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GRAMMAR 1 10 ul 12 13 4 15 Hello. your name? a What_b Whatare © What's Maria is German, a She's b He's A Where from? B He's from Turkey. aheis bis cishe They English, they're Scottish a isn't b aren't A Areyou from Paris? B Yes, alam b I'm She's Brazilian. a His b Her c Your We're fromthe USA. Mackay. a Your b Their c Our ‘A What are they? B They're a watches b awatch ¢ watchs A Whatisit? Bis a aumbrella b anumbrella umbrella Look at those a student. cls © not are ¢ lare name's Daniela. A Whatare B They’rekeys. a that b this ‘These are very a difficult exercises b exercises difficult © difficults exercises careful! That dog's dangerous. a Are b Beyou c Be Please inthe library. a noteat b dontteat noeat Vm hungry. stop at the café ales b We ¢ Dont b women © womens in English? these VOCABULARY a Complete with at, from, in, off, or to. 1m Japan, 2 Nice ‘meet you. 3. What's bonjour 4 Look 5 Pleaseturn English? the board. ‘your mobile phone. b Complete the phrases with these verbs, ‘Answer Stand Open Read Work 1 thetex, 4 the door. 2 impairs. 5 the questions 3 up © Gircle)the word that is different. one three five 1 eight wo ‘seven file 2 Brasil Chinese Hungary Switzerland 3 Polish align Japanese -—_‘France 4 Africa Asia Ireland Europe 5 sixteen forty ninety eighty 6 Wednesday Italy Friday Monday 7 glasses purse headphones scissors 8 door window wall school 9 wallet newspaper book magazine 10 happy tired angry stressed 4. Write the opposite adjective 1 good 4 ull 2 expensive 5 empty Sdiny PRONUNCIATION a Gircle) the word with a diferent sound. i@oa B c bp Hi day my nice watches boxes files glasses Japan German good page dangerous stamps bad laptop ie the stressed syllable. 1 alddress 2 Iltally 3 expenisive 4 news\palper 5 thirteen s , CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article once. Do you know any more words which are American English, not British English? British & American English — the same, but different British and American people speak the same language English, but with some small differences. VOCABULARY ‘Some words are different in American English, forexample Americans say zip code, not postcode, vacation, not hota and cellphone, not mobile phone. Some words have different ‘meanings, for example in British English a purse is a thing where women have their money and eredit cards. In American English a purse isa woman's bag, ‘SPELLING Colour, favour, and other words that end in -our in British English end with -or in American English, e.g. color favor. Centre, theatre, and other words that end in -rein British English end with -ter in American English, e.g. center, theater. GRAMMAR ‘American grammar is very similar to British grammar, but with some small differences, especially prepositions. For example, Americans say See you Friday, but British people say See you on Friday. PRONUNCIATION ‘The most important difference between American and British English is pronunciation. American accents and British accents are quite different, and when an American starts speaking British people know he or she is American, and vice versa, b_Lookat the highlighted words in the text and guess their meaning. © Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 American English and British English are very different. 2 Holiday and postcode are the same in British and ‘American English. 3. Purse has different meanings in American and British English. 4 Kilometeris British spelling, British and American grammar are not very different 6 W’sdifficult to know from their accent ifa person is English or American, GECAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? 74)) Inthe street Watch or listen to five people and answer the questions, fy 1 id To Solel Hernameis - a Cecilia b Cecil ¢ Cecile Andy a North East David is, : a ltalian b French © Spanish Her names b Aria © Arja from Newcastle in the b North West ‘of England, ¢ South East Kari 7 a Swiss b Brazilian ¢ Hungarian CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner, Tick (/) the box ifyou can do them. Can you... 1 2 3 4 5 6 ‘count from 0-20 ‘count from 20-100 (20, 30, te) | say the days of the week give three instructions: two Gand one E] introduce yourselfand another person answer the questions below + What's your first name /surname? + How do youspellit? + Whereare you from? Short films Hollywood, Los Angeles iy 8 Watch and enjoy a film on Tutor. GRAMMAR 1 10 nl 12 13 4 15 I live near here. anot b don't ¢ doesn't My sister__ three children. ahas b have haves English? a Arethey speak b Speak they © Dothey speak your sister work? a Does b Is © Do A Do you work here? B Yes,1 a work bdo cam A What B He'sanengineer. ahedoes b doeshe ¢ doeshedo What languages __? a speak you b doyou speak © youspeak Bil ; Carla's husband b husband's Carla © the Carla’s husband ‘Thisis my a parent’sb parents’ isthis book? a Who's b Who © Whose We usually have lunch ain bon cat What time do you go bed? ain bw cat She late for class a neveris_b isnever I carly. a usually getup b getusually up © getup usually Thave an English class a onea week one the week © oncea week house. © parent two o'clock. € never does VOCABULARY a Complete with at, to, in,on, oF up. 1 Saturday night [go to the cinema. 2 Pmastudent. I'm university and live 3. What time do you usually wake 2 4 What time do you go a flat. work? 1b Complete the phrases with these verbs. do get go have listen play read take watch wear 1 dressed 6 ___theguitar 2 thedog forawalk 7 ___ to music 3 ___ashower sv 4 yourhomework _9._the newspaper 5 shopping 10 glasses © Circle) ehe word or phrase thatis different. 1 brother uncle niece grandfather 2 husband mother-indaw stepsister aunt 3 musician doctor journalist factory 4 never early always often 5 hour minute once second 4. Complete the questions with How many, Who, Why, What, or Where. 1 doyou tive? 2 does your father do? 3 is your favourite family member? 4 hours do you work? 5 ___doyou wantro learn English? PRONUNCIATION a Gireld)the word witha different sound. 1B work here carmen 2 sometimes cousin nurse uncle often home coffee — doctor 4 father that brother think 3) 5 hal lives: watches finishes relaxes 1e the stressed syllable. 3 unlem|ployed 4 pollice|man 1 beleause 2 den|tist 5 grand|molther CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the textand complete the gaps with these verbs in the correct form, do drink drive earn eat have (x2) know live spend think travel wark b_ Read the text again. Isa typical man from your country similar to the typical British man? € Look atthe highlighted words or phrases in the text and guess their meaning. Is this the typical British man? tatisties tell us that the typical British man is 40 years old, ? lives _in a house and is married with two children, He? ____ more than 40 hours a week and § about £25,000 a year. He * between fifty minutes and an hour to and from work every day. He® a Ford car and he ® he isa good. driver: ‘The typical British man is overweight (he weighs about 82.5 kg) and he7 Jess than 30 minutes exercise a week, He usually sleeps about seven hours a night, He is not a great cook, but he & how to make four dishes, including Spaghetti Bolognese. He 5 three cups of tea a day and during his life he » ‘approximately 35,000 biscuits. The typical British man eight close friends and more than eighty contaets on his mobile phone. He ® three TVs, a copy of Queen's Greatest Hits, and at least ‘one of the Harry Potter books. He 13 thirteen hours online every week and forty-five hours a year waiting ‘on hold’ on the phone. GECAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? ()53)) Inthe street Watch or listen to five people and answer the questions, Nick Anya Alison Wells Stacey 1 Nick works between hoursa week. a 20and30 b 30and40 © 40and50 2 Anya's sisters, 220 b15 © 16 3 Alison usually gets up at about atthe weekend. a 10.00 b 7.00 ¢ 7.30 4 Wells does sport. a hardly ever b sometimes ¢ often 5 Stacey a hasacat b hastwocats © doesnt like cats CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner, Tick (/) the box if you can dothem. Can you...? 1 [| say where you liveand what you do 2 |_| say what time you usualy get up and goto bed 3 |__| say what you do ona typical Monday morning 4 |_| askyoue partner questions with the words below + What sports...2 + What languages...? + Whatkind ofmusic...2 + What TV programmes...? Lil short films a British policeman Watch and enjoy a film oniTutor. 586 Revise and Check GRAMMAR Gieid)a, bore. 1 10 im 12 3 4 15 She ___ the piano, acanplay b cantoplay ¢ cansplay come tonight? a Doyoucan b Youcan ¢ Canyou ‘A What's thar noise? B a party upstairs. a They having b They're having ¢ They're have ‘The weather is cold, but raining. a itdoesn't itisn't ¢ itnot A What doing? B I'mstudying for an exam. a areyou b doyou ¢ youare Look! The Queen's flag afly D flies ¢ isflying ‘The museum at 2.00 on Mondays. a dloses b isclosing ¢ close A What___? B rmanurse a areyoudoing b doyoudo c doyou Our son always phones every day. awe bus cour Isyour sister at home? I need to speak a him b she her Do youlike a doing b doe making don't mind carly a getup b gettingup ¢ togetup A hungry? B Yes, What's for dinner? a Doyou b Haveyou ¢ Areyou What song, listening to? a areyoub doyou c youare What time she usually goto bed? ado bis © does housework? VOCABULARY a Complete the phrases with these verbs. buy call dance forget have hear play zl anoise 6 2 ‘a musical instrument 7 3 somebody's birthday 8 4 apresentforyourmother 9 5 somebody a secret 10 run take tell aparty photos marathon ataxi atango 1b Complete the sentences with for in, on, 10, oF at. 1 Shegoestobed 2 They have their TV very loud. aboureleven o'clock. 3 Ican’tfind the keys. Can you look them? 4 Ineed to talk the doctor, 5 T'meon me! 6 Mybirthday’s July. 2nd March, snowy shine rain blow: autumn season spring first third seven May Sunday December June call phone ring band rock reggae 1 2 3 4 5 twenty-second — twenty-five twenty: 6 7 8 PRONUNCIATION 2 Gre the word witha diferent sound. 1) teving wom cane 2B ice windy spring 3 By sw go now 4G thint the tem 5 (ju music student beautiful b Under! xe the stressed syllable. shine fog twelfth ‘one twenty-three message jaze long winter cold ‘Thursday blues 1 neigh\bour 2 reimemiber 3 fully 4 Felbrulalry 5 clalssical CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the textand answer the ques Where isa good place to goin Dublin if you want to..? 1 have lunch or dinner 2 seeanimals 3 buyapresent 4 hear stories about famous places 5 havea drink without paying b_ Look at the highlighted words or phrases in the text, and guess their meaning. © Read the text again and underline the thing you would like to do most. Dublin— the friendly city syle ntnuo Saree teal eters ier ia like an old friend, they want to know everything about you and about your day. The tourist guides are really friendly; for IMURIL rhe Glens zon omenhere ou musty) theo tes or caer vay geared ab a very terest nd store shou athe ls a eee a ga per Thay Ha aan Hef aaa Pari a na Tas Pou cahad orci as seta ree Ga eae pela caer peel ia adore ead BSS NE Hee FIN EAEMG ITE ease eae Te often sya ables eth ap oe hewa f ae eee ool re ae EER canet eeu ye pai aiecea Tae as eee eee eee cacao be happy and Mendy th al that? GECAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? 8/42)) Inche street Watch or listen to five people and answer the questions. t 5 Joel Anya Alison and Ben Tiffany 1 Which sentence is true? a Ben can’t play am b Alison can play the guitar well € Ben can play the guitar, bur not very well 2 Tiffany a has noisy neighbours b doesn't have noisy neighbours € isthe noisy neighbour 3 Joel's favourite month is May because the weather is ahot bnice © sunay 4 Bendoesn’t like a classical music _b heavy metal c rock music 5 Atthe moment Anya is reading a aromanticnovel_b abiography © atrilogy CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (/) the box ifyou can dothem. Canyou...2 1 [_| say two things you can do well, and two things you can't do (e.g. e00k) 2 [_] say three things you can or can’t do in class (eg. use your mobile) 3 (| say what kind of books you usually read, and what youare reading at the moment 4 (| askyour partner questions with the words below: tired ? Why? like watching sport on TV? Which sports? ‘enjoying your English classes? . play a musical instrument? Which one? Ll short Fims williamsburg, New York Watch and enjoy a film on Tutor. a GRAMMAR 1 The Bronté sisters a was b were c is 2 Where Shakespeare born? a was b were cis 3 the tickets expensive? a Was b Were © Did 41 good film on TV last night, a watched b watch c watches 5 They at Stamford Bridge stadium. a didn'tarrived b don'tarrived © didn'tarrive youssee the football match last night? a Did b Do © Was 7 We to Istanbul three years ago. a gob were c went 8 When in Los Angeles? © didyoulive Or eeeer Settee are? a didn'tsaw b didn’tsee ¢ don’tsaw 10 Whattime home? a didyouger b youdidget_c yougor Hs cea thving roan a Thereare b Thereis c Itis eee ee Geer bara coed 1g Tetra pices on a wal, a any b some ca Hd tap shrsequeertarhalay os a Theses H Thales «thee 15 Howmany people inthe hotel? a there were b wasthere © werethere VOCABULARY a Complete the professions with er, of -ist, or -ian, 1 act 3 pain scien 2 art 4 music b Complete the phrases with have, go, or get 1 agood time 4 ataxi 2 anemail 5 aholiday 3 away for the weekend € Complete the sentences with back, by, in, out, or t0. 1 Iwent with my friends on Saturday night. 2 They went home car, 3 What time did you get 4 Iwasborn 1982. 5 After lunch I went the restaurant? towork. Label the pictures, @Wast «aaa? PRONUNCIATION a Gireld the word witha different sound. 1 di wanted waited lived ended saw wore thought could heard met said deft near there wear —_ stairs hall heating hour behind b_ Underline the stressed syllable. 1 musi ian 2 algo 3 yelsterlday 4 beltween 5 firelplace CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false), 1 Arthur Conan Doyle was Scottish, but he worked in England, 2. He started writing stories about Sherlock Holmes at university 3 Conan Doyle lived at 221b Baker Street in London. 4 In 1893 he didn’t wane to write more Sherlock Holmes stories. 5. Sherlock Homes didn’t die in Austria 6 Sherlock Holmes s very popular today. b_ Look at the highlighted words or phrases in the text and guess their meaning. The man who wrote SHERLOCK HOLMES rthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh on L \ 2nd May 1859. He studied medicine at Edinburgh University and asa student he began writing SHG |BROHIaS. He became a doctor in the south of England, but at firsthe didn’t have many BalGMS. So in hs free time he began writing tories about a brilliant @etletve, Sherlock Holmes, Conan Doyle based Holmes’ personality on his, professor at university. Holmes, who lives at 221 Baker Streetin London, is famous for solving difficult Himes and mysteries using his great intelligence. The Sherlock Holmes stories soon became very popular, but in 1893 ‘Conan Doyle became tired of his detective, and decided ‘to ‘Kill’ him. In The Final Problem Sherlock Holmes and |i Siem, Professor Moriarty, die when they fall off, the Reichenbach Falls in Switzerland, But people were very unhappy to Lose Sherlock Holmes, and there were letters in many newspapers asking for him to SOMBER, Finally, in 1901 Conan Doyle brought him back inanew tory, The Hound ofthe Baskerviles He explained that Holmes did not die in the Reichenbach Falls, but miraculously SURWIMEd. Conan Doyle died on 7th July 1930, but Sherlock Holmes continues to live both in the stories and in many film versions. Recently he was the inspiration for the character Dr Gregory House in the TV series House GECAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? 28)) Inthe street Watch or listen to five people and answer the questions. oid Heba 1 % yt Polly Sarah Jane Ben Alison Heba a has family in New York b livesin Egypt © was born in Cairo Polly went out for dinner on a Friday b Saturday Sunday Alison likes her kitchen because a it's realy big b shecaneat there © t's practical for cooking Sarah Jane can see a atree in her garden b thesea € her mother's house from her study. Yesterday evening Ben a went out to the pub b worked at home € went to bed early CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner, Tick (/) the box if you can do them. Can you...? 4 LD short ims Watch and enjoy a film on Tutor say three things aboura famous (dead) person from your country ‘say five things you did last week, using past time expressions, eg lastnight, yesterday, (three) days ago, etc say where and when you were born ask your partner five questions about yesterday wurgh Castle GRAMMAR 1 10 nl 12 13 4 15 ‘There’s_____milkin the fridge a some bany ca We don't need ano bany ca How fruit do you eata day? a much b many © alot Idrink __coffee. a much b alot c alotof A How much salt do you eat? B a Alittle b Afew ¢ Much A Isthereany sugar? B No, sorr 4 thereisn't none bb thereisn'tany € there isn't some Teais coffee inthis café. a cheaper that ‘b more cheap than © cheaperthan Oranges are than bananas, a morehealthy b healthier ¢ healthyer My En; than my brother's a gooder b better © more good Thisis size that we have. a thebiggest_b themostbig les restaurant in the city. a thebaddest b theworst ¢ the worse What's park in your town? the most beautiful b most beautiful © the more beautiful to buy my ticket this afternoon, a Igo b Igoing c 'mgoing to get married? a Dothey going b They are going © Arethey going Iehink tomorrow. a itsnows bb ie’ssnowing € it’s going to snow bread, € the bigger VOCABULARY a Circle) the word thatis differen. 1 breakfast tunch dessert dinner 2 strawberries mushrooms onions peas 3 orangejuice sugar mille mincral water 4 crisps chips tomatoes _ potatoes 5 fruitsalad icecream cake chicken bb Match the food and the containers, beer fruitjuice rice tomatoes honey 1 acanof. 2 atinof 4 apacket of © Circle) the right word or phrase. 1 Tea hundred twenty | a hundred and twenty miles from here. 2 The population is about three millon { millions 3. That new department shop | department storeis great. 4 Let'shavea drink at one of those cafés in the square bridge. 5 Where isthe main railway centre | station? d_ Complete the phrases with these verbs. become fall get go have meet move see show stay 1 inahotel 6 the sightsinacity 2 by bus 7 somebody new 3 famous 8 somebody round your 4 married 9 a great meal 5 inlove 10 house PRONUNCIATION a Circle) the word with a different sound. 1G bread peas meat tea 2 te sugar shopping fish sweets 31 cereal carrots salad rice + AB, tens oe sR food cook book good 1b Underline the stressed syllable, 1 choleclate 3 sulper'mariket 5 danigelrous 2 delssert 4 injteres 3 ajarof. 5 acartonof. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? again and choose a Read the article once. Then reat ayborc, 1 InBritish supermarkets people now 4 buy more healthy food than before 1b buy less healthy food than before € buy the same kind of food they bought before 2 When people have a problem or big change in their lives they often a eatunhealthy food b eatallot © eat healthy food 3 Ifyou want to eat healthily, you need to spend lot of money bb learn to cook © stop worrying about what you eat b_ Lookat the highlighted words or phrases in the text and guess their meaning. The British diet - STILL UNHEALTHY 2 ritain has a problem with obesity (more than 50% of the population are fat or overweight) and the government says we need to have a healthier diet. However, British shoppers are continuing to fill their supermarket baskets with unhealthy food. ‘A survey of 12 million consumers showed that 44 per cent cof people have the same unhealthy eating habits that they had four years ago. The survey also found that shoppers who normally have a very healthy diet start buying junki food, e.g frozen pizzas. crisps, and cakes, if there is in their lives. for example divorce, moving house, or losing ajob. ‘Another thing the survey showed is that there is not much difference in price between a healthy shopping basket and an unhealthy one. A typical healthy basket costs, on average, £71.78 comparediwith £71.18 for an unhealthy ‘one. Martin Hayward, the director of the study said ‘Many people don't eat healthily because they worry that healthy food is more expensive, but the survey shows that this isnot true. We believe the reason why some people eat tunhealthily is because they don't know how to cook so they buy readysmade meals. GECAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? (6)24)) Inthe street Watch or listen to five people and answer the questions. Alison Joel Andy 1 Yvonne doesn’t eat much a fruit -b sugar salt 2 Alison is good at cooking food. a Italian’ b Indian ¢ Indonesian 3 Joel ‘a greatshops b greatbuildings grearheaches 4 Andy is going to travel for a amonth b three months 5. When Arja compares the US to her country she doesn't a thefood b thebuildings ¢ the weather Yvonne es Barcelona because there area lot of € three weeks CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (7) the box if you can dothem. Can you...? 1 [_| say what you usually have for breakfast 2 [_] compare your country with the UK in three ways, 3 [| askyour partner four questions withthe superlative of the bold adjective + Whar's__ present you've ever bought? expensive + What's Im you've seen this year? good + What's holiday you've ever had? bad + What's___place you've ever been to? cold. 4 CJ askyour partner what he [sheis going vo do tonight + tomorrow + next weekend Ll short films the history of the sandwich Watch and enjoy a film on Tutor. Am GRAMMAR 1 Youspeak avery slow bb very slowly € very slower 2. She plays tennis a quite well b quite good © quite goodly 3 My husband works ‘incredible hard 'b incredibly hard € incredibly hardly 4 Pa like a drive b todrive c driving 5 What do we need next? a todo bdo e doing 6 She wants to pass her exams, but she doesn't like a study b studing © studying 7 ‘usually drive fast in this country. a Themen b Men ¢ Theman 8 Isaw good film last night. athe ba c- 9 W's __hest place to eatin the city centre, athe ba c- 10 Doyougoto. athe ba ¢- 11. Pveread the book, but a don'tsee bb haven't saw © haven't seen 12 A Haveyou B Yes, Ihave. A famous film actor. a evermet b evermeetc metever he been to New York? a Has b Did ¢ Have 14 We to Italy ast year. a havegone b havebeen ¢ went 15 She ina restaurant before a did never worked bb havenever worked © hasnever worked a Ferrari bed late at weekends? the film. anyone famous? 13 VOCABULARY a Write the opposite adjective or adverb. 1 quickly 3 welll 5 formal 2 safe 4 noisy 6 healthily b_ Complete the sentences with these verbs, need learn promise want 1 Tidliketo__todance the tango. 2 Youdon't__to wash it. You've only worn it once. 3 Ican’t___tobe on time. It depends on the traffic. 4 Do you ___to go toa restaurant or toa pub for lunch? € Complete the sentences with these internet words. attachment wifi download online website 1 Idoalorof shopping these days, 2 Lean the song for you tonight. 3. Youcan findall the information on the hotel's 4 Don'topenan 5 Wehave when you don’t know who it’s from, at home so I can send emails from my bedroom. 4. Complete the sentences with for, in, with, or up. 1 Log with your username and password, 2 Looked U2on Wikipedia ~ they started in 1976. 3 Youcansearch all kinds of information on the internet. 4 Have you ever seena film subtitles? € Write the past participle of the following verbs. 1 see saw 3 know knew 5 fall fell 2 go went 4 give gave 6 take took PRONUNCIATION a Gireld)the word witha different sound. LR] cone sang gone won 2 & said been any left 39% want had what watch 4 WT choose soon food book 5B worst wore prefer search b- Underline the stressed syllable. 1 politelly 2danlgerously 3delcide 4 altach\ment 5 webisite CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Itischeaperto live in the US thanin the UK. 2 Itismore expensive to beill inthe US. 3 Waiters are better in UK restaurants. 4 It’s more diffieut to make friends in the US. 5 The British are less direct than Americans b_ Lookat the highlighted words or phrases in the text and guess their meaning. Amy Johnson is an American who lives and works in England. We asked her to tell us about her first impressions of the UK. ne of my first impressions was that the UK is eres nn tr at thelcost of living, (rent, bills, food, etc.) Is higher than in Ohio, where I'm from in the US. The only thing that is a lot cheaper here is healthcare — it's free to go to the doctor's or to hospital, whereas in the US it isn’t, 's0 you need to have health insurance, which can be very expensive, | think you can eat very well in England ~ there's a wide! Variety of food from all around the world ~ Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Turkish, etc. but eating out is more expensive than in the US, and the service is worse. Generally 'd say British food is healthier than American food, and the portions are a lot smaller, too. As for the people, | find British people quite pessimistic compared to Americans who are usually very positive nd optimistic about the future. Also, when I'm in Ohio I talkto everybody: shop assistants, he person behind me in the supermarket queue, the person sitting next to me in the restaurant, but | can't do that inthe UK — people are much more reserved. But, onthe other hand, I think iti easier to make real friends here than in the US. | also find British people are not very good at teling you what they really think or (in a work situation) saying something at you Americans fh a astheyarel = GE CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? (57)) Inthe street Watch orlisten to five people and answer the questions. BEES S Selina David. Ruth Justin 1 Selina was surprised when she arrived in London because it was the summer but a the weather was bad b there weren't many tourists € the weather was good 2 David would like to a get acompletely new job bb change the job that he has © doajob he did before 3 When Ruth talks about Mamma Mia she doesn't a the actors B)thesounirack © thestory 4 Ben thinks that women drive than men, a moreslowly b lessdangerously ¢ better 5 Justin went toa karaoke bar a alongtimeago b quiterecently ¢ lastyear CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner, Tick (/) the box ifyou can do them. Can you...2 Hl] _lesy How pencle inyonr Countepa) drivel) dre 2 _| say three things you would like to do inthe future 3 _| say which of the following you prefer and why + classical music or pop music + summer holiday's or winter holidays + Chinese food or Japanese food 4 [LJ say what things you do on the internet and how often 5 (J answer the questions below + What city have you been to recently? + When did you go there? + What did you do there? + What's the best worst ching about your town? EB short films the Electric cinema Watch and enjoy a film on Tutor. mr

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