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EdW2 Learning Outcome 3 Better 👌

Activity A. “I can’t believe it!”. Escriba una oración superlativa y otra oración comparativa para cada uno de los ítems a la izquierda.
Escriba las oraciones tomando como ejemplo las respuestas realizadas sobre comparaciones entre la inteligencia de los tres animales.


► The monkey is the most intelligent, the gorilla is the least intelligent one.
► The monkey is the smartest, the gorilla is the least smart one.

Monkey Dolphin Gorilla

► Monkeys are more intelligent than dolphins, gorillas are less intelligent than dolphins.
► Monkeys are smarter than dolphins, gorillas are less smart than dolphins.

► ► The Mount Everest is the highest of the earth and the Mont Blanc
Mount Everest Mount Kilimanjaro Mont Blanc
is the lowest.
1. High/Low Mountains
► The Mount Everest is higher than the Mont Blanc, the Mount
Kilimanjaro is lower than the Mount Everest.

Nile River Amazon River Mississippi River

2. Long/Short Rivers ► The longest river of us world is the Amazon River, the shortest river of
this items are the Mississippi River.
► The Amazon River is more longer than the amazing Nile River, but the
Russia Brazil Australia
Mississippi River is shorter than the Nile River.
3. Big/Small Countries

► The biggest country in this items are Russia and the smallest is
Light Sound Water Australia of course just in these items.
4. Fast/Slow Elements
► Brazil is bigger than Australia but Brazil is smaller than the World
Power Russia.

Steel Iron Copper

5. Hard/Soft Metals ► The light is the fastest in everything, and the water is the slowest
element in this items.
EdW2 Learning Outcome 3 Better 👌
Tokyo New York London ► The light is faster than the sound, but the water is slower than the
6. Populated Cities sound and the light elements.

Redwood Tree Palm Tree Apple Tree ► the steel is the hardest, the copper is the softest in these items.
7. Tall/Short Trees ► The iron is softer than the steel and the iron is harder than the copper.

Sahara Desert Amazon Forest Antarctica ► Tokyo is the most populated one in the world, and the least populous

8. Hot/Cold Regions one is London

► Tokyo is more populated than the famous city New York but London

is the less populous than New York.

► The Redwood tree is the tallest, and the apple tree is the shortest one.
► The redwood tree is taller than the palm tree, and the apple tree is the
shorter than the palm tree.

►The famous Sahara Desert is the hottest one, and the Antarctica is the
coldest one.
► The Sahara Desert is hotter than the Amazon forest, but the Antarctica
is colder than the Sahara Desert, of course.

Fuente de imágenes: Emojipedia

EdW2 Learning Outcome 3 Better 👌

Activity B. “Place/People Comparison”. Escriba una descripción comparativa entre dos lugares/personas elegidos del cuadro. Use
por al menos 6 ejemplos de adjetivos comparativos y 2 ejemplos de superlativos con al menos 100 palabras. ().

►A Child Vs. ►A Man

Mountains Volcanos A teacher A student
►First a man is older than a child that’s
obviously. A man is the tallest in this
A Child A Man Deserts Forests comparison and a child is the shortest.
The child is smaller than a man of 30 years
old. A man is heavier than a child. Actually
Stadiums Museums A Zombie A Vampire the child can be more modern than a man
who can be like an ancient. A man can be
the most interesting for have a
A Police Officer A Doctor Banks Churches conversation. But the child is more
handsome than a man, the child is the
The City Vs. the Countryside softest in this comparison of course. In
others cases a man is harder than other
This is a comparison between cities and towns. The biggest city in man but never can be harder than a child.
Colombia is Bogotá and it is overcrowded. The prettiest town

Colombia is Barichara in Santander, and it is nicer than most cities. In

general, towns are older than cities, but there are towns that are

newer than cities. Cities are more expensive than towns; towns are

cheaper than cities. I think towns are better than cities to live in

because they are healthier. Towns are small and calm. Cities are big
EdW2 Learning Outcome 3 Better 👌
and stressful.

Fuente de imágenes: Emojipedia

EdW2 Learning Outcome 3 Better 👌

Activity C. “Best Destination”. En un artículo corto describa el destino perfecto vacacional usando adjetivos superlativos. Incluya
una descripción de las características, las actividades típicas y la ubicación del lugar. Escriba al menos 100 palabras.


►I really recommended you visit the Neiva city is

located Huila, in Colombia that’s a paradise in
I recommend you visit the “Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta”. It is the
life, you can do a lot of things, I think is the most
most beautiful snowcapped mountain near the sea. It has the amazing place in Colombia, in this place they
have the funniest mountains, you can eat
highest mountain in Colombia with the most amazing landscapes delicious food, there are much options to
you can imagine. It has eco-hotels and spas. There you can get the choose, if you´re vegetarian, this place is for you.
The weather in this city is the hottest of Huila,
best relaxation, go hiking and much more. The local people are the but sometimes the weather can be the coldest.
funniest and the most easygoing. You can go sightseeing the
For example in some cases colder than Bogota,
there are the most amazing rivers, an interesting
Santa Marta Mountain Range and its region and enjoying most fact about this is that in Huila there is the biggest
desert of Colombia.
natural places such as beaches, rivers, deserts, forests, jungles,

and even snowy landscapes. You can also enjoy eating the most

delicious traditional food from the region.

EdW2 Learning Outcome 3 Better 👌

Activity D. Pronunciation. Grabe un audio con su voz pronunciando las respuestas dadas en el ejercicio A, B o C con
Fuente de imágenes: SENA
EdW2 Learning Outcome 3 Better 👌

Activity E. “Self-Evaluation”. Realice una auto evaluación de su aprendizaje desde la gramática, la comunicación, el tema, la
presentación y el audio realizado. Elija un puntaje entre 0 y 3 si está en Desacuerdo o entre 4 y 5 si está de Acuerdo.


Gramática: uso efectivamente los adjetivos superlativos con “the most” y “the least” + un adjetivo. ►write 4
Gramática: uso efectivamente los adjetivos superlativos con “the + un adjetivo terminado en “-est”. ►write 4
Gramática: uso efectivamente adjetivos comparativos con “more/less + un adjetivo + than”. ►write 4
Gramática: uso efectivamente adjetivos comparativos con “less/adjetivo-er + than”. ►write 5
Gramática: uso efectivamente adjetivos descriptivos generales para describir personas o lugares. ►write 5
Comunicación: hago comparaciones con oraciones comparativos y superlativos. ►write 4
Comunicación: apoyo la información que comparto con ilustraciones comparativos. ►write 4
Comunicación: comparto información sobre comparaciones desde mi punto de vista. ►write 5
Comunicación: hago una comparación descriptive sobre dos opciones elegidas. ►write 4
Comunicación: hago una descripción usando adjetivos comparativos y superlativos. ►write 4
Tema: comparo hechos reales con oraciones completas sobre lugares y la naturaleza. 3 ►write
Tema: comparto información comparativa entre animales, lugares y objetos. ►write 4
Tema: realize un corto artículo descriptivo sobre el “destino vacacional perfecto”. ►write 4
Presentación: completo todos los espacios indicados con “►write”, “►image” y “►link”. ►write 5
Presentación: respondo con información propia y original. ►write 5
Presentación: no uso inadecuadamente traducción automática. ►write 5
Presentación: uso mayúsculas y signos de puntuación adecuadamente. ►write 5
Presentación: uso los ejemplos disponibles para definir la longitud de mis textos. ►write 5
Audio: practico mi pronunciación antes de realizar la grabación. ►write 5

Audio: realizo el audio indicado con mi propia voz. ►write 5

Sume los puntajes de columnas D y A para calcular su puntaje total. 89

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