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CULTURAL LEADERSHIP CASE STUDY INIVERSITY OF THE PEOPLE I$ 5211: MANAGING IN THE GLOBAL. FCONOMY, WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT THREE APRIL 2023 Introduction According to Cultural Intelligence for Leeders (2012), cultural intelligence is the ability to adjust to cultural situations and strategies that are not familiar. For any culturally intelligent leader self- concept must be regulated and used for the attainment of cultural unity. The self- concept of the leader is the way the leader sees herself in relation to the culture of the environment. In this case, Kolab has a self-concept of her leadership which is goal oriented and tasks involving. She docs not interact with the staff beyond the work tasks or goals. Her self-concept is dependent on accountability. Kolab wants the organization and its staff to be accountable for their actions. She wants the team to achieve goals and be rewarded for it. This self-concept of hers is at variance with that of the staff causing friction with them. The staff have a self-concept that does not include that of Kolab’s due to the influence of the Hanb on their culture for many years. They are not used to Kolab’s leadership style. They expect Kolab to be more interactive with them. Cultural Dimensions Kolab’s cultural dimensions are that of her individual self. She is not operating at the viganizativnal level duc the culuual gap between het and the staff, The staff ate opera culturally at their individual levels. For her to make an impact, she must operate at the individual dimensions to understand how everyone sees the organization and the vision for it. She must evaluate her self-concepts and that of the staff and explore how to understand them in contrast with her own self-concept. Cultural Strategies ‘The first cultural thinking strategy for Kolab is to seek knowledge of the culture of the staff (Cultural Intelligence for Leaders,2012). By understanding their individual cultures, she can be in a better position to know how they perceive issues and the reasons why they are disconnected from her. She ean achieve this by using cognitive and metacognitive techniques (Cultural Intelligence for Leaders,2012). She can pick up verbal and non-verbal communications. Being culturally ‘metacognitive or mindful is about meaning aware of the cultural context, actively synthesizing the context situation to formulate actions to react in a different context (IESE Business School, 2015). ‘Ihe next cultural thinking strategy is to listen to the staff, She should spend time with them ty know what their expectations are and communicate het expectations aan atmosphere the stall will not feel intimidated but rather motivated. The next stage strategy is to replace her biases with resilience so she can stay positive about the whole situation, She can condition herself to seek the understanding of the staff despite the ‘odds against her. She can also allow the staff to express their cultures through the meetings she organizes. She can be a team leader desirous to know more about other people’s cultures and build the communal bond necessary with the team, Conclusion and Recommendations Kolab can setup a story time within the organization for the staff to share their cultural experiences and stories and cause change in cultural behavior. She can share her own experiences during the war in Cambodia and how it shaped her life. She could also make the staff take turns to show their cultural side and what has shaped them. She can do these interactions in an informal manner. Through these stories telling exercise, she can fuse into the discussion her plans for the organization and how the staff could be enablers in this vision. A cultural intelligent leader causes change in cultural behavior. Such a leader must use cultural strategies to foster unity of purpose and make the people feel a sense of belonging. The leader must motivate and inspire the confidence to bring harmony. Cultural conflicts are resolved by understanding and seeking to be understood. The ighly cultural intelligent leader must be willing to replace their biases to including accepting new concepts of self. References: Cultural intelligence for leaders (v1.0) (2012, December 29). Lardhucket https://2012books lardbucket,ore/pdfs/cultural-intellizence-for-leaders. pdf IESE Business School (2015, March 24). Why you need cultural intelligence (And how to develop it). ‘you-need-cultural-intelligence-and-how-to-develop-it/#400eb8d21746

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