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MartinsPage 1
Calculation of P (At different stages)
1) At Critical Instant (C.I)
P = (Trim x MCTC x 100) / distance from COF

2) During critical Period (When vessel is still pivoting) After the stern has taken to the
‘P’ will be found from the below formula:
Drop in water level (Decrease in Aft draft) (cms) = Mean Rise + Ta
= ( P ) + AF X (P x AF)
3) After Critical Instant
i) P = Initial Displacement – Final Displacement
ii) P= Mean Rise x TPC = { (Initial Hydro draft – Final Hydro draft) x TPC }
iii) P = P1 + P2
Where, P1= (Trim x MCTC x 100) / distance from COF
P2 = M.R x TPC = { (Hydro draft @ C.I – Hydro draft after C.I) x TPC

TO FIND IN WHICH STAGE THE VESSEL IS (After the STERN takes to the blocks)
At the point of contact with the ground, the difference between the initial draft and final
draft will give the DIWL.
E.g. If point of contact is at AP, then DIWL = Intial Aft draft – final Final draft

Whenever DROP IN WATER LEVEL (DIWL) is given in the question,

We should first find out in which stage the ship is in.e.g.Critical Period or After Critical
Instant or At Critical Instant

- If, DIWL @ C.I > Present DIWL, then ship will be in critical period
- If, DIWL @ C.I < Present DIWL, then ship will be After Critical Instant
- If DIWL @ C.I = Present DIWL, then ship will be at Critical Instant

i) Find, ‘P’ @ C.I

P = (Trim x MCTC x 100) / distance from COF
ii) Find, Mean Rise @ C.I = P / TPC
iii) Find, Initial Hydrostatic draft = Initial Aft draft - Initial Ta
iv) Find, Hydrostatic draft @ C.I = Initial Hydro draft – M.R @ C.I
v) Find, Aft draft @ C.I
a) If the bottom of the drydock is horizontal
Aft draft @ C.I = Hydro draft @ C.I
b) If the bottom of the drydock is sloped (Trim of the blocks)
- Trim of the blocks = Trim of the ship @ C.I
- Ta @ C.I = LCF / LBP x Trim of the blocks
- Aft draft @ C.I = Hydraft @ C.I + Ta @ C.I
vi) Find, Drop In Water Level (DIWL) @ C.I = Initial Aft draft – Aft draft @ C.I

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To Find Drop in water level (DIWL) at different stages
i) DIWL after the stern has taken to the blocks during critical period
= Mean Rise + Ta
= (P/TPC) + { (AF/L) x (P x AF) / MCTC }

ii) DIWL between Stern taking to the blocks and the Fwd Stem taking to the blocks
= Initial Aft draft – Aft draft @ C.I

iii) DIWL between stern taking to the blocks and when her virtual GM becomes zero
= Initial Aft draft – Aft draft when Virtual GM becomes zero

iv) DIWL between Critical Instant and when her Virtual GM becomes zero
= Aft draft @ C.I - Aft draft when Virtual GM becomes zero OR
= Hydro draft @ C.I – Hydro draft when Virtual GM becomes zero

= FSM + (P x KG)
(W-P) (W-P)

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= FSM / (W-P) + (P x KG) / (W-P)

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At critical instant (when vessel sits all over)

P = (Trim x MCTC x 100) / distance from COF

= (1.38 x 400.5 x 100) / 88.5 = 624.5t

Mean Rise @ C.I= P / TPC = 624.5 / 28.1 = 22.2cm = 0.222m

Hydrostatic draft @ C.I = Initial Hydro draft – M.R @ C.I

= 8.598 – 0.222 = 8.376

Aft draft @ C.I = Hydro draft @ C.I = 8.376

Drop In Water Level (DIWL) @ C.I = Initial Aft draft – Aft draft @ C.I
= 9.300 – 8.376 = 0.924m
Present DIWL after the stern takes to the blocks = 0.50m
As, DIWL @ C.I > Present DIWL, the ship will be in critical period

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At critical instant (when vessel sits all over)

P = (Trim x MCTC x 100) / distance from COF

= ( 2.10 x 210 x 100) / 70 = 630

Mean Rise @ C.I = P / TPC = 630 / 25 = 25.2cm = 0.252m

Hydrostatic draft @ C.I = Initial Hydro draft – M.R @ C.I

= 5.179 – 0.252 = 4.927m

Aft draft @ C.I = Hydro draft @ C.I = 4.927m

Drop In Water Level (DIWL) @ C.I = Initial Aft draft – Aft draft @ C.I
= 6.200 – 4.927 = 1.293m

Present DIWL after the stern takes to the blocks = 0.70m

As, DIWL @ C.I > Present DIWL, the ship will be in critical period

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DIWL = M.R + Ta

ii) When the water level further drops by 1.0m,

DIWL after the stern takes to the blocks = 0.70 + 1.0 = 1.70m
DIWL @ C.I = 1.273m

DIWL @ C.I < Present DIWL

Therefore, after Critical Instant (after ship is already sitting all over)

Hydro draft afterwater level further drops by 1.0m = Initial Aft draft – DIWL
= 6.20 – 1.70 = 4.50m
Mean Rise = Initial Hydro draft - Hydro draft after water level further drops by 1.0m
= 5.179 – 4.50 = 0.679m = 67.9cm

P = M.R x TPC = 67.9 x 25 = 1697.5t

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At critical instant (when vessel sits all over)
P = (Trim x MCTC x 100) / distance from COF
= (1.38 x 410 x 100) / 89.5 = 632.2t

Mean Rise @ C.I = P / TPC = 632.2 / 29.5 = 21.4cm = 0.214m

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Hydrostatic draft @ C.I = Initial Hydro draft – M.R @ C.I
= 8.712 – 0.214 = 8.498m

Aft draft @ C.I = Hydro draft @ C.I = 8.498m

Drop In Water Level (DIWL) @ C.I = Initial Aft draft – Aft draft @ C.I
= 9.380 – 8.498 = 0.882m
Present DIWL after the stern takes to the blocks = 0.73m

As, DIWL @ C.I > Present DIWL, the ship will be in critical period

DIWL = M.R + Ta

Q.6 A vessel of length 140m, W 19200t, KM 6.7m, KG 6.2m, CF 4m fwd of amidships, MCTC
145tm is to be dry-docked. Calculate the maximum permissible trim by the stern to
ensure that she would have a positive GM of 30cm on taking blocks F & A.
V.GM = GMs – Loss of GM
V.GM = (KM - I.KG) – (FSC + V. Loss of GM)
0.3 = (6.7 – 6.2) – (0 + (P x 6.2) )
6.2P = (0.5-0.3) x (19200-P)
P = 600t

Max Trim = P x LCF / MCTC X 100 = 600 X 74 / 145 X 100 = 3.062m

Q.7 A vessel of length 84m, displacement 3000t, TPC = 12t, KM = 4.5m, K.G = 4.05m, MCTC =
80mtm, CF 2m abaft of mid-ship at a draft of F 4m, A 4.5m is dry-docked. Calculate:
i) The residual GM on taking blocks all over.
ii) Her drafts F & A.
iii) Her draft F & A when she becomes unstable.
i) P = Trim x MCTC x 100 / LCF = 0.5 x 80 x 100 / 40 = 100t

V. Loss of GM = P x I.KG / (W-P) = 100 x 4.05 / 2900 = 0.140m

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GMs = KM – I.KG = 4.5 – 4.05 = 0.45m
V.GM = GMs – V.Loss of GM = 0.45 – 0.14 = 0.31m

ii) Mean Rise = P/TPC = 100/12 = 8.3cm = 0.083m

Ta = LCF/LBP x Trim = 40/84 x 0.5 = 0.238m
Initial Hy. Draft = Aft Draft – Ta = 4.500 – 0.238 = 4.262m

When vessel takes to the blocks (@C.I),

F, A & Hy draft = Initial Hy draft – Mean Rise = 4.262 – 0.083 = 4.179m

iii). When vessel becomes unstable, V.GM = 0,

V.GM = GMs – Loss of GM

V.GM = (KM - I.KG) – (FSC + V. Loss of GM)
V.GM = (KM - I.KG) – { (FSM / W-P) + (P x I.KG / W-P) }
0 = (4.5 – 4.05) – (0 + (P x 4.05) )
4.05P = (0.45) x (3000-P)
P = 300t
Mean Rise = P/TPC = 300/12 = 25cm = 0.250m

When vessel becomes unstable,

F, A & Hy draft = Initial Hy draft – Mean Rise = 4.262 – 0.250 = 4.012m

Q.8. A ship LBP 200m , W 14000t, KM 8.80m, TPC 18, LCF 4m abaft of amidships is being
dry-docked drawing 6.30m fwd & 7.60m Aft. When just landing flat on the blocks the
draught was 6.8m. Calculate the loss of GM at that time.
Ta = LCF/LBP x Trim = 96/200 x 1.30 = 0.624m
Initial Hy. Draft = Aft Draft – Ta = 7.600 – 0.624 = 6.976m

M.R = Initial Hy Draft – Hy Draft = 6.976 – 6.800 = 0.176m = 17.6cm

P = M.R x TPC = 17.6 x 18 = 316.8t

V. Loss of GM = P x KM / W = 316.8 x 8.8 / 14000 = 0.2m

Q.9 A ship length 200m, LCF 5m fwd of amidships is being dry-docked at drafts f A 7.35m, A
9.15m, W 38700t, TPC 48, MCTC 360, KG 7.46m.
Find i) The GM when flat on the blocks if KM then is 7.46m.
ii) The draft when flat on the blocks.
iii) The GM when the draft is 7.8m if KM is then 8.30m.
iv) The drafts at which the ship becomes unstable.
i) P = Trim x MCTC x 100 / LCF = 1.8 x 360 x 100 /105 = 617.1t

V. Loss of GM = P x KM / W = 617.1 x 8.20 / 38700 = 0.131m

GMs = KM – I.KG = 8.2 – 7.46 = 0.74m
V.GM = GMs – V.Loss of GM =0.74 – 0.131 = 0.609m

ii) Mean Rise = P/TPC = 617.1/48 = 12.9cm = 0.129m

Ta = LCF/LBP x Trim = 105/200 x 1.8 = 0.945m
Initial Hy. Draft = Aft Draft – Ta = 9.150 – 0.945 = 8.205m

When vessel takes to the blocks (@C.I),

F, A & Hy draft = Initial Hy draft – Mean Rise = 8.205 – 0.129 = 8.076m

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iii). Mean Rise = Initial Hy Draft – Hy Draft after C.I = 8.205 – 7.800 = 0.405m =
P = M.R x TPC = 42.5 x 48 = 2040t
V. Loss of GM = P x KM / W = 2040 x 8.30 / 38700 = 0.438m
GMs = KM – I.KG = 8.3 – 7.46 = 0.84m
V.GM = GMs – V.Loss of GM =0.84 – 0.438 = 0.402m

iv). When vessel becomes unstable, V.GM = 0,

V.GM = GMs – Loss of GM
V.GM = (KM - I.KG) – (FSC + V. Loss of GM)
V.GM = (KM - I.KG) – { (FSM / W-P) + (P x New KM / W) }
0 = (8.3 – 7.46) – (0 + (P x 8.3) )
8.3P = (0.84) x (38700)
P = 3916.6t

Mean Rise = P/TPC = 3916.6/48 = 81.6cm = 0.816m

When vessel becomes unstable,

F, A & Hy draft = Initial Hy draft – Mean Rise = 8.205 – 0.816 = 7.389m

Q.10 A ship of L 130m, W 5200t, CF 2m aft of amidships, MCTC 140tm, KM 6.5m, KG 6.0m,
TPC 20t, drafts F 4.35m, A 5.41m is dry-docked. Calculate her residual GM and the drafts
i) When the trim is reduced to 35cms.
ii) When the water level has been lowered 1.2m after she has taken to the blocks all over.
i). Initial Trim = 1.060m
Final Trim = 0.350m
Tc = 0.710m

P = Tc x MCTC x 100 / LCF = 0.71 x 140 x 100 / 63 = 157.8t

V. Loss of GM = P x I.KG / (W-P) = 157.8 x 6.0 / 5042.2 = 0.188m
GMs = KM – I.KG = 6.5 – 6.0 = 0.500m
Virtual GM = GMs – V.Loss of GM = 0.500 – 0.188 = 0.312m

M.R = P / TPC = 157.8 / 20 = 7.9cm = 0.079m

Ta = LCF/LBP x Tc = 63/130 x 0.710 = 0.344m
Tf = Final Trim – Ta = 0.710 – 0.344 = 0.366m

Initial Drafts 4.350m 5.410m
M.R - 0.079m - 0.079m
Tf & Ta + 0.366m - 0.344m
Final Drafts 4.637m 4.987m

ii). Ta = LCF/LBP x Trim = 63/130 x 1.06 = 0.514m

Initial Hy. Draft = Aft Draft – Ta = 5.410 – 0.514 = 4.896m

P = Trim x MCTC x 100 / LCF = 1.06 x 140 x 100 /63 = 235.6t

Mean Rise @ C.I = P/TPC = 235.6/20 = 11.8cm = 0.118m

Total Mean Rise = Mean Rise @ C.I + DIWL after C.I = 0.118 + 1.2
= 1.318m = 131.8cm

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P = Total M.R x TPC = 131.8 x 20 = 2636t

V. Loss of GM = P x KM / W = 2636 x 6.50 / 5200 = 3.295m

GMs = KM – I.KG = 8.3 – 7.46 = 0.84m
V.GM = GMs – V.Loss of GM =0.84 – 0.438 = 0.402m

F, A & Hy Draft after C.I when water level drops by 1.2m

= Initial Hy. Draft - Total Mean Rise = 4.778 – 1.2 = 3.578m

Q.11 A ship LBP 170m, W 21480t, LCF 2m abaft of amidships, KG 6.96m, KM 7.12m, MCTC
260tm, TPC 30. Calculate the maximum allowable trim to ensure stability is not negative
when landing flat overall.
V.GM = GMs – Loss of GM
V.GM = (KM - I.KG) – (FSC + V. Loss of GM)
V.GM = (KM - I.KG) – { (FSM / W-P) + (P x I.KG / W-P) }
0 = (7.12 – 6.96) – {0 + (P x 6.96) }
6.96P = (0.18) x (21480-P)
P = 543t

Max Trim = (P x LCF) / (MCTC X 100) = (543 X 83) / (260 X 100) = 1.733m

Q. 12 Calculate the GM and drafts on taking the blocks overall when dry-docking a damaged
vessel, given W 43200t, LBP 210m, LCF 5m abaft of amidships and drafts F 13.14m, A
9.84m, Kg 8.60m, KM 9.00m, TPC 36, MCTC 350tm.
Ta = LCF/LBP x Trim = 100/210 x 3.30 = 1.571m
Initial Hy. Draft = Aft Draft + Ta = 9.840 + 1.571 = 11.411m
Fwd Length = LBP –LCF = 210 -100 = 110m

P = Trim x MCTC x 100 / Fwd Length = 3.3 x 350 x 100 /110 = 1050t
W-P = 43200 – 1050 = 42150t
V. Loss of GM = P x I.KG / W-P = 1050 x 8.6 / 42150 = 0.214m
GMs = KM – I.KG = 9.00 – 8.60 = 0.400m
V.GM = GMs – V.Loss of GM =0.400 – 0.214 = 0.186m

ii) Mean Rise = P/TPC = 1050/36 = 29.2cm = 0.292m

When vessel takes to the blocks (@C.I),

F, A & Hy draft = Initial Hy draft – Mean Rise = 11.411 – 0.292 = 11.119m

Q.13 A ship LBP 180m, W 18000t is damaged forward and trimmed by head. Calculate the
maximum allowable trim by head to ensure that there is a positive GM of 0.15m when
taking the blocks overall given that the blocks have a run down (towards the gate) of 10cm
per 100m and that the ship is being docked bow in. KG 7.20m, KM 7.56m, MCTC 210tm
and LCF 8m abaft of amidships.
KG formula Method
V.GM = GMs – Loss of GM
V.GM = (KM - I.KG) – (FSC + V. Loss of GM)
V.GM = (KM - I.KG) – { (FSM / W-P) + (P x I.KG / W-P) }
0.15 = (7.56 – 7.20) – {0 + (P x 7.20) }
7.20P = (0.36) - 0.15 x (18000-P)
P = 510.1t

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Max Trim (Between ship & slope of blocks)
= (P x Fwd Length) / (MCTC X 100) = (510.1 X 98) / (210 X 100) =

Trim of slope of blocks = Declivity/length of horizontal distance of blocks x LBP

= 0.1/100 x 180 = 0.180m

Max Trim = Max Trim of ship + Trim of slope of blocks

Max Trim of ship = Max Trim - Trim of slope of blocks = 2.381 – 0.180 = 2.201m BY

KM formula method
V.GM = GMs – Loss of GM
V.GM = (KM - I.KG) – (FSC + V. Loss of GM)
V.GM = (KM - I.KG) – { (FSM / W-P) + (P x KM / W) }
0.15 = (7.56 – 7.20) – {0 + (P x 7.56) }
7.56P = (0.36) - 0.15 x (18000)
P = 500t

Max Trim (Between ship & slope of blocks)

= (P x Fwd length) / (MCTC X 100) = (500 X 98) / (210 X 100) = 2.333m

Trim of slope of blocks = Declivity/length of horizontal distance of blocks x LBP

= 0.1/100 x 180 = 0.180m

Max Trim = Max Trim of ship + Trim of slope of blocks

Max Trim of ship = Max Trim - Trim of slope of blocks = 2.333 – 0.180 = 2.153m BY

Q.14. A box shaped vessel 80 x 16m at draft F 3m, A 4m, KG=4.2m is dry-docked. Calculate the
residual GM on taking the blocks F & A.
W = L x B x d x dsw = 80 x 16 x 3.5 x 1.025 = 4592t

KB = 1/2 d = ½ x 3.5 = 1.75m

BML (Box shaped) = L²/12d = 80²/(12 x 3.5) = 152.381m

KML = KB + BML = 1.75 + 152.381 = 154.131m

GML = KML – KG = 154.131 - 4.2 = 149.931m

MCTC = W x GML / 100L = (4592 x 149.931) / (100 x 80) = 86.06tm

P = Trim x MCTC x 100 / LCF = 1 x 86.06 x 100 / 40 = 215.5t

BMT (Box shaped) = B²/12d = 16²/(12 x 3.5) = 6.095m

KMT = KB + BMT = 1.75 + 6.095 = 7.845m
GMs = KM – KG = 7.845 – 4.2 =3.645m
V.Loss of GM = P x KM / W = 215.5 x 7.845 / 4592 = 0.368m
V.GM = GMs – V.Loss of GM = 3.645 – 0.368 = 3.277m

Q.15 A vessel of displacement 6200t, L 140m, CF 3m abaft midships, MCTC = 148tm, TPC 18,
KM 6.8m, KG 6.1m, at a draft of F 4.0m A 6.1m is floating in a drydock where the depth
of water is 7.5m above
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Q.16 A vessel of L 140m, CF 2.5m fwd of midships, MCTC 150, TPC 19, KM 7.6m KG 6.8m, W
11100t, at a draft F 3.70m A 5.60m is floating in a dry dock where depth of water is
6.60m above the top of the blocks. Calculate vessels residual GM and drafts F & A:-
When :- a) Vsl is at critical Instant
b) Water Level (W/L) is lowered by 1.6m.
a) Ta = LCF/LBP x Trim = 67/140 x 1.90 = 0.909m
Initial Hy. Draft = Aft Draft – Ta = 5.60 – 0.909 = 4.691m

P = Trim x MCTC x 100 / LCF = 1.90 x 150 x 100 /67 = 425.4t

Mean Rise @ C.I = P/TPC = 425.4/19 = 22.4cm = 0.224m

F, A & Hy Draft at C.I

= Initial Hy. Draft - Mean Rise = 4.691 – 0.224 = 4.467m

V. Loss of GM = P x I.KG / W-P = 425.4 x 6.8 / 10674.6 = 0.271m

GMs = KM – I.KG = 7.60 – 6.80 = 0.80m
V.GM = GMs – V.Loss of GM =0.80 – 0.271 = 0.529m

b) After the W/L drops by 1m the stern will take to the block.
Thereafter the DIWL = 1.6 – 1 = 0.60m = 60cm

Aft draft @ C.I = Hydro draft @ C.I = 4.467m

Drop In Water Level (DIWL) @ C.I = Initial Aft draft – Aft draft @ C.I
= 5.60 – 4.467 = 1.133m
Present DIWL after the stern takes to the blocks = 0.60m

As, DIWL @ C.I > Present DIWL, the ship will be in critical period

DIWL = M.R + Ta
60 = P/TPC + {(LCF/LBP) x (P x LCF/MCTC)
60 = P/19 + {(67/140) x (P x 67/150)}
60 = P/19 + (4489P /21000)
60 = (21000P + 85291P) / 399000
P = 225.2t

V. Loss of GM = P x I.KG / (W-P) = 225.2 x 6.8 / 10874.8 = 0.141m

GMs = KM – I.KG = 7.6 – 6.8 = 0.800m
Virtual GM = GMs – V.Loss of GM = 0.800 – 0.141 = 0.659m

M.R = P / TPC = 225.2 / 19 = 11.9cm = 0.119m

Tc = (P x LCF) / (MCTC x 100) = (225.2 x 67) / (150 x 100) = 1.006m
Ta = LCF/LBP x Tc = 67/140 x 1.006 = 0.481m
Tf = Final Trim – Ta = 1.006 – 0.481 = 0.525m

Initial Drafts 3.700m 5.600m
M.R - 0.119m - 0.119m
Tf & Ta + 0.525m - 0.481m
Final Drafts 4.106m 5.000m

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M.V.Hindship (Dry Docking)
Calculation of P (At different stages)
1) At Critical Instant (C.I)
P = (Trim x MCTC x 100) / distance from COF

2) During critical Period (When vessel is still pivoting) After the stern has taken to the
‘P’ will be found from the below formula:
Drop in water level (Decrease in Aft draft) (cms) = Mean Rise + Ta
= ( P ) + AF X (P x AF)
3) After Critical Instant
i) P = Initial Displacement – Final Displacement

TO FIND IN WHICH STAGE THE VESSEL IS (After the STERN takes to the blocks)
At the point of contact with the ground, the difference between the initial draft and final
draft will give the DIWL.
E.g. If point of contact is at AP, then DIWL = Intial Aft draft – final Final draft

Whenever DROP IN WATER LEVEL (DIWL) is given in the question,

We should first find out in which stage the ship is in.e.g.Critical Period or After Critical
Instant or At Critical Instant

- If, DIWL @ C.I > Present DIWL, then ship will be in critical period
- If, DIWL @ C.I < Present DIWL, then ship will be After Critical Instant
- If DIWL @ C.I = Present DIWL, then ship will be at Critical Instant

i) Find, ‘P’ @ C.I

P = (Trim x MCTC x 100) / distance from COF
ii) Find, Mean Rise @ C.I = P / TPC
iii) Find, Initial Hydrostatic draft = Initial Aft draft - Initial Ta
iv) Find, Hydrostatic draft @ C.I = Initial Hydro draft – M.R @ C.I
v) Find, Aft draft @ C.I
a) If the bottom of the drydock is horizontal
Aft draft @ C.I = Hydro draft @ C.I
b) If the bottom of the drydock is sloped (Trim of the blocks)
- Trim of the blocks = Trim of the ship @ C.I
- Ta @ C.I = LCF / LBP x Trim of the blocks
- Aft draft @ C.I = Hydraft @ C.I + Ta @ C.I
vi) Find, Drop In Water Level (DIWL) @ C.I = Initial Aft draft – Aft draft @ C.I

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-Find if vessel is in critical period.

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At critical instant (when vessel sits all over)
P = (Trim x MCTC x 100) / distance from COF
= (2.4 x 156.9 x 100) / 73.145 = 514.8t

Virtual Displacement @ C.I = 7118.4 – 514.8 = 6603.6t

Hydro draft @ C.I = 3.534m = Aft draft @ C.I

Drop In Water Level (DIWL) @ C.I = Initial Aft draft – Aft draft @ C.I
= 5.00 – 3.534 = 1.466m
Present DIWL after the stern takes to the blocks =1.20m

As, DIWL @ C.I > Present DIWL, the ship will be in critical period

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Tf = New T.Trim – Ta = 0.443 – 0.226 = 0.217m

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Q.7 M.VHindship enters a SW dry dock with drafts F 3.88mand draft A 5.30m. The
water level in the dock is 6m above the blocks. If the water level in the dock is
reduced by 1.5m, find
(a) Virtual Loss of GM and (b) drafts fwd and aft.
F 3.88m, A 5.30m, Mean 4.59m, Trim 1.42m
LCF for mean draft 4.59m = 73.02m

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Ta = (LCF/LBP) x Trim = (73.02/143.16) x 1.42 = 0.726m
Initial Hy Draft = Aft draft – Ta = 5.300 – 0.726 = 4.574m

For Hy draft 4.574m, Displacement 8856.9t

MCTC 163.63
TPC 21.9
LCF 73.02m
LCB 73.018m

At critical instant (when vessel sits all over)

P = (Trim x MCTC x 100) / distance from COF
= (1.42 x 163.63 x 100) / 73.02 = 318.2t

Virtual Displacement @ C.I = 8856.9 – 318.2 = 8538.7t

Hydro draft @ C.I = 4.430m = Aft draft @ C.I

Drop In Water Level (DIWL) @ C.I = Initial Aft draft – Aft draft @ C.I
= 5.30 – 4.430 = 0.87m

Present DIWL after the stern takes to the blocks = 0.8m = 80cm

As, DIWL @ C.I > Present DIWL, the ship will be in critical period

Drop in water level = Mean Rise + Ta

80 = P/TPC + {(LCF/LBP) x (P x LCF/MCTC)
80 = P/21.9 + {(73.02/143.16) X (P X 73.02/163.63)}
80 = P/21.9 + (5331.9P /23425.3)
80 = (23425.3P + 116769.1P) / 513013.43
P = 292.7t

Virtual displacement = 8856.9 – 292.7 = 8564.2t

New Hy draft 4.442m
New KM 9.35m
New MCTC 162.69
New LCF 73.05m
New LCB 73.017m

Vitual Loss of GM = P x KM /W = 292.7 x 9.35 / 8856.9 = 0.309m

Initial LCG = Initial LCB – (Initial Trim x Initial MCTC x 100 / Initial W)
= 73.018 – (1.42 x 163.63 x 100 / 8856.9)
= 70.395m

Remarks Wt(t) LCG(m) L.Moments(tm)

Initial W 8556.9 70.395 623477.7
P - 292.7 0 0 .
Final 8564.2 623477.7

New LCG = New L.Moments / W-P

= 623477.7 / 8564.2
= 72.80m

New T.Trim = (New LCB – New LCG) x (W-P) / (New MCTC x 100)
= (73.017 – 72.80) x 8564.2 / (162.69 x 100)
= 0.114m

Capt.M.R.MartinsPage 30
Ta = New LCF / LBP x New T.Trim = 73.05 / 143.16 x 0.114 = 0.058m

Tf = New T.Trim – Ta = 0.114 – 0.058 = 0.056m

New Hydrostatic draft 4.442m 4.442m
Tf & Ta - 0.056m + 0.058m
Final Drafts 4.386m 4.500m

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