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Inspire college ghakhar

Subject: Physics Weekly Ist Test

Time: 40 minutes Marks: 20


Q.NO.1: Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer
and encircle it. (1×6=6)

1) Two forces of magnitude 20 N and 50 N acts simultaneously on a body. Which one of the
following forces cannot be a resultant of the two forces?
a) 20 N b) 30 N c) 40 N d) 70 N
2-The resultant of two forces of equal magnitudes is also equal to the magnitude of the forces.
The angle between the two forces is.
a) 30o b) 60 o c) 90 o d) 120 o
3-A force is acting along y axis. Its component along x-axis is
(a) 5 N (b) Zero (c) 10 N (d) 2.5 N
4-At what angle, the components of a vector have same magnitude:
(a) 00 (b) 300 (c) 450 (d) 900
5-Maximum numbers of rectangular components are
a)One b) two c)three d) infinite
6-In which quadrant the two rectangular components of a vector have same sign?
a)1st b)2nd c) both 1st and 3rd d) 4th
Q.NO.2: Write down answers of the following questions. (3×2=6)
1) Is it possible to add three vectors of equal magnitude but different directions to get a null
vector? Illustrate with a diagram.
2) Under what circumstances would a vector have components that are equal in magnitude?
3) If A+B=0, what can you say about the components of the two vectors.
Q.NO.3: Attempt the following questions. (5+3=8)
a) Describe the vector addition by rectangular components
b) if a vector B is added to vector A then result is 6i +j.If B is subtracted from A then the
result is -4i+7j.what is magnitude of vector A

Subject: Ist year Physics Weekly 2nd Test

Time: 40 minutes Marks: 20

Inspire college ghakhar

Q.NO.1: Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer
and encircle it. (1×6=6)

1) If the second condition of equilibrium is satisfied then body is said to be equilibrium in

a) Translational b) Rotational c) Complete d) Static
2) The scalar product of vectors A = 2i + 2j + 2k and B = -2i + 2j is equal to
a) 10 b)6 c)0 d)None of these
3) If the line of action of force passes through the pivot point then the torque is
a)Maximum b) Zero c) Infinity d) None of these
4) A · (A×B) =?
a) 0 b) 1 c) AB d) A2B
5) The magnitude of cross product is equal to the dot product between them. The angle
between the two vectors is.
a)30o b)45 o c) 60 o d)180 o
6) If a body is at rest, then it will be in equilibrium
a) Static b) Dynamic c) Translational d) Unstable
Q.NO.2: Write down answers of the following questions. (3×2=6)
1) A picture is suspended from a wall by two strings. Show by diagram the configuration of
the strings for which the tension in the string is minimum.
2) If all the components of the vectors, A1and A2 were reversed, how would this alter A1×A2
3) Can a body rotate about its center of gravity under the action of its weight?
Q.NO.3: Attempt the following questions. (5+3=8)
1) Define vector product and write down the main characteristics of vector product.
2) The magnitude of dot and cross product of are 6√3 and 6 respectively. Find the
angle between them.

Subject: Physics Weekly 3rd Test

Time: 40 minutes Marks: 20

Inspire college ghakhar
Q.NO.1: Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer
and encircle it. (1×6=6)

1-Area under velocity time graph represents.

a)Force b)momentum c)distance d) acceleration
2-Slope of velocity time graph is.
a) Acceleration b) distance c) force d) momentum
3-Which law of motion is also called law of inertia?
a)1st law b) 2nd law c) 3rd law d) 4th law
4- Instantaneous and average velocities become equal when body has
a) Zero acceleration b) uniform acceleration c) variable acceleration d) moves in a circle
5-What is the shape of velocity time graph for constant acceleration?
a) Straight line b) parabola c) inclined curve d) declined curve
6-Inertia of an object is quantitative measure of its.
a)Volume b) Density c)Mass d) Temperature
Q.NO.2: Write down answers of the following questions. (3×2=6)
1) Describe the Newton’s second law of motion in terms of momentum.
2) Show that impulse of a force is equal to the change in linear momentum.
3) What is the difference between uniform and variable velocity? From the explanation of
variable velocity, define acceleration. Give the SI unit of velocity and acceleration.
Q.NO.3: Attempt the following questions. (2×4=8)
1) State and prove the law of conservation of linear momentum for an isolated system of
two balls moving in the same direction.
2) Two masses m1 and m2 are at initially at rest with a spring compressed between them.
What is the ratio of their velocities when the spring is released?

Subject: Physics (1st year) Weekly 4th Test

Time: 40 minutes Marks: 20


Q.NO.1: Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer
and encircle it. (1×6=6)
Inspire college ghakhar
1) Range of a projectile on a horizontal plane is same for the following pair of angles:
(a) 300 and 600 b) 200 and 800 (c) 00 and 450 (d) 100 and 900
2) The velocity of projectile at its maximum height is:
(a) ViSinƟ (b) ViCosƟ (c) Maximum (d) Zero
3) A snooker ball moving with velocity v collides head on with another snooker ball of
same mass at rest. If the collision is elastic, the velocity of the second snooker ball is:
a) Zero b) Infinity c) V d) 2V
4) What is the angle of projection for which the range and maximum height become equal?
a)Tan-1 ¼ b)Tan-1 4 c) Tan-1 ½ d)Tan-1 2
5) As the rocket moves upward doing its job, its acceleration goes on
a) Increasing b) decreasing c) remains same d) none
6) Water is flowing through a pipe at a rate of 10kgs with a speed of 5ms . The force exerted
-1 -1

by water on the wall may be

a) 1 N b) 100N c) 20 N d) None of these

Q.NO.2: Write down answers of the following questions. (2×3=6)

1. Show that the range of the projectile is maximum when the projectile is thrown at an
angle of 45° with the horizontal.
2. Find the angle of projectile for which its maximum height and range are equal.
3. When a massive body collides with the light stationary body then what is final velocities
of ball.
Q.NO.3: Attempt the following questions. (5+3=8)
a) Describe the elastic collision of balls in one dimension for the case of an isolated system.
b) Prove that for angle of projection which exceed or fall short of 450 by equal amounts, the
ranges are equal.

Subject: Physics Weekly 5th Test

Time: 40 minutes Marks: 20


Q.NO.1: Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer
and encircle it. (1×5=5)

1-Work done will be maximum if the angle between the force F and displacement d is.
(a) 45o (b) 90o (c) 180o (d) 0o
2-Which of the following is not conservative force?
(a) Friction (b) electric (c) gravitational (d) magnetic
Inspire college ghakhar
3-Work has the dimension as that of same as that of.
(a) Torque (b) acceleration (c) linear momentum (d) power
4-One kilowatt hour of work is equal to
a)0.36 MJ (b) 3.6 MJ (c) 36 MJ (d) 360 MJ
5-If velocity is double, then.
(a) 2 K.E (b) K.E (c) 3K.E (d) 4 K.E
6-The relation between horse power and watt is.
(a)1 hp = 546 watts (b) 1 hp = 746 watts (c) 1 hp = 1000 watts (d) 1 hp = 946 watts

Q.NO.2: Write down answers of the following questions. (3×2=6)

1) What sort of energy is in the following?

a) Compressed spring b) Water in a high dam c) A moving car
2) An object has 1 J of potential energy. Explain what does it mean?
3) In which case is more work done? When a 50 kg bag of books is lifted through 50 cm, or
when a 50 kg crate is pushed through 2m across the floor with a force of 50 N.
4) State the work energy principle. Also derive its mathematical form.
Q.NO.3: Attempt ONE question from the following questions. (5+3=8)
1) Define Gravitational field and show that Gravitational field is independent of path.
2) A rain drop of mass (m=3.35×10-5kg) falls vertically at a constant speed under the action
of force of gravity and friction. In falling through a 100m ,how much work is done by

a)Gravity b)friction

Subject: Physics Weekly 6th Test

Time: 40 minutes Marks: 20


Q.NO:1Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer
and encircle it. (1×6=6)

1) The escape velocity form the earth surface in km s-1 is.

(a) 4.2 km s-1 (b) 7.5 km s-1 (c) 9.5 km s-1 (d) 11 km s-1
2) Value of solar constant is
a)1.4kwm-2 b) 1.0kwm-2 c)1.8kwm-2 d) 2.0 kwm-2
3) The source of tidal energy is:
(a) Ocean (b) moon (c) earth (d) sun
4) As we move away from the center of earth, the value of absolute P.E. ……………….
a)Increase b) Decrease c) Remains constant `d) Either a or b
Inspire college ghakhar
5) For freely falling body total amount of energy at any point:
a) Decreases b) increases c) remains constant d) both (a) and (b)
6) Which one is non-renewable energy source?
(a) Wind (b) Tides (c) Biomass (d) Uranium

Q.NO.2: Write down answers of the following questions. (3×2=6)

1) When a rocker re-enters the atmosphere, its nose cone become very hot. Where does this
heat energy come from?
2) A girl drops a cup from a certain height, which breaks into pieces. What energy changes
are involved?
3) A boy uses a catapult to throw a stone which accidentally smashes a greenhouse window.
List the possible energy changes.

Q.NO.3: Attempt ONE question from the following questions. (5+3=8)

I. (a) Describe the inter-conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy for a free falling
(b) A 1000 kg automobile at the tip of an incline 10 m high and 100 m long is released
and rolls down the hill. What is its speed at the bottom of the incline if the average
retarding force due to friction is 480 N?

Subject: Physics Weekly 7th Test

Time: 40 minutes Marks: 20


Q.NO:1Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer
and encircle it. (1×6=6)

1. The angle subtended at the center of a circle by an arc equals to the length of its radius
a)degree b)one radian c)rotation d)none
2. When a body move is whirled in a horizontal circle by means of a string, the centripetal force is
provided by
a) Mass of bod b) velocity of body c) tension in the string d) centripetal acceleration
3. Centripetal force performs work
a)Maximum b)Zero c)No work d)Minimum
4. In angular motion, Newton’s second law of motion is.
a)F = ma b)F = ∆p/∆t c) = la d)all of above
5. Angular speed of second’s hand of a watch in rad-1 is.
Inspire college ghakhar
a)  b)/2 c)/30 d)/180
6. The relation between linear and angular acceleration is.
(a) ⃗α = ⃗a x ⃗r (b) ⃗a = ⃗r x ⃗α (c) ⃗a = α⃗ x ⃗r (d) ⃗r = α⃗ x ⃗a

Q.NO.2: Write down answers of the following questions. (2×3=6)

1. Derive the relationship between the angular velocity and linear velocity.
2. When mud flies off the tire of a moving bicycle, in what direction does it fly? Explain.
3. What is meant by moment of inertia? Explain its significance.

Q.NO.3: Attempt ONE question from the following questions. (5+3=8)

1. a)What do you know about centripetal force? Also derive its expression.
b) A tiny laser beam is directed from the Earth to the Moon. If the beam is to have a diameter of 2.50 m at
the Moon, how small must divergence angle be for the beam? The distance of Moon from the Earth is

Subject: Physics Weekly 8th Test

Time: 40 minutes Marks: 20


Q.NO:1Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer
and encircle it. (1×6=6)

1-Einstein’s theory states that bodies and light rays move along
a)Geodesics b)Force of gravity c)both (a) and (b) d)None of them
2-The necessary force to a satellite is provided by:
a) Gravitational force b) Frictional force c) Coulomb force d) Centripetal force
3-The rotational K.E of a body is given by
a)1/2Iω2 b) 1/2Iω3 c) ω2 d) 1/2Iω
4-Which electromagnetic waves are used as medium in satellite communication system:
a) Microwaves b) Radio waves c) Infrared waves d) Ultraviolet waves
5-According to Einstein’s theory the space time
a)Straight b)parabolic c)elliptical d)curved
6-A body of 2 kg is suspended from the ceiling of an elevator moving up with an acceleration g.
its apparent weight in the elevator will be
a)9.8N b) 19.6 N c)129.4 N d)39.2 N
Q.NO.2: Write down answers of the following questions. (2×3=6)
Inspire college ghakhar
1. A disc and a hoop start moving down from the top of an inclined plane at the same time.
Which one will have greater speed on reaching the bottom?
2. Explain how many minimum number of geo-stationary satellites are required for global
coverage of TV transmission.
3. Describe what should be the minimum velocity, for a satellite, to orbit close to earth
around it.
Q.NO.3: Attempt ONE question from the following questions. (5+3=8)
a) What is a geostationary satellite? Write down the expression for radius of a geostationary
b) What should be the orbiting speed to launch a satellite in a circular orbit 900 km above
the surface of earth? (Take mass of the Earth as 6×1024and its radius as 6400 km).

Subject: Physics Weekly 9th Test

Time: 40 minutes Marks: 20


Q.NO:1Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer
and encircle it. (1×5=5)

1) Stokes law is applicable if body has __________ shape.

a)Rough b)square c)circular d) spherical
2) The dimensions of coefficient of viscosity are
a)MLT-1 b) MLT-2 c)ML-1T-1 d)ML2T-1
3) Ideal fluid is.
a)non-viscous b)incompressible c)steady flow d)possess all properties
4) Equation of continuity is obtained by apply in law of conservation of.
a)mass b)energy c)momentum d)all
5) According to equation of continuity, A1V1 = A2V2= constant. The constant is equal to.
a) Flow rate b) volume of fluid c) mass of fluid d) density of fluid
6) Venturi meter is used to measure.
a)fluid pressure b)fluid density c)fluid speed d)none

Q.NO.2: Write down answers of the following questions. (2×3=6)

1) Why fog droplets appear to be suspended in air?
2) Explain what the difference between laminar and turbulent flow.
3) Explain the working of a carburetor of a motor car using Bernoulli’s principal.

Q.NO.3: Attempt ONE question from the following questions. (5+3=8)

Inspire college ghakhar
a) Define &derive the expression of Bernoulli’s equation for the case of an ideal fluid.
b) How large must a heating duct be if air moving ms-1 along it can replenish the air in a
room of 300m3volume every 15 min? Assume the air’s density remains constant.

Subject: Physics Weekly 10th Test

Time: 40 minutes Marks: 20


Q.NO:1Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer
and encircle it. (1×6=6)

1) Boltzmann constant K in terms of universal gas constant R and Avogadro’s number N a is

given as,
a)K = RNa b) K = R/Na c) K = Na/Ra d) K = nRNa
2) In an adiabatic process
(a) ΔQ = ΔU b) ΔQ = ΔW (c) ΔQ = 0 (d) ΔQ = ΔU – ΔW
3) First law of thermodynamic is restatement of law of conservation of:
(a) Energy b) Momentum c) Angular momentum (d) All
4) The following expression represent: ΔU = –W
(a) Isothermal expansion (b) Adiabatic compression (c) Isobaric process (d) None
5) For an ideal gas force of attraction between molecules is:
(a) Very large (b) Very small (c) Infinite (d) Zero
6) Isothermal process is carried out at constant:
(a) Volume (b) pressure (c) temperature (d) energy
Q.NO.2: Write down answers of the following questions. (2×3=6)
1. Why velocity of the molecules in a gas average is zero but the average of the square of the
velocities is not zero
2. Give an example of a process in which no heat is transferred to or from the system but the
temperature of the system changes.
3. Why does the pressure of a gas in a car tire increase when it is driven through some distance?
Q.NO.3: Attempt ONE question from the following questions. (5+3=8)
1) What is pressure of gas? Find the expression for pressure of gas exerted on the walls of container.
2) A Sample of gas is compressed to one half of its initial volume at constant pressure of
1.25×105Nm-2.During the compression ,100j of Work is done on the gas. Determine the Final
volume of the gas.
Inspire college ghakhar

Subject: Physics Weekly 11th Test

Time: 40 minutes Marks: 20


Q.NO:1Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer
and encircle it. (1×6=6)

1) Triple point of water is.

a)273 oC b)273K c) 273.16 oC d) 273.16 K
2) The property of a system that remains constant during an adiabatic process is called
a)internal energy b) entropy c)temperature d) pressure
3) A real gas can be approximated to an ideal gas at
a) Low density b) high pressure c) high density d) low temperature
4) Number of spark plug used in diesel engine is:
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 1 d) None of these
5) If one mole of an ideal gas is heated at constant pressure, then
(a)Qp = CpT (b)U = CPT (c) c)U = CvT (d)Qp = CvT
6) Carnot cycle is
(a) Reversible (b) irreversible (c) both (d) none
Q.NO.2: Write down answers of the following questions. (2×3=6)
1) Is it possible to construct a heat engine that will not expel heat into the atmosphere?
2) Can specific heat of a gas zero or infinity? Can specific heat be negative?
3) Explain with examples reversible and irreversible processes.

Q.NO.3: Attempt ONE question from the following questions. (5+3=8)

a) Show that the difference between the two specific heats of a gas is equal to real gas
constant. i.e Cp – Cv = R.
b) calculate the change in entropy when 10kg of water is heated from 90C0 to 100C0?
(specific heat of water is 4180jmole-1k-1)
Inspire college ghakhar

Subject: Physics Weekly Ist Test

Time: 40 minutes Marks: 20


Q.NO.1: Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer
and encircle it. (1×6=6)

1) A student added three figures 72.1, 3.32 and 0.003. The correct answer regarding the
rules of addition of the significant figures will be:

(a) 75.423 (b) 75.42 (c) 75.4 (d) 75

2) Which of the following is least multiple:
(a)pico (b)femto (c)nano (d)atto
3) Numbers of significant figures in 0.0173 are:
a) Three b) Two c) Five d) Four
4) Which is not a base unit in S.I. units?
(a) Kilograms (b) joule (c) ampere (d) Kelvin
5) Dimensions for acceleration due to gravity is:
(a) [MLT-2] (b) [MLT] (c) [LT+2] (d) [M0LT-2]
6) The branch of physics which deals with ultimate particles of which the matter is composed is
(a) Plasma Physics (b) atomic physics (c) nuclear physics (d) particle physics
Q.NO.2: Write down answers of the following questions. (2×3=6)
1) Three students measured the length of a needle with a scale on which minimum division
is 1 mm and recorded as (i) 0.2145 m (ii) 0.21 m (iii) 0.214m.Which record is correct and
2) The period of a simple pendulum is measured by a stop watch. What types of errors are possible
in this time period?
3) Differentiate between random error and systematic error.
Q.NO.3: Attempt ONE question from the following questions. (5+3=8)
a) Differentiate between precise and accurate measurement and explain with suitable
b) Show that energy –mass equation E = mc2 is dimensionally correct.
Inspire college ghakhar

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