PL Preparatory Reading Instructions 2

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Year 13 English – Paradise Lost

Preparatory reading and tasks

The notes and tasks asked for below must be brought to the first lesson. Knowledge of Milton’s
historical context gained from this reading will be assumed for the rest of the course.

A. Read the attached materials about Milton’s life and times and answer the questions attached in
your own words.
1. When was Milton born and when did he die?
2. What is Puritanism?
3. The English Civil War was the major event during Milton’s lifetime. When did it occur, what
happened, and what were the reasons for it?
4. Who was Oliver Cromwell and what role did he play after the Civil War?
5. When and what was the Restoration?
6. From which physical disability did Milton suffer?
7. Which famous figure did Milton meet during his European tour, undertaken after he had left
Cambridge University?
8. What personal situation seems responsible for turning Milton into an advocate of divorce?
9. When did Milton publish his pamphlet defending freedom of speech, and what was it called?
10. With which side was Milton associated in the Civil War?
11. When was Paradise Lost written?
12. Milton lived at a time when there was belief in two conflicting models of the universe – what
are these called?
13. Summarise the view of the universe held during the Middle Ages.
14. What are the main features of epic poetry?
15. What are the Primary Epics and Secondary Epics, and what is the difference?
16. Why did Milton choose to write his epic poem in English?

B. Read the extracts from the books of Genesis and Revelation. In your own words, summarise
a. The story of the Fall of Adam and Eve
b. The story of Lucifer’s rebellion against God and his Fall.

C. In your editions, find the ‘Argument’ for each of the twelve books. Read these and summarise
the plot of Paradise Lost (all 12 books) in no more than 100 words.

D. OPTIONAL: Read all of Paradise Lost.

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