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Lean Canvas Template

Problem Solution Unique Value Prop. Unfair Advantage Customer Segments

Top 3 features Single, clear and compelling Can’t be easily copied or Target Customers
Top 3 problems
message stating why you are bought
di!erent and worth buying

2 4 3 9 1
High-Level Concept Early Adopters
Existing Alternatives Describe your overall concept
Key Metrics Channels List the characteristics of
List how these problems get
Key activities you measure Path to customers your ideal customers
solved today

8 5

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

List your "xed and variable costs List your sources of revenue

7 6
Revenue model
Lean Canvas Example
Problem Solution Unique Value Prop. Unfair Advantage Customer Segments
Top 3 features Single, clear and compelling Can’t be easily copied or Target Customers
Top 3 problems
message stating why you are bought
Trust building
Hard to "nd Hotels don’t Online service Homeowners
cheap/ provide for travellers to can advertise di!erent and worth buying bi-directional
rating system of People having
a!ordable authentic rent a!ordable vacant space Any homeowner looking for an
hosts and accommodation
accommodation experiences staying Travellers can can rent out adequate
Extra visitors options to
get authentic space accommodation
monetisation become hosts
experience of experience
It’s hard for for homeowners
local area Insurance by
homeowners to Payment
default for
monetise vacant handling

High-Level Concept Early Adopters

Existing Alternatives Describe your overall concept
Key Metrics Channels List the characteristics of
List how these problems get
Key activities you measure Path to customers your ideal customers
solved today
Number of
views-to- Number of hosts Referrals Recommendations
booking per applied People ready
Everyone can Sharing host to share their
become a host economy
residence and
earn money as
Daily Active Ads online and
Users/Monthly o*ine
Active Users

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

List your "xed and variable costs List your sources of revenue
Revenue model
Fees for
Development Hosting Marketing Payroll Insurance Photography travellers
Untrapping Product Teams
Supercharging your product knowledge to rock the world
Join 5K+ professionals to get weekly insights

David Pereira
Simplifying Product Management

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