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Universitatea de Stat din Moldova

Facultatea de Litere
Departamentul Limba Engleză şi Limba Franceză de Specialitate


Pentru examen scris la: Aprobat

Retorica diplomatică
Anul II, Grupa 211 FR RI, Facultatea RIȘPA Şef Departament: D. Pascaru, dr.
Studentul/a Berdaga Diana Data: 9.12.2022 Examinator: V. Boliev

Task I – KNOWLEDGE - 24p.

Read the text and do the exercises given below:
North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in 1949 in the result of extensive negotiations. In this agreement, the United
States, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the
United Kingdom agreed to consider attack against one an attack against all, along with consultations about threats
and defense matters.

Soon after the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the outbreak of the Korean War led the members
to move quickly to integrate and coordinate their defense forces through a centralized headquarters. The North
Korean attack on South Korea was widely viewed at the time to be an example of communist aggression directed
by Moscow, so the United States bolstered its troop commitments to Europe to provide assurances against Soviet
aggression on the European continent. In 1952, the members agreed to admit Greece and Turkey to NATO and
added the Federal Republic of Germany in 1955.

The collective defense arrangements in NATO served to place the whole of Western Europe under the American
“nuclear umbrella.” In the 1950s, one of the first military doctrines of NATO emerged in the form of “massive
retaliation,” or the idea that if any member was attacked, the United States would respond with a large-scale
nuclear attack. The threat of this form of response was meant to serve as a deterrent against Soviet aggression on
the continent. Although formed in response to the exigencies of the developing Cold War, NATO has lasted
beyond the end of that conflict, with membership even expanding to include some former Soviet states. It remains
the largest peacetime military alliance in the world.

1. Match the following terms with their definitions on the left. 7p

1. __c__ in spite of the fact that a) emerge

2. __g__ urgent need or demand b) deterrent
3. ___b_ thing that discourages someone from doing something c) although
4. _e___ action of returning a military attack d) threat
5. _d___ person or thing likely to cause damage or danger e) retaliation
6. __a__ become apparent or prominent f) whole
7. __f__ in an unbroken or undamaged state g) exigency

2. Choose the most suitable answer — А, В or C: 7p

1. The members agreed to admit Greece and Turkey to NATO and

a) excluded Germany b) accepted Germany c) discussed Germany

2. The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in 1949 in the result of

a) bilateral negotiations b) durable negotiations c) brief negotiations

3. NATO was formed in response to the exigencies of

a) the upcoming Cold War b) the former Cold War c) the evolving Cold War

4. One of the first military doctrines of NATO emerged in the form of

a) massive submissiveness b) massive response c) massive negotiation

5) NATO remains the largest peacetime military alliance in the world.

a) hugest military alliance b) tiniest military alliance c) average global challenges

6. The outbreak of the Korean War made the US to

a) withdraw its troops in Europe b) strengthen its troops in Europe c) lessen its troops in Europe

7. North Atlantic Treaty Organization has lasted

a) after the end of Cold War b) till the end of Cold War c) shortly before the end of Cold War

3. Translate the sentences in italic into your native language 10p

La scurt timp după crearea Organizației Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord, izbucnirea războiului din Coreea i-a
determinat pe membri să treacă rapid pentru a-și integra și coordona forțele de apărare printr-un sediu centralizat.
Atacul nord-coreean asupra Coreei de Sud a fost văzut pe scară largă la acea vreme ca un exemplu de agresiune
comunistă condusă de Moscova, așa că Statele Unite și-au întărit angajamentele de trupe față de Europa pentru a
oferi asigurări împotriva agresiunii sovietice pe continentul european.
În 1952, membrii au fost de acord să admită Grecia și Turcia în NATO și au adăugat Republica Federală Germania
în 1955.
Task II – APPLICATION - 32 points
4. Complete each sentence by using the phrases below: 10p
Rarely have , No sooner had, Under no circumstances are, Not only did , as did, Under no circumstances
will, Were you , , Little did,
1. Hardly had we arrived at the hotel when there was a power cut.
2. Under no circumstances are members of staff to accept gratuities from clients.
3. Little did Detective Dawson realize what she was to discover.
4. Were you to pay full amount now, there would be a ten per cent discount.
5. I supposed, as did most people, that I would be retiring at 60.
6. Rarely have the doctors seen a more difficult case.
7. Not only did Jean win first prize but she was also offered a promotion.
8. Under no circumstances will late arrivals be admitted to the theater before the interval.
9. No sooner had one missing child been found that another three disappeared.
10 Rarely have so many employees taken sick leave at the same time.

5. Join each pair of sentences. Be careful where you put the words in brackets 10p
1.In spite of the leader was very popular, but he failed to win the election.
2.I decided to accept the job offer although, I had some doubts about the company’s stability.
3.I enjoyed the book even though it had a bad ending.
4. Despite there was a massive campaign despite not many people came to the school funfair.
5.I'm learning French because of I want to live in Paris.
6.Even though she is very old, she runs fast.
7.Although some rodents and birds prey on cockroaches, humans are their biggest foes.
8.I went to hospital, even though, i was feeling very good.
9.In spite of his health is poor, still he attends office regularly.
10. Despite the government's protection was assured he was the victim of an assassination attempt which killed
6. Complete the sentence using a word derivative to the word from the brackets: 12p

1) I suppose the cost shouldn’t be a decision factor. (decision)

2) They are under the supervision of qualified social workers. (supervise)

3) By and by public administration developed a theory and a method of investigation of its own.

4) The comparation administration was focused on the developing nations and the analysis of
“transitional societies”. (compare)

5) Several industrialized nations are supplying developed countries with new technology. (develop)
6) Insure your baggage before you leave home. (insurance)

7) They must behave in a way which will be sociable acceptable. (social)

8) These societies became industrialized during the last century. (industry)

9) They are part of my management team. (manage)

10) These people are well qualified academics. (academy)

11) He emphasized the ambassadorial role for Victorian country football. (ambassador)

12) He had broken on the question of the monarchical form of government. (monarchy)

Task III – INTEGRATION - 44 points

7. Write a verbal note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of
Moldova to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France related to the possibility of organizing bilateral
activities for promoting Francophone traditions and collaboration (100 words for body text) using the words
and phrases below. 16p
(Criteria for evaluation: Structure-4 p., Vocabulary-4 p., Grammar-4 p., Number of words-4 p.)

presents its compliments, share information, updating data, mention the opportunities, the assurance of its highest
consideration, fruitful cooperation, documentation facilitation, availability

To: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France

The Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova presents her compliments to His Excellency the Minister of Foreign
Affairs of France and has the honor to share information about the upcoming event of promoting Francophone
traditions in the Republic of Moldova on 9 th of December 2022, in which will be shared the opportunities of
collaboration and sharing the knowledge of Francophone culture and traditions. The assurance of its highest
consideration - Minister of Foreign Affairs of France - in preparing and helping with the organization of bilateral
activities will serve as a fruitful cooperation in the common future agreements.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Berdaga Diana
Embassy of the Republic of Moldova.
8. Write a speech (250 words) using main rhetorical devices on one of the following statements (you
can choose to agree or disagree with it): 28p
(Criteria for evaluation: Structure-6 p., Vocabulary-8 p., Grammar- 8 p., Number of words-6 p.)

1. Public figures don’t have right for complete privacy.

2. Authorities should never negotiate with terrorists.

For decades, politicians in the US and UK have regularly declared that "we do not negotiate with terrorists",
arguing that it is both necessarily moral and impractical - likely to encourage more terrorism and legitimize terrorist
aims. However, other Western governments have negotiated with terrorist groups. In 2014, countries such as
France and Spain were reported to have paid millions of euros in ransom to bring home journalists and aid workers
captured by the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria. There is a moral argument that governments should not negotiate with
terrorists. Paying ransoms, for example, helps terrorist groups maintain control of territory, pay off their members,
and further fuel terrorism and hostage-taking. The "don't negotiate with terrorists" position is supported by the
argument that the best way to stop terrorist hostage-taking is to remove the incentive. By creating solidarity among
nations around the principle of never paying ransoms, terrorists will, according to this theory, cease to see hostage-
taking as a viable way to raise funds or obtain concessions.
However, some experienced negotiators believe that governments should absolutely negotiate with terrorists;
that by refusing to engage with terrorists, governments are only repeating old mistakes and misconceptions; and
that lives are needlessly lost as a result. Banning the payment of ransoms does not work. Historical evidence from
Colombia and Italy shows that banning ransom payments has various negative consequences. Where ransom
payments are illegal, victims' families lack state support, while reporting of kidnapping decreases and
understanding of its prevalence is diminished.

Barem :
1-4p. 5-9p. 10–15 p. 16-23p. 24-39 p. 40-55p. 56-71 p. 72-87 p. 88-95 p. 96-100 p.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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