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Street Art In Los Angeles

Hello everyone, I hope you doing well. My name is Florian and I’m going to talk to you about the
street art in Los Angeles

First of all, Street art was invented in the 1960s, in Philadelphia, in the United States. Most of the
works were created illegally. Indeed, the city introduced a ban in 2003. The ban was finally lifted in
2013 thanks to artists such as Shepard Fairey and JR through the famous work « Hope » for example.
We must bear in lind that street art can be merely decorative like them or it can tell a story and
denouce things like this work.

I'm now going to talk to you about the Art District which is located on the East of Los Angeles,
in California, in the United States.

Art district is a mythical district of the city which contains many murals that are regularly renewed.
There are many restaurants, bars and brasseries of an original style and with different concepts.
Moreover, we could eat there notably in the building of Angel City Brewery which is entirely
decorated and at the crossing of East 4th Street we will be able to see a house which seems
abandonned with colored geometrical forms.

It would take 26 minutes to go there by car and 1h05 by bus as you can see over there and you can
see the itinerary as well here. It’s not a very long trip and it would allow us to visit an emblematic
district of Los Angeles.

Now, let's talk about Art in Venice Beach

We could go to Venice Beach because the street art is one of the emblems of this place. For example,
We can observe three anonymous artists’ works which decorate Venice Beach. At the left, we can see
committed art that refers to Geogre Floyd where as the other two are simply decorative.
Moreover, we could eat, go on the beach and swim. It would take us one afternoon to make this
rather long trip but which is worth it, and it would take 54 minutes by bus.

To conclude, the street art is anchored in the american culture as we can observe in the art District in
LA as well as Venice Beach. It decorates and makes the city unique. In additio, it can also caricature
as you can see.

Here is the tool box for you to take notes :

- Work = œuvre
- Lift up = lever
- Mythical = mythique
- Mural = fresco
- Crossing = croisement

Thank you for listening to me and I am ready to answer your questions. So, Nobody wants to ask
questions ? Well, consequently I will ask you few questions.

- What are the two mythical places that refer to street art, In Los Angeles ? Art district in LA,
Venice beach
- In which year the city lifted up the ban ?2013

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