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Quarter 3 Mathematics


Name: Score:
Date: Teacher: Sir ERICK J.H.

Instruction: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer and write it in the table below.

1) Last Saturday, you and your friends decided to attend a birthday party. Listed below are some of the tasks
that you have done throughout the day. Which of the following tasks illustrates permutation?
A. Matching your Shirts and Pants to wear in the birthday party.
B. Choosing 2 out of 5 OPM songs to sing in the karaoke.
C. Unlocking your mobile phone using your PIN number so you can take pictures with your friends.
D. Choosing 3 out of 6 foods to eat.
2) During the Mathematics quiz, your teacher asked you to choose 5 out of 10 questions for you to answer.
This kind of event is an example of combination problem. Do you agree?
A. Yes. Because I was just asked to choose 5 questions to answer.
B. Yes. Because it does not matter which one will I be choosing first, as long as I choose 5 questions
and answer them.
C. No. Because I have to choose 5 questions and answer them in order.
D. No. Because it does matter which question should I choose first, second, third, fourth and fifth to
3) You’ve set a PIN number as security lock of your cellphone. The next day, you forgot what the PIN was. The
only thing you remember is that you used the numbers 0, 7, 5 and 2 only. Having that in mind, which of the
following tasks you could possibly do to unlock your cellphone?
A. Use the permutation formula to determine the number of arrangements of the number 0, 7, 5 and 2.
B. Use the tree diagram or the systematic listing and try out all the 24 possible arrangements to unlock
your phone.
C. Apply the fundamental counting principles.
D. Try out every possible arrangement until you come up with the correct one.
4) You want to design your room with your pictures. In how many ways can you arrange 5 of it hanging on
your wall?
A. There are 5X5X5 or 125 ways to arrange those pictures in the wall.
B. There are 5X3 or 15 ways to arrange those pictures in the wall.
C. There are 5! Or 5X4X3X2X1 or 120 ways to arrange those pictures in the wall.
D. There are only 5 ways to arrange the pictures.
5) In a school Christmas raffle, three major prizes are at stake. In how many ways can the first, second, and
third prizes be drawn from a box if it contains 120 names including yours?
A. 1, 685, 040 B. 168, 504 C. 1, 728, 000 D. 172, 800
6) How does the permutation of the letters of the word PLUS compare with PASS?
A. They have the same or equal distinguishable permutation which is 4! or 24.
B. The letters of the word PLUS have higher distinguishable permutation than the letters of the word
C. The letters of the word PASS have higher distinguishable permutation than the letters of the word
D. The word PLUS has a distinguishable permutation of 24 while the word PASS has only 12.
7) Your mother has 7 potted plants in the garden. She asked you to arrange it in straight line. Would you
agree that there are 5040 ways for you to arrange those plants in a row in your garden?
A. Yes. Because 7! Is equal to 5040.
B. Yes. Because those plants can be arranged in a row in 7×6×5×4×3×2×1 which is 5040 ways.
C. No. Because there are only 7 plants and there are only 7 possible arrangements.
D. No. Because those plants can only be arranged in (7-1)! which is 6! or 720 ways.
8) Which of the following will show you the number of choices that you have in choosing 2 t – shirts out of 7
that you have in your closet to bring on your outing?
A. 7 X 6 = 42 ways C. 7!
B. 7 P 2 D. 7 C 2
9) The school canteen is offering different merienda for recess. In how many ways can you choose 3-merienda
meals if there are 8 available choices?
A. 40 320 B. 336 C. 512 D. 56
10) You and your 4 other family members are about to eat dinner. In how many ways can you arrange
yourselves on a circular table?
A. 120 B. 24 C. 20 D. 12

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
***Consider the Venn diagram below. Answer the question that follow.
The Venn diagram below shows the favorite ice cream flavors between mango and ube of 25
grade 10 learners of San Pedro National High School.


11 7
11) Suppose you are one of those learners and so considering the given data in the diagram, how many of the
learners like both of the flavors?
A. There are 4 learners who like both of the flavor.
B. There are 7 learners who like both of the flavor.
C. There are 3 learners who like both of the flavor.
D. There are 11 learners who like both of the flavor.
***12 – 14) Grade 7 students of San Pedro National High School have chosen their favorite subjects.
The Venn diagram below shows the students' probabilities of choosing either Science or
Mathematics as their favorite subject.

0.350.15 0.30
12) You wanted to know how likely it is to choose a learner whose favorite subject is science or math for your
Math activity in probability. What should you do first to accomplish the task considering the diagram
A. Determine the probability of Science and Math which are 0.50 and 0.45.
B. Determine the probability of Science only which is 0.35.
C. Determine the probability of Math only which is 0.30.
D. Determine the probability of Science only, Math only and then probability of their intersection which
are 0.35, 0.30 and 0.15.
13) How will you show the probability of choosing a learner who likes both Science and Math subjects? P(S ⋂ M)
A. 0.35 + 0.15 + 0.30 = 0.80
B. 0.35 + 0.30 = 0.65
C. Take the probability outside the Venn diagram that is 0.20.
D. Take the probability in the intersection of the two circles in the Venn diagram that is 0.15.
14) A student is chosen at random. What is the probability that he/she likes science or math subject? P(S ⋃ M)
A. 0.65 B. 0.15 C. 0.80 D. 0.20
15) You and your friends are playing snake and ladder. In the next roll of die, you need to get a number 3 or 6
to finish and for you to win the game. What is the probability of getting a 3 or 6?
1 1 2 1
A. B. C. D.
3 6 3 2
16) The school canteen sells 10 kamote cue, 8 banana cue, 15 sticks of fish balls, 17 pan cake and 10 ice
candy. You want to buy something for your snacks. What is the probability of you choosing banana cue or
not fish balls?
45 3 23 53 15 1
A. ∨ B. C. D. ∨
60 4 60 60 60 4

17) A jar of Stik - O contains 10 chocolate flavor, 8 strawberry flavors, and 6 buko pandan flavor. You randomly
choose a chocolate, eats it and then randomly chooses another flavor. What is the probability that you
chose a chocolate, and then, strawberry?
A) 80/552 or 10/69 B) 80/576 or 5/36 C) 18/24 or ¾ D) 16/24 or 2/3
18) You have 6 black pens, 5 blue pens, and 4 red pens in your school bag. You randomly pick two pens out of
your school bag. What is the probability that you chose two blue pens, if you replaced the first pen back in
your bag before choosing a second pen?
A) 10/15 or 2/3 B) 25/225 or 1/9 C) 25/210 or 5/42 D) 20/210 or 2/21
11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18)

19 – 20) Consider the situation below. Solve the probability of each problem given.
The table below shows A as the Junior high School and B as Senior High School learners of SPNHS who
purchase 2 different type of candy at the school canteen.

Age Group Max XO Total

A (JHS) 32 41 73
B (SHS) 15 12 27
Total 47 53 100

19) The probability of selecting a JHS learner given that he purchases Max is . Do you agree?
32 32 41 41
∗100 ∗100
100 100 32 100 100 41
A. Yes. P( A|Max ) = = = C. No. P( A|Max ) = = =
73 73 73 73 73 73
100 100
32 32 41 41
∗100 ∗100
100 100 32 100 100 41
B. No. P( A|Max ) = = = D. No. P( A|Max ) = = =
47 47 47 53 53 53
100 100

20) You asked your friend what kind of candy does he/she buy in the canteen. What is the probability that he
purchases XO given that he is a SHS learner?
12 4 15 5
A. B. C. D.
53 9 47 9

19) 20)

Good Luck😊

19 – 20) Consider the situation below. Solve the probability of each problem given.
The table below shows A as the Junior high School and B as Senior High School learners of SPNHS who
purchase 2 different type of candy at the school canteen.

Age Group Max XO Total

A (JHS) 32 41 73
B (SHS) 15 12 27
Total 47 53 100

19) The probability of selecting a JHS learner given that he purchases Max is . Do you agree?
32 32 41 41
∗100 ∗100
100 100 32 100 100 41
A. Yes. P( A|Max ) = = = C. No. P( A|Max ) = = =
73 73 73 73 73 73
100 100
32 32 41 41
∗100 ∗100
100 100 32 100 100 41
B. No. P( A|Max ) = = = D. No. P( A|Max ) = = =
47 47 47 53 53 53
100 100

20) You asked your friend what kind of candy does he/she buy in the canteen. What is the probability that he
purchases XO given that he is a SHS learner?
12 4 15 5
A. B. C. D.
53 9 47 9

19) 20)

Good Luck😊

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