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3 rd Mini Project

Kibwika Nasurudin Bashir, ISBAT 2021

02 / 26 / 2021
Report format
Strictly follow the University report format.

Must include in your report

a. Title page

b. b. Acknowledgement

c. c. Bonafide Certificate (Get it from the Project Guide).

d. d. Abstract e. Table of contents f.

References/Bibliography Kibwika Nasurudin Bashir, ISBAT 2020
Project Guide - Names
Mr. Kibwika Nasurudin Bashir

Kibwika Nasurudin Bashir, ISBAT 2020

The listing of references should be typed 4 spaces below the
heading “REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY” in alphabetical order in
single spacing left – justified.

The reference material should be listed in the alphabetical

order of the first author.

The name of the author/authors should be immediately

followed by the year and other details.

Any website reference must be referred preceded by the

publications reference.
Specimen for References/Bibliography

1. Anupama (1947) ‘Role of Electronic engineering in

Technology’, IEEE-Journal of Computer science, CA.

2. Nupur Rastogi. (2008) ‘Transformational Leadership’,

Journal on contemporary management.

3. Ramya S Gowda. (2008) ‘Automatic Classification of

Satellite Images for Weather Monitoring’, International
conference on Digital Factory, Coimbatore.
Acknowledgment is the regards given to the
people and organization who have helped you in
completing the project undertaken.

Mainly it must consist of Acknowledgement

towards the organization you study followed by
the people who have helped you in the process.
❑ Abstract should be of one page summary of the
project report.

❑ It should consist of the statement of the problem,

main findings, and recommendations for the further

❑ It should be typed in double line spacing, Font

Style-Times New Roman and Font Size-14.
A Specimen for Table Contents
Overview of final Mini-Project
report contents - BScIT III
Chapter-1 Introduction

1.1.Overview of the Project




1.1.4.Company Profile
Overview of final Mini-Project
report contents - BScIT III
Chapter-2 System Analysis
2.1.Existing System
2.2.Feasibility study
2.3.Software Requirement Specification
2.3.1.Development Requirements Software Hardware
2.3.2. Operational Requirements Software Hardware
Chapter-3 System Design

3.1.Architecture Design

3.1.1.Module descriptions

3.1.2.Flow chart

3.1.3.Data Flow Diagram (3 levels)

3.2.Database Design

3.2.1.E-R Diagram

3.2.2.Table Design with Constraints

Chapter-4 System Development

4.1Screen Shots

4.1.1 Input Design

4.1.2. Output Design

4.3. Coding

4.4. Testing
Chapter-5 Conclusion

5.1. Summary

5.1.1. Future work

References / Bibliography
Report Format
Report Submission Date
The final submission Dates:

❑ Show Guide your soft copy before printing out the

final draft.

❑ Final copy to be submitted by 10th MARCH 2021


Blue colour
❑ Students are to present the project using
their own laptops or desktops.

❑ Find a machine and install your project

ready for presentation
Project Reports and CDs
Submit to Mr. Nasser, Co-ordinator – Mini-
Projects after approval from your
respective guide.

Project Report - 1 copy

CDs - 1 Cd required: create two folders on
the CD.
a. Project Report – store your project
b. b. Software – copy of your project.
CDs must be labeled with – Registration
Number, Course Name and Name of
Presentation time/slides of

10 Minutes of time is allocated for each student for the presentation.

❑ Make sure that your presentation slide should not exceed more than 7 slides.

❑ Get approval from your project guide before you go for presentation

❑ Dress Code Formal

Title : Software Engineering

A Practitioner’s Approach


Publisher: McGraw-Hill International Edition


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