Putt's Puffy Tumor

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Original articles

HNO 2022 · 70 (Suppl 1):S8–S13

Accepted: 29 October 2021
Pott’s puffy tumor: a need for
Published online: 24 January 2022
© The Author(s) 2022 interdisciplinary diagnosis and
Jan Philipp Kühn1 · Stefan Linsler2 · Nasenien Nourkami-Tutdibi3 · Sascha Meyer3 ·
Sören L. Becker4 · Umut Yilmaz5 · Bernhard Schick1 · Alessandro Bozzato1 ·
Philipp Kulas1
Hospital of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg,
Hospital for Neurosurgery, Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg/Saar, Germany
Hospital for General Pediatrics and Neonatology, Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg/Saar,
Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Center for Infectious Diseases, Saarland University
Medical Center, Homburg/Saar, Germany
Hospital for Neuroradiology, Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg/Saar, Germany


Pott’s puffy tumor (PPT) is an infection of the frontal sinus with subperiosteal and
intracranial abscess formation and one of the rare entities in pediatrics. We present
a series of four cases of PPT that occurred in two children (6 and 9 years) and in two
young adults (17 and 19 years). All patients were treated by an interdisciplinary team of
pediatric, neurosurgical, ENT, radiological, and neuroradiological specialists. Antibiotic
treatment was combined with single endoscopic surgery in one case and combined
endoscopic sinus surgery with an open transcranial approach to drain intracranial
abscess formation in three cases. It is important to be aware that PPT occurs in children
with the finding of intracranial abscess formation. Therefore, a close interdisciplinary
cooperation for successful treatment is needed in this rare disease.

Osteomyelitis · Frontal bone · Frontal subperiosteal abscess · Children · Adolescents

Introduction [2, 3]. Of note, since many of these bac-

teria are also commensals of the skin, it
Pott’s puffy tumor (PPT) is a rare phe- is frequently challenging to estimate their
nomenon, characterized by localized fore- actual clinical relevance when these bacte-
head swelling, which was first described ria are detected in microbiological analyses
by Sir Percival Pott in the eighteenth cen- of swabs or tissue samples. Pott’s puffy
tury as an abscess formation and extradu- tumor can be found in all age groups. It
The German version of this article can be ral empyema in relation to frontal head predominantly occurs in adolescents with
found under https://doi.org/10.1007/s00106- trauma [7]. Most frequently, PPT occurs a developed frontal sinus due to a higher
021-01133-x. after untreated or inadequately treated incidence of upper respiratory tract infec-
sinusitis [2, 10]. As a complication of tions and an increased risk of acute bacte-
the latter, it can lead to osteomyelitis by rial sinusitis [9]. Most cases are previously
spreading through the frontal bone [4]. healthy patients, and sometimes PPT can
Most bacteria found in PPT correspond occur as a result of cocaine abuse, in the
to community-acquired sinusitis such as context of dental infection, or as a late com-
Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., plication after neurosurgical interventions
Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella spp., [3].
anaerobes and enterococci, with staphy- Frontal sinuses are absent at birth,
Scan QR code & read article online lococci being the most common agents begin to be pneumatized by 2 years of

S8 HNO · Suppl 1 · 2022

Fig. 1 8 Subtotal padding of the not yet fully developed frontal sinus and a frontobasal epidural (a coronal) as well as an in-
tradural abscess formation (b axial and c coronal) (arrows)

age, and are almost fully developed in On physical examination, there were Microbiological cultures grew Streptococ-
adolescence. Venous drainage originates no additional symptoms apart of the non- cus intermedius, and the antibiotic treat-
through diploic veins that communicate tender painless forehead swelling. At read- ment was switched to cefotaxime and clin-
with the dural venous sinuses possi- mission, fever was absent, but the parents damycin for 14 days. The patient was dis-
bly contributing to septic emboli [9]. described recurrent fever episodes over charged home in good condition without
Intracranial complications such as cav- several weeks as well as a recurrent sinusi- neurological sequelae.
ernous sinus and dural venous sinus tis, which had been treated over a long
thrombosis, meningitis, epidural, subdu- period with different antibiotics. Labora- Patient 2
ral, or intraparenchymal abscess appear tory results showed an elevated C-reac-
due to venous drainage or direct exten- tive protein (CRP) level of 61 mg/l (normal A 19-year-old male patient presented to
sion. The most common symptoms are range: 0.0–5.0 mg/l) and white blood cells our clinic with an acute right orbital and
purulent rhinorrhea, headache, periorbital (WBC) of 20.6 (normal range: 4.8–12.0). forehead swelling. He had recently un-
swelling, fever, vomiting, and other signs Ultrasound revealed a blurred clearly dergone an alio loco endonasal operation
of meningitis or encephalitis [11, 17]. hypoechoic mass with thickening of the because of similar symptoms 20 days ear-
Computed tomography (CT) is used to overlying tissue toward the skin. As far as it lier. In this case, the diagnosis had been
plan treatment and magnetic resonance was detectable, the underlying bone was a right-sided frontal sinus pyocele with an
imaging (MRI) is of paramount importance intact without any interruption of the cor- orbital complication. Therefore, functional
in identifying intracranial complications ticalis intracranially. On suspicion of PPT, endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) had been
[12]. Although PPT is usually an indication MRI and CT studies were initiated. The MRI performed to relieve the pyocele.
for emergency surgical therapy, a purely examination revealed osteomyelitis of the An additional ophthalmologic exami-
conservative therapy can be considered right frontal bone with accompanying sub- nation showed no pathological findings
in selected cases. periosteal and subdural abscesses causing and no signs of visual impairment. Fever
Here, the authors present the cases of a local space-occupying effect and begin- and pain were absent and laboratory
several patients with PPT and their treat- ning meningoencephalitis. Furthermore, chemical analysis showed a CRP level of
ment seen at a university medical center frontal sinusitis was described as the cause 9.6 mg/l and a WBC of 9.9. Osteomyeli-
in southwest Germany in 2019. of the disorder and in the synopsis of all tis was revealed at the CT examination
the findings, PPT was assumed (. Fig. 1). as a low-grade frontal erosion of the
Case reports The patient underwent immediate bony skull base (. Fig. 2). Conservative
surgery with frontolateral craniotomy. treatment was initiated with high-dose
Patient 1 The destructed (small/less pneumatized) intravenous antibiotic therapy with cef-
frontal sinus was opened to the ethmoid triaxone 4 g–0–4 g. Under this treatment,
A 6-year-old child was referred to our cells, with evacuation and drainage of the the symptoms improved significantly, and
clinic from the pediatric department hos- cranial, epidural, and subdural abscess. he was discharged from hospital after
pital with an unclear swelling of the fore- On endonasal inspection, no remnant 4 days.
head. The patient has already been treated abscess formations were found in the The patient presented with progressive
in hospital with ampicillin/sulbactam for sinonasal cavities. symptoms and a recurrent swelling of the
frontal sinusitis accompanied by fever for After successful drainage, the further right orbit and forehead to our clinic 8 days
6 days. After discharge, the boy presented course was uncomplicated. A short post- later. Revision surgery was performed with
with a discrete swelling of the forehead ventilation phase followed and the patient transnasal frontal sinus surgery type IIc and
and was readmitted to hospital. could be extubated without any problems. orbital abscess splitting. On microbial cul-

HNO · Suppl 1 · 2022 S9

Original articles

Patient 4
A 9-year-old girl presented to hospital with
persistent and progressive cold symptoms
for about 6 weeks. Upfront antibiotic treat-
ment did not lead to an improvement of
her symptoms and her overall condition.
On initial presentation, the patient’s
parents described recurring episodes of
fever of up to 40 °C and a newly devel-
oped forehead swelling. Laboratory re-
sults showed a slightly elevated CRP level
of 30.3 mg/l and a WBC of 10.1. Both the
Fig. 2 8 Ethmoid and frontal sinusitis on the right side as well as an infraorbital abscess with a connec- MRI and CT studies revealed sinusitis with
tion to the frontal sinus (arrows) (a coronal and b sagittal) frontal osteomyelitis accompanied by an
epidural and subgaleal abscess formation
without intracranial involvement (. Fig. 4).
The patient underwent immediate surgery.
In a combined ENT/neurosurgical interven-
tion, endoscopic sinus surgery on the left
side was performed followed by and an
osteoplastic craniotomy with removal of
the epidural abscess as well as a drilling
out of the osteomyelitis duct. Antibiotic
therapy with cefotaxime and clindamycin
was initially started and switched to ampi-
cillin/sulbactam after detection of S. inter-
medius. Antibiotic treatment was admin-
Fig. 3 8 Pott’s puffy tumor with a connection to the frontal sinus of the left side (arrows) (a MRI-, b CT- istered for 14 days. The epidural abscess
scan, sagittal)
formation and the soft tissue swelling com-
pletely resolved clinically and on follow-up
tures, S. intermedius was detected and the and 14 × 9 mm (. Fig. 3). An intracerebral imaging. The patient could be discharged
antibiotic therapy was continued with cef- abscess could be excluded. The patient un- home without neurological sequalae.
triaxone. After 5 days, the patient could be derwent immediate surgery of the frontal
discharged in good condition with unre- sinus. A transnasal type I drain according Discussion
stricted vision and without any recurrence to Draf in combination with an endoscopic
to date. sinus surgery and an abscess relief through Incidence of age
a cut in the corrugator fold was performed.
Patient 3 Cranialization of the frontal sinus was also As described earlier, most cases of PPT
discussed but was postponed initially. occur during adolescence, most likely fa-
A 17-year-old male patient presented to The patient received antibiotic therapy cilitated by developmental circumstances
our hospital with a history of fever, cough, with ceftriaxone. On follow-up MRI and [9, 11]. The diameter and the flow rate in
and cephalgia for 2 days. The initial treat- CT studies, no regression of the described diploic veins that drain the frontal sinuses
ment was symptom-based with a mainly epidural formations was seen, so that fi- increases in adolescence, which promotes
analgesic and antipyretic therapy. Due to nally cranialization of the frontal sinus and hematogenous spread of infections into
a swelling of the forehead, the patient evacuation of the epidural abscess were the bone and intracranially [6, 21]. Ad-
was referred to the clinic for otorhino- performed. The surgery was made as in- ditionally, the skull bone that limits the
laryngology. Laboratory results revealed dicated, similar to the first case described frontal sinus is much thinner in adolescents
a highly elevated CRP level of 273.3 and here. The patient recovered without any than in adults, and thus there is a shorter
a WBC of 15. On suspicion of PPT, MRI neurological sequalae and was discharged path between the infection and the bone
and CT examinations were initiated and in good general condition under further contributing to a hematogenous spread
confirmed the diagnosis of an acute pansi- coverage with metronidazole and ceftri- of infections. Finally, pneumatization of
nusitis. The CT scan additionally revealed axone for 2 weeks. the frontal sinuses is not completed be-
two small encapsulated epidural abscesses fore the age of 14–15 years [12, 19]. When
in the frontal paramedic area with a con- the paranasal sinus system develops, the
nection to the left frontal sinus: 8 × 9 mm frontal sinuses grow from the ethmoid air

S10 HNO · Suppl 1 · 2022

Fig. 4 9 Frontal Pott’s
puffy tumor with epidural
empyema and frontal/
ethmoid sinusitis (arrows)
(a MRI-, b CT-scan, sagittal)

cells continuously in a cranial direction. partially reaching the orbit. Many patients plan the procedure further, especially with
This explains the fact that small children are experience frontal headache, clear or pu- regard to a transnasal drainage of the fo-
less likely to be affected by PPT due to an rulent rhinorrhea, and/or fever [2, 8]. The cus in the sense of FESS, a CT examination
incomplete or less pneumatized frontal si- differential diagnosis of such a forehead should always be performed to carry out
nuses. Our cases, however, show that even swelling includes, beside acute sinusitis, an a navigated endonasal sinus surgery and
younger children at the age of 6 and 9 years infected atheroma, a carbuncle, or a con- to reduce the intraoperative risk.
can develop a corresponding symptoma- dition after a head trauma with hematoma
tology (. Table 1). Although the sinuses [12, 20]. The blood count is in many cases Microbiology
are not yet fully formed, infections of the increased WBC as well as an elevated ery-
anterior ethmoid can find their way across throcyte sedimentation rate and CRP level Since in the majority of cases PPT is as-
the frontal recess to the area of the later [1]. The medical history of a head trauma sociated with an upper respiratory tract
frontal sinus. or acute and chronic sinusitis may be help- infection, Streptococcus (alpha- and beta
ful for the diagnosis. If there is intracra- hemolytic streptococci), Haemophilus
Pathogenesis nial involvement, patients may also show influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus and
signs of increased intracranial pressure in- other anaerobes (Fusobacterium and Bac-
In ethmoidal or frontal sinusitis, the in- dicated by nausea, focal or neurological teroides species) play a crucial role [12]. In
fection spreads via the diploic veins or deficits, and even loss of consciousness our cases, Streptococcus intermedius was
through the thinnest bone, in case of the [2, 15]. An ultrasound examination can found in three of four patients, Staphy-
frontal sinus, it is via the floor and the more precisely differentiate the entity of lococcus capitis was detected in one
frontal wall. If the infection spreads into the forehead swelling. Here, liquid com- (. Table 1). Streptococcus intermedius
the bone, it leads to demineralization with ponents such as pus in the swelling can be is known for its high pathogenic po-
necrosis, resulting in osteomyelitis [23]. An revealed and structures of the frontal bone tential and is reported to be associated
infection can spread via retrograde throm- can be assessed more precisely [16]. As with intracranial abscesses in patients
bophlebitis; in the case of destruction of a less invasive method, ultrasound should with concurrent sinusitis and patients
the anterior wall of the frontal sinus, a sub- be favored especially for children instead of with multiple risk factors [22]. In con-
periosteal abscess can be formed and by MRI and/or CT [18]. To identify the destruc- trast to this, all our patients were young,
destruction of the posterior wall an epidu- tion of the frontal bone and subperiosteal healthy, and immunocompetent. Early
ral abscess can be formed. If the inferior fluid collection, contrast-enhanced CT is and calculated antibiotic therapy makes
wall of the sinus is affected, the infection considered most effective [5]. In addition, the complication of acute sinusitis ever
can spread to the orbit and form the clini- CT is crucial for upfront surgical interven- rarer and a prolonged antibiotic therapy
cal picture of an orbital complication with tion, indicating whether other paranasal should be administered after resistance
preseptal cellulitis up to an orbital abscess. sinuses in addition to the frontal sinus are testing, especially in difficult anatomical
The spread of the infection is further pro- affected or if there is involvement of the conditions and up to 6 weeks after the
moted by the lack of venous valves in the orbits [11, 14]. If there is any suspicion of surgical intervention [22]. The antibiotic
diploic veins. intracranial and/or intracerebral involve- susceptibility testing of Streptococcus in-
ment, MRI should be performed in time termedius showed an antimicrobial sus-
Diagnosis to prove the necessity of intracranial inter- ceptibility against penicillin, ampicillin,
ventional treatments. In addition to the cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, and vancomycin.
The diagnosis of PPT is made on the ba- meninges, the intraorbital structures can For Staphylococcus capitis, antibiotic
sis of a clinical examination. Most patients be evaluated and a sinus vein thrombo- sensitivity to flucloxacillin, vancomycin,
show a frontal swelling in the forehead area sis may be excluded or confirmed [11]. To

HNO · Suppl 1 · 2022 S11

Original articles
Table 1 Bacterial pathogens and the antibiotic as well as surgical treatment acute sinusitis can lead to life-threatening
Patient Bacterial pathogens Antibiotic Treatment complications.
therapy 4 Our cases underscore that Pott’s puffy
tumor always requires close interdisci-
Patient 1 Streptococcus inter- Sultamicillin Frontolateral craniotomy and FESS plinary collaboration to avoid long-term
age 6 ♂ medius and clin- complications and to support a complete
damycin rehabilitation.
Patient 2 Streptococcus inter- Ceftriaxone FESS in combination with an exter-
age 19 ♂ medius nal approach to the orbit
Patient 3 Eikenella corrodens, Metronidazole FESS in combination with an exter- Corresponding address
age 17 ♂ Staphylococcus capitis and ceftriaxone nal approach to the frontal sinus
Patient 4 Streptococcus inter- Ampicillin/ Frontolateral craniotomy in combi- Dr. med. Jan Philipp Kühn
age 9 ♀ medius, Corynebac- sulbactam nation with FESS Hospital of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and
terium spp. Neck Surgery, Saarland University Medical
FESS functional endoscopic sinus surgery Homburg, Germany

ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, and co-trimox- est point of drainage of the frontal sinus,
azole was found. can be viewed and treated. In addition to
Funding. Open Access funding enabled and orga-
the advantage of lacking external scars, nized by Projekt DEAL.
Treatment patients after FESS, in contrast to an open
approach, have a significantly shortened
The gold standard in the therapy of PPT convalescence and thus a much shorter Declarations
is calculated antibiotic therapy in com- hospitalization time. Only single drainage
bination with an operative drainage of of the subperiosteal abscess also appears Conflict of interest. J.P. Kühn, S. Linsler, N. Nourkami-
Tutdibi, S. Meyer, S.L. Becker, U. Yilmaz, B. Schick,
the infection. A rapid and effective treat- to be associated with an increased recur- A. Bozzato and P. Kulas declare that they have no
ment is of crucial importance to prevent rence rate or further complications [11, competing interests.
further complications such as an epidu- 13]. According to these findings, surgi-
For this article no studies with human participants or
ral or intracerebral complication. In this cal therapy and rehabilitation should be animals were performed by any of the authors. All data
case, the antibiotic treatment should al- carried out in close cooperation between collectionwasinaccordancewiththeethicalstandards
ready be started when there is clinical the participating disciplines of ENT, neu- indicated in each case.
suspicion of PPT and should be adapted rosurgery, radiology, ophthalmology, mi- The supplement containing this article is not spon-
to the corresponding pathogen spectrum crobiology/infectious diseases, and pedi- sored by industry.
after obtaining microbiological material. atrics. Sole antibiotic therapy without
Open Access. This article is licensed under a Creative
Initial treatment should be commenced any operative treatment seems to be as- Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which
by a broad-spectrum antibiotic with good sociated with a high rate of recurrences permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and re-
blood–brain barrier passage, such as cef- and—according to the current state of re- production in any medium or format, as long as you
give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and
triaxone, which was used in our cases [14]. search—cannot replace surgical therapy the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons li-
Nonetheless, the key pillar of therapy is [16]. In the four cases described here, cence, and indicate if changes were made. The images
surgical drainage of the abscess. The ap- drainage of the frontal sinus was solely or other third party material in this article are included
in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless in-
proach to should be chosen depends on endonasal in two cases whereas the other dicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If
the individual anatomy and extent of the two patients had a craniotomy in combina- material is not included in the article’s Creative Com-
infection. There is the possibility of an tion with external access for the treatment mons licence and your intended use is not permitted
by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use,
endonasal approach and even an open of the subgaleal and epidural as well as you will need to obtain permission directly from the
frontal sinus access or the combination intradural abscess formations (. Table 1). copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit
of both. Intracranial abscess formation http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
needs additional neurosurgical treatment Practical conclusion
[12]. Here, external drainage has the dis- 4 Pott’s puffy tumor still remains a rare com- References
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HNO · Suppl 1 · 2022 S13

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