Ingles Traslator Glasses

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Grupo: G

Translator Glasses

Translator glasses are a new product that was born with the need for everyone to
understand each other in the same language. If you use the translating glasses, your
pronunciation will improve. They are created with different materials that are divided into
the frame and the lens. For the lens, the material is thin glass with LED light technology.
Despite their intensity, They are sensitive and suitable for our eyes, while the frame is
made of recycled plastic will be used, however its quality is guaranteed. combined with
steel and metal that will give them more resistance. If the materials for the translation
glasses were not so expensive the sale price would be cheaper. The shape will be the
shape we already know from common glasses. For example, the cinema glasses and in
terms of colors will be made in 4 tones that will be: Black, navy blue, purple and white. If I
were rich I would give translating glasses to every Latin American child
These glasses work in such a way that you are reading the text for example book in
English automatically when you see the book they translate it, you read aloud and the
glasses tell you if you are pronouncing correctly they mark you in green or if you make a
mistake it marks you red with this you can learn to pronounce correctly since as we know
the pronunciation is the most difficult for everyone. As a but to this, if we put on the
headphones that it comes with, we can listen in Spanish to what they speak in English.
To conclude, this product offers us an ease in the management of understanding and
speaking a foreign language, this product is aimed at people who can afford it, but mainly
at companies that manage English-speaking clients. One of the main reasons that makes
translation glasses special is how it facilitates the learning of a foreign language, this being
a feasible necessity for people who do not speak this language well, likewise offering high-
quality materials that conventional glasses cannot handle, for giving good performance,
protection and comfort.

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