P11 Lab Rubric

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Physics Report

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Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Score
1 2 3 4
Graphs Graphs are present, but Graphs are neat and Graphs are discussed in Graphs are analysed
not mentioned in the easily read with titles. the lab report with some (described) in the lab
report. Neatness may Little mention of them is mention of discrepencies report. A comparison to
still be a goal. made elsewhere in the or comparison to the the theoretical results is
report. theoretical results. made, and all /4
discrepencies are fully

Theoretical Background An attempt to explain the An understanding of the The theory of the The theory of the
underlying concepts concepts regarding the experiment is explained experiment is explained
regarding the experiment experiment is clearly (included a clearly (including formula
is made and/or communicated with formula being tested). being tested), and
contained significant perhaps some error. Expectations of results expectations are linked
error. Expectations for results are communciated with to the results of the /4
is attempted and/or minor error. experiment without error.
contains error.

Calculations Calculations contain Calculations are Calculations are easily Calculations are
errors or are difficult to accurate. followed and accurate. explained, easily /4
follow (or read). followed and accurate.

Conclusions Conclusions follow from Conclusions follow from Conclusions follow from Conclusions follow from
the data, but makes no the data, but are poortly the data, are clearly the data; make reference
reference to Theory. communicated, and a communicated, and a to and support the
comparison to theoretical comparison to Theoretical Background. /4
results is made. theoretical results is

Discussion Discussion of lab Discussion of lab Discussion of lab Discussion of lab

questions is made with questions is correct. questions is correct. questions is correct.
some errors. Mention of Discussion of results is Discussion of possible Discussion of lab results
results is limited to limited to possible sources of error is made is insightful,
findings sources of error. with supporting demonstrates /4
reference made to understanding, and
graphs and/or poses questions worthy
calculations. of further

Mechanics of language & Errors are evident. Errors are evident. Some minor errors (2 or No spelling, grammar, or
Organization Communiction could be Communiction could be 3). Does not distract usage errors (or
clearer. Organization is clearer. An attempt to from the report. excellent use of
poor. organize the information Organization of materials language). Organization /4
is clearly present. is good. Attempts at and presentation of
improving presentation is materials is excellent.

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