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Describe a game you played in your childhood

You should say:

What the game is

When you played it

Who you played with

How you feel about the game

(What the game is) My childhood imprinted my memory with so much to

remember. However, what makes me miss my childhood most is the fashion game
that my cousin, her friends and I took part in every weekend. Well, we transformed my
cousin’s house into a stage with a curtain and a red carpet, seemingly in vain as the
stage turned out a mess all the time. Also, it was sheets and blankets that were an
ideal alternative to glowing evening gowns.

(When you played it) We held a “fashion show” most Sundays after church and
breakfast. During my childhood, a fashion show organized by Aquafina aired every
Sunday on TV, which was a source of inspiration and incentive for us to hold a model
show. Also, the fashion shows resulted, more than anything, from the fact that we were
all obsessed with decorating and designing clothes for our dolls.

(Who you played with) As mentioned previously, I played the game with my cousins
and her friends. We changed our roles each show, with one being the first face to turn
up and another one being the vedette who would bring the show to a close. These two
persons played the most important roles in the show, and apparently, they would be the
most resplendent ones.
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(How you feel about the game) Even today, I sometimes think about the shows that
we held in the past, and whenever the shows spring my mind, I just split my sides. I
feel that I was born in the most beautiful time as we still had to struggle to get by, to
some extent, and rack our brain to find a way to entertain ourselves, which made our
games even more meaningful. Meanwhile, most children nowadays keep their eyes
glued to smartphone screens all the time.

1. To imprint someone’s memory with little/much to remember: làm cho ai

nhớ/không nhớ nhiều.

Example: The period of time that I did volunteer work in Africa imprinted me with a
lot to remember.

Khoảng thời gian tôi làm tình nguyện ở Châu Phi làm cho tôi nhớ về nó rất nhiều.

2. In vain (adv): không thành công, rất khó khăn.

Example: I tried in vain to start a conversation.

Tôi rất cố gắng để bắt đầu câu chuyện nhưng không thể.

3. To turn out (phrasal verb): trở nên, thành ra.

Example: The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected.

Sự thật thành ra lạ lùng hơn là chúng tôi nghĩ.

4. Air (v): phát sóng.

Example: The interview with the president will air tomorrow morning.

Cuộc phỏng vấn với tổng thống sẽ được phát sóng vào sáng mai.

5. A source of inspiration (phrase): nguồn cảm hứng.

Example: Asia is a source of inspiration to her.

Châu Á là một nguồn cảm hứng của cô ấy.

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6. To bring something to a close (phrase): kết thúc.

Example: The chairperson brought the meeting to a close.

Chủ tịch là người đã kết thúc cuộc họp.

7. Resplendent (adj): rực rỡ.

Example: I saw Anna at the other end of the room, resplendent in a red dress.

Tôi thấy Anna ở phía cuối phòng, cô ấy rực rỡ trong chiếc đầm màu đỏ.

8. To split someone’s sides (idiom): cười bể bụng.

Your jokes are perfect for your speech tonight. You'll have them splitting their sides!

Những bản tấu hài của bạn sẽ hoàn hảo cho buổi tối hôm nay. Bạn sẽ làm mọi người
cười bể bụng.

9. To rack someone’s brain (phrase): suy nghĩ rất kĩ.

Example: I've been racking my brains all day but I can't remember her name.
Tôi suy nghĩ rất nhiều cả ngày nhưng mãi cũng không nhớ được tên cô ta.
10. To get by (phrasal verb): sống nghèo khó.

Example: How can he get by on so little money?

Làm sao anh ấy có thể sống với quá ít tiền?

11. To spring someone’s mind (idiom): đập vào đầu ai đó.

Example: Say the word "Australia" and
a vision of beaches and blue seas immediately springs to mind.
Mỗi khi ai đó nói về Australia là hình ảnh của biển và đại dương xanh lại đập vô đầu

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Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied the result
You should say:

When it happened

Who you complained to

What you complained about

Why you were satisfied with the result

(When it happened) As a student who lives far away from home, I am left with no
choice but staying with others in the university’s dorm. However, at first, it was not
easy for me to get on well with my roommates as I am quite obsessed with hygiene,
while others are quite messy. As I was the youngest person in the room, others kept
patronising me and made me do all the household chores. I found myself being
mentally and physically bullied for only a short time before I started to find my voice.
This happened exactly one year ago.

(Who you complained to) It was one of my roommates who was a senior of the
University of Science that condescended to me the most yet was the laziest among us
all. He was a couch potato who could spend a whole day keeping his eyes glued to a
screen to play games and never got rid of his garbage, which caused the room to be so
untidy and made me raise my voice.

(What you complained about) I had just caught him littering inside the room in broad
daylight when I started to complain. Respectfully, I told him that, while others strived
to keep the room clean as we did not have much time to clean the room every single
day, he made all our efforts go to waste. Also, another roommate accused him of using
his personal stuff without permission.

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(Why you were satisfied with the result) On hearing our complaints, he gave us an
apology and promised to change himself and give others a hand with household
chores. At first, I doubted his words, so it came as a surprise that he shut down his
laptop, picked up the broom and promptly swept the floor. Since then, he has tried to
stick to the cleaning schedule that we set up on our first days of staying with each

1. Hygiene (n): vệ sinh.

Example: Poor standards of hygiene mean that the disease spreads fast.

Tiêu chuẩn vệ sinh thấp đồng nghĩa với việc căn bệnh lan nhanh hơn.

2. To patronise = to condescend (v): nói/đối xử kiểu bề trên.

Example: Stop patronizing me - I understand the play as well as you do.

Dừng kiểu đối xử bề trên với tôi đi – tôi có thể hiểu vở kịch tốt như bạn thôi.

He treats his players fairly and never condescends to them.

Anh ấy đối xử với những người trong team của anh ấy một cách bình đẳng và không
bao giờ giở giọng bề trên với họ.

3. To find someone’s voice (phrase): sẵn sàng nói.

Example: Witnesses often find their voices when they hear a reward has been offered.

Những người chứng kiến thường sẵn sằng nói khi họ nghe sẽ có thưởng.

4. A couch potato (idiom): người lười biếng, coi TV rất nhiều.

Example: A person who lives a sedentary lifestyle may colloquially be known as a

couch potato.

Một người có có lối sống nhàm chán, thụ động hay ở nhà có thể được gọi một cách
thông tục là couch potato.

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5. Raise someone’s voice (phrase): nói ra ý kiến của mình.

Example: Voices were raised in protest at the proposed changes.

Những ý kiến đã được cất lên trong cuộc biểu tình đối đầu với lại những thay đổi được
đưa ra.

6. To go to waste (idiom): mất hết/bị bác bỏ.

Example: So much effort and talent will go to waste if we are forced to drop the film.

Rất nhiều cố gắng và tài năng sẽ bị mất nếu chúng ta bị buộc phải bỏ cuốn phim.

7. To come as a/no surprise (idiom): gây bất ngờ/không gây bớt ngờ.

If you didn't study for that test at all, your failing grade should come as no surprise.

Nếu bạn không học bài, thì việc thi rớt sẽ không bất ngờ xíu nào.

Describe something that you did with one or more people

Tham khảo bài: Describe something you enjoyed doing with a group of people

You should say:

What it was

Where you did it and who you did it with

And explain why you think it was enjoyable

(What it was)

Today, I’m going to describe one activity I enjoy doing with my group of close friends,
which is yoga. Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines
which originated in ancient India. Yoga uses breathing techniques, exercise and
meditation. It helps to improve health and happiness. While some deem yoga as just

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another fad and associate it with new age mysticism, others vouch for how amazing this
form of exercise feels.

(Where you did it and who you did it with)

We took up yoga a year ago and have been practicing it together in the sports center since
then. The yoga club in this center is in the vicinity of my neighborhood, so my friends
usually gather at my house before coming there. At that time, after completing our first
year in university, we all felt exhausted because of the demanding workload and
continuous exams. Most of us could not do physical activities on a frequent basis. I
had to endure a lot of bodily discomforts, such as intense backaches and headaches.
Then we decided to do something less exhausting than hitting the gym and eventually
enrolled in a yoga club.

(And explain why you think it was enjoyable)

Well, doing something beneficial with your close friends is such a rewarding
experience. Yoga as a practice has countless benefits that positively affect you both
physically and mentally. When you practice yoga regularly, the blood circulation in the
body is enhanced. After adopting yoga for a month, we all felt more invigorated and
flexible. Yoga relaxes our mind so completely to work on unnecessary tensions, thus
facilitating better sleep. Most importantly, doing this together gives us a tremendous
incentive to maintain this good habit in the long term.


1. meditation [n]: the act of giving your attention to only one thing, either as a
religious activity or as a way of becoming calm and relaxed: sự thiền

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Eg: She practices meditation every day to maintain good health.
2. associate [v]: to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or
something else: liên hệ, liên tưởng
Eg: Most people associate this brand with good quality.
3. in the vicinity of [expression]: in the area that is close to (a place): ở lân cận
Eg: He lives in the general vicinity of the school.
4. discomfort [n]: a feeling of being uncomfortable physically or mentally, or
something that causes this: sự không thoải mái
Eg: You may feel a little discomfort for a few days after the operation.
5. on a frequent basis [adj]: frequently: một cách thường xuyên
Eg: Slightly over a third said they took their children to libraries on a frequent basis.
6. hit the gym [expression]: to go to the gym: tập gym
Eg: Tran has hit the gym 4 times a week since last year.
7. rewarding [adj]: giving a reward, especially by making you feel satisfied that you
have done something important or useful, or done something well: xứng đáng
8. invigorating [adj]: making you feel healthier, less tired, and more energetic: tiếp
them sinh lực
Eg: These yoga postures are invigorating and good for balance.
9. facilitate [v]: to make something possible or easier: tạo điều kiện
Eg: The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs.

10. incentive[n]: sth that encourages you to do sth : sự khích lệ, cổ vũ

Eg: There is no incentive to continue doing this project.


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30. What kinds of job need people to work in a team?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Nowadays, most professions will necessitate
teamwork in one way or another. (Give an example (often a personal example)) The
field of market research is one example. As a market researcher, you’d get to work in
teams with sales, marketing, and product design to analyze large data pools for studies
and to drive business initiatives in a variety of industries including pharmaceuticals,
software, and consumer products. Besides, working in information technology also
involves working with clients or other teams within the organization or business.
31. What can parents do with their children to make them happy?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Well, parents should be a companion for their
kids. (Explain your reason or reasons) No matter how busy they are, the most important
thing is to build a strong relationship with kids, as this would increase the sense of
togetherness. Most importantly, showing love in a proper way is also crucial. Showing
love and affection decreases the likelihood of psychological and behavioral problems
and makes the child more resilient to stress.
32. How can children improve their social skills?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Firstly, children should be taught how to be
assertive when they talk to people. Besides, empathy is another important basic of
social skills. (Explain your reason or reasons) If children have a better understanding
of how others feel, they are much more likely to feel connected to other people and form
positive bonds.
33. What are the benefits of boys and girls playing together?
(Give a direct answer to the question) There are a lot of compelling benefits when boys
and girls play together (Explain your reason or reasons) First, this can help kids work
together more effectively later in life. They learn coping skills from being exposed to
and compromising with others who play differently. Besides, if there's no separation
between activities, both boys and girls will feel more confident to explore the things
they're drawn to, regardless of the gender the activity might've originally been
associated with.
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11. necessitate [v]:to make sth necessary: làm cho cần thiết, đòi hỏi
Eg: Increased traffic necessitates the broadening of this road.

12. initiative [n]: a new attempt to achieve a goal or solve a problem, or a new method
for doing this: sang kiến
Eg: The defense secretary announced a major initiative to upgrade our military
13. companion [n]: someone or something you spend a lot of time with or travel with,
or a friend who lives with you: bạn đồng hành
Eg: The dog has been her constant companion these past ten years.
14. togetherness [n]: the state of being close to another person or other people.: sự gắn
Eg: The sense of family togetherness was strong in the past.

15. resilient [adj]: able to improve quickly after being hurt or being ill: kiên cư ờng
Eg: Life is hard there, but the people are resilient.
16. assertive [adj]: having or showing a confident and forceful personality: tự tin
Eg: I've had to train myself to be more assertive at work

17. empathy [n]: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another: sự đồng

Eg: He loves children and has a certain empathy with them.

18. compelling [adj]: evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully

irresistible way: hấp dẫn, thú vị
Eg: She gave a compelling and intensely dramatic performance.

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19. compromise [v]: to agree to give up something you want if the other side, which
has different opinions from yours, gives up something it wants: thỏa hiệp
Eg: Republicans were refusing to compromise on health-care legislation.

20. regardless of [expression]: irrespective of: bất kể

Eg: We recruit all qualified employees regardless of race.

Describe a historical period you would like to know more

You should say:

When it was

What you are interested in

What you already knew

And explain why you would like to know more

This is such a tough question because our country, Vietnam, is rich in history with
resounding victories and well-known historical events…but to single out a particular
period to learn more about it, I would choose the Air Battle of Dien Bien Phu.

(When it was) To the best of my knowledge, this battle took place in December of
1972. 51 years have passed but the echo of ‘Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory still
resonates from generation to generation, illustrating national strength and representing
every Vietnamese’s pride.

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(What you are interested in) Since secondary school, I was taught about this event
during my History lessons. At home, I often watch documentaries to have a deeper
understanding of this unexpected victory. Back in the day, the world believed that the
US would win because it was such an asymmetric confrontation with the superiority
of the US’s air force and modern technology. However, contrary to all expectations,
our military won the battle, successfully preserving our independence and keeping the

(What you knew) Through some online articles and books, I have read the biography
of some heroic and intelligent soldiers who sacrificed their lives to shoot down the B-
52 bomber which was considered the most advanced weapon at that time to save the
lives of innocent civilians in Ha Noi. I’m so grateful for their supreme sacrifice in
saving our nation.

(And explain why you would like to know more) But that’s not enough! I wish I had
more opportunities to visit some museums or buy some books to learn more about the
tactics and strategies that our military applied to achieve such a resounding victory.

1. asymmetric (adj): bất cân xứng

Some of the rugs have regular geometric designs and others are decorated with
asymmetric shapes. (Một vài tấm thảm được thiết kế thành hình học thông thường
còn vài cái khác đựơc trang trí bởi những hình bất đối xứng.)

2. confrontation (n): sự đối đầu

Some couples seem to like confrontation, but Josh and I hardly ever argue. (Một vài
cặp đôi hay đối đầu, cãi nhau nhưng Josh với tôi ít khi cãi lộn)

3. superiority (n): lợi thế

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The Australian team soon demonstrated their superiority over the opposition. (Đội
Úc nhanh thể hiện lợi thế áp đảo đối phương)

4. biography (n): tiểu sử

He wrote a biography of Winston Churchill. (Ông ấy viết tiểu sử của Winston


5. resounding (adj): vang dội

The remake of the movie was a resounding success (Sự tái bản của bộ phim này là
một thành công vang dội)

Part 3

1. Should everyone know history?

Absolutely, there’s no doubt that history plays a pivotal role for every nation and its
citizens. Through history, we can learn how past societies, systems, cultures, and
technologies were built, how they operated, and how they have changed. The rich
history of the world helps us to paint a detailed picture of where we stand today.
Moreover, the more we understand the history of our own country, the deeper the
gratitude we feel towards our previous generations.

2. In what ways can children learn history?

In the national curriculum, children are taught about historical figures and events quite
early but most of the lessons are quite dry and boring. Besides, students can read
books on history or watch movies, and documentaries to have a deeper understanding
of national history, hence promoting patriotism. In addition to that, parents should

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spend time taking their children to some museums to explore history with them and
help them broaden their knowledge.

3. Is it hard to protect historical buildings?

Yes. Since historical buildings have stood the test of time for centuries plus the
ravages of wars, they are quite vulnerable. Preserving and maintaining these buildings
usually takes a lot of time, effort and budget. A country should invest a funds in
restoring these relics, hiring skilled masons and experts and accepting the risks
involved in the protection process. Besides, some historical buildings now serve the
purpose of a museum for visitors to come and learn about history. The authorities also
need to ensure such a huge influx of visitors doesn’t harm the structure of the building.

1. stand the test of time (idiom): trải qua sự thử thách của thời gian

many of her recipes have stood the test of time (Vài công thức nấu ăn của cô ấy mãi
trường tồn cùng thời gian)

2. ravages (n): sự tàn phá

The ravages of war reach my conscience.(Cảnh tàn phá của chiến tranh thấu đến lương
tâm tôi.)

3. mason (n): thợ xây

He does his job as a mason. (Ông làm thợ nề.)

4. How do museums teach people history?

Visiting museums could give people first-hand experience of learning more about
history because they could observe some historical artefacts and antiques, listen to the
stories of the guide and gain a deeper insight into the history. For example, when

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visiting a War Museum, people, especially the young generation could get an
opportunity to access the belongings, hats or weapons of some martyrs and then they
would understand how brutal war is and recognise the need to preserve national peace.
Besides, with the advancement of technology, most museums nowadays apply
technology to better visitors’ experience. People could visit a 3D Museum, watch
movies or use their smartphones to discover the story behind each artefact.

1. first-hand experience (collocation): trải nghiệm tận mắt

Most of us have firsthand experience of teaching. (Hầu hết chúng tôi được trải
nghiệm tận mắt việc dạy học)

2. artefacts (n): cổ vật

The museum's collection includes artefacts dating back to prehistoric times. (Bộ sưu
tập của bảo tàng bao gồm các cổ vật từ thời tiền sử)

3. martyr (n) liệt sĩ

5. Will museums be replaced by technology someday?

Museums will not be substituted by technology in the future because they play an
integral role in defining and preserving a country’s culture and tradition. Although
most of the artefacts have pictures taken of them and posted on the internet with
detailed stories behind them, visiting museums and beholding the objects give people a
sense of patriotism and solidarity, as well as arouse their love for history. In
addition, because museums often promote the development of tourism by attracting
tourists, this does not only introduce a country’s rich history to international friends
but also generates a stream of revenue for the government.

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1. patriotism (n): lòng yêu nước

Vietnamese people are well - known about patriotism.(Dân tộc Việt Nam được
nhiều người biết đến về lòng yêu nước.)

2. solidarity (n): tinh thần đoàn kết

They are promoting international solidarity.(Họ đang thúc đẩy tình đoàn kết quốc

3. arouse (v): đánh thức (cảm xúc,..)

It's a controversial plan that is sure to arouse strong opposition. (Đó là một kế
hoạch gây tranh cãi, chắc chắn khơi dậy sự phản đối mạnh mẽ.)

4. stream of revenue (collo): dòng lợi nhuận

We have been successful in developing a whole stream of revenue from non-core

businesses. (Chúng tôi đã thành công trong việc tạo ra các dòng lợi nhuận từ các
doanh nghiệp không cốt lõi

Describe a place you visited that has been affected by air pollution (or not clean)

You should say:

Where it is

When you visited this place

What kinds of pollution you saw there

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And explain how this place was affected

(Where it is) I would say I’m a big fan of traveling, which is the reason why I have
visited a lot of places up till now. So, I’m going to tell you about a trip to a small
village in Hue city, which left me a lot of depressing thoughts and emotions after
visiting it.

Well, to kick off, the village’s location is about 40 kms away from the city centre and
used to be one of the most famous beauty spots for its serene beauty, but things are
changing for the worse.

(When you visited this place) My friends and I made a decision to escape from the
hustle and bustle of the city right after we finished our examinations, as we all felt
exhausted. Moreover, there had been a lot of hypes around this place, as it has
almost everything: tranquil scenery, fresh air, accommodating locals and tasty food.
This seemed perfect for a peaceful retreat.

(What kinds of pollution) However, when we arrived, we were literally shocked at

how severely polluted the village was. The water and the air were affected negatively.
The river winding through the village was covered with black and greasy chemical
substances, which gave off a revolting smell. Even worse, the atmosphere in this
village was savaged by exhaust fumes coming from all kinds of stuff: domestic and
factory chimneys, dilapidated vehicles, and trash burning sites.

(How this place was affected) The distressing thing is that due to industrialization
and people’s ignorance, it seemed that any attempt to preserve the situation would be
an uphill struggle. But I look forward to seeing this place changing for the better
when I come back to this site again.


1. To change for the worse/ the better: thay đổi theo chiều hướng tiêu cực/ tích cực

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Ex: Her attitude has definitely changed for the better since she started this new job:
thái độ của cô ấy đã thay đổi theo chiều hướng tích cực kể từ khi cô ấy bắt đầu công
việc mới
2. To make a decision (phrase): quyết định
3. To escape from the hustle and bustle of the city: chạy trốn khỏi xô bồ của thành phố
4. There has been a lot of hypes around… (phrase): có nhiều lời đồn đoán về…
Ex: There's been a lot of hypes around his latest film: có rất nhiều lời đồn đoán về
bộ phim mới nhất của anh ấy
5. Tranquil scenery (n): phong cảnh yên bình
6. A peaceful retreat (n): một nơi nghỉ dưỡng thanh bình
Ex: This village was a peaceful retreat: ngôi làng này là một nơi nghỉ dưỡng thanh
7. Black and greasy chemical substances (n): những chất lỏng màu đen và nhầy nhụa
8. To give off revolting smell: tỏa ra một mùi khó chịu
Ex: That tiny radiator doesn't give off much heat: bộ tản nhiệt nhỏ đó không tỏa ra
nhiều nhiệt lắm đâu
9. Dilapidated vehicles (n): phương tiện giao thông cổ lỗ sĩ
Ex: We still use dilapidated vehicles to commute everyday: chúng tôi vẫn sử dụng
phương tiện giao thông cổ lỗ sĩ để đi lại hàng ngày
10. Uphill struggle (n): vấn đề gian nan

Part 3:

1. How much air pollution in your country?

-> Air pollution is an alarming concern in Vietnam nowadays, especially in big cities
like Ho Chi Minh or Ha Noi capital. This is the consequence of overpopulation in
metropolises and exhaust fumes from factories and vehicles. And air pollution
severely affects people’s health, which leads to some diseases such as lung cancer or
respiratory disorders. However, some people aren’t even aware of this problem and

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don’t pay too much attention to it. As a result, the issue is becoming more and more

2. Different about pollution in countryside and city? Why?

-> There are some contrasts between pollution in the countryside and in the big cities.
While in the countryside, the air is fresher, the food is cleaner, and everything seems
perfect for a nice retreat, the cities tend to be crowded with people, lots of fumes from
transportation and factories. However, no matter how polluted the urban area is, people
always choose to move to big cities for job opportunities and have better facilities. I
could say both urban and rural areas have their own pros and cons, and pollution is one
of the main dividing points between these two places.

3. How can the government encourage people to keep their city clean?

-> Well, there are several solutions that the government could adopt to increase
people’s awareness. First of all, they could organize some campaigns online and
offline to help people be more focused on environmental problems. For example, they
could hold some competitions or cleaning days that people have to join and try their
best to win. And if they win, they get incentives. Moreover, the government can
produce some documentaries about the current environmental issues on television so
as to help them recognise the alarming concern.


1. An alarming concern (n): mối quan ngại báo động

2. Overpopulation (n): gia tăng dân số
Ex: And what had caused the overpopulation?: lí do nào gây ra sự gia tăng dân số
3. Exhaust fumes from factories and vehicles: khói bụi từ phương tiện giao thông và
nhà máy

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4. Some diseases such as lung cancer or respiratory disorders: một vài căn bệnh như
ung thư phổi hoặc rối loạn đường hô hấp
5. Job opportunities and having better facilities: có cơ hội việc làm và cơ sở vật chất
tốt hơn
6. to organize some campaigns (n): tổ chức một vài chiến dịch
7. Incentives (n): phần thưởng khích lệ/ động lực
Ex: Bonus payments provide an incentive to work harder: tiền trả thêm khiến mọi
người có động lực để làm việc cật lực hơn
8. The current environmental issues (n): những vấn đề hiện tại về môi trường

Describe a place you would like to visit for a short time

You should say

Where is that place

Whom you will go there with

What you will do there

And explain why you would like to visit for a short time

(Where is that place) Well, to be honest, I get itchy feet so there are many places that
I would love to visit, but if I have to choose one place to visit for a short time, it would
be New York City, which is a vibrant and bustling city located in the northeastern part
of the United States.

(Whom you will go there with

What you will do there)

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New York City not only has the reputation of a city that never sleeps, but also the
paradise for shopaholics. So, I will definitely visit this city with my beloved sister,
who is really fond of shopping. We would surely go on a shopping spree and explore
the shopping hotspots like SoHo and Fifth Avenue to pick up some cool souvenirs. As
you know, when in Rome, do as the Romans do!

(And explain why you would like to visit for a short time)

New York City has been on my bucket list for a long time, and I truly believe that it's
a city that everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime. I just want to visit it for
a short time as I think it's a city that you can never get enough of. If we want to
explore all the different pockets of the city and learn about the people who call it
home, we have to re-visit it more. There's just something about the energy and vibe of
the city that is truly indescribable. From the culture to the food to the people, there's
so much to explore and experience, and I can't wait to be a part of it all.

1. get itchy feet (idiom): cảm thấy háo hức muốn đi đây, đi đó

After being cooped up at home for so long, I've been getting itchy feet and am ready
for a vacation.

Sau khi bị nhốt ở nhà quá lâu, tôi đã rất háo hức đi đây đó và sẵn sàng cho một kỳ

2. vibrant (adj) : sôi động, sống động

The city's nightlife is always vibrant and full of energy.

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Cuộc sống về đêm của thành phố luôn sôi động và tràn đầy năng lượng.

3. bustling (adj) : hối hả, tấp nập

The bustling streets of the city are filled with people rushing to and from work.

Những con đường nhộn nhịp của thành phố chật kín người hối hả đến và đi làm.

4. reputation (n): danh tiếng, tiếng tăm

The restaurant has a great reputation for serving delicious food.

Nhà hàng có một danh tiếng tuyệt vời về phục vụ các món ăn ngon.

5. shopaholics (n): những người nghiện mua sắm

The mall is always packed with shopaholics looking for the latest deals and trends.

Trung tâm mua sắm luôn chật cứng những người nghiện mua sắm đang tìm kiếm
những ưu đãi và xu hướng mới nhất.

6. paradise (n): thiên đường

The beach resort is a true paradise with crystal clear waters and white sand beaches.

Khu nghỉ mát bãi biển là một thiên đường thực sự với làn nước trong vắt và những bãi
biển cát trắng.

7. shopping hotspot (phrase) : điểm nóng mua sắm

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Tokyo's Ginza district is known as a shopping hotspot, with its luxurious department
stores, boutiques, and restaurants.

Khu phố Ginza ở Tokyo được biết đến là một điểm nóng mua sắm, với các cửa hàng
bán lẻ sang trọng, các cửa hàng đặc sản và nhà hàng.

8. one’s bucket list: danh sách những điều muốn làm trong đời

Visiting the Eiffel Tower is definitely on my bucket list.

Tham quan Tháp Eiffel chắc chắn nằm trong danh sách những điểm phải đến một lần
trong đời của tôi.

9. When in Rome, do as the Romans do (idiom): Nhập gia tùy tục

If you want to fit in with the locals, you should follow the old saying "When in Rome,
do as the Romans do."

Nếu bạn muốn hòa nhập với người dân địa phương, bạn nên làm theo câu nói cũ
"Nhập gia tùy tục."

10. indescribable (adj): không thể diễn tả bằng lời được, khó nói nên lời

The beauty of the sunset over the ocean is simply indescribable.

Vẻ đẹp của hoàng hôn trên đại dương đơn giản là không thể diễn tả được.


1. Do people prefer planned travel?

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Well, I think it depends on the individual's preference and the purpose of their travel.

Some people prefer planned travel because it gives them a clear itinerary and they
feel more organized and in control of their trip. On the other hand, some people prefer
spontaneous travel as they feel it brings more excitement and a sense of adventure.
For instance, some people may prefer a package tour where everything is pre-arranged
such as accommodation, transportation, and activities, while others may prefer
backpacking and making spontaneous decisions about where to go and what to do.
Ultimately, I will say it's a matter of personal preference and travel style.

2. Why do places with historical attractions develop tourism more aggressively?

Historical attractions provide insight into a place's culture, heritage, and identity,
which can be a major tourist attraction. So, in my view, when a place has historical
significance, it creates a unique selling point for that destination. By investing in the
development of tourism around their historical attractions, places can generate
economic benefits and create jobs in the tourism industry. For instance, the Angkor
Wat temple complex in Cambodia is a major historical attraction that draws millions
of tourists each year, and the revenue generated from tourism helps to fund the
conservation of the site and supports the local community.

3. Why do you think people usually travel?

Well, there are various reasons why people travel. Some travel for leisure and
relaxation, to escape the monotony of their daily lives, and to experience new cultures

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and cuisines. Others may travel for business, education, or personal growth. For
instance, a businessperson may travel to attend a conference or meeting, while a
student may travel to study abroad to gain new experiences and skills. And, I also
think that some people travel to visit friends and family who live far away.

4. Why does living in tourist cities experience more noise?

One of the transparent reasons is that tourist cities usually attract a high volume of
visitors, which means more people, more vehicles, and more noise. Additionally, the
tourism industry itself generates noise, such as music from bars and restaurants, and
noise from tour buses and other transportation services. Living in a tourist city can be
challenging for residents who are not accustomed to the noise levels. For example,
cities like Las Vegas and New York City are major tourist destinations, and the
constant noise can be overwhelming for residents who live there. However, some
people may be willing to tolerate the noise in exchange for the economic benefits and
cultural vibrancy that tourism brings to the city.

1. a clear itinerary (n) :lộ trình rõ ràng

I have prepared a clear itinerary for our trip.

Tôi đã chuẩn bị một lộ trình rõ ràng cho chuyến đi của chúng ta.

2. spontaneous (adj): tự phát, bất ngờ

Our journey had many exciting spontaneous experiences.

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Hành trình của chúng tôi đã có nhiều trải nghiệm tự phát thú vị.

3. heritage (n): di sản

This is a valuable cultural heritage of my country.

Đây là một di sản văn hoá quý giá của đất nước tôi.

4. historical significance (n): ý nghĩa lịch sử

This place has historical significance for our country.

Nơi đây mang ý nghĩa lịch sử quan trọng đối với nước ta.

5. selling point (n): điểm mạnh

The diversity of cuisine is one of the selling points of this country.

Sự đa dạng về ẩm thực là một trong những điểm mạnh của đất nước này.

6. economic benefits (n): lợi ích kinh tế

Tourism brings many economic benefits to the country.

Du lịch mang lại rất nhiều lợi ích kinh tế cho đất nước.

7. draw (v): thu hút

The beautiful nature of this region draws many adventurers.

Cảnh đẹp thiên nhiên của địa phương này thu hút rất nhiều nhà thám hiểm.

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8. conservation (n): sự bảo tồn

9. monotony (n): sự đơn điệu, nhàm chán

The monotony of his daily routine was starting to wear on him, and he longed for a
change of scenery.

Sự đơn điệu của thói quen hàng ngày bắt đầu đeo bám anh, và anh khao khát được
thay đổi khung cảnh.

10. transparent (adj): minh bạch, rõ ràng

The government needs to be transparent and provide clear information to the public.

Chính phủ cần phải minh bạch và đưa ra thông tin rõ ràng cho công chúng.

11. tolerate (v): chịu đựng, tha thứ

We need to learn to tolerate and forgive each other.

Chúng ta cần phải học cách chịu đựng và tha thứ cho nhau.

12. cultural vibrancy (phrase): sự sôi động về văn hóa

This city has a unique and diverse cultural vibrancy.

Thành phố này có một sự sôi động về văn hóa đặc trưng và đa dạng.

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Describe the first day you went to school that you remember?

You should say

* When it happened

The first day at school or college can be nerve-racking, especially when you are not
acquainted with anyone who is already there. Such experiences often leave a lasting
impression on a person. Although I don’t have a definitive memory of my first day at
college, I can recollect my first day at high school like it was yesterday.

* Where the school is

The name of my school was Bac Lieu Gifted High School and it is located in the
center of Bac Lieu City.

* How you felt about the experience

It is engraved in my mind quite well in that I felt the mix of excitement and anxiety
that day. On the one hand, I was like on cloud nine as it had always been my dream to
study English in a specialized environment. On the other hand, my head was
engrossed by fear and nervousness as I was not familiar with a single person in this
new place. I remember sitting on the first bench, being at a loss to find my class.
However, a kind teacher named Hanh who was on the way to the morning assembly
noticed my state and tried to console me. She then held my hand on the way to the
assembly spot, and I remember feeling a little bit lighter as my classes started after the
morning assembly.

* And explain why you still remember the experience

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There are certain reasons why this first day had a long-standing impression on me.
First off, it marked an important transition for me from a village schoolboy to a gifted
pupil. There is nothing that can make me more proud of myself than that event as it is
so meaningful and even life-changing. Furthermore, it is also the first time I met my
dear teacher, Mrs. Hanh, who not only helped me that day but also taught me for the
whole 3 years. Therefore, even though there have been many significant events in my
life, I can never forget the first day I entered Bac Lieu Gifted High school.


1. Nerve-cracking (adjective): căng não


The job of a theatre actor can be quite nerve-cracking.

Công việc của một diễn viên nhà hát có thể khá căng não.

2. Be engraved in one’s mind (idiom): khắc sâu trong tâm trí


That last conversation we had is engraved on my mind forever.

Cuộc trò chuyện cuối cùng giữa chúng tôi đã khắc sâu trong tâm trí tôi mãi mãi.

3. Engrossed (adjective): bị thu hút, bị xâm chiếm


She was so engrossed by the book that she forgot the cookies in the oven.

Cô ấy quá tập trung vào cuốn sách đến nỗi quên đi những chiếc bánh quy trong lò

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4. At a loss (idiom): không biết


I’m at a loss to explain what happened.

Tôi không biết giải thích chuyện đã xảy ra như thế nào.

Part 3

1. What are the reasons for job change?

In my opinion, there are many causes of job-hopping. Firstly, young people are still
seeking out their passions. As many are unclear about their career path, they try out
jobs to discover what they would enjoy pursuing professionally. The other key reason
is young people want to be equipped with a diverse skill set. As a result, in the future
when a new job is offered to them, they will be better prepared and easily keep up
with the work assigned to them.

2. Are big companies better than small companies? Why?

From my viewpoint, the answer would be a yes because of these benefits. To begin
with, large companies can offer their employees more merits because they have more
resources such as high salaries and bonuses. Furthermore, while small companies can
find themselves on the wrong side of the economy, large enterprises tend to be stable.
The odds are pretty good that your position won’t suddenly disappear one morning.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages coming along with changing jobs?

Admittedly, the rise of job-hopping in recent days can offer both pros and cons. On the
positive side, changing positions often comes with a salary increase as part of a
contract. Besides, it can grant you opportunities to learn new skills, gain practical
experience and expand your responsibilities. On the other hand, if you change jobs

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every time you encounter a problem, you may miss opportunities to learn how to
handle challenges skillfully. Needless to say, job hopping can also cost you benefits
such as insurance or retirement income.

4. What would parents prepare for their kids when they first go to school?

There is no doubt to say that the first day at school can leave a great impression on a
child’s mind. Therefore, parents always try their best to prepare their children both
physically and mentally for this important event. Firstly when it comes to necessary
items, a schoolbag containing textbooks, rulers, pencils and an eraser cannot be
forgotten. Then, for mental preparation, parents will instruct their children how to stay
independent and behave properly away from their home comforts.

5. How do children socialise with each other?

I am of the opinion that this will depend on what kind of children we are talking about.
I mean, to those with a sociable personality, they can easily form or join a group to
play together. On the other hand, it will take shy children a little more time
befriending with others, at least until after some days of talking. Neverthelesss,
socialising is not very difficult for children as they play and engage with each other
innocently without any intention.

6. Is socialisation important for children?

Of course, it is vital for children to socialize with other people for several reasons.
Firstly, socialisation helps children to form their personality as the surrounding
environment plays a crucial role in deciding what kind of person they will become in
future life. Furthermore, being able to socialize with others at a young age is a step for
children to build confidence, which is a decisive factor in determining a person’s
success. In fact, a confident child is believed to perform more outstandingly than a shy

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1. Job hopping (noun): nhảy việc


Many graduates view job hopping as a quick way to develop their career at the start.

Nhiều sinh viên mới tốt nghiệp xem nhảy việc là một cách nhanh chóng để phát triển
sự nghiệp lúc sơ khởi.

2. Keep up with (phrase): bắt kịp


Wages are failing to keep up with inflation.

Lương đang không thể bắt kịp với lạm phát.

3. Needless to say (idiom): không cần phải nói


Needless to say, he'll be off work for a while.

Không cần phải nói, anh ấy sẽ nghỉ việc trong một thời gian.

4. Befriend with (v): kết bạn với ai đó.


Shortly after my arrival at the new school, I befriended with all of my classmates.

Không lâu sau khi đến trường mới, tôi đã kết bạn được với tất cả các bạn cùng lớp.

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Describe a website you often visit
You should say:
When you found it
What it is about
How often you visit it
Why you like this website

(When you found it)

The website that I love to visit most is ‘’. This website came to
my knowledge while I was searching for a story to introduce to a friend and I have
fallen in love with the site ever since.

(What is it about)

The site is like an online library which offer free access to thousands of works of
literature. There are reading materials of all genres, ready to satisfy the most eager
fan of reading.

(How often you visit it)

As I read as a means of relaxation, I pay an almost daily visit to this website. It may
seem repetitive and boring, but actually it’s not. The website is updated everyday with
new works from numerous authors in America, and for this reason my curiosity and
interest in this site is never-ending. I can’t help but be engrossed in reading new
stories for hours each day.

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(Why you like this website)

The first thing that attracts me to this website is the diversity of content that it offers
readers. In this website all kinds of stories can be found: so anyone can really broaden
their literary horizons by reading up on everything from bedtime stories to the
classic works of a literary genius like Mark Twain. The variety of genres available on
this website keeps me constantly thirsting for more. Moreover, reading the stories
helps me enhance my passion for literature. To fully understand the stories, I have to
practice reading between the lines for subtle meanings, which consequently
sharpens up my literary appreciation. I think this is also the reason why this website
also comes so highly recommended by many others.


Từ vựng chủ đề Reading:

1. to come to somebody’s knowledge

Meaning: to become known by somebody

Example: If it comes to the knowledge of your manager that you are honest and hard-
working, your promotion prospects will be improved.

Ví dụ: Nếu được nhà quản lí biết tới là một người chân thành và chăm chỉ thì khả năng
được thăng tiến của bạn sẽ tốt hơn.

2. to be engrossed in

Meaning: to be completely focused on something

Example: A good work-life balance is important, because if people are too engrossed
in their work, their family life may suffer.

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Ví dụ: Việc cân bằng tốt giữa cuộc sống với công việc là rất quan trọng vì nếu quá mải
mê với công việc, cuộc sống gia đình sẽ bị ảnh hưởng.

3. to broaden one’s literary horizons

Meaning: to increase the limits of your desires, knowledge or interests by reading


Example: Schools should broaden the literary horizons of pupils by encouraging

them to read in class and at home.

4. to read up on

Meaning: to find information in a book, or other written source, about something

Example: When deciding which university course to choose, it is essential to read up

on those subjects in which you are interested before you decide.

5. bedtime stories

Meaning: stories told to children before they sleep

Example: Parents should spend time with their children, for example by telling them
bedtime stories every night.

6. a literary genius

Meaning: a person with exceptional and rare talent for writing

Example: Although a literary genius like Shakespeare is rare, it is important for

governments to subsidise creative writing classes for all ages.

Ví dụ: Dù một thiên tài văn học như Shakespeare là rất hiếm có, nhưng chính phủ cần
phải tài trợ cho những lớp học viết tài năng cho mọi lứa tuổi.
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7. to read between the lines

Meaning: to look for a meaning that is not openly stated

Example: Reading between the lines, the report of recent international conferences
are not optimistic about obtaining agreement on climate change.

Ví dụ: Hiểu rõ những gì đang xảy ra, các báo cáo ở những hội thảo gần đây không lạc
quan lắm về việc đạt được thỏa thuận về thay đổi khí hậu.

8. to sharpen something (up)

Meaning: to become or make something better, more skilful, more effective, etc. than

Example: The opportunity to do an internship with a company enables students to

sharpen up the theoretical knowledge gained at college.

Ví dụ: Cơ hội thực tập ở một công ty cho phép sinh viên hiểu lý thuyết được học ở
trường sâu sắc hơn.

9. literary appreciation

Meaning: pleasure that you have when you recognize and enjoy the qualities of a good
piece of writing

Example: Children develop literary appreciation if they are encouraged by parents

and teachers to love reading.

10. to come highly recommended

Meaning: to be praised by a lot of people

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Example: Books by classic authors always come highly recommended, but work by
new and talented writers should not be overlooked.

Ví dụ: Sách viết của các tác giả cũ thường được đánh giá cao, nhưng cũng không nên
bỏ qua những tài năng mới.

Tự vựng chủ đề The Arts:

1. a work of art/a work of music/a work of literature

Meaning: a painting, sculpture, book, play, piece of music etc

Example: Shakespeare’s plays are considered as one of the greatest works of

literature in the English language.

Ví dụ: Những vở kịch của Shakespeare được coi là một trong những tác phẩm văn học
bằng tiếng Anh vĩ đại nhất.

• genre [noun]: a particular type or style

Eg: My favourite genre of fiction is horror stories, like Dracula or Frankenstein.

• to thirst for [phrasal verb]: to have a strong desire for something

Eg: The fans of Manchester United are thirsting for success after the
disappointments of last season.

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