Númerais e Qualificadores - Aula 3

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Turma Oficiais Poverty

Prof. Heitor (Numbers e Quantifiers) Approximately one-fifth of the world’s population,

over one billion people, earns less than US$ 1.00 a day.
Numbers (Numerais) Each day, over a billion people in the world lack basic
English is flexible and easy to learn food supplies. And each day, 35,000 children under the
age of five die of starvation or preventable infectious
One of the best assets of the English language and disease.
why it is so awesome is its flexibility. It is a huge entity
of vocabulary and is constantly absorbing new words, 3.(EEAR 2019) The written form of the number in bold
whilst at the same time seeping into foreign languages. is _____________.
English contains over 750,000 words. With so many
different words available to describe things, you should A) thirteen five thousand
never be short of synonyms. It is also adding hundreds
of new words every year such as ‘blogging’, ‘selfie’ etc... B) thirty-five thousand
Another reason why English is so amazing is that there
C) thirty-five hundred
are even new ‘languages’ created from English, such as
the numerous creole languages across the world which D) three five hundred
developed as a result of colonisation.

English has a simple 26 letter alphabet much like most

European languages. Compared to Latin rooted 4. (EsFCEx 2015) What`s another way of saying “It`s
languages, English doesn’t have complicated gender seven forty-five”?
grammar rules and much simpler ways of conjugating
verbs into different tenses. So writing essays and other a) It`s a quarter after eight.
academic material in English can sometimes be easier
compared to other languages. With a simple structure b) It`s seven thirty.
but evergrowing vocabulary, English has been described
c) It`s a quarter to eight.
as easy to learn but hard to master.
d) It`s seven o`clock.
1.(EEAR 2021) Choose the alternative that has the right
written form of the number in bold in the text.

A) Seven hundred and fifty thousand 5. (Mestre do Inglês) What’s another way of saying “
it’s ten fifty”?
B) Seven thousand and fifty hundred
a) it’s a quarter to eleven
C) Seventy-five thousand
b) it’s ten after eleven
D) Seventy-five hundred
c) it’s eleven o’clock
2.(EEAR 2020) Choose the best alternative for the
written form of 137th. d) it’s ten to eleven
A) hundredth thirtieth seventh. 6. The numbers “70 and 100” (line 18), are expressed
in English as
B) one hundred thirty seven.
a) seventy and a hundred
C) one hundred thirty seventh.
b) seventy and a thousand
D) a hundred thirteen seventy.
c) seventeen and a hundred

d) seventeen and a thousand

7. (EEAR) The correspondent ordinal forms for the 11.(EPCAR 2018) “Websterts dictionary is now in its
numbers 60, 30 and 90 are, respectively: 11th edition.” The full form of the underlined item is

A) sixth / third / ninth a) eleven.

B) sixty / thirty / ninety b) eleventy.

C) sixtieth / thirtieth / ninetieth c) eleventh

d) elevent.
D) sixteenth / thirteenth / nineteenth

12. (EEAR) The numbers 12 th and 25 th, underlined in

8. (Mestre do Inglês) the correspondent ordinal forms the text, are, respectively:
for the numbers 135, 3 e 30 are, respectively:
a) twelve / twenty-fifth
a) one hundred and thirty-five, three, thirty
b) twelfth / twenty-fifth
b) one hundred and thiertieth-fifth, third, thiertieth
c) twelve / twentieth-fifth
c) one hundred and thirty-fifth, third, thirtieth
d) twelfth / twentieth-five
d) one thousand and thirty fifth, third, thirtieth

13. (EEAR BCT) The ordinal form for the number ninety
9.(EEAR 2015) In “The right foot is more ticklish than (line 05), in the text, is
the left one”, the word, in bold type, is a) ninth
a) an article. b) nineth
b) a numeral. c) ninetieth

c) a pronoun. d) nineteenth

d) an adjective. 14.(Mestre do Inglês) I am very happy because I’m the

_______ student of my class

a) many
10. (EPCAR 2015) “ half of the young people
b) one
interviewed said that they suffer bullying” (lines 13-14),
the underlined expression represents c) first
a) twenty-five percent of. d) number

b) a hundred percent of.

c) ten percent of. 15. (EsPCEx 2022) The book was written when Ryan
placed an ad in several newspapers in 1957 which went,
d) fifty percent of. “June 6th, 1944: Were You There?” One thousand, one
hundred, and fifty people wrote back. And of that group,
he interviewed 172 alone or with his assistants. Out of
that came a book that puts you at the heart of the
greatest invasion of all time. You are there as the
invasion forces first gain the beaches and the Germans,
taken by surprise, fight back furiously.
How many people wrote back when Ryan placed an ad 18.(EPCAR 2015) “There are a few ways to prevent
in the newspapers in 1957
cyberbullying” (line 31) is the same as:
[A] 1.155
A) There are some ways to prevent cyberbullying
[B] 1.550
B) There are many ways to prevent cyberbullying.
[C] 1.150
C) There are lots of ways to prevent cyberbullying.
[D] 1.105
D) There are no ways to prevent cyberbullying.
[E] 1.115

19.(ESFCEX 2011) Choose the alternative that correctly

Quantifiers (Quantificadores) completes the sentences below in the right order:

16.(EFOMM) Tom takes __________ luggage in his “We don’t have __________ money, just __________
trips. He usually takes __________ suitcase. reais. Let's take only __________ milk.”

a) a few – no A) many - few - a few

b) little – one B) much - a few - some

c) very little – any C) a lot of - many - few

d) very few – one D) few - some - many

e) a little – no E) many - few – some

17.(EFOMM 2011) Choose the option which completes 20.(UEL 1994) Assinale a alternativa que preenche
the sentences below correctly: corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir: -

It is ________ use trying to change her mind. "Why didn't you buy that sweater? It was such a good
Slowly, ___________children began coming to school.
- "Because I didn’t have __________ money on me."
Unfortunately, he had __________ friends.
A) a
Could you possibly give me ___________ help?
B) no
A) a little / a few / few / little
C) any
B) a little / a few / little / little D) some
C) a little / few / few / a little E) none

D) little / few / little / a little 21. (Escola Naval 2021) Which option completes the
text below correctly?
E) little / a few / few / a little
Ultimately you cant go long term without an
appropriate duration of sleep, so it's important to try to
get ______ sleep ______ nights.
While everyone's exact sleep requirements are Choose the option that best completes the blank spaces
different, on average you should be geiting between six
and nine hours of sleep a night. Your brain is hardwired A) much / little
for what it needs. Getting less sleep than you need can B) many/few
cause sleepiness and moodiness, as well as difficulty C) much / few
concentrating, poor coordination and poor work quality. D) many/little
E) many/much
Overall it's important to try to maintain a consistent
and regular sleep cycle. Be aware that when you miss 24.(Mestre do Inglês) As we were travelling alone, we
sleep, it’ll take ______ days to get back on track. didn't have many _____ with us.

a) much /all / a little a) luggage

b) much / every / any
c) enough / every / a little b) bags
d) enough / most / a few
e) many / most / a few c) baggage

22.(Escola Naval 2020) Which option completes the d) none of the answer above
text below correctly?
25.(Mestre do Inglês) After Michael said he was
There are ____different opinions on how ____ water
quitting the position, every _____ gave him their full
you should be drinking every day. Health authorities
commonly recommend eight 8- ounce glasses, which support.
equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon. This is called the
8x8 rule and is very easy to remember. However, _____ a) workers
health gurus believe that you need to sip on water
b) colleagues
constantly throughout the day, even when you're not
thirsty. As with most things, this depends on the
c) employee
individual. _____ factors (both internal and external)
ultimately affect your need for water.
d) none of the answers above.
A) many / much / some / Many
B) many / much / little / Much Gabarito
C) much / many / some / None
D) much / many / little / Much
E) a lot of / much / none / Many

23.(Escola Naval 2019)

Money and happiness

While it is true that money can't buy love or happiness,

a certain amount is necessary to have a baseline of
happiness. Interestingly, from science we learn that for
most people the magic number is between $75- $100K
per year. At that point we have enough money not to be
struggling between paychecks, and there is a
diminishing return on making more money after that.
The nice thing is happiness is more about our habits and
attitudes that we can control through things like
exercise, mindfulness, gratitude, kindness, etc.
regardless of how ______or how ,______ money we
have. Happiness Is a choice and a process, not a place.

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