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The Nation's Jbad-ComDlllnist NeJyspaper ~

.. The Truth, the whole Trutfr,

Common Sense
.Issue No. 267 (11th Year)
Copyright Registered 1948 United States Patent Office.

Union, New Jersey, U.S. A. Jan. 1, 1957

. and nothing hut the Truth''
Witllout /ear or faVor-•


Five Cents .

Proof Positive~-Commul1ism
Is Jewish From Start To finish
Reports from Hungary at this writing
say thousands of Hungarians have been
killed · _and thousands wounded by the Com- ·
munists. Communism did not start in
1956, it was set up in 1917. Who organized,
tlirected and financed it? Who has nursed
and protected · this . Frankenstein during
these last 38 years? · __
People who . have the interest -and
courage to face facts regarding the world
wide crisis are not surprised at the follow-
ing quotations: ·
Winston Churchill in a. speech to the
House of Commons on Nov. 5, 1919 said:
" Certainly I dispute the title of the Bol-
sheviks to · represent Russia...They · despise
sucl! commonplace as· riationality..•No :sOon··
er·.did Lenin arrive than_he ~- bec;kgn.;
_ ing_ a finger here and 'a· finger. there
obscure J)ersons in shel~red retreats - in
N. Y,, in GlaSgow, ·in -Berne and other colin-
tries, and he gathered together the· leading fte above· Ziollists were· instruinental in pressUring · FDR tO send two..thirds of our.;
spirits of a m~t formidable sect, the most · PB£Hic: Fleet ·ag&inst - Germany, Um,l~ately after ·the Pearl HarbOr attack. ·
formidable sect in the world•••" and . i1t : the . actual bringing · about of the Russians like .. Bukharin · or Lunacharskl
(The ~ondon Sunday Herald on Feb. 8,. Russian :Revolution by· these international cannot be compared with the power . of .
1920, earned an illustrated article entitled, and· for the most part ~theistic Jews. It is Trotsky, . or of Zinovieff,the Dictator· Of·
"A · Struggle for the Soul of the ..Jewisn certainly a very great one; it ,probably out- the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin
People," by Winston Churchill, from which weigh$ .-.all others. With . the notable excep- or Radek----all Jews. .In the Soviet institu-
the following is publisht?d.) tion of Lenin, the majority of · the leading tions the prominance of Jews is even more·
"Some people like .Jews and some do figHres are Jews., Moreover, the principal astonishing. And the prominent, if not in~.
not; but no thoughtful. man can doubt the insp~ation and ·driving power · c?mes_.from deed the principal, part in· the system of
f~ct that they are beyond all question the the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a terrorism applied by the Extraordina~
most formidable and the most -remarkable pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal Commissions for Combating Counter Revo-
race which has ever appeared in the world: . subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of -(Continued on page two)-
"I deal here with the schemes of the
International . Jews. The adherents of this
sinister confederacy are mostly .men reared
up among . the unhappy populations . of
countries where Jews are persecuted on
THEY·WORK BOTH ·SIDES OF' STREET · perfecting a movement to take over and salvage
account of their race. Most, if not all, of . The ·H ungarian .patriots are waging a costly Marxism in event of a Soviet· collapse.
them have forsaken the faith of their fore- war against their Bolshevik :rtulers and there Stpdents of the Jewish plot are aware that
fathers and divorced from their minds all are signs of revolt against Communism in most .the Jews always work both sides of the street.
spiritual hopes of the next world. This ' aCommunist controlled countries. Should there be If there is any organizing to be done, or any,
of Communist ·rule in all Commu- one going to fight Communism, they are going
movement among the Jews is not new. nistcrumbling countries, · who or what forces will take to direct it and smear ev~ryone who questions
From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to charge? them. They set up Commun~sm in 1917; now, it
those _of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky People who ' are wondering if arrangements it is to fall Trotskyite Jews are waiting with
(~ussia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa have been made can rest assured this has been open arms to receive it and start alJ over again
Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Gold- taken care o.f. The machinery is all set and the under apother name.
man (U. S.), this world-wide conspiracy last American taxpayers have paid for it. For the No doubt the top Jews in the Soviet Union
five years "characters" from the U.S. have will be working with these Trotskyites when
for the overthrow of civilization and for been busy in Europe _planning so as .to ~ ready Stalin Communism falls. The three most im·
the reconstitution ·of society on the basis of to step i.n and take over. Always secretive, but portant Jews in the present Bolshevik Soviet
arrested development,. of envious malevo- active. Who are they? None other than Jews. Union are · Lazar Kaganovich, First Deputy
lence,. and i~possiple '. equality, has :.teen Alexander Kerensky (real name Aaron Premier, and in charge of all industry and man-
steadily ... growmg, ·It played, as a modern Kirbiz) set up a Socialist government in Russia power; Anastas Mikoyan, Armenian Jew · mein·
ber of the Presidium, and Ashberg, top man ·o f
on· March .12, 1917, and one of his first acts
writer; · Mrs. Webster-· (author of World .was to order every available copy of the Proto- . finance in the Soviet. ·
Revolution) , has so ably shown, a de- cols destroyed. These the Jews claim are forger- The present wholesale mur{}er in Hungary
finately recognizable part in the tragedy ,of ies. Kerensky gave .the government to t_he B~l­ reminds us of that terrible week during which
the French _Revolution. It has been- the sheviks Lenin and Trotsky (Bronstem) m 30,000 Ukranial)s . were slaughtered by Commu-
mainspring of every subversive . movement 'Oct. 1917. 'F or the last five years working with nists. Thousands of Ukranians in the U.S., sign·
Kerensky in Europe are Jay Lovestone, who ed petitions-present.ed to FDR then Pres.-ask-
curing the 19th _centl.!ry; and now at last helped organize the Communist Party in the ing him to use his influence to stop the blood·
this band . of ' extraordinary . i>ersonalities . U.S., and Irving Brown, both Trotskyites and shed. Roosevelt refused to _even send a letter
· from the underworld of the great cities of employees ~f Da~id Dubinsky. ~estbroo~ ~egler to Moscow. The fact that the Jews controlled
calls and Brown anti·Krembn Com- the Kremlin and FDR is the answer.
Europe ·and America · have gripped the. Rus:. munists. · This is not the first Bolshevik bloodbath , ·
sian peqple · by the hair of their heads and There is much evidence that David ·Dubinsky, · given Hungary. During 1919 ~ela Kun <Cohen)
have become praGtically the undisputed · Polish born Jew and czar of the International who had played a prominent part in the 1917
masters of that enormous empire. Gannent Workers Union with one quarter bil· revolution in Russia, moved into Hun,gary with
· · .
TmRriBIS~ iEWs · · :lion t dollars: reserve . (N.Y. ' Times 5/14/56). -~s ·s large .g~oup of Jewish revoluttonari~s . .Backed .
been . receiving millions ·Qf dollars from our Cl!\ · py th.e Soyi~t government: :ijela . E:un bec~me
"There ,·i s lJ1o , need to exaggerate·· 1fhe <:Cepiral Intelligence 4ge) >' - to finance a
part played in the: ereati~n of -~-:Bolkhe\f.iSm . iwarik of Trotsky Jews · working in Europe; - (COntinued on' page three?~ · ·
Comm1111 Sense
the first to cry among the masses of the In 1921, out of 550 Commissars, 447
PROOF POSITIVE people the words 'Liberty, Equality,
Fraternity.' ...and with ~hem carried away;
were Jews.
In 1922, out of 525 Commissars, 445
-(Continued from page one)-
the well-being of the world..." (Protocol 1) were Jews.
Jution has been taken by the Jews, and in " ...Remember the French Revolution to The U. S. Secret Service (a forerunner
~orne notable cases by Jewesses. The same which it was we who gave the name of of the present Central Intelligence Agency)
~vii prominence was obtained by Jews in 'Great'; the secrets of its preparations are was aware of this Jewish inflence in the
lhe brief period of terror during which well known to us for it was WHOLLY THE Soviet government, and circulated to allied
Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same WORK OF OUB HANDS." (Protocol 3) governments a confidential report on the
phenomenon has been presented in Ger- " ...The intensification of armaments, matter, from whch we quote extensivelY,
rnany (especially Bavaria), so far as this the increase of police forces, are all essen· below:
madness has been allowed to prey upon the tial for the completion of the aforemention- . SECTION I.-In February, 1916, it was
lemporary prostration of the German ed plans. What we have to get at is that first discovered that a revolution was being
people. Although in all these countries there should be in all the States of the fomented in Russia. It was found that the
there are many non-Jews every whit as world, besides ourselves, only the masses of following persons, as well as the banking
bad as the worst of the Jewish revolu- the proletariat, a few millionaires devoted houses mentioned, were engaged in this
tionaries, the part played by the latter in to our iterests, police and soldiers." (Pro- work of destruction; Jacob Schiff, Guggen-
proportion to their numbers in the popula- tocol 7) heim, .Max Breiting, Kuhn, Loeb & Co.,
tion is astonishing." " •••We must be in a position to respona Jewish banking houses of which the follow-
The following qUotation is from an to EVERY ACT OF OPPOSmON B'¥ WAR ing are drectors: Jacob Schiff, Felix War-
article in the Century Magazine, Jan. 1928, with the neighbors of that country wkich burg, Otto Kahn, Mortimer Schiff, S. H.
by Rabbi Marcus Eli Ravage: (lares to oppose us; but if those neighbors Hannauer. (All Jewish.)
"We have been at the bottom not should also venture to stand collectively to- SECTION II.-In the spring of 1917,
merely of the latest war but of nearly all gether against us, then we must offer Jacob Schiff began to supply funds to
your wars, not only the Russian but of resistance by a universal war.'' (Protocol 7) Trotsky (Bronstein) to bring about the
every other major revolution in your The following is from the booklet social revolution in Russia. The N. Y.
history. We have brought discord and con- "Jewish Anti-Communism". ''Daily Forward", which is a Judeo-Bolshe-
fusion and fmstration into your personal From the very beginning of· the modern vick organ, gave a subscription for the
and public lif~. No ()De can tell how long we Communi~t movement, its principal philo- same cause.
shall go on doing it••••We still dominate you.· sophical and practical motivation has been ' SECTION m.-In Oct. 1917, the social
At this moment your churches are torn provided by the International Jew. Com- revolution took place in Russia, thanks to
asunder by civil war between Fundamental- munism, in the Slavic states such as Russia, which certain Soviet institutions took over
Ists and Modernists." Hungary and Poland, was and is a pre- the direction of the Russian - people. In
The "Jewish World" of London issued dominantly Jewish movement; in the early these Soviets the following people (all Jew-
this statement on Jan. 10, 1929: days of the Russian Revolution, the reins ish) made themselves remarkable: Lenin
of the Soviet gove~ent were. almost en- (teal name Unianoff); Trotsky (Bronstein);
"The fact of Bolshevism itself, the fact tirely in the hands of Bolshevik .Jews such Steckloff (Nakames); Martoff (Zeder-
that so many Jews are Bolshevists, the fact as Tro1:$ky, Zinnvieff, Kamenev, Radek, baum); Zinovieff (Apfelbaum); Parvus
that the ideal of Bolshevism so nearly re- Sverdlov, and Litvinov. Lenin, believed to (Helphand); Uritsky (:Padomilsky); Larin
sembles the cherished ideals of Judaism, be a gentile, was manied to a Jewess, N. (Largo); Bohrin (Nathansohn); Martinoff
should make the serious Jew reflect with Kroupskaya, and c.ontemporary anti-Com- (Zibar); Bogdanoff (Zilberstein); Dan
care." munist historians recorded that the couple (Gourevitch); • Genetsky (Furstenburg);
"Jewish Life" of N. Y., issue of May, spoke only Yiddish in their home. The Garin (Garfeld); Suchanoff : (Zilberstein);
1938, under the title "Anti-Semitl$m Must strongly Jewish · flavor of the Bolshevik Sanchanoff (Gimel) ;· Kammelf (Goldman);
Be Defeated" declared: government wa$ not confined to the higher Segersky (Krochman); Eiszanoff (Bleich·
''Every Jew who is sincerely bltereJted echelons of officialdom; in the Politbw.:o, mann); Pistnitsky (Ziwin); Axelrod (Or-
In the plight of the Jews•••should realize the strongest governmental department, thodox); Glastinoff (Schultze); Zuriesian .
that the best sons of the Jewisll people are Jews numbered ll)Ore than eight times the (Weinstein); Lapinsky .( Lowensohn).
lb.e Jewish Communists, and. that the gost strength in propOrtion to their membership . . SECTION IV.-At the same time the Jew
faithful aUy of the Jews••••is the Commimlst ln the Commuriist Party, which was itself Paw Warburg was remarked to oo · in
Party.'' . . not inconsiderable. The Politburo remained active contact with certain Bolshevist
The late Rabbi Judah L. Magnes was almost exclusively Je~h throughout the notables in the U.S.A:. This circumstance,
even more .explicit when he told a N. Y. increasing from .forty per cent in together with other points about which in-
audience in 1919 : early days of the regime, their number formation has been obtained, was the cal.l$e
"Revolutionaries, sociaHsts, bolshevfsts, 1919, to 42.9 per cent in 1922. The Press of his not being elected again to the
majority or ~ority socialists, under what- Bureau, which was in charge of the cpndi- Federal Reserve~
ever name we may ~li them, are Jews, and tioning of the Russian people through the SECTION V.-On the other hand, Judas
~hey are to be found in every revolutionary propaganda media of the public press, ·was Magnes, subsidized by Jacob Schiff, is in
movement as leaders or propagandists." almost completely Jewish in complexion; close touch with the world wide Zionist
the Jew Radolsky was appointed official organization (Paole Zion) of which in fact
The "Jewish Communal Register" of
1917-18, published by "Kehillih (Jewish censor of all Soviet journalistic activities in he is director. The final end of this organi-
Community) of N. Y.," 356. 2nd Ave., N.Y. one of Lenin's first governmental appoint- zation is to establish the international
ments. Jewish influence was especially supremacy of the Jewish Labor movement.
'(p. 1019) praises Jacob Schiff he~d of
Kuhn Loeb & Co. for financing the Russian powerful in the Central Council of Com- SECTION VII.-Scarcely had the social
missaries. In 1920, the Central Council ' revolution broken out in Germany when
Red Revolution.
consisted of 20 members, of which 17 were the Jewess Rosa Luxemburg automatically
"Without exaggeration it may be said Jews, and 3 gentiles. The Commissariat of assumed the political direction of it. One of
that the great . Russian Revolution was in- Weir at the same time. Consisted of 43 mem- the chief leaders of the international Bol·
(leed accomplished by the hands of the bers, of which no ,less than 34 were Jews. shevik movement was the Jew, Haas. At
Jews." Statement of the Jew M. Cohen in In the Commisariat of the Provinces, 21 the same time the social revolution develop-
''The Communist Charkov," April 1~ 1919. out of 23 belonged to the same race, as did ed along the same lines as the social revo-
"The world revolution which we will 'ex- 45 out of the 55 members of the Commis- lution in Russia.
perience will be exclusively our affair and sariat of the Interior. The Commissariat SECTION VIli If we bear in mind the
will rest in our hands. This revolution will for Foreign Mfairs was comprised of 17 Jewish banking house of -Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
tighten the . Jewish domination over all members; out of this number, 14 were is in touch with the Westphalian Rhineland
other people." Paris Jewish magazine, Jews. Taken as a whole, the percentage of Syndicate, German Jewish house; and with
"Peuple Juif," Feb. 8, 1919. Jews in the Commissariats, the highest the two brothers Lazare (Jewish House in
"War to the hilt between Communism offices of Revolutionary Russia, was during Paris) ; and if in addition we remark that
and Capitalism is inevitable. Today, of the Lenin regime ~s follows: all the above mentioned Jewish houses are
course, we are not strong enough to attack. In 1917-18, out of 316 Commissars, 300 ' in close touch with the Jewish houses of
Our time will come in 20 or 30 years. To were Jews. Jacob Speyer of London, New York, and
win we shall need the element of surprise. In 1920, out of 457 Commissars, 322 Frankfurt-on-Main, as well as with Nyan
The bourgeoisie will have to be put to were Jews. Banken, Judea-Bolshevist house at Stock-
sleep. So we shall begfu by launching the holm; it will be manifest that the Bolshevik
most spectacular peace movement on re- movement is in a general measure the ex-
cord. There will be electrifying overtures pression of a general Jewish movement,
and unheard of concessiol)s. r1e capitalist and that certain Jewish banking houses are
countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice Common Sense* interested in the organization of this move-
to cooperate in their own destruction. They Union, New Jersey, U. 5. A. ment.
Conde McGinley, Editor
will leap at another chance to be friends. WE WERE WARNED
As soon as their guard is down, we shall $1 for 30 copies, $3 for 100, $10 for 500
A report issued by the Netherlands
smash them with our clenched fist.'; One year's subscription, $1. Three years for $2.50
Minister to Petrograd, M. Oudendyk, on
Dimitry Z. Manuilsky (Jew) First Class (Sealed)-$3.00 per year
Sept. 6, 1918, and subsequently presented
Presiding Officer UN Security Council, 1949 FOREIGN 10 MONTHS $1.00 by order of the Crown to all ranking
From a speech before the Lenin School British officialdom, reads in part:
of Political Warfare, 1931 Common Sem*
'ublislted fwice monthly of "The foregolng report will . indicate the
The following are from the "Protocols" 530 Chestnut St. Union, New Jersey, U.S.A• extremely critical nature of the present
. which the Jews claim are· forgeries:· •Trede Mork l!eei•tered Uftittd Stot,. Potent 0"ic• situation. The danger is now so great that
" ...Far back In ancient times we were I feel it my duty to eaii the attention of the
-.:.---~•~CQ.M.;::::::::M.·:-.t.r:. i#"=~="'==";:~===::..'----~&4~11mmon Sen•_,;;,~-----•;;._;~;.._:_~
_ a wdle ~ ~~
British and an· oth~r governments to the ing the Soviet Union, and would have ended
Jact ~t if an end is not put to Bolshevism Communism in EUrope. Germe¢ armies
With _only 16 million in a population
of two and one half billion, the Jews must .
-In Russia at ~oo, the civilization of the were only 20 tniles from -Moscow and would ~-ontrol _governments and mass membership
"'hole -worlcl will be -threatened. This mnot have captured Staiingra;d had -it not been ~ labor organizations. Communism and
1m exaggeration but a sober matter ol
for the enormous help from_ our· Jewish
lact••.J .consider that the immedi~te suppres- _ controlled goverum.e11t in, Washington: · -
Socialism are two of the twelve hundred
fronts organized by them in the U.S. alone.
Jioq of Bolshevl$~ i$ the gre~test issue now Germany, which haa kept Communism - Judaism is a cult based entirely on the -
before the worlcl, not even excluding -the hemmed up -in the Soviet Upion, was crush- hatr~d of Christianity. We quote here two
W&J' which .is stiiJ ra~g, and UJJ]~ss, ~ ed. -The ConuntJni.sts -now, with no opposi- of more than 100 anti-Christian statements
ab«lye stated, Bo~hevism -is nipped in the tion, have spread put over 16 COMMON SENSE has in ~ its files. These
.,ud · imme4llq,~~y, it is bound to spread ip. countr~es, including China with its 550 mil- stateme!)ts a re made by noted Jewish
b.,_~ form ·or &PQth~:r over ~ope and the. lion people. COMMUNISM MUCHES ON! leaders.
whole world, as. it~ org~ and wor~e4 J~ws solidly entrenched in all the Joseph Dun.ucr, Zionist Jew, in "Tae
J)y Jews who .-4aJ,ve no nation~lity, and princ~ · govertlJllents . maneuver . hate Republic of Israel," page 10, of Oct. 1950,
whpse ~ne obj~ct 1$ to destroy for t:beir among tl?-e n~tio~,~~ group against the. stated .the. following: _
-.wn ends the existing -orde~ of thinp.'' other--!.and before . the citizens can recover "To Christians of all denominations
from the s~aggering \!sacrifi~e of bloodshed
---·--- and taxE}S (World War Il cost U.S. tax~
Jesus is the s~bol of all that is pure,
sacred, and lovely. To Jews from the fourth

Be Informed payers 35() billion dollars) a new alignment

of hate is ~developed and governments put
th~ir taxP.a.Yers · Qnder more- debt to the
Int. ernationW. Ban.kers. This will go on and
century, Jesus became the symbol of anti-
Semiti~~, of libel, of cruelty, of death."
Ben· Hecht, Zionist writer of Hollywood
on page 20 of "A Jew in Love." wrote:
The late )Jenry Ford said "they fit the
limes."-The Jews say they are a forgery; on until ·the gulli}?l~ ChJisti~ d~ 4eep and "One of the finest things ever done by the
3uclge for yo1J,I'Self.-Read tl).e look into the phony "brotherly love" propa- mob was the Crucifixion of Christ. Intel-
gau~, which._pfeyents the source and·cause leet1J2J.]Iy it was a splended · gesture. But
PROTOCOLS OF niE LEARNED from being· g~eraijy lp)own~ trust tJte mob to bungle. H I'd had charge
EI,J)Jm$ OF ZION The ~ropean Jews did not remain in of · e~ecuting Christ I'd have handled it dif..
$1.00 ~ for $5.00 Europe to~ fight _Germ..any. Tbey swarmed ferently. You see, what I'd have done was
~other amazing booklet--;. into the U-.S: and screa_med for o~ boys to had him shipped to Rome and fed to the
JEWISH · ~I.:.COMMiJNIS~ go over and fight. Tbese very .'~e Jew~ 1;ions. They could not have made a Savior
5~, each~ for $1.00.
in -the -U.S., .added- ,billions to their wealtil eut of mincemeat."
and now bOB.$1 tbat. in -tile u.s~ th~y eJ:!joy Now after 38 years of Communist
c,rder from mol,'e . power than .at any .ot~r -'t:il\l~ in -t.Q~ activity, public sentiment is rising against
- Christi~Nt Educational Ass~~on Communism. The American Jewish Com-
l]aiop., :New Jersey; hi&tory of the world. mittee and the Anti-Defamation League
---·--- WHY 00 JEWS CREATE
are 1:11aking frantic efforts to turn the spot
light away from them. They are even
FURT·M.ER- PRO-OF The JeWish .~ple ·a re -taught, and be-
Ii~ye· that before their MeS.Siah com_ es they
distributing a few "milk-toast" leaflets
against Communism.
During"1917 ¥iddi~h speaking Jews h~4 are to c9mp~~te co~trol of the worlq.
$et up Co:rpmunism in ·Russia arid had 100% ---··---
control of Coirunu~ up un,n 1~. Hungarian refugees to be admitted. Fip.e, let's
During 1ga3, ~hortly after F~ _ ~as
~lected, the CommUnist ·SOviet Union's
. - ·~ .. ; ~ . '
take in plenty of good Hungarian -CHRISTIANS.
But quickly the Jewish organizations who have
governm_ent w~ about to fall apart and the
f.>rilY way it eould be saved was to Stabilize
THE ·. STRE-ET been campaining to break down the McCarran
Walters Act · and admit· hordes were busy, and
the number was raised to 21,000. Now_ Vice
--(Confb)u~ frClin p~ge on~)­ Pres. Nixon is in Austria to look into the refu-
_it .by recogrtjtion by the United States. DtctatQJ."
-The -Amb~ssador from - the :· Sovl~t laJ.9) ~J.ndQ!b~d:- Hu~~acy_ ~-V'QJD ·M-ar. 22 to July 314 gee problem and the N.Y. newspapers are re-
ap,QO() Chdstiaiis s)a_ugh~er~d. marking that the number will be raised again.
lJnion-M~iMnoff - _· (Finkelst$) · J1 ~ ~ew .lnte-rnationa ' Y-earbook · oL 1919 Only. 3.% ..of Hungarians -are Jews. Why ·sue
~ew, was pre~in~ _FDR -to recogriiz~ _ these (l)od(f ~:Meade & ···eo .., p;. ;587) state~ -that '"the a high percentage of Jewish refugees? Gullible
G¢Iess, . anti-Christian gangSt~ gO-Ve'rnment· of Bela -Kurt was- composed ~QSt. Americans are supposed to beljeve they are
The New York Jews ·who were tbe main etc~vely ~f JAYS ~p.o l¥!ld all administrative
oUic:es.'.' With Sela- Kun during his Qlqoqy :r,-ule
escaping from Communism. This - is ridiculous.
The regime in Hungary has been Jewish since
trtr~ngth in : FDR's.· election, · demarided oy.~r, l!Ju.n_g~ri~A ·Cqr1sVf.lns, __ ~as Ma~yas Rakosi Communism took over and these Jews have
recognition of ·the Soviet uirlon arid· FtiR- (Rosenweig) . . They escaped from pnson to the been ,living high off the Christian people.
compl~ed~ thus saVit)g . ContJDunism ·as he SoViet Urifon and ruikosf returned to Hungary COMMON SENSE has on-the-spot informa-
was to do again later. ·· · in '1945 With the --R~ Army. Apppinted Vice tion from Budapest that there are 28,000 Secret
~sident of t~
Befo~e. World War _n, ·Yidd}sh speaking il) 1950, tills. J.e~CP.~nist regime in 1946, and P'olice in Hungary, practically all are J·ews, and
Qe-c~:rpe_ Pictator of Hungary, when the freedom fighters revolted they swore
:Jews _were po!Jring -into .Ge~any from the he - resi~ned July 18 -' 1956. These two Commu- they would kill every one. This iS one reason
Soviet . UniOP~ - through Czeclioslovakia .•.tO nl!its, ·Be~a Kun and Matyas Rakosi, butchered for the rush of Hungarian Jews; Another
assist ~e - ~ve l'ews in ta~ 9~e~'- ~~­ .tflousands ·of ·Rw'lgarian Pb-risti"ns. reason is that the highly organized Jewish
.. Tb,e -7 top g~ye~rpnent positions during the organizations are reinforcing this emergency to
~any from .tJi~ il}side; ~4 stepping the l'\l].e· .qf
RaJ,<osL~er.e aU .fi)le.d by Jews: Matyas open the gates to these European Jews, a large
German opws~tion· to· Comuni$m: . - 1\ci.k,O~i-Pic_t;aw,r, ·P e,t er Gabor (Beno A~spitz)­ number of which are Communist.
In order to. pz:event a Communist revo- Ch1ef of "Political Police, EXno Gero <Smger)- Delegations of repre~entatives of the Ameri-
lution inside ·Germany; the Jews_ - w.ere Minister· of Finance, Zoltan Vas (Weinberger>~ can Jewish Congress, Joint Distribution Com-
placed in concentratiOn camps, and ' im· ~f- of :man.nfng, Jo~pq_ R,evai (Roth)-¥ini-
ster · of Education, IVan Bol.dizzar (BJurn)-
mitte~ (Jewish), United HIAS servi'ce, and
Zachariah Schuster, European director of Ameri-
mediately all - over . the world they Chief of Press Foreign Affairs, Milholy Farkas can Jewish Committee, are very busy in
s~reamed pe.-secu~on and deceived the gul.,;. _:_Minister.- of Defense. COMMON SENSE has Austria and very influential in Washington.
lible publie as to why they .were placed the names of many more. - ' There is no way y~t to tell how many Com-
under observation. The Jews in -London, · -. Our present administration iiJ, an apparent munist Secret Police will slip through and be
Paris, and ·also the US., whe~:e they had 1}1Ullanitarian move se~ 5,000 as the number of given jobs in the Defense Dept.
Should anyone challenge these Communist
complete control of the Roosevelt Admini- Hupgarian Jews he would immediately be
stration, brought pressure on the govern- })rand as anti-Semitic. When Sen. M-c Carthy <the
ment to wage -w ar on Germany. ony man who ever put Drew Pearson in his
Col. Charles Lindbergh in a speech for place) found the 42 Communists in Fort Mon-
mouth N.J.,--38 were . Jews, the A.D.L. cried
the America First Committee, stated that "anti-Semitism!" (\VHO PROMOTED PERESS
the Jews were pushing us into war, and im- the COMMUNIST?)
mediately FDR branded Lindbergh as a The Zionist Jews in the U.S. are doing all
." Copperhead" and stripped him of his rank they possibly can to take the spotlight off of
their scheming plans to destroy CHRISTIANITY.
of Colonel. J e~1sh advertisers forced the
newspapers to give Lindbergh the silent ---·---
treatment for many years.
· Although the U. S. sunk German ships
in the process ·of taking supplies to England
befot'e · war actually existed between the US
and Germany, the Germans disregarded it,
not wanting to have the U.S. declare open
war on them.
Churchill pressured FDR to force Japan
into attacking us which he did, bringing oo
the Pearl Harbor disaster, which allowed ·-.
the U.S. to declare open war on Germany.
The Jews pressured FDR into sending. two.;.
thirds of the Pacific Fleet against Germany.
:Among those influential in Washington
were Rabbi Stephen Wise, Felix Frank-
furter, Bernard Baruch and Henry Morgan-
thau." Jr. We went to war against Germany Bela Kun (Cohen)
and gave eleven _ billion LEND-LEASE Dictator of Hungary for four months Matyas Rakosi (RQsenwieg) .
material to the Communist -Soviet Union. . during 1919,' in his reign 3.0,000 Christians Bloody. Dictato;r Qf Hyng~ry frQm 195'
Germ~y was .on tbe verge of conquer- were slaughte.re4. to July 18, 1956.
-' *Co,,..,4,,.,; .Ctlmllltlll Se11se ·*kJid a with ~ ~~

-Red Aliens lnfilt~ate Our C.I.·C.!

BY. an on the spot observor tion rooms" -which were actually torture - here and there to justify their eXistance.
cnamberS. 'ljte MIS (Military Intellfgence: Service)
Recent changing events and trends in This situation ·. was ·especially disturbing is made up mainly of naturalized aliens,
the~ world situation came as a· surprise to in consideration. of the fact that a CIC man · and in many cases some aliens 'that are not
111en in official government ·cirdes and went also conducts loyalty checks as a security · naturalized, as in the case of one · Saul
a.·l ong way to point out how totally ineffi- measure qnq .w hat is a man to think lf his Steil1berg who is allege<;Ily .- from near Peip-
eient and useless the super-secret hush, loyalty to the land of his birth is to be - ing, China, and who was employed- as a
llush CIA organization is, and for that checked by some politically undesirable out~ prisoner of war interr~gator · during the
matter the Armed Forces intelligence ser- ·cast of a ·foreign country. The only attempt Korean War. He spoke a perfect' English
.vices ·as well. Inefficiency is bad but can be to correct this situation ' came about when that Ol\e would ordinarily only know if he
corrected by careful study, planning and these agents were rotated back to the U._S., were born and raised in the U.S., and also
gradual improvement. What is by far worse · mostly around 1950 and 1951. As CIC men a perfect Russian; His Chinese was faulty
is enemy infiltration by propaganda agents they were reassigned ·by orders from the so naturally what could anybody conclude
as our "early warning" network of news Army CIC center of Fort Holabird, Md. but that he is in reality from Biro Bidjan,
reporters and analysts. Some of the State and mostly .put on duties in different cities that part of the Soviet . Empire where ·
Dept. secret reports on recent events in conducting 'interviews 'in conjunction with nothing ever comes out except for more
Poland . and Hungary stand out as proof loyalty checks on nativ¢ born Amerjcans. "bona fide DP's" or the so-called "refu..
that some of the Soviet Union's agents are It was naturally sensational · how citizens gees" to immigrate to the U.S. In this way
not only working Undercover on .our publi~ got worked up when so many sloppy look- with any new "crisis" to crop in one
news services but also on the official CIA ing foreign Jews with cigars stuck in their country or another, as for . -instance in
and US Army ~ntelligence units as well, as faces went around asking questions and Hungary at the present time, personnel of
for instance the sly digs· made about the badgering. Germans. People called up police the US Army, State Dept. and private re-
uprisings in Poland to the effect that the stations, US Army units, FBI and several search foundations that assist the various
Polish people didn't quite make up · their other agencies until · a new directive was intelligence units all together comb through
minds about whether they should be loyal · issued outlining personnel · requirements for their personnel files and dig out all availa-
to Moscow or some kind of "nfitional'~ admittance to the Corps. On recommenda- ble men that know the particular foreign
Communism or possibly some kind of tiori of one Colonel it followed that the new language peculiar to this area of operations.
•'Tito" Communism. This peculiar mention agents were solicited from young college It is for this reason thct't it comes as a
of "national" Communism was strange and men on the same principle as carried out terrible shock to the anti-Communnist
f!ould not have been a mistake in analysis by ·the CIA. This ends up with younger . refugee that risks his life to escape to the
inasmuch as anyone aquainted with the men that were trained with liberal arts free West, away from the dreaded Soviet
subject of Communism understands that college and some blitz course in · German or secret police organizations, -{)nly to find
both religion and nationality are criminal other appropriate ;langUage · accepting:· the himself being interrogated by some Russian
offenses · behind · the Iron Curtain. Also, we serious responsibilities: ·-of defining our Mongolian ·Jew, this time as an American
know for a fact th.a t all Polish people in nations enemies, whch they do by pointing intelligence chief in the Weit.
Poland are · fanatically loyal to Poland and them out as some· fas~inating, · exciting, - The question comes up as to whG
to their Christian faith. There are no intellectual challenge. The Russians_ know screens all ·such kind of aliens that .come
~.'Christian" Communists and there are no this and oblige With a !?teaqy stream of to. America a~ every kind of ·refugee or
~'national" Communists, because Commu- confusion agents of·:J~ variety pf ·nationali- .displaced person (and eventually· end up as'
msm is a criminal and subversive Jewish ~ies . .to keep these. ~~:rr ·~~ing in circles l_flS men) and what ·kind of security pre-
conspiracy which our ancesters referred to and clear the -path .for their own agents to caution is taken to weed out undesirables.
-as _"secret Judaism" when they restricted operate without interferen~. 0~ .Army Lt. The US Army CIC men were for several
Jewish travels and actiVities- to assigned could n~ver· ;·~~e out how it was all the years since the war, oh loan ·to the Stpte
lliettos. spies his , ~gent$ -cau~ht . were orlgi:Dally Dept. for visa screening operations because
'The comic opera CIA network.'· ·--w as giv~n tm ·.almost useleSs question guide for of "shortage of personnel" in being able to
founded by the Dulles brothers on the. th~ir activities, such questions. that coula handle the huge masses, of immigrants
· proposition that home front Communists- be answered practica_tly 'by reading news- being admitted on Truman's · different
are a group of political party members papers and passing by' the· army installa~on emergency immigration deals. This sounds
l'epresenting not much more than a dif.. in . question, as · for _, instance, · how · many impressive to· describe "rigid. scr~ning by
terence of opinion which should be respect- tanks the battaliott · ha~, _who _is . . t!Je~ _bat- - US Army counter-intelligence agents" but
ed in· a Democracy, and that Communists talion commander .and, _h.~w does the._ ~it what was actually the caset was that .in
Jn foreign countries are to be' investigated cooperate with the police, . etc. By the -time each area of operations the CIC always
as a combination of so many reasons why the Lt. finds ouf that espionage 'is a very ~sigy:ted their stupidest agent or their
we have to send out point 4 Aid, MutUal carefully defined sctence ·.a nd that ·any ale~ poorest .foreign language specialist, on the
Security relief, our defense forces, etc., to plan or plan of att~ck' is based· on more · principle that ·there was not a thing in the
~foreign countries and put whole nations on .serious questioning than · what confusion world they could ever do to prevent any
relief. The reason we ta.Xpayers w~re given agents are capable· _of,_ it will ha'v~ b_een undesirable from getting his immigration
for starting up such a CIA operation, was time for him to rotate tb . oth~r ·duties an~ visa, _so why not use t he better agents for
as "an early warning system." However, some other agent assigned to learn the more colorful type jobs~ investigating suspi-
that covers a multitude of errors and inuch whole racket from scratch_.' _.. cious foreigners for espionage and any
by way of downright stupidity to the Soviet The entire counter-intelligence corps iri subversive activities that _would look nice
advantage. Europe, as well ·as MIS · or CIA agents that on paper reports and better justify their
The Army has its intelligence and ·often times · pass themselves off as CIC _ existance!
counter-intelligene teams spread all over agents or Dept: of the Army civilians This -is an actual fact: any Christian
foreign countries wherever our troops and affiliated witli the CIC, ·has recently been that had an entry on police files no matter.
military attaches are located. The principle totally discreaited. to the point where· they how small and insignificant, was barred
is that it is extremely important that we became the laughing stqck of El!rope, and from entry to the U.S. and Jews we:re
learn as much as possible about enemy any civilian woUld feel l,lileasy and e.m bar- never held back by any crime except for ·
intentions, enemy capabilities and possible rassed to have any codtact such an crimes of "moral turpitude". In this waY,
courses of action. The counter-intelligence organization or any of its agents. The . rea- they came in on every single quota as Poles,
agents are t? protect our installations from son is the popular German film, ''The Hungarians, . Lithuanians, Latvians, etc. ·
~nemy espiOnage, sabotage, subversive Major and the Steers" which showed the The biggest mastermind in this situation
activities, treason, sedition, etc. in oLher · last days of the German. army and the was and still is - Saul Moscowitz of the
words mainly keeping our o.wn positions . first days of the .American army occupa- IDCOG Board of- Appeals. in Munich, aided
$eeure from enemy spies and disruption tion in one of the South German hill-billy for many years by. the former Region
agents. Intelligence and counter-intelligence towns in "the Bavarian Alps. The American Chief of the· CIC there, a . Colonel Aaron
operations in ·foreign countries naturally re· soldiers were .shown. as a fine bunch of Banks, who attained his position -by politi-
quire foreign language specialists which men, full of good cheer with . plenty of cal puh only. If some CIC agent acting on
means, considering that Americans are laughs, and a .desirable bunch of men to . his own would find any reason to detain a
generally poor at learning foreign langu- have around. Who was . the v~ain of the · visa applicant, he would find himself trans-_
.. ages, we m:~ mainly foreign-born personnel picture but the ere man whom the -picture ferred to some other less influential posi-
' most of whom come from the new DP in- lampooned as being ignorant, bad man- tion or, if ·his written report would get
vasion of the US since 1945. The former nered, ·stupid ·and downright obnoxious. The through to the right- ch~els, tJle · CIC
~Y CIC (counter-intelligence corpsmen) misunderst~dings between our troops ,and ' Region chief would later on get an official
OPerating in Europe was almost entirely the GeJ:mans was portrayed as mischief letter through offi~ial channels from Mrs.
composed of German-Jews from the 1938 which always resolves itself in the end m· Eleanore Roosevelt, ·o r some other friend of
arid 1939 immigration. These men illegally an eventual ha~9QY, butthe antics of the the Zionists demanding to ·know why this
wore officers uniforms on the pretext that CIC man were ple,arly _ Communistic, as displaced person could not enter the U.S.
their ·rank was secret .and these "damn was shown ln one exampl~ ~ _him app~int- - ·
Krauts"' respect only military rank. They . ing ~ "democratic" county clerk in the per- To .he continued in an e&r1Y JSSue.
. also confiscated the swankiest villas of son of a notorious confidence m~ and
. :~ each · town which, interestingly .enough was· swindler. The American agents . generally Entered' as: Se~ond ClaSs Matter, Jan.27,
the -same first · move : of ttfe' .first Soviet '· dert't · kMw ·these · things ~ ,: berlause · they· il 948 'at the Post Office . at Urii®,- N. J._
aecret police, the Cheka, during the Revolu· usua]]y :don't ni.ix ti1 local affaits more t1;lan tinder the Act of ~March 3, 1879~
tlon: In their cellars they se~ up'_ "iriterrog~ necessary to put out ~ occasional repot1 -- ·

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