Guidelines For Oral Presentation E3 ATC

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Criteria Descriptions Important remarks

Assessment Speaking test in form of group Every group member is supposed to speak in the
form presentation presentation.

Grouping Group size: 4 to 5 students per group Groups are randomly formed by teacher
Grouping form: Random Group leaders are assigned by groups’ members.

Topics Making commercials on bank products/services

1. Bank loans – personal banking
2. Bank loans – corporate banking
3. Bank cards
4. Bank accounts –savings account
5. Bank accounts – current account
6. Internet banking
7. Mobile banking

Tasks - Your group prepares a leaflet - This is a kind of advertisement. The purpose
advertising main features of a bank of the presentation therefore is to provide
product/service. information and encourage customers (the
- The group will then have to audience) to use the product as soon as possible.
present the information at class. - Students are encouraged to make the
- Q&A: audiences may raise commercial as professional as possible.
questions relating to the
product/service features or the
background knowledge relating to the

Time limit 20 minutes per group including: - Teacher start count-down timer since
2 minutes for installation
- Presenting groups are required to be at class at
15 minutes for presentation least 10 minutes earlier for checking laptop
8 minutes for Q&A
- Audiences are recommended to quietly take
notes while presentation is in progress. You must
then quickly discuss in your group and write all
questions you have (at least 1question per group)
in a piece of paper with group name on it. The
paper will be then sent to presenters.

Marking 1. Content: 30% - Teacher will give brief comments to each

2. Organization: 5% group basing on these criteria after presentations.
3. Verbal skills (pronunciation, - Groups and individuals that raise good
intonation, language and grammar questions and/or can help presenting group
used): 15% answer questions well will receive bonus point in
4. Non-verbal skills ( body their own oral presentation results.
language, eye contact, etc.): 15%
5. Visual aids: 10%
6. Time management: 10%
7. Q&A: 15%
Guidelines to oral presentation

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