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Faculty of Foreign Languages

Intercultural Communication Syllabus

1. Course Description and Objectives
From a global and comparative perspective, this course provides an introduction to the fundamentals
of intercultural communication including issues of context, cultural patterns, religion, economics, and
politics as they influence individuals' perceptions and communicative behaviors, both verbal and
non-verbal. Besides, students will be introduced to basic theories, methods, and vocabulary used in
the field as well as the application of theory to the realities surrounding them. There is no set text for
this course but important printed materials handed out to the students each week which will be
discussed at the day's lecture.
Specifically, this course is designed to:
● provide basic understanding of the field of intercultural communication;
● explain the role of cultural patterns, verbal codes, and nonverbal codes in the development
of intercultural interpersonal relationships;
● promote critical thinking, and group collaboration;
● describe obstacles to competent intercultural communication
● cultivate an appreciation for the global diversity of human cultures. 
● and develop communication skills that improve competence in intercultural
0. Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
● define intercultural communications
● identify and analyze both the similarities and differences between at least two world
● describe the differences between High- and Low-Context cultures.
● identify nonverbal codes and predict the impact of these codes in understanding cultural
● predict the effects of code usage in intercultural communication.
● apply cultural variations in interpersonal relationships.
● predict the consequences of ethics in intercultural communication.
● become more willing to interact in intercultural message exchanges.
● develop a reflective process for improving the analysis of intercultural exchanges.
0. Assessment
Class Participation Midterm Test 1 Midterm Test 2 Final Test
(Oral assignment) (Writing
10% 15% 15% 60%
Guide to Oral Assignment:
Students will be assigned to work in groups of 4-5 members preparing an oral assignment in which
they either make a presentation, make role plays, or mass-ups on cultural patterns of a certain nation
and illustrate how different culture background influence communication competency.
● Suggested countries to be selected from: America, Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, Britain,
Germany, The Netherlands, Australia, Russia, Arab Saudi, India, China, Japan, Korea,
Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, etc.
● Time allowed: 20 -30 minutes.
● Every member is required to speak.
● Delivery schedule: see “procedure”
● Evaluation criteria:
o information (30%): Students must collect and show rich and adequate
information relating eco-social and cultural background of the nation
they are presenting. (Note: cultural patterns studied in the course are
advised to apply)
o analysis (20%): rational conclusion should be made on the relations
between cultural and eco-social factors and recommendations on how to
communicate successfully (especially in case of doing business) in the
selected nation should be put forward
o creativity (20%): deliver the messages in a suitable, appealing way.
Methods that encourage audience involvements are welcome but not a
o speaking skills (30%) (voice, pronunciation, language use, grammar,

Guide to Writing Assignment

Groups make written report on the analysis of the country that they are responsible
- Date of submission: section 13th of the course
- Length of the writing: 3 to 5 pages excluding references
- Evaluation criteria:
o information (30%): Students must collect and show rich and adequate
information relating eco-social and cultural background of the nation
they are presenting. (Note: cultural patterns studied in the course are
advised to apply)
o analysis (30%): Students should be able to analyze the relation between
cultural factors with the eco-social factors, and accordingly give
conclusions and/or recommendations on cultural consideration for
successful communication (especially in doing business) in the selected
o format (10%) suggested format: Abstract, Introduction, Objectives,
Methodology, Contents, Conclusion
o use of English (30%): vocabulary range, coherence and cohesion,

(***) A report on individual contribution is required for both Oral and Written
0. Recommended books and references for self-study
● Intercultural Communication in Contexts by Judith N. Martin/ Thomas K. Nakayama (5 th

● American ways – An introduction to American Culture by Maryanne Datesman, Jo Ann
Crandall, Edward N.Kerney
● Communication Highwire (2015) (Leveraging the Power of Diverse Communication Styles)
by Diane Hofner Saphiere
● The International Mind (2015) by Joseph Shaulos
● A Beginner's Guide to the Deep Culture Experience (2010) by Joseph Shauler
● Say Anything to Anyone, Anyways -Keys to Successful Cross-Cultural Communication
(2013) by Gayle Cotton
● Third Culture Kids: The Experience of Growing up Among Worlds by David C. Pollock and
Ruth E. Van Reken (2009 edition)       
● Global Business Etiquette: A Guide to Intercultural Communication and Customs by Jeanette
S. Martin and Lillian Chaney.
0. Procedure
Day Contents
1 Course introduction, Assignments guidelines, Class rules
2 Unit 1:  Intercultural Competence – cultural patterns (chapter 1,4)
- Imperatives for Intercultural Competence
- communication and its characteristics
- cultural pattern
(culture and communication, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors)
3 Unit 2:   Cultural identity and cultural (chapter 5)
(high-context cultures, low-context cultures, power distance,
uncertainty avoidance, individualism, collectivism, masculine
– femininity)
4 Unit 3: Cultural identity and cultural bias (chapter 6)
Further practices: cultural conflict– bias, stereotype, prejudices,
discrimination, racism, ethnocentrism

5 Unit 4: Verbal intercultural communication (chapter 7,8)

(verbal, verbal code, symbols, denotative meanings, connotative
6 General review of main topics covered
Coaching for Group presentation
7 Presentation (Group 1)
Class discussion and case study No1
8 Presentation (Group 2)
Class discussion and case study No2
9 Presentation (Group 3)
Class discussion and case study No3
10 Presentation (Group 4)
Class discussion and case study No4
11 Presentation (Group 5)
Class discussion and case study No5
12 Presentation (Group 6)
Class discussion and case study No6
13 Presentation (Group 7)
Class discussion and case study No7.
Writing assignment Submission
14 Presentation (Group 8)
Class discussion and case study No8
15 -16 Revision for final exam

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