks. Scientists have linked the 32 – The word “weird”, in bold type, in the text, is closest in
increased frequency ice breaks to rising temperature. According to meaning to ______________ . Except:
Ricardo Jana, researcher and member of the climate change area
of the Chilean Antartic Institute (INACH) “In recent years a) eerie
temperature rises above the normal average and intense rainfall b) strange
were registered with an increase in water level in the lake, factors c) unusual
that could explain the separation. Reseachers from universities in d) unbelievable
Germany and Brazil, together with experts from INACH and other
local entities, have been studing the Grey Glacier since 2015.
Read the text and answer questions 33 and 34.

29 – According to the text all the alternatives are correct, except: Investigators find “similarities” between Ethiopian and Lion
Air crashes.
a) The low water level was registered by the scientists.
b) The cause of ice breaks can be the high temperatures.
c) Icebergs were separated from the Grey Glacier in Chile
Anna Cardovillis, Kara fox and Dakin Andone
d) Researchers from some countries have been studying this Preliminary data recovered from the black boxes of the last
phenomena for many years. week Ethiopian Airlines crash has revealed “similarities” to
October ‘s fatal Lion Air crash.
Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 crashed March 10, six minutes
after take off, killing all 157 people on board. It was the second
30 – What’s the active voice for “intense rainfall was registered disaster involving a new Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft in less than
six months. In October, all 189 people on board Lion Air Flight
by scientists in the lake”?
were killed in Indonesia, 13 minutes after take off. Similarities
a) Scientists register intense rainfall in the lake. between the two incidents led aviation authorities around the
b) Scientists registered intense rainfall in the lake. world to ban the use of 737 Max 8s. Investigators suspect the Lion
c) Scientists will register intense rainfall in the lake. Air crash may have been caused by an angle of attack sensor on
d) Scientists were registering intense rainfall in the lake. the outside of the plane that transmited incorrect data, which could
have triggered the automated flight software that forced the
plane’s nose down. The pilots first manually corrected an
“automatic aircraft nose down two minutes after take off and
performed the same procedure again and again before the plane
Read the text and answer questions 31 and 32. hurtled into the Java Sea.

33 – According to the text, we can infer that __________.
One fall day, as you walk down the street, you might see a) the crashes were caused by a mechanical problem in the nose
ghosts, strange animals, and other weird things. What’s going on? gear.
It’s probably October 31, or Halloween. Halloween is a day when b) many people survived in both accidents and this fact was
people go out wearing costumes and colorful makeup. considered a miracle
People think that Halloween started in Ireland during the c) the pilots tried to find a solution to the problem using their own
400s. October 31 was the end of summer, and people believe that hands in the automatic aircraft.
everyone who died during the year come back on that day. d) the data recovered from Ethiopian Airliners and Lion Air
To scare away the dead, people put on costumes and went out into crashes revealed there were differences between them.
the streets to make noise.
Different cultures have different ways of celebrating Halloween.
In the United States, it’s the night when children dress up in 34 – In “Similarities between the two incidents led aviation
costumes and go to neighbors’ houses to “trick or treat”, authorities around the world to ban the use of 737 Max 8”, the
or ask for candy. Some adults wear funny or scary costumes and underlined word is closest in meaning to
go to parties or parades. Halloween has become a fun holiday for
a) allow
both adults and children.
b) permit
Adapted from Interchange. c) forbid
d) suggest

Página nº 6
Read the text and answer questions 35, 36 and 37. 38 – According to the text, choose the alternative that best
Asthma from traffic complete the sentence.
Asthma is a serious medical condition because it is lifelong; Airbus A380 _________________.
there is no cure. A study says that pollution from traffic connects
to 4 millions new cases of asthma in children each year. a) can land in all kinds of airports
Researchers studied the pollution and how it affects children’s b) is considered the largest cargo airliner
health in 194 countries and 125 large cities. c) have many costumers among the other airliners
This is not the first study to make this clame, but the study’s d) is so big that it is difficult to have enough passengers to make it
main author says that it gives a comprehensive idea of the full
problem. She says that it tells where pollution “hot spots” are.
Some people think rules for pollution need to change and that 39 – In”...Most of all the A380’s eggs were put in a basket called
we need to have cleaner transportation. The author also said that Emirates(...)”, we can infer that Airbus ______________.
there are other pollutants in the world causing deseases, such as
a) is the Emirates’ best customer
lung cancer, strokes, heart disease and developmental issues.
b) have no other alternative left if Emirates fails
http://www.newsin c) made investments on the open market for many years
d) put most of their efforts into Emirates, but have another plans to
35 – In "This is not the first study to make this claim", the word, get sucess
in bold type, is closest in meaning to _____________ . Except:
a) assertion
b) allegation 40 – In “... Dream big, but keep your feet on the ground.”, the
c) refutation expression is closest in meaning to: _______________________.
d) affirmation a) Be careful about your dreams
b) It’s possible to dream without consequences
36 – The word “comprehensive”, underlined in the text, is closest c) Don’t do anything without be sure that it will work
in meaning to __________ . d) Try to achieve your wishes being realistic and sensible
a) narrow
b) limited Read the text and answer questions 41 and 42.
c) complete
d) particular What was lost and what survived devastating Notre Dame fire
David K. Li
37 – According to the text, we can say that _________________. Some of the most prized, centuries-old relics of France and
a) there is no solution for the problems caused by pollution Christianity survived the devastating Notre Dame Cathedral fire
b) there are other substances that cause diseases in the world that almost wiped out the cherished Paris landmark.
besides the pollution According to Culture Minister Frank Riester the “most
c) researchers discovered a medical treatment for asthma that precious treasures” were largely spared. Many of the works will
makes the illness go away be stored at Paris’ City Hall and the Louvre, where they will be
d) the study doesn’t give us a complete idea of the problem related examined, treated for damage and protected.
to asthma in children Monday’s fire almost destroyed the entire cathedral, wich has
stood in Paris and survived nearly 900 years of tumultuous French
Read the text and answer questions 38, 39 and 40. history.
Reasons why the Airbus A380 failed So far, authorities have said blaze appears to be an accident,
possibly connected to a renovation project carried out by five
On 14 February 2019, Airbus announced their A380s have companies.
been cancelled, with production ending in 2021. After 12 years of
The fire was finally extinguished after nine hours of work.
shaky business and development, its closure didn’t come as a
surprise. The dream is over for the world’ largest passenger
airliner. Why was the king of the airliners forced to land so
quikly? Here’s what happened: 41 – “...appears (...)”, underlined in the text is closest in meaning
· poor business planing finds itself at the heart of the A380’s to _______ . Except:
downfall. Most of all A380’ eggs were put in a basket called a) seems
Emirates, Airbus biggest buyer. b) sounds
· bigger isn’t always better. With a wingspan of almost 80 c) looks like
meters was difficult to guide the giant four-turbine around d) looks as if
· airbus failed to antecipate how consumer’s tastes in air
travel would change over the years. Passengers nowadays prefer 42 – According to the text, we can say that___________.
smaller airports, using direct routes to their destinations. a) the fire could only stop burning after more than one day of work
· although a seating capacity of 800 may seem impressive at b) no ancient and valuable object could be saved from the fire in
first, it is not easy to fill them up, even when you give discounts Notre Dame cathedral
and make promotions. c) Notre Dame cathedral stands in Paris and is considered a very
Airbus A380’ closure perhaps teaches us all a lesson or two. important Christian symbol
Dream big, but keep your feet on the ground. d) maybe the big and dangerous fire was caused by a restoration
Adapted from
work conducted by the government

Página nº 7
Read the text and answer questions 43, 44 and 45. 46 – According to the text, choose the best response
Customs a) Harry Potter is J. K. Rowling first story.
b) Harry Potter’s adventures was translated into 45 languages.
It was the small hours of the morning, when we reached c) It has been possible to read H. P. and the Sorcerer’s Stone since
London Airport. I had cabled London (England) from Amsterdam 1993.
(Holland), and there was a hired car to meet me, but there was one d) The boy wizard came up on J. K. Rowling’s mind on a trip to
more contretemps before I reached the haven of my flat. In all my England.
travels I have never, but for that once, been required by carried by
the British Customs to open a single bag or to do more than state
that I carried no goods liable to duty. It was, of course, my fault; 47 – According to the text, we can say that J. K. Rowling used to
the extreme fatigue and nervous tension of the journey had ________________.
destroyed my diplomacy. I was, for whichever reason, so tired thata) be a teacher, while she was writing Harry Potter and the
I could hardly stand and to the proffered pro forma and the Sorcerer’s Stone
question, ‘have you read this?’ I replied, with extreme testiness b) imagine great adventures in her teen’s
and foolishness, ‘Yes-hundreds of times’. c) write novels when she was a child
Adapted from Read for Meaning. d) study at Hogwarts
48 – In... “Now the adventures of this extraordinary student at
43 – According to the text, we can infer that _______________. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy(...)”. The underlined
a) the passenger was very polite at the customs words refer to_______________.
b) it was the passenger’s first time at the customs a) Hogwarts School
c) at the customs, the passenger could relax and rest b) the adventures
d) after landing, the passenger couldn’t go towards his place c) Harry Potter
d) the author
44 – According to the text, choose the best response. 
In “...there was a hired car to meet me (...)”. We can infer
a) there was a car to pick the passenger up at his place
b) there was a car ready to take the passenger to his place
c) the passenger has asked someone to give him a ride to his flat
d) the passenger has lent a car for someone meet him at the

45 – According to the text, we can say that ________________.

a) the aircraft headed for London
b) some unfortunate happening was expected
c) someone arrived sooner at London Airport
d) the passenger couldn’t realize his fault so far

Read the text and answer questions 46, 47 and 48.

The Magic of Potter

There was a time when no one knew the name Harry Potter.
Now the adventures of this extraordinary student at Hogwarts
School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are read in over 45 languages,
including Russian, Thai, and even ancient Greek. No one can
explain the Harry Potter Phenomenon – not even J. K. Rowling,
his creator.
J. K. Rowling was born in England in 1965. From a young
age, she knew she wanted to be a writer. When she was 6, she
wrote her first story – about a rabbit that gets sick. In 1990, on a
trip to London, she got the idea for the boy wizard. She soon
created a whole cast of unique characters to help Harry battle the
forces of darkness. She kept working on the story while she was
teaching English in Portugal. She finished the first book in the
series, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, in 1995 and
published it in 1997. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
became an unexpected bestseller.
Adapted from Interchange.
H. P. = Harry Potter

Página nº 8

Read the text and answer questions 25, 26 and 27.


There are three main aspects to this profession: a diplomat has

to keep his country informed about pertinent international events,
promote a favorable image of his country and protect his country’s
Whoever is interested in a diplomatic career has to be
extremely familiar with political, economical, scientific, cultural
and administrative issues. To be a diplomat, it is essential to have
a good knowledge of English, not only the conversational
language, but also the technical terms in international law and
diplomacy itself.
To follow this career, besides being fluently bilingual, one
needs a standard college education and has to take and do well in
the Rio Branco Institute examination in Brasilia.
English is so important in this career that in the first part of
this selection exam, the applicant has to demonstrate his or her
proficiency in the English language. Then, during the course,
foreign language classes become a priority, giving future
diplomats the necessary expertise to deal with the areas of official
correspondences, diplomatic negotiation and international media.
Adapted from Inglês no mundo do trabalho.

25 – Change the following sentence to the passive voice:

“A diplomat must inform his country about international
a) His country must inform a diplomat about international events.
b) His country has to be informed by a diplomat about
international events.
c) His country will be informed by a diplomat about international
d) His country must be informed by a diplomat about international

26 – According to the text, we can infer that:

A diplomat _______________.
a) doesn’t need a normal college education
b) must be familiar with English, but only in the conversational
c) doesn’t have to give much attention to foreign language classes
during the course
d) must have a comprehensive knowledge of political, economical,
scientific and administrative problems

27 – In...“giving future diplomats the necessary expertise to deal

with”, the underlined word in the text is closest in meaning to,
a) skill
b) knowledge
c) proficiency
d) unawareness

Página nº 6
Read the text and answer the questions 28 and 29. 30 – The expression “taking a toll on its economy”, in bold
type in the text, means that it _____________on the economy.
Oil contaminating Brazil’s beaches very likely from
Venezuela a) has a good impact
Anna Jean Kaiser b) has a desired effect
c) has a very bad effect
Thick crude oil that has stained hundreds of miles of pristine d) has an unacceptable effect
Brazilian beach in recent weeks probably originated in Venezuela,
the Brazilian government has said, in an accusation likely to
further strain relations between the two countries.
Brazilians authorities have been investigating the growing
disaster for more than a month, as the oil has spread to more than 31 – According to the text, choose the correct alternative:
130 beaches across nine states. a) The United States won the best position in the World Economic
Ricardo Salles, the country’s environment minister, told that a Forum.
study by Petrobrás had concluded that the oil “is very likely from b) The economy’s landscape is measured considering some
Venezuela. He said that a foreign ship near Brazil’s coastline different factors.
appeared to have caused the spill. c) The financial center increased its ability to use new ideas and
There was no immediate response from Venezuela. methods.
Social media users have shared shocking images of the spill, d) Hong Kong reached a lower position in the competition due to
showing kilometers of white sand stained with oil blotches and the political crisis.
dead, oil-covered turtles and dolphins. One shows thick black oil
lapping up against a rocky jetty.
Adapted from The Guardian.

28 – According to the text, we can infer Read the text and answer questions 32 and 33.
a) The spill was caused by a domestic ship near Brazilian beaches Can you recognize your emotions?
b) No dolphins and turtles died according to the images shared by
the media If I ask you how you are feeling, you may answer: “I’m
c) A dense and natural oil marked hundreds of miles of clean feeling good, I’m fine”! But what does that “good” or “fine” really
beaches recently mean? Would it mean fascinated, curious, balanced, joyful,
d) The government is investigating to discover how many beaches encouraged, hopeful, motivated, happy?
are involved in the disaster On the other hand you might also reply: “I’m feeling bad”,
and, then, recognize that you are feeling bored, lonely, sorry,
anxious, fearful, nervous, insecure or frustrated.
29 – The word “‘strain”, underlined in the text, is closest in The advantage of making such distinctions, rather than
meaning to, EXCEPT: feeling “good” or “bad” is that your emotions indicate what you
need to do to feel more satisfying.
a) close
For example, if you are angry with a person, you can argue
b) tense
with him, you can request him to stop his offensive behavior or
c) difficult
you can avoid him. You have choices. Recognize each of your
d) problematic
emotions and pay attention to what they are communicating to
Adapted from Inglês no mundo do trabalho.
Read the text and answer questions 30 and 31.

Singapore overtakes US as world’s most competitive 32 – Put this statement into the reported speech:
Sherisse Pham She said: “I’m feeling good, she is fine”.
a) She said she feels good, she is fine.
Singapore has knocked the United States out of the top spot in b) She said I’m feeling good, I’m fine.
the World Economic Forum’s annual competitiveness report. c) She said she is feeling good, she is fine.
The index takes stock of an economy’s competitive d) She said she was feeling good, she was fine.
landscape, measuring factors such as macroeconomic stability, the
infrastructure, the labor market and the innovation capability.
Singapore pushed the world largest economy down to second
place this year. Hong Kong, the Netherlands and Switzerland
rounded out the top five. Hong Kong climbed four spots from last 33 – According to the text, we can infer
year’s report, despite the political crisis taking a toll on its that______________________.
economy. The financial hub received high marks for its
a) Our emotions are divided only between good and bad
macroeconomic stability and financial system, but fell short on its
b) It’s very easy to identify if our emotions are good or bad
capability to innovate.
c) You have no choice when you are annoyed with somebody
Adapted from
d) Our emotions may indicate what we need to do to feel happier

Página nº 7
Read the text and answer questions 34 and 35. 36 – According to the text, we can infer
Diary: your life day by day a) the corruption involves different classes of workers
b) government just deal with corruption company
Most people consider diaries indispensable - a reminder of c) all good business are related to the corruption
what they have to do each day. This is especially true in the d) financial interests don’t matter to anyone
professional world. A diary can help you keep track of your
agenda and make it easier for you to follow a planned schedule. In
this sense, it is similar to a notebook with dates in which you write 37 – According to the text, the underlined word “which” is
meetings and other things to remember. At school or at work, a_____________.
diaries are very useful. a) conjunction linking two sentences
However, a diary can be more than a list of appointments: it b) word that expresses consequence
can be a secret record of private thoughts. People write these c) word that expresses conclusion
diaries for different reasons: for fun or to read them years later. “It d) relative pronoun
makes you think and form an opinion on what you are writing” -
when you express your feelings and experiences, it’s easier to
overcome your problems; it’s like a therapy. 38 – According to the text, we can infer that____________.
Nowadays, some people write e-diaries, called blogs or web
logs. “They open their hearts” to other people on the Net. a) corruption is something related to power in everyone opinion
In fact, many people, famous or ordinary in fiction or in real b) money is offered to drivers in order to avoid a ticket for
life, write diaries. speeding
Adapted from Inglês de olho no mundo do trabalho. c) people around the world used to complain about the corruption
of police
d) it’s possible to see people using their own interest to deal with
34 – According to the text, we can infer that: companies
A diary____________________.
a) is just useful to make a list of our compromises
b) can be considered essential to those people who use it every Read the text and answer the questions 39, 40 and 41.
c) is better than a notebook, where people open their hearts on the
net The Printing Press
d) is used to write about our feelings, but it can’t help to solve our
problems If you asked a large number of people what the most
important invention has been, many would say the printing press.
Others might say the wheel. But even though it’s debatable
35 – In…“A diary can help you keep track of your agenda”, the whether the appearance of the printing press affects the course of
underlined words are closest in meaning to: history more than the wheel. The printing press ranks within the
top two or three inventions in history. Long before the telephone,
a) maintain your secret thoughts.
the TV, the radio and the computer, the written word was the only
b) remember some events from the past.
way to communicate ideas to people too far away to talk with.
c) continue to know what is going to happen.
Until the sixth or seventh century, all books had to be written by
d) have information about another people’s private life.
hand. Creating a book was difficult, and in comparison with today,
very few books existed. Therefore, very few people read books.”
Adapted from Top Noch.
Read the text and answer the questions 36, 37 and 38.

39 – According to the text, choose the best

a) the printing press invention was very important to the course of
People all over the world complain about the corruption of history
police, government officials, and business leader. Three examples b) the wheel was as important as the printing press invention
of corruption are: c) the most important invention in the world was the wheel
• a police officer takes money from a driver so he doesn’t d) the printing press is the top invention in the world
give the driver a ticket for speeding.
• a public official gives a government contract to a company
in which he, or she has a financial interest. 40 – According to the text, we can say that_____________.
• a company that wants to do business with a government a) even in the last centuries, people used to write lots of books
agency offers public official money, or a gift to choose that b) the printing press invention allowed people to write the books
company for the job. by hand
Some people feel that power promotes corruption and that c) just after the printing press, the TV, the radio, and the computer
corruption is just an unavoidable part of human nature. But were the new means of communication
everyone agrees that it’s a terrible problem all over the world. d) nowadays, there are more readers than there used to be in the
Adapted from Top Noch. earlier centuries like the sixth and the seventh

Página nº 8
41 – The word “within”, in bold type in the text, is have the most enlightened view. But within a year-long before
a______________. other, younger South African leaders - he understood that AIDS
was an enormous tragedy for his country and his continent, and he
a) preposition saw it as another moral challenge in a life of facing up to them.
b) conjunction That’s a moral leadership.
c) pronoun Adapted from Grad Two.
d) noun

44 – The word achieved, in bold type in the text, is closest in

meaning to:
Read the paragraph and answer the question 42.
a) failed
“You should tell the driver where you are going before you b) accorded
get on. And you have to have the exact change for the fare.” c) considered
Adapted from Interchange. d) accomplished

42 – We can say that this paragraph is about____________. 45 – In... “he had to catch up on almost three decades of social
change...”, we can infer that Mandela had to____________.
a) a fact
a) read many things about social change
b) an order b) inform their followers about social change
c) a suggestion c) teach the society procedures
d) an obligation
d) write about the social change

46 – According to the text, we can infer that Nelson Mandela

Read the text and answer the question 43. _________. EXCEPT:
Many advertisements also contain a ________slogan or a a) used to like George Washington
________ to attract the consumer’s attention. Effective slogans are b) was able to recognize his mistakes
usually short, easy to remember and to repeat. Another technique c) has never intended to be above the law
for advertising is ________ commercials. It’s when a person, often d) knew he was an example for his followers
a famous one, shows up in ads and commercials. They speak on
behalf of a product and they promote from hygiene items to 47 – According to the text, we can infer that Mandela
financial institutions. Sponsors pay high ________ to these _______________. EXCEPT:
“posters boys” because it’s been proved that celebrities are a status
symbol that not only play a role model but can easily influence a) was a straight leader
people. b) could be considered a hero
Adapted from Grad Two. c) was kept in prison for about 27 years
d) didn’t consider or face AIDS as an issue

43 – Choose the best alternative to complete the text 48 – All the sentences below are correct, EXCEPT:
a) She thinks it’s not a good idea to postpone building the new
a) catchy/ jingle/ endorsement/ fees swimming pool.
b) jingle/ catchy/ endorsement/ fees b) They’ll wash my car, when they finish cleaning my bedroom.
c) catchy/ fees/ jingle/ endorsement c) We enjoy not having to wash the dishes.
d) jingle/ endorsement/ catchy/ fees d) He doesn’t mind to lend his bike.

Read the text and answer the questions 44, 45, 46 and 47.


Nelson Mandela has achieved many things, but his greatest

influence may be for something he didn’t do: run for a second term
as South Africa’s leader. As the first President of a post-apartheid
South Africa, he was, like George Washington, aware that
everything he did would be a model for those who would follow.
He once said, “I don’t want to be an octogenarian President.”
What he really meant was that no man - not even one unfairly
imprisoned for 27 years - should be above the law or the people.
Mandela will remain perhaps the only figure on the world stage
who has been an unambiguous moral giant. He could be
considered a hero precisely because he always admitted his errors
and then tried to rise above them. And never stop learning. He had
to catch up on almost three decades of social change, and one of
the things he had to learn about was AIDS. At first, this man didn’t
Página nº 9
AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE À Read the text and answer questions 28, 29 and 30.
Flooding hits parts of Midwest, with evacuations in
Read the text and answer questions 25, 26 and 27. Michigan

People living along two mid-Michigan lakes and parts of a

river were evacuated Tuesday following several days of heavy rain
Woman wins Picasso painting worth €1m in raffle
that produced flooding and put pressure on dams in the area.
Two Midland-area schools were opened for evacuees and
An Italian woman has won a painting by Pablo Picasso, worth
more than 50 roads have been closed. The evacuations in Michigan
about €1m (£900,000; $1.1m), in a raffle after being given the
followed days of heavy rains in parts of the Midwest that also
ticket as a gift.
brought flooding to Chicago and other parts of Illinois, as well as
The winning ticket was pulled out during a live draw at
Ohio and other states.
Christie’s auction house in Paris.
“We were laying in bed when I heard sirens,” Jon St. Croix
The event, which was fundraising for Care charity, had been
told the Midland Daily News. “A fire truck was driving around,
postponed twice - first to sell more tickets, and then because of
broadcasting that (we needed) to evacuate. It’s a scary thing —
coronavirus restrictions.
you’re sleeping and awake to sirens.”
The prize painting, Nature Morte, is a still life from 1921.
St. Croix, 62, his wife and a next-door neighbor were among
It is a relatively small artwork - measuring 9in by 18in (23cm
more than a dozen people sheltering in one of the schools. Their
by 46cm) - which shows a glass of absinthe and a newspaper on a
home was not flooded, but St. Croix said he had seen flooding in
the area.
In total €5.1m was raised for the charity by selling 51,000
Volunteers at the schools said about 120 vehicles were in the
raffle tickets at €100 each. About 29% of the tickets were sold in
parking lots and about 30 people had been staying on cots inside,
France, followed by the US and Switzerland.
according to WNEM-TV.
Organisers said that €4.2m of proceeds will go towards clean
water projects in schools and villages in Madagascar, Morocco and
David Nahmad, the billionaire collector from Monaco who
supplied the Picasso painting, will be given €900,000. He also
donated €100,000 to Care, organisers said.
“Picasso would have loved an operation like this, because he 28 – Choose the alternative in which you can find the Past Perfect
was someone with a lot of interest in humanitarian and social Continuous.
causes,” sale organiser Peri Cochin told Reuters news agency. a) About 30 people had been staying on cots inside.
Adapted from
b) We were laying in bed when I heard sirens.
c) More than 50 roads have been closed.
d) Schools were opened for evacuees.

25 – Choose the right alternative according to the text.

a) Part of the money will help people in Europe and Asia.
b) Picasso would not be satisfied with this cause.
c) Christie’s auction house is in Rome.
d) 51,000 tickets were sold at €100.
29 – According to the text, we can say that:
a) The schools were working despite the evacuations.
b) During the night the Police asked people around to evacuate.
26 – The meaning of “raffle” in the title is: c) One hundred and twenty volunteers have died because of the
a) The same as “for free”. d) Because of the heavy rain people who lived around the lakes
b) When you buy something very expensive. area had to leave home.
c) A difficult operation that involves Picasso’s lecture.
d) A competition or game in which people buy numbered tickets
and can win prizes.

27 – The word “postponed”, underlined in the text, is closest in 30 – “...broadcasting (...),” underlined in the text is closest, in
meaning to: meaning to:

a) Put off a) Transmitting

b) Turned on b) Causing
c) Looked out c) Following
d) Stayed away d) Considering

Página nº 7
Read the text and answer questions 31 and 32. A video posted online by one of the passengers showed
smoke spreading through the plane before they evacuated the
Home School Tips Several of the passengers were smiling as they walked away
Many schools around the world closed because of the from the plane.
coronavirus. Parents must be a substitute teacher, and they learn Flight operations at the airport were suspended for several
with their children at home. It is not an easy task. hours as a result of the incident, which is now under investigation.
Some parents expect that their children will work as hard as “Myanmar national airlines would like to thank all passengers
they do in school. However, parents need to understand that every and our crew on board,” the company said in a statement.
child is different and works at different speeds. It is important to Last week a Biman Bangladesh Airlines plane skidded off the
be kind and thoughtful. runway after landing in bad weather in Yangon. At least 15 crew
It does not have to be boring to learn. It can be fun, too. When and passengers were injured.
parents teach their children math, they do not need to sit at the
table and work with a book. Children can practice math during
common activities such as baking or dining.
Experts also say that it is important to communicate with the
school and teachers and to stay in contact with school friends. 33 – The correct information from the text is:
a) The name of the Captain is Myat Musk Aung.
b) There were 82 passengers and eight flight crew.
31 – Choose the correct alternative that shows a modal verb c) The passengers were scared when leaving the plane.
d) On Sunday it was made the contact with the runway.
indicating an obligation.
a) Children can practice math during common activities such as
baking or dining.
b) They do not need to sit at the table and work with a book. 34 – These are verbs from the text. Choose the alternative in
c) Parents must be a substitute teacher.
which we can find only irregular verbs.
d) It is not an easy task.
a) carry, suspend
b) deploy, walk
32 – The closest meaning of the word ‘thoughtful’ is: c) bring, do
d) try, land
a) Mentally ill or unable to behave in a reasonable way.
b) When you think about how you can help other people.
c) In need of rest or sleep.
d) Feeling frightened.
35 – It is possible to infer from the title that:
a) Landing a plane without front wheels is not safe.
b) The kind of airplane was a cargo aircraft.
Read the text and answer questions 33, 34 and 35. c) The nose of a jet is not a part of the plane.
d) The action of the pilot was normal.
Hero pilot safely lands passenger plane with no front wheels as
sparks fly from nose of jet
A pilot safely landed a passenger plane without using its front
wheels after they failed to deploy on arrival at the airport. Read the text and answer question 36.
Video footage of the emergency touchdown showed sparks
flying from the nose of the aircraft as it slid along the runway in
Myanmar. - I have a question. What would happen if there were a beautiful
None of the 82 passengers and seven flight crew were injured and highly intelligent child up in heaven waiting to be born and his
during the incident at Mandalay International Airport. or her parents decided that the children they already had were
Myanmar National Airlines said in a statement that the pilot, enough?
Captain Myat Moe Aung, was alerted to the problem by the - Your ignorance of theology and medicine is appalling!
plane’s Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS). - I still think it’s a good question!
Adapted from
He informed the control tower and tried a backup emergency
procedure to pull down the wheels on the Brazilian-made Embraer
The pilot then carried out two fly-bys of the runway to allow
air controllers to check visually whether the landing gear had 36 – The words “beautiful”, “highly”, “intelligent” and “child”, in
deployed. the context, are:
After dumping fuel to reduce the landing weight, he brought a) Adjective, adverb, adjective, noun
the aircraft in to land on its rear wheels before the nose slowly b) Adjective, adverb, adverb, noun
tipped down to make contact with the runway at 9.09am on c) Adverb, adjective, noun, adverb
Sunday. d) Noun, noun, adjective, adverb
“The pilot did a great job,” said Win Khant, permanent
secretary of transportation and telecommunication ministry.

Página nº 8
Read the text and answer questions 37, 38 and 39. Read the text and answer questions 40, 41 and 42.

Anne With an E fans wage digital war with Netflix over Brazilian airforce airlifted 4 Polish citizens from the
cancellation coronavirus-stricken Chinese city Wuhan

Anne Shirley, the outspoken orphan who first appeared in The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has aided Poland
Lucy Maud Montgomery’s 1908 novel, Anne of Green Gables, has by helping to evacuate 4 Polish citizens from the Coronavirus-
since appeared in countless movies and television spinoffs – and stricken Chinese city Wuhan. A Brazilian air force plane landed in
built a loyal global following. So it should probably come as little Warsaw to drop the 4 Poles off, after which it continued its
surprise that fans of the show’s latest remake – the TV series Anne journey from Wuhan to Brazil. A total of 34 Brazilians were
With an E – are fiercely protective of their heroine. And like Anne, quarantined for 18 days after returning back home.
they’re willing to fight for what they believe in. from-the-coronavirus-stricken-chinese-city-wuhan
The shows coproducers, Netflix and CBC, announced that the
drama would be cancelled after three seasons. “People were
outraged. The cast and the crew were also blindsided by it,” said 40 – The verb “aided”, in bold in the text, is closest in meaning
Lisa E, a Toronto-based organizer with AWAE Fan Projects. to:
“Everyone loves the show obviously. They just couldn’t believe
it.” The day after the announcement, a group of fans took to a) Cured
Twitter with rallying cry: renew the show. The group’s most b) Helped
successful – and most controversial – campaign has been a digital, c) Fought
guerilla-style battle against the two companies. d) Rescued
Adapted from

41 – The sentence in bold in the text is in the:

a) Present Continuous
b) Past Continuous
37 – Choose the alternative that has the Passive Voice. c) Present Perfect
d) Simple Past
a) People were outraged.
b) Netflix and CBC announced that the drama would be cancelled
after three seasons.
c) Anne of Green Gables has since appeared in countless movies 42 – According to the text:
and television spinoffs.
d) The day after the announcement, a group of fans took to Twitter a) Jair Bolsonaro flew a plane himself to rescue 4 Polish citizens
with rallying cry: renew the show. from Wuhan, besides the 34 Brazilians already rescued.
b) Bolsonaro refused to rescue Polish citizens from Wuhan stating
that the airplane was full with 34 Brazilians in it.
c) The airplane used to rescue 4 Polish citizens stopped in Warsaw
so to that these citzens could leave.
d) Four Polish citzens were evacuated from Warsaw by a Brazilian
38 – The word “blindsided”, in bold in the text, could be replaced air force plane.
by all the words below, EXCEPT:
a) surprised
b) irritated 43 – Choose the alternative that you can find Passive Voice tense:
c) shocked
d) flabbergasted a) They also record it.
b) It is sold at newsstands everywhere.
c) Many readers subscribe to the magazine.
d) One million people do not speak Japanese.

39 – According to the text: 44 – Read this notice about an apartment for rent and answer the
question below.
a) Anne with an E fans started crying when they discovered the
show would be canceled. “Students! Are you looking for a special place to live? Come
b) Like the heroine of the show, Anne’s fans fought for their to 140 Grant Street, Apt. 4B. This apartament is absolutely perfect
beliefs, as they were outraged by the show’s cancellation. for two serious students who are looking for a quiet neighborhood,
c) Fans guerrilla fight for the show was successful, and the next just 15 minutes from campus.”
season of the show will be called “Anne of Green Gables”. The expression “looking for” in bold type in the paragraph
d) Although the actors of the show knew from the beginning it above is closest in meaning to _________________.
would only last 3 seasons, they were devasted by the way the
series ended. a) buying
b) latch-key
c) disturbing
d) searching for

Página nº 9
45 – Read the following statements and choose the correct
I - Let’s go for a walk, shall we?
II - Don’t be late, do you?
III - You haven’t got a ruler, have you?
IV - Margaret plays the piano, don’t she?
a) I e III
b) II e IV
c) III e IV
d) I e II

46 – Complete the sentences with the right demonstrative

Who is ________ officer over there?
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those

47 – Choose the alternative that indicates the plural of the words

fish, life, woman.
a) Fishes, lifes, woman.
b) Fishs, lives, woman.
c) Fish, lives, women.
d) Fish, lifes, women.

48 – Choose the right alternative to complete the gap:

Mr. Thompson’s secretary was ill yesterday, so he had to type
the document ________.
a) him
b) herself
c) himself
d) yourself

Página nº 10
AS QUESTÕES DE 25 A 48 REFEREM-SE Read the text and answer questions 28 and 29.
The lion and the four bulls
Clarke, M.
Read the text and answer questions 25 and 26. A lion used to walk about a field in which four bulls lived.
Many times he tried to attack them, but whenever he came near,
they turned their tails toward one another so that whichever way
Life on a desert island
the lion tried to attack, he would have to face the horns of one of
Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a At last, however, the bulls started arguing with each other,
desert island. We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of and each went off to a different part of the field by himself. Then
paradise where the sun always shines. Life there is simple and the lion attacked them one by one and soon had killed all four.
good. Ripe fruit falls from the trees and you never have to work. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1996.p.138
There is also the other side of the picture: Life on a desert island is
wretched - you either starve to death or live like Robison Crusoe
waiting for a boat which never comes. Perhaps there is an element 28 – The messsage of the text can be summarized as:
of truth in both these pictures, but few of us have had the a) Necessity is the mother of invention.
opportunity to find out. b) You must take the bull by the horns.
Two men who recently spent five days on a coral island c) United we stand, divided we fall.
whished they had stayed there no longer. They were taking a badly d) Only the strong survive.
damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to have it repaired.
During the journey, their boat began to sink. They quickly loaded a
small rubber dinghy with food, matches, and cans of beer and 29 – In the fragment “At last, however, the bulls...”, the word
rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a however means the same as:
tiny coral island. There were hardly any trees on the island and
there was no water to drink, but this didn’t prove to be a problem a) Nevertheless
since the men collected rain-water in the rubber dinghy. As they b) Furthermore
had brought a spear gun with them, they had plenty to eat. They c) In addition
caught lobster and fish every day, and, as one of them put it, “ate d) Therefore
like kings”. When a passing tanker rescued them five days later,
both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave.
New concept English. Developing skills: an integrated course for
intermediate students. 30 – “Why do bees fuss about so much when they fly?”. The
singular of this sentence is:
a) Why do an bee fusses about so much when it flies?
25 – The men on the island didn’t go thirsty because they: b) Why does a bee fusses about so much when it flie?
a) had plenty of ripe fruit. c) Why does a bee fuss about so much when it flies?
b) could drink rain-water. d) Why does bee fuss about so much when it flies?
c) were at a coral island.
d) had a spear gun.

Read the text and answer questions 31 and 32.

26 – “Life there is simple and good. Ripe fruit falls from the trees
and you never have to work.” These sentences could be connected Insomnia
by the word: Insomnia is the most common of all sleep complaints. Almost
a) however. everyone has occasional sleepless nights, perhaps due to stress,
b) because. heartburn or drinking too much caffeine or alcohol. Insomnia is a
c) despite. lack of sleep that occurs on a regular or frequent basis, often for no
d) though. apparent reason.
How much sleep is enough varies. Although 7 1/2 hours of
sleep is about average, some people do fine on 4 or 5 hours of
27 – Choose T for true and F for false. Then, choose the sleep.Inability
Other people need 9 or 10 hours a night.
to get a good night’s sleep can affect not only your
alternative which corresponds to the correct sequence. energy level and mood but your health as well because sleep helps
( ) We always go home by bus or by car, never by foot. bolster your immune system. Fatigue, at any age, leads to
( ) The tourists will leave in August 23. diminished mental alertness and concentration. Lack of sleep is
( ) He came home on Sunday afternoon. linked to accidents both on the road and on the job.
( ) She saw him on the end of the line. About one out of three people have insomnia sometime in
their life. Sleeplessness may be temporary or chronic. You don’t
a) T - F - T - T necessarily have to live with sleepless nights. Some simple
b) T - F - F - T changes in your daily routine and habits may result in better sleep.
c) F - F - T - F htttp://
d) F - F - F - F

Página nº 6
31 – According to the text, we can NOT infer that: 36 – In the sentence “You can start a conversation just by
saying...”, the opposite of start is:
a) Changing some everyday habits can be a step to improve sleep
quality. a) Purpose.
b) A large number of people suffer from occacional sleepless b) Initiate.
nights. c) Finish.
c) Difficulty in concentration can be a consequence of lack of d) Over.
d) Insomnia will necessarily lead to chronic sleepless nights.

Read the text and answer questions 37 and 38.

32 – The text contains information on:
a) The different intellectual activities which may keep a person’s Metal airplane part seems to fall from plane into Arizona
mind too busy to sleep. family’s backyard
b) The effects of sleep problems on people’s body and mind.
c) The activities that help promote a good night’s sleep. An Arizona couple discovered what appeared to be a metal
d) The food that is necessary to eat to sleep better. plate from an airplane in their backyard last week. Charlie and
Jaclyn High of Phoenix found the white metal piece, which had
fallen in their backyard, on Friday, CBS5 reported.
33 – The sentence that is not correct is: “I kind of looked around to see if there was anything else, like
another piece, or something else other than that, with writing on it.
a) Could you talk more quiet? I’m trying to work. It looks like it’s from an airplane, and you think, oh man, that’s
b) Our new car is harder to drive than our old one. crazy,” Jaclyn told the outlet. According to images shared with
c) What’s the most popular of all the new TV shows? CBS5, the metal piece seems to be part of the airplane lavatory.
d) Sorry we’re late. Your house is much farther than we thought. Adapted from

Read the text and answer questions 34 and 35.

‘Emily in Paris’ star says he partly understands why critics 37 – The sentence “Charlie and Jaclyn High of Phoenix found the
panned the ‘cliché’ Netflix show white metal piece, which had fallen in their backyard, on Friday,
CBS5 reported.”, contains verbs in the following tenses, in this
Despite being a huge hit for Netflix, critics across the board
(particularly French critics) have slammed the show for indulging
in outdated and offensive stereotypes that present Parisians as a) Simple Past, Past Perfect, Simple Past
rude, sexist, and elitist. b) Simple Past, Present Perfect, Simple Past
The main love interest in Netflix’s controversial comedy c) Present Perfect, Simple Past, Simple Past
“Emily in Paris” said he partly understands why critics have d) Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Present Perfect
panned the show. “I think they’re right in a way,” Lucas Bravo,
who plays chef Gabriel in the show, said during an interview with
The 32-year-old French actor continued: “At some point, if
you want to tell a story about Paris, you have to choose an angle.
You have to choose a vision. French critics, they didn’t understand 38 – In the sentence “Charlie and Jaclyn High of Phoenix found
the fact that it’s just one vision. They’re like, ‘Oh, this is not what the white metal piece, which had fallen in their backyard, on
Paris is.’ Of course. Paris is many things.” Friday, CBS5 reported.”, in bold in the text, choose the alternative
Adapted from that contains a verb connected to the action that happened first.
a) piece
b) found
34 – The word “panned”, in bold in the text, could NOT be c) fallen
replaced by: d) reported
a) condemned
b) criticized
c) attacked
d) praised
39 – In the sentence “Either mom’s cooking dinner or somebody
got sick at home.”, the expression either...or gives an idea of:
35 – In the sentence “At some point, if you want to tell a story
about Paris, you have to choose an angle”, the words “have to” a) Comparison
could be substituted by: b) Opposition
c) Exclusion
a) can d) Addition
b) must
c) could
d) should
Página nº 7 Inscrição nº__ __ __ __ __ __ __
Read the text and answer questions 40 and 41. 42 – Read this article about the architect Ieoh Ming Pei. Choose
the best alternative to complete the text subsequently.
Maroon 5 a) give up / turn out
b) went up / pay off
Chorus: c) come up with / go back
Here’s to the ones that we got
d) come up with / went up
Cheers to the wish you were here, but you’re not
‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
Of everything we’ve been through
Toast to the ones here today
Toast to the ones that we lost on the way Read the text and answer questions 43, 44 and 45.
‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
And the memories bring back, memories bring back you The Last Kingdom
There’s a time that I remember, when I did not know no pain
When I believed in forever, and everything would stay the same
The Last Kingdom is a contemporary story of redemption,
Now my heart feel like December when somebody say your name vengeance and self-discovery set against the birth of England. The
series combines real historical figures and events with fiction, re-
‘Cause I can’t reach out to call you, but I know I will one day, yeah
Everybody hurts sometimes telling the history of King Alfred the Great and his desire to unite
Everybody hurts someday, the many separate kingdoms into what would become England.
But everything gon’ be alright Set in the 9th century AD, many of the separate kingdoms of
Go and raise a glass and say, what we now know as England have fallen to the invading
Chorus Vikings, only the great Kingdom of Wessex stands defiant under
There’s a time that I remember when I never felt so lost its visionary King Alfred the Great. It is the last kingdom. Against
When I felt all of the hatred was too powerful to stop (ooh, yeah) this turbulent backdrop lives Uhtred. Born the son of a Saxon
Now my heart feel like an ember and it’s lighting up the dark nobleman, he is orphaned by the Vikings and then kidnapped and
I’ll carry these torches for ya that you know I’ll never drop, yeahraised as one of their own. Forced to choose between the country
Everybody hurts sometimes of his birth and the people of his upbringing, his loyalties are ever
Everybody hurts someday, tested. What is he — Saxon or Viking? On a quest to claim his
But everything gon’ be alright birthright, Uhtred must tread a dangerous path between both sides
Go and raise a glass and say, if he is to play his part in the birth of a new nation and, ultimately,
Chorus recapture his ancestral lands.
The Last Kingdom is a show of heroic deeds and epic battles
but with a thematic depth that embraces politics, religion, warfare,
40 – Choose the alternative that shows an excerpt from the song courage, love, loyalty and our universal search for identity.
that is not grammatically correct: Combining real historical figures and events with fictional
characters, it is the story of how a people combined their strength
a) Now my heart feel like December when somebody say your under one of the most iconic kings of history in order to reclaim
name their land for themselves and build a place they call home.
b) (...) the drinks bring back all the memories Adapted from
c) Everybody hurts sometimes
d) Everybody hurts someday
43 – Mark the alternative that LACKS the correct synonym for
the underlined word.
41 – Choose the alternative that contains a word from the song
meaning “a piece of wood or coal, etc. that continues to burn after a) On a quest to claim his birthright, Uhtred must tread a
a fire has no more flames”. dangerous path (...) – walk
b) (...) only the great Kingdom of Wessex stands defiant under its
a) ember visionary King Alfred the Great – refusing to obey
b) hatred c) The Last Kingdom is a contemporary story of redemption,
c) same vengeance and self-discovery set against the birth of England. –
d) raise revenge
d) (...) it is the story of how a people combined their strength
Read the text and answer question 42. under one of the most iconic kings of history in order to reclaim
their land for themselves and build a place they call home. –
Ieoh Ming Pei give back

Born in 1917, Ieoh Ming Pei grew up in Canton, China.

When he was seventeen, he went to the United States to learn 44 – In the fragment “Set in the 9th century AD, many of the
about building. As it turned out, Pei became one of the most separate kingdoms of what we now know as England have fallen
famous architects of the twentieth century. to the invading Vikings, only the great Kingdom of Wessex stands
Pei is famous for his strong geometric forms. One of his most defiant under its visionary King Alfred the Great”, the adjective
controversial projects was his glass pyramid at the Louvre in Paris. pronoun (“its”) refers to:
The old museum had a lot of problems, but no one wanted to
destroy it. Pei had to __________ a solution. Many Parisians were a) Kingdom of Wessex and King Alfred the Great
shocked with his proposal for a 71-foot-high glass pyramid. It b) Kingdom and England
__________ anyway, blending with the environment. Today many c) England and Vikings
people say that it is a good example of the principles of feng shui. d) Defiant and Under
From the book Grammar Express Marjorie Fuchs and Margaret Bonner

Página nº 8
45 – According to the text: 47 – The word “void”, in bold in the text, is closest in meaning to
a) Although the series shows many brave actions and battles, it a) meaningful
also includes deeper topics. b) emptiness
b) The main character, Uhtred, is often tested, which makes the c) fullness
series repetitive and in need of identity. d) solid
c) When combining real events with fiction, the series only real
strength lies in the character of King Alfred the Great.
d) The show focuses on great battles and lacks depth when 48 – The words “longing”, “change”, “myself” and “hardcore”,
representing the characters. underlined in the text, are respectively:
a) verb, verb, possessive pronoun, noun
Read the text and answer question 46. b) verb, noun, reflexive pronoun, adjective
c) adjective, verb, adjective pronoun, noun
The World’s strangest laws d) adjective, noun, reflexive pronoun, adjective
1. You can’t call a pig Napoleon in France.
2. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.
3. In Miami, Florida, you mustn’t skateboard in a police Rascunho
4. In London, you don’t have to pay to take a flock of sheep
across London Bridge.
5. In Florida, unmarried women can’t parachute on Sundays.
6. It’s illegal to play golf on the streets of New York.
7. In Kentucky the law still says that everyone must have a
bath at least once a year.
8. In seventeenth-century Russia, you couldn’t grow a beard
unless you paid a special tax.
9. In fifteenth-century England, it was illegal for men to wear
a moustache.
10. In the USA in the eighteenth century, bars couldn’t sell
soda water on Sundays.
From the book Practical Grammar John Hughes and Ceri Jones.

46 – According to the text, choose the correct alternative:

a) In Kentucky, the law says that everyone should have a bath at
least once a year.
b) It’s allowed to play soccer on the streets of New York.
c) In the USA, bars must sell soda water on Sundays.
d) In France, it is not allowed to call a pig Napoleon.

Read the text and answer questions 47 and 48.

Lady Gaga
Tell me something, girl
Are you happy in this modern world?
Or do you need more?
Is there something else you’re searching for?
I’m falling
In all the good times
I find myself longing for change
And in the bad times I fear myself
Tell me something, boy
Aren’t you tired trying to fill that void?
Or do you need more?
Ain’t it hard keeping it so hardcore?
I’m falling
In all the good times
I find myself longing for change
And in the bad times I fear myself
I’m off the deep end, watch as I dive in
I’ll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface
Where they can’t hurt us
We’re far from the shallow now

Página nº 9 Inscrição nº__ __ __ __ __ __ __

Gabarito das provas de inglês da EEAR (Nível Intermediário, BCT)
Nº 2011-1 2011-2 2012 2013-1 2013 2014 2015-1 201 -5 2 201 -6 1 2016-2 2017-1
25 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** B A D B C B
26 B B A D A B C D C A A
27 D D A C D A B B A A D
28 C C C D D D A D C Anulada B
29 D A C B B A A B D D B
30 C D D B A C C D D C D
31 A B D D D C D A B A A
32 D C C D B A A C A D C
33 B B C C D D C B D C C
34 B A D C D D D B C D B
35 C B D B A A A D C C B
36 C A A D D B A A A C A
37 D C C B A C B D C A D
38 D B B D C D A B A B A
39 D D B B A A C D A D Anulada
40 D A C B C C D D C B C
41 A C C D A A D D C C D
42 C A D B C D D A C D A
43 A B C C B A A B B C D
44 D A Anulada B A C D A B A A
45 D D B D D C D B D A A
46 A D C A B A D A C A Anulada
47 C C D B D C B B A C B
48 D C D C D B B D D Anulada C
49 D A B A B ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
50 D C C D B ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Nº 2017-2 2018-1 2018-2 2019-1 2019-2 2020-1 2020-2 2021-1 2021-2 2022-1
25 A C A B A A Anulada D D B
26 A A B B C A D D D B
27 A B B A B A C A D C
28 D A C B D B D A C C
29 C B B D D D A D A A
30 A B C D A A B A C C
31 B B C Anulada D B A C B D
32 B C D B B A D B D B
33 D A B D A A C D D A
34 A C B C D B C C B D
35 A A A A Anulada B C A C B
36 B C C A A Anulada C A A C
37 A A B B A D B Anulada D A
38 B C C B D D D B D C
39 B C D B D D B B A C
40 D D C C C A D B D A
41 B A A D C B B C A A
42 B A B Anulada A A C C Anulada D
43 A D D A C D D B A D
44 C A A A Anulada C B D D A
45 A D A B Anulada D A A A A
46 D D C D C C D B A D
47 B B B C B C A C D B
48 B A D B D A A C D B
49 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
50 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Todas as respostas acima foram redigitados pelo professor Marcelo Silva, diagramador desta apostila. Caso você
fique em dúvida sobre o gabarito de alguma das questões lançadas aqui, consulte a resposta diretamente no site
da EEAR ou com o seu professor. Se achar alguma divergência, agradeço, se possível, o envio desse erro
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possamos corrigir em uma próxima edição. MSProfs agradece a sua consideração.

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